KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace models{
2 namespace muscle{
5 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
6  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
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8  *
9  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
10  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
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14  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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16  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
17  */
19 class Model
20  :public models.BaseFullModel {
34  public:
36  MuscleDensity = 1.1e-3;
52  public:
54  .int RandSeed = 1;
71  Gravity = 9.80665e-3;
82  public: /* ( Dependent ) */
84  Geo;
87  public: /* ( Dependent ) */
89  Model(conf,basedir) {
90  if nargin < 2
91  basedir = KerMor.App.DataDirectory;
92  if nargin < 1
93  conf = Debug;
94  end
95  end
96  /* Creates a new muscle model */
97  name = sprintf(" FEM Muscle model %s ",class(conf));
98  this = this@models.BaseFullModel(name);
100  this.SaveTag= sprintf(" musclemodel_%s ",class(conf));
101  this.Data= data.ModelData(this,basedir);
103  this.System= models.muscle.System(this);
104  /* Sets DefaultMu */
107  this.TrainingParams= [1 2];
109  this.T= 10; /* [ms] */
111  this.dt= .01; /* [ms] */
113  s = solvers.MLode15i;
114  /* Use relatively coarse precision settings. This skips fine
115  * oscillations but yields the correct long time results. */
116  s.RelTol= 1e-1;
117  s.AbsTol= 1e-1;
118  this.ODESolver= s;
119  this.System.MaxTimestep= []; /* model.dt; */
122  /* MOR pre-setup.
123  * If you assign a new SpaceReducer instance, dont forget to set
124  * the TargetDimensions property accordingly (is now
125  * automatically set within the configureModel base routine)
126  *s = spacereduction.PODGreedy;
127  *s.Eps = 1e-9;
128  *s.MaxSubspaceSize = 500; */
129  s = spacereduction.PODReducer;
130  s.IncludeInitialSpace= true;
131  s.Mode= " abs ";
132  this.SpaceReducer= s;
134  /* Call the config-specific model configuration */
135  conf.configureModel(this);
137  /* Set the config to the model, triggering geometry related
138  * pre-computations */
139  this.setConfig(conf);
141  conf.configureModelFinal;
143  /* % Health tests
144  * Propagate the current default param */
147 /* fprintf('Running Jacobian health check..');
148  * res = this.System.f.test_Jacobian;
149  * fprintf('Done. Success=%d\n',res);
150  * chk = this.Config.FEM.test_JacobiansDefaultGeo;
151  * % chk = chk && this.Config.FEM.test_QuadraticBasisFun;
152  * chk = chk && this.Config.PressureFEM.test_JacobiansDefaultGeo;
153  * if ~chk
154  * error('Health tests failed!');
155  * end */
156  }
159  function [doublet , matrix<double>y ] = simulateAndPlot(withResForce,varargin) {
160  if nargin < 2
161  withResForce = true;
162  end
163  [t,y] = this.simulate(varargin[:]);
164  xargs = [];
165  if (withResForce)
166  [df,nf] = this.getResidualForces(t,y);
167  xargs = [" NF ",nf," DF ",df];
168  end
169  this.plot(t,y,xargs[:]);
170  }
173  function [doublet , colvec<double>x , time , cache ] = computeTrajectory(colvec<double> mu,integer inputidx) {
174  this.Config.prepareSimulation(mu, inputidx);
175  [t, x, time, cache] = computeTrajectory@models.BaseFullModel(this, mu, inputidx);
176  f = this.System.f;
177  fprintf(" Finished after %gs (fevals:%d, Jacobians: %d)\n ",time,f.nfevals,f.nJevals);
178  }
190  function doublet = getConfigTable(colvec<double> mu) {
191  if nargin < 2
192  mu = this.DefaultMu;
193  end
194  f = this.System.f;
195  t = PrintTable(" Configuration of Model %s ",this.Name);
196  t.HasHeader= true;
197  t.addRow(" \rho_0 ", " c_{10} [MPa] "," c_{01} [MPa] "," b_1 [MPa] "," d_1 [-] "," P_{max} [MPa] "," \lambda_f^{opt} ");
198  t.addRow(this.MuscleDensity, mu(9),mu(10),mu(5),mu(6),mu(13),mu(14));
199  t.Format= " tex ";
200  }
204  if nargin < 3
205  pm = PlotManager(false,2,2);
206  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
207  if nargin < 2
208  mu = this.DefaultMu;
209  end
210  end
211  sys = this.System;
212  f = sys.f;
213  sys.prepareSimulation(mu,this.DefaultInput);
214  this.Config.setForceLengthFun(f);
216  lambda = .2:.005:2;
218  /* % Plain Force-length function */
219  fl = f.ForceLengthFun(lambda);
220  h = pm.nextPlot(" force_length_plain "," Direct force-length curve of muscle/sarcomere ",...
221  sprintf(" \\lambda [-], fl_p1=%g ",mu(14)),...
222  " force-length relation [-] ");
223  plot(h,lambda,fl," r ");
225  /* % Effective force-length function for muscle tissue
226  * effective signal from active part */
227  fl_eff = (mu(13)./lambda) .* fl;
228  /* Passive markert laws */
229  aniso_passive_muscle = f.AnisoPassiveMuscle(lambda);
231  /* Find a suitable position to stop plotting (otherwise the
232  * passive part will steal the show) */
233  pos = find(aniso_passive_muscle > max(fl_eff)*1.4,1," first ");
234  if ~isempty(pos)
235  lambda = lambda(1:pos);
236  fl_eff = fl_eff(1:pos);
237  aniso_passive_muscle = aniso_passive_muscle(1:pos);
238  end
240  h = pm.nextPlot(" force_length_eff ",...
241  " Effective force-length curve of muscle material ",...
242  " \lambda [-] "," pressure [MPa] ");
243  plot(h,lambda,fl_eff," r ",lambda,aniso_passive_muscle," g ",lambda,fl_eff+aniso_passive_muscle," b ");
244  legend(h," Active "," Passive "," Total "," Location "," NorthWest ");
246 /* %% Effective force-length function derivative for muscle tissue
247  * dfl = (mu(13)./lambda) .* f.ForceLengthFunDeriv(lambda);
248  * dmarkertf = (lambda>=1).*(b1./lambda.^3).*((d1-2)*lambda.^d1 + 2);
249  * h = pm.nextPlot('force_length_eff_deriv',...
250  * 'Effective force-length curve derivative of muscle material',...
251  * '\lambda','deriv [MPa/ms]');
252  * plot(h,lambda,dfl,'r',lambda,dmarkertf,'g',lambda,dfl + dmarkertf,'b'); */
254 /* %% Cross fibre stuff
255  * if this.System.UseCrossFibreStiffness
256  * error('fixme');
257  * markertf = max(0,(f.b1cf./lambda.^2).*(lambda.^f.d1cf-1));
258  * h = pm.nextPlot('force_length_xfibre',sprintf('Force-Length curve in cross-fibre direction for model %s',this.Name),'\lambda [-]','pressure [MPa]');
259  * plot(h,lambda,markertf,'r');
260  * axis(h,[0 2 0 150]);
261  * legend(h,'Passive cross-fibre pressure','Location','NorthWest');
262  *
263  * dmarkertf = (lambda >= 1).*(f.b1cf./lambda.^3).*((f.d1cf-2)*lambda.^f.d1cf + 2);
264  * h = pm.nextPlot('force_length_xfibre_deriv',sprintf('Derivative of Force-Length curve in cross-fibre direction for model %s',this.Name),'\lambda [-]','pressure [MPa]');
265  * plot(h,lambda,dmarkertf,'r');
266  * end */
268  /* % Passive force-length function for 100% tendon tissue
269  * Passive markert law */
270  if sys.HasTendons
271  aniso_passive_tendon = f.AnisoPassiveTendon(lambda);
272  h = pm.nextPlot(" force_length_tendon ",...
273  " Effective force-length curve of tendon material (=passive) ",...
274  " \lambda [-] "," pressure [MPa] ");
275  plot(h,lambda,aniso_passive_tendon," g ");
277  /* % Effective force-length surface for muscle-tendon tissue
278  * Sampled ratios */
279  tmr = 0:.03:1;
280  /* tmrlog = [0 logspace(-4,0,length(tmr)-1)]; */
281  tmrlog = tmr;
283  /* % Passive part */
284  [LAM,TMR] = meshgrid(lambda,tmr);
285  passive = repmat(aniso_passive_muscle,length(tmr),1) ...
286  + tmrlog^t*(aniso_passive_tendon-aniso_passive_muscle);
288  /* % Active part */
289  FL = (1-tmr)^t*fl_eff;
291  /* % Plot dat stuff! */
292  h = pm.nextPlot(" force_length_muscle_tendon ",...
293  " Effective force-length curve between muscle/tendon material ",...
294  " \lambda [-] "," muscle/tendon ratio [m=0,t=1] ");
295  surfc(LAM,TMR,passive+FL," Parent ",h," EdgeColor "," interp ");
296  zlabel(" pressure [MPa] ");
297  zlim([0, 3*max(fl_eff(:))]);
298  end
300  if nargin < 2
301  pm.done;
302  end
303  }
307  if nargin < 2
308  mu = this.DefaultMu;
309  end
310 /* pm = PlotManager(false,1,2); */
311  pm = PlotManager;
312  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
313  f = this.System.f;
315  /* Simply use muscle parameter values */
316  b1 = mu(1);
317  d1 = mu(2);
318  warning(" Using muscle parameters only (ignoring tendon) ");
320  [lambda, alpha] = meshgrid(.02:.02:1.5,0:.01:1);
322  fl = f.ForceLengthFun(lambda/mu(14));
323  active = mu(13)./lambda.*fl.*alpha;/* + 1*max(0,(lambda-1)).*alpha; */
325  passive = max(0,(b1./lambda.^2).*(lambda.^d1-1));
327  h = pm.nextPlot(" aniso_pressure ",sprintf(" Pressure in fibre direction for model %s ",this.Name)," Stretch \lambda "," Activation \alpha ");
328  surf(h,lambda,alpha,active+passive," EdgeColor "," k "," FaceColor "," interp ");
330  pm.done;
331  }
334  function plotActivation() {
335  pm = PlotManager;
336  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
337  f = this.System.f;
339  h = pm.nextPlot(" activation ",sprintf(" Activation curve for model %s ",this.Name)," time [ms] "," alpha [-] ");
340  plot(h,this.Times,f.alpha(this.scaledTimes)," r ");
341  pm.done;
342  }
345  function varargout = plotGeometrySetup(varargin) {
346  if isempty(
348  end
349  if ~isempty(varargin) && isa(varargin[1]," PlotManager ")
350  varargin = [[" PM "] varargin];
351  end
352  x0 = this.System.getX0(;
353  [~, nf] = this.getResidualForces(0, x0);
354  if ~isempty(nf)
355  varargin(end+1:end+2) = [" NF ",nf];
356  end
357  varargin(end+1:end+2) = [" Velo ",true];
358  /* Plot without default args (time-plotting might want to
359  * suppress fibres for speed, but we want them here) */
360  old = this.Plotter.DefaultArgs;
361  this.Plotter.DefaultArgs= [];
362  [varargout[1:nargout]] = this.plot(0,x0,varargin[:]);
363  this.Plotter.DefaultArgs= old;
364  }
368  this.Config.plotGeometryInfo(varargin[:]);
369  }
372  function [residuals_dirichlet , residuals_neumann ] = getResidualForces(double t,uvw) {
373  sys = this.System;
374  num_bc = length(sys.idx_u_bc_glob)+length(sys.idx_expl_v_bc_glob);
375  residuals_dirichlet = zeros(num_bc,length(t));
376  residuals_neumann = zeros(length(sys.idx_neumann_bc_glob),length(t));
377  for k=1:length(t)
378  dy = sys.f.evaluate(uvw(:,k),t(k));
379  if ~isempty(residuals_neumann)
380  residuals_neumann(:,k) = dy(sys.idx_neumann_bc_dof);
381  end
382  residuals_dirichlet(:,k) = sys.f.LastBCResiduals;
383  end
384  }
387  function colvec<integer>idx = getFaceDofsGlobal(integer elem,rowvec<integer> faces,rowvec<integer> dim) {
388  if nargin < 4
389  dim = 1:3;
390  end
391  geo = this.Config.FEM.Geometry;
392  idxXYZ = false(3,geo.NumNodes);
393  for k=1:length(faces)
394  idxXYZ(dim,geo.Elements(elem,geo.MasterFaces(faces(k),:))) = true;
395  end
396  idx = find(idxXYZ(:));
397  }
414  if nargin < 4
415  dim = 1:3;
416  end
417  geo = this.Config.FEM.Geometry;
418  idx_face = false(size(this.System.bool_u_bc_nodes));
419  idx_face(dim,geo.Elements(elem,geo.MasterFaces(face,:))) = true;
420  fidx = find(this.System.bool_u_bc_nodes & idx_face);
421  [~, idx] = intersect(this.System.idx_u_bc_glob, fidx);
422  }
439  if nargin < 4
440  dim = 1:3;
441  end
442  geo = this.Config.FEM.Geometry;
443  idx_face = false(size(this.System.bool_u_bc_nodes));
444  idx_face(dim,geo.Elements(elem,geo.MasterFaces(face,:))) = true;
445  fidx = find(this.System.bool_expl_v_bc_nodes & idx_face);
446  /* Include the offset to the indices for velocity dofs */
447  fidx = fidx + geo.NumNodes*3;
448  [~, idx] = intersect(this.System.idx_v_bc_glob, fidx);
449  /* Also include the offset of velocity components within the
450  * dirichlet force vector */
451  idx = idx + length(this.System.val_u_bc);
452  }
