KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace data{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
5  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
6  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
7  *
8  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
9  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
10  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
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12  *
13  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
19  :public handle {
40  public:
53  public:
55  function [matrix<double>U , matrix<double>S , matrix<double>V ] = getSVD(integer k,matrix<double> Vexclude,colvec<integer> targetdims) {
56  if nargin < 4
57  targetdims = " : ";
58  if nargin < 3
59  Vexclude = [];
60  end
61  end
62  /* Get the correct dimensions if some are to be excluded */
63  [n, m] = size(this);
64  if ~ischar(targetdims)
65  /* Use the number of target dims for n if not all are used */
66  n = length(targetdims);
67  end
68  /* Assume full size if k is not set or empty */
69  if nargin < 2 || isempty(k)
70  k = min(n,m);
71  end
72  /* Reduce target dimension if remaining dimension is smaller */
73  if ~isempty(Vexclude)
74  k = min(k, min(n,m)-size(Vexclude,2));
75  else
76  k = min(k, min(n,m));
77  end
79  /* Fetch case for one block only */
80  if this.getNumBlocks == 0
81  U = [];
82  S = [];
83  elseif this.getNumBlocks == 1
84  Bl = this.getBlock(1);
85  Bl = Bl(targetdims,:);
86  /* Subtract exclude space if wanted */
87  if ~isempty(Vexclude)
88  Bl = Bl - Vexclude*(Vexclude^t*Bl);
89  end
90  [U, S] = svd(Bl," econ ");
91  U = U(:,1:k);
92  S = S(1:k,1:k);
93  else
94  /* Fully-flavoured singular value decomp using block
95  * separation */
96  opts.issym= 1;
97  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 0
98  fprintf(" ABlockedData: Computing %d-partial SVD on %dx%d matrix (%d blocks)...\n ",...
99  k,n,m,this.getNumBlocks);
100  end
101  vb = KerMor.App.Verbose > 1 && n*m > 50000 && this.getNumBlocks > 2;
102  cnt = 0;
103  /* If an exclude space is given, choose initial value outside of Vexclude */
104  if ~isempty(Vexclude)
105  v0 = rand(n,1);
106  opts.v0= v0 - Vexclude*(Vexclude^t*v0);
107  end
108  doparallel = exist(" matlabpool "," file ") == 2 && matlabpool(" size ") > 1;
109  [U,S] = eigs(@mult,n,k," la ",opts);
110  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 2, fprintf(" BlockSVD: Finished after %d multiplications.\n ",cnt); end
111  S = sqrt(S);
112  end
113  sel = sqrt(diag(S)/S(1)) >= this.MinRelSingularValueSize & diag(S)>0;
114  U = U(:,sel);
115  if size(U,2) < k
116  warning(" KerMor:ABlockedData "," Have only %d nonzero singular values instead of %d desired ones. ",...
117  size(U,2),k);
118  end
119  S = S(sel,sel);
120  if nargout > 2
121  /* Treat this special case here instead of cloning everything */
122  if ~ischar(targetdims)
123  error(" Fixme: Not correctly implemented yet. ");
124  [nfull,~] = size(this);
125  mat = eye(nfull);
126  mat(targetdims,targetdims) = (U/S)^t;
127  V = mat*this;
128  V = V(targetdims,:);
129  else
130  V = (U/S)^t*this;
131  end
132  end
134  function w = mult(v)
135  w = 0;
136  nb = this.getNumBlocks;
137  if vb && ~doparallel
138  pi = ProcessIndicator(" ABlockedData: Blockwise multiplication for %d-SVD on %d blocks ",...
139  nb,false,k,nb);
140  end
141  if doparallel
142  if vb
143  fprintf(" ABlockedData: Parallel blockwise multiplication for %d-SVD on %d blocks...\n ",k,nb);
144  end
145  parfor j = 1:nb
146  B = this.getBlock(j);/* #ok */
148  B = B(targetdims,:);
149  /* Subtract exclude space if wanted */
150  if ~isempty(Vexclude)
151  B = B - Vexclude*(Vexclude^t*B);
152  end
153  w = w + B*(B^t*v);
154  end
155  else
156  for j = 1:nb
157  B = this.getBlock(j);
158  B = B(targetdims,:);
159  /* Subtract exclude space if wanted */
160  if ~isempty(Vexclude)
161  B = B - Vexclude*(Vexclude^t*B);
162  end
163  w = w + B*(B^t*v);
164  if vb, pi.step; end
165  end
166  end
167  if vb, pi.stop; end
168  cnt=cnt+1;
169  end
170  }
193  function prod = mtimes() {
194  if isa(matrix," data.ABlockedData ")
195  error(" Must override in subclasses for case ABlockedData*matrix. ");
196  else
197  warning(" KerMor:ABlockedData ",...
198  " If you want the right singular values, you need to override the mtimes method of data.ABlockedData(matrix, this).\nReturning the same instance for V. ");
199  end
200  prod = this;
201  }
210  function A = toMemoryMatrix() {
211  A = zeros(size(this));
212  pos = 1;
213  for i=1:this.getNumBlocks
214  B = this.getBlock(i);
215  s = size(B,2)-1;
216  A(:,pos:pos+s) = B;
217  pos = pos + s + 1;
218  end
219  }
227  public: /* ( Abstract ) */
229  virtual function varargout = size(dim) = 0;
232  virtual function n = getNumBlocks() = 0;
235  virtual function B = getBlock(nr) = 0;
238  public: /* ( Static ) */
240  static function res = test_BlockSVD_vs_SVD() {
241  blocks = 5;
242  ns = 6;
243  an = [500 1000 700];
244  am = [500 700 1000];
245  res = true;
246  for v = 1:3
247  n = an(v);
248  m = am(v);
249  for nb=1:blocks
250  B = rand(n,m);
251  A = data.FileMatrix(n,m," BlockSize ",data.FileMatrix.blockSizeOf(B)/nb);
252  A.subsasgn(struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[[" : ", " : "]]),B);
253  [ub,us] = A.getSVD(ns);
254  [u,s] = svd(B," econ ");
255  chk = norm(diag(us)-diag(s(1:ns,1:ns)));
256  res = res && chk < 1e-8;
257  /* mess with directions - so correct */
258  ubs = sign(ub(1,:));
259  us = sign(u(1,1:ns));
260  chk2 = norm(bsxfun(@times,ub,ubs)-bsxfun(@times,u(:,1:ns),us));
261  res = res & chk2 < 1e-8;
262  fprintf(" Comparison Block-SVD vs SVD (%d singular values): Singular value vector norm diff: %g, U norm diff: %g\n ",ns,chk,chk2);
263  end
264  end
265  }
268 };
269 }
virtual function n = getNumBlocks()
ABlockedData: General abstract class that allows computation of and SVD on a large matrix that is sep...
Definition: ABlockedData.m:18
A double value.
An integer value.
Matlab's base handle class (documentation generation substitute)
virtual function B = getBlock(nr)
A matlab column vector.
function prod = mtimes()
Need left-sided matrix multiplication if RHS singular vectors V should be returned.
Definition: ABlockedData.m:193
double MinRelