KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace models{
2 namespace burgers{
5 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
6  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
7  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
8  *
9  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
10  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
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13  *
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16  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
17  */
19 class Tests {
38  public: /* ( Static ) */
41  static function d = getMoRePasDir() {
42  d = fullfile(KerMor.App.DataDirectory," test_Burgers_MoRePaS ");
43  if exist(d," file ") ~= 7
44  [~,~] = mkdir(d);
45  end
46  }
49  static function createMoRePaSIIPlots(models.Burgers.Burgers m,colvec<double> mu) {
50  d = models.burgers.Tests.getMoRePasDir;
52 /* types = {'fig','pdf','jpg'};
53  * types = {'png','jpg'}; */
54  types = [" jpg "];
55  pm = PlotManager;
56  pm.NoTitlesOnSave= true;
57  pm.SingleSize= [720 540];
58  pm.LeaveOpen= false;
59  pm.UseFileTypeFolders= true;
61  /* % Different dimension m' plots (model independent)
62  * load(fullfile(d,'minreqmdashorders.mat'));
63  * models.burgers.Tests.morepas12_plotDiffMeanReqErrs([6 7],pm,v500,v1500,v500_maxorder,v1500_maxo);
64  * h = legend(gca(pm.Figures(1)),'d=500','d=1500','d=500 (maxo)','d=1500 (maxo)');
65  * set(h,'Location','Best');
66  * h = legend(gca(pm.Figures(2)),'d=500','d=1500','d=500 (maxo)','d=1500 (maxo)');
67  * set(h,'Location','Best');
68  * pm.done;
69  * pm.FilePrefix = 'burgers';
70  * pm.savePlots(d,types,[],true);
71  * return; */
73  /* % Model preparations
74  *m = r.FullModel; */
75  m.Approx.Order= [12 5];
76  r = m.buildReducedModel(100);
78  if nargin < 2
79  mu = .0400574;
80  end
81  inputidx = 1;
83  /* % Simulation pics
84  * m.PlotAzEl = [-49 34];
85  * [~,y] = m.simulate(mu, 1);
86  * [~,y1] = m.simulate(m.Data.ParamSamples(:,1), 1);
87  * [~,y2] = m.simulate(m.Data.ParamSamples(:,end), 1);
88  * r.ErrorEstimator.Enabled = false;
89  * [t,yr] = r.simulate(mu, 1);
90  * r.ErrorEstimator.Enabled = true;
91  *
92  * pm.FilePrefix = [m.SaveTag '_sim'];
93  * m.plot(t, y1, pm.nextPlot('full_sol_mumin',...
94  * sprintf('Full solution for \\mu=%g',m.Data.ParamSamples(:,1))));
95  *
96  * m.plot(t, y2, pm.nextPlot('full_sol_mumax',...
97  * sprintf('Full solution for \\mu=%g',m.Data.ParamSamples(:,end))));
98  * %view(-24,44);
99  * m.plot(t, y1-y2, pm.nextPlot('full_sol_muvar',...
100  * sprintf('Model variance over parameter range [%g, %g]',...
101  * m.Data.ParamSamples(:,1),m.Data.ParamSamples(:,end))));
102  * %view(-26,22);
103  * m.plot(t, y, pm.nextPlot('full_sol',...
104  * sprintf('Full solution for \\mu=%g',mu)));
105  * m.plot(t, y, pm.nextPlot('red_sol',...
106  * sprintf('Reduced solution for \\mu=%g',mu)));
107  * m.plot(t, y-yr, pm.nextPlot('abs_err','Absolute error'));
108  * % m.plot(t, abs((y-yr)./y), pm.nextPlot('rel_err','Relative error'));
109  * pm.done;
110  * pm.savePlots(d,types,[]); */
112  /* Plot for different M,M' values
113  * pm.FilePrefix = sprintf('%s_m_mdash_errors',m.SaveTag);
114  * savefile = fullfile(d,pm.FilePrefix);
115  * if exist([savefile '.mat'],'file')
116  * load([savefile '.mat']);
117  * else
118  * errordata = testing.DEIM.computeDEIMErrors(...