468  function setConfig(value) {
469  if ~isa(value, " models.muscle.AMuscleConfig ")
470  error(" Config must be a models.muscle.AMuscleConfig instance ");
471  end
472  this.Config= value;
473  this.System.configUpdated;
474  this.Plotter= models.muscle.MusclePlotter(this.System);
475  }
478  function setGaussIntegrationRule(value) {
479  mc = this.Config;
480  mc.FEM.GaussPointRule= value;
481  mc.PressureFEM.GaussPointRule= value;
482  this.setConfig(mc);
483  s = this.System;
484  mu =;
485  if isempty(mu)
486  mu = this.DefaultMu;
487  end
488  in = s.inputidx;
489  if isempty(in)
490  in = this.DefaultInput;
491  end
492  s.prepareSimulation(mu,in);
493  }
504  function varargout = plot(varargin) {
505  [varargout[1:nargout]] = this.Plotter.plot(varargin[:]);
506  }
510 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.Geo'
511 function value = Geo() {
512  value = this.Config.Geometry;
513  }
515 #endif
519  public: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Dependent ) */
521  static function res = test_ModelVersions() {
522  res = true;
523  try
524  m = models.muscle.Model(models.muscle.examples.Debug);
525  mu = m.getRandomParam;
526  [t,y] = m.simulate(mu);
527  m.System.UseDirectMassInversion= true;
528  [t,y] = m.simulate(mu);
530  /* Version with "constant" fibre activation forces */
531  m = models.muscle.Model(models.muscle.examples.Debug(2));
532  [t,y] = m.simulate(mu);
533  m.System.UseDirectMassInversion= true;
534  [t,y] = m.simulate(mu);
536  /* Version with "neurophysiological" fibre activation forces */
537  m = models.muscle.Model(models.muscle.examples.Debug(3));
538  [t,y] = m.simulate(mu);
539  m.System.UseDirectMassInversion= true;
540  [t,y] = m.simulate(mu);
541  m.System.UseDirectMassInversion= false;
543  /* "Disable" viscosity */
544  m.DefaultMu(1) = 0;
545  [t,y] = m.simulate(mu);
546  m.System.UseDirectMassInversion= true;
547  [t,y] = m.simulate(mu);
548  catch ME
549  ME.getReport(" extended ");
550  res = false;
551  end
552  }
555  static function res = test_JacobianApproxGaussRules() {
556  m = models.muscle.Model(models.muscle.examples.Debug(2));
557  m.simulate;
558  f = m.System.f;
559  m.dt= .2;
560  m.T= 1;
561  res = f.test_Jacobian;
562  m.setGaussIntegrationRule(4);
563  res = res && f.test_Jacobian;
564  m.setGaussIntegrationRule(5);
565  res = res && f.test_Jacobian;
566  }
575  protected: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Dependent ) */
577  static function this = loadobj() {
578  if ~isa(this, " models.muscle.Model ")
579  sobj = this;
580  this = models.muscle.Model;
581  this.RandSeed= sobj.RandSeed;
582  this.Config= sobj.Config;
583  this = loadobj@models.BaseFullModel(this, sobj);
584  else
585  this = loadobj@models.BaseFullModel(this);
586  end
587  }
595 };
596 }
597 }
char Name
The name of the Model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:117
% Position dirichlet fields Boundary conditions: 3 times numnodes logical matrix telling which degree...
Definition: System.m:98
MuscleFibreSystem: The global dynamical system used within the MuscleFibreModel.
Definition: System.m:19
static function res = test_ModelVersions()
Definition: Model.m:521
function setConfig(value)
Definition: Model.m:468
Definition: Model.m:71
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
double dt
The desired time-stepsize for simulations.
Definition: BaseModel.m:291
models.BaseFirstOrderSystem System
The actual dynamical system used in the model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:102
function varargout = plotGeometrySetup(varargin)
Definition: Model.m:345
Evaluation points of the model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:206
function prepareSimulation(colvec< double > mu)
A method that allows parameter-dependent computations to be performed before a simulation using this ...
Definition: ACoreFun.m:380
Model(conf, basedir)
Definition: Model.m:89
function plotAnisotropicPressure(colvec< double > mu)
Definition: Model.m:306
An integer value.