119  * m.Approx, m.Data.ApproxTrainData);
120  * relerrs = [1e-1 1e-2 1e-4 1e-6];
121  * [t, valtrue] = testing.DEIM.getMinReqErrorOrdersTable(errordata, relerrs, m.Data.ApproxTrainData.xi.m);
122  * t.saveToFile([savefile '.tex']);
123  * [tmaxo, valmaxorder] = testing.DEIM.getMinReqErrorOrdersTable(errordata, relerrs, m.Data.ApproxTrainData.xi.m, m.Approx.MaxOrder);
124  * tmaxo.saveToFile([savefile '_true.tex']);
125  * save([savefile '.mat'],'errordata', 'relerrs', 't', 'tmaxo','valtrue','valmaxorder');
126  * end
127  *
128  * t.display;
129  * tmaxo.display;
130  * testing.DEIM.plotDEIMErrs(errordata, pm);
131  * figure(2); view(28,12);
132  * figure(6); view(-34,46);
133  * pm.done;
134  * pm.savePlots(d,types,[1 2 6],true); */
136  /* % Estimator analysis
137  * ea = EstimatorAnalyzer(r);
138  * ea.LineWidth = 2;
139  * ea.MarkerSize = 12;
140  * ea.NumMarkers = 4;
141  * ea.PlotStartIndex = 4;
142  * e = r.ErrorEstimator; */
144  /* % Error estimator check for M,M' DEIM approx error est ---------------------------
145  * Using true log lip const
146  * e.UseTrueLogLipConst = true;
147  *
148  * est = ea.getDefaultEstStruct;
149  * est(end+1).Name = 'Ref: True local const'; % Expensive versions
150  * est(end).Estimator = e.clone;
151  * est(end).Estimator.UseTrueDEIMErr = true;
152  * est(end).MarkerStyle = 'p';
153  * est(end).LineStyle = '-';
154  * est(end).Color = [0 0.5 0];
155  * ref1 = est(end);
156  * est = testing.DEIM.getDEIMEstimators_ErrOrders(r,est,[1 2 3 5 10]);
157  * ea.Est = est;
158  * ea.SaveTexTables = fullfile(d,'table_mdash.tex');
159  * [errs, relerrs, ctimes] = ea.compute(mu,1);
160  * ea.createPlots(errs, relerrs, ctimes, pm);
161  * pm.createZoom(1,[.7 1 .9*min(errs(:,end)) 1.1*max(errs(:,end))]);
162  * pm.done;
163  * pm.FilePrefix = sprintf('%s_err_mdash_trueloglip',m.SaveTag);
164  * pm.savePlots(d,types,[1 4],true); */
166 /* %% Error estimator check for M,M' DEIM approx error est ---------------------------
167  * % Using full jac log norm
168  * e.UseTrueLogLipConst = false;
169  * e.UseFullJacobian = true;
170  * ea.SaveTexTables = fullfile(d,'table_mdash.tex');
171  *
172  * est = ea.getDefaultEstStruct;
173  * est(end+1).Name = 'L_G[J(y)]'; % Expensive versions
174  * est(end).Estimator = e.clone;
175  * est(end).Estimator.UseTrueDEIMErr = true;
176  * est(end).MarkerStyle = 'p';
177  * est(end).LineStyle = '-';
178  * est(end).Color = [.9 .6 0];
179  * ref2 = est(end);
180  * est(end+1) = ref1; % Expensive versions
181  * %est = testing.DEIM.getDEIMEstimators_ErrOrders(r, est, [1 2 3 5 10]);
182  * ea.Est = est;
183  * [errs, relerrs, ctimes] = ea.compute(mu,1);
184  * ea.createPlots(errs, relerrs, ctimes, pm);
185  * pm.createZoom(1,[.7 1 .9*min(errs(:,end)) 1.1*max(errs(:,end))]);
186  * pm.done;
187  * pm.FilePrefix = sprintf('%s_err_mdash_fulljac_lognorm',m.SaveTag);
188  * pm.savePlots(d,types,[1 4],true);
189  *
190  *
191  * %% JacMDEIM & SimTrans error plots ------------------------------------------------
192  * r.System.f.Order = [12 10];
193  * e.UseTrueLogLipConst = false;
194  * e.UseFullJacobian = false;
195  * e.UseTrueDEIMErr = false;
196  *
197  * % Expensive versions
198  * est = ea.getDefaultEstStruct;