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
* fl(l)
function idx = getPositionDirichletBCFaceIdx(integer elem,integer face,rowvec< integer > dim)
Returns the positions of dofs of a specified face within the boundary conditions residual vector...
Definition: Model.m:413
function setGaussIntegrationRule(value)
Sets the gauss integration rule for the model.
Definition: Model.m:478
int RandSeed
Seed that can be used by random number generator instances in order to enable result reproduction...
Definition: Model.m:54
logical LeaveOpen
Flag indicating if the plots should be left open once the PlotManager is deleted (as variable) ...
Definition: PlotManager.m:213
function varargout = plot(varargin)
Definition: Model.m:504
function idx = getVelocityDirichletBCFaceIdx(integer elem,integer face,rowvec< integer > dim)
Returns the positions of dofs of a specified face within the boundary conditions residual vector...
Definition: Model.m:438
A variable number of input arguments.
function plotForceLengthCurve(colvec< double > mu, pm)
Definition: Model.m:203
function [ residuals_dirichlet , residuals_neumann ] = getResidualForces(double t, uvw)
Definition: Model.m:372
The plotter class for visualization.
Definition: Model.m:44
solvers.BaseSolver ODESolver
The solver to use for the ODE. Must be an instance of any solvers.BaseSolver subclass.
Definition: BaseModel.m:315
The current parameter for simulations, [] is none used.
integer DefaultInput
The default input to use if none is given.
Definition: BaseModel.m:189
rowvec< integer > TrainingParams
The indices of the model parameters to use for training data generation.
function [ double t , colvec< double > x , time , cache ] = computeTrajectory(colvec< double > mu,integer inputidx)
Allows to also call prepareSimulation for any quantities set by the AMuscleConfig class...
Definition: Model.m:173
double T
The final timestep up to which to simulate.
Definition: BaseModel.m:271
data.ModelData Data
The full model's data container. Defaults to an empty container.
Definition: Model.m:36
static function this = loadobj()
Definition: Model.m:577
spacereduction.BaseSpaceReducer SpaceReducer
The reduction algorithm for subspaces.
PrintTable: Class that allows table-like output spaced by tabs for multiple rows. ...
Definition: PrintTable.m:17
This set comprises both the explicit velocity conditions and the implicit zero velocity conditions th...
Definition: System.m:154
% Velocity dirichlet fields This set comprises the explicitly/directly set velocity boundary conditio...
Definition: System.m:128
Creates a new container for large full model data.
Definition: ModelData.m:180
function double t = getConfigTable(colvec< double > mu)
Definition: Model.m:190
colvec< double > DefaultMu
The default parameter value if none is given.
Definition: BaseModel.m:355
dscomponents.ACoreFun f
The core f function from the dynamical system.
function x_xdot_c0 = getX0(colvec< double > mu)
Compiles the global x0 vector of the global dof vector.
function colvec< integer > idx = getFaceDofsGlobal(integer elem,rowvec< integer > faces,rowvec< integer > dim)
Returns the indices in the global uvw vector (including dirichlet values) of the given faces in the g...
Definition: Model.m:387
System(models.BaseFullModel model)
Call superclass constructor.
Definition: System.m:439
Global configuration class for all KerMor run-time settings.
Definition: KerMor.m:17
function initDefaultParameter()
Reads the default values of the System's ModelParam list and initializes the BaseModel.DefaultMu with it.
Definition: BaseModel.m:459
static function res = test_JacobianApproxGaussRules()
Tests the precision of the analytical jacobian computation using different gauss integration rules...
Definition: Model.m:555
function [ double t , matrix< double > y ] = simulateAndPlot(withResForce, varargin)
Definition: Model.m:159
static function KerMor theinstance = App()
The singleton KerMor instance.
Definition: KerMor.m:910
double MaxTimestep
The maximum timestep allowed for any ODE solvers.
function prepareSimulation(colvec< double > mu,integer inputidx)
Check for viscosity setting.
Definition: System.m:664
function plotActivation()
Definition: Model.m:334
function plotGeometryInfo(varargin)
Definition: Model.m:367
function [ rowvec< double > t , matrix< double > y , double sec , x ] = simulate(colvec< double > mu,integer inputidx)
Simulates the system and produces the system's output.
Definition: BaseModel.m:477
char SaveTag
A custom tag that can be used as a prefix to files for corresponding model identification.
A variable number of output arguments.
Model: Model for a FEM-discretized muscle model.
Definition: Model.m:19
function configUpdated()
Definition: System.m:585