199  * ref1.Estimator.UseTrueDEIMErr = false;
200  * %ref1.Name = 'Reference #1 m''';
201  * est(end+1) = ref1;
202  * ref2.Estimator.UseTrueDEIMErr = false;
203  * %ref2.Name = 'Reference #2 m''';
204  * est(end+1) = ref2;
205  * est = testing.DEIM.getDEIMEstimators_MDEIM_ST(r,est,[1 3 10],[1 3 10]);
206  * ea.Est = est;
207  * ea.NumMarkers = 3;
208  * ea.SaveTexTables = fullfile(d,'table_jac_st.tex');
209  * [errs, relerrs, ctimes] = ea.compute(mu,1);
210  * ea.createPlots(errs, relerrs, ctimes, pm);
211  * pm.createZoom(1,[.65 1 .9*min(errs(:,end)) 1.1*max(errs(:,end))]);
212  * pm.done;
213  * pm.FilePrefix = 'err_jac_st';
214  * pm.savePlots(d,types,[1 4],true,[true false]); */
215  }
227  static function morepas12_plotDiffMeanReqErrs(indices,pm,varargin) {
228  for k = 1:length(indices)
229  idx = indices(k);
230  h = pm.nextPlot(sprintf(" diffmeanreqerrs_%d ",idx),...
231  " Minimum/Mean required m "" values for relative errors ",...
232  " DEIM order m "," m "" values ");
233  hold(h," on ");
234  n = length(varargin);
235  l = LineSpecIterator(n);
236  for i=1:n
237  d = varargin[i];
238  d = d(1:138,[1 idx]);
239  sel = round(d(:,1)) == d(:,1);
240  d = d(sel,:);
241  plot(h,d(:,1),d(:,2)," Color ",l.nextColor," LineWidth ",2);
242  end
243  end
244  }
247  static function [res , m ] = testBurgers_DEIM_versions(dim,version) {
248  if nargin < 2
249  version = 1;
250  if nargin < 1
251  dim = 20;
252  end
253  end
254  m = models.burgers.Burgers(dim, version);
256  if dim > 1000
257  m.Data.useFileTrajectoryData;
258  end
260  /* % Sampling - manual */
261  s = sampling.ManualSampler;
262  s.Samples= logspace(log10(0.04),log10(0.08),10);
263  m.Sampler= s;
265  /* % Approx */
266  a = approx.DEIM(m.System);
267  a.MaxOrder= 40;
268  m.Approx= a;
270  m.offlineGenerations;
271  a.Order= [5 2];
272  r = m.buildReducedModel;
273  [t,y] = r.simulate(r.getRandomParam);
274  m.plot(t,y);
275  res = true;
276  }
279  static function res = test_BurgersModels() {
280  models.burgers.Tests.testBurgers_DEIM_versions(50, 1);
281  models.burgers.Tests.testBurgers_DEIM_versions(50, 2);
282  res = true;
283  }
287 };
288 }
289 }
logical NoTitlesOnSave
Flag that determines if any figures title's are removed when using savePlots.
Definition: PlotManager.m:199
static function res = test_BurgersModels()
Definition: Tests.m:279
static function createMoRePaSIIPlots(models.Burgers.Burgers m,colvec< double > mu)
Call with d500 version.
Definition: Tests.m:49
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
A variable number of input arguments.
static function [ res , m ] = testBurgers_DEIM_versions(dim, version)
Definition: Tests.m:247
Tests: Some tests and simulation settings for Burger's equation models.
Definition: Tests.m:19
static function d = getMoRePasDir()
Definition: Tests.m:41
static function morepas12_plotDiffMeanReqErrs(indices, pm, varargin)
Definition: Tests.m:227
Global configuration class for all KerMor run-time settings.
Definition: KerMor.m:17
static function KerMor theinstance = App()
The singleton KerMor instance.
Definition: KerMor.m:910
LinSpecIterator: Small helper class to automatically iterate through different line styles/markers/co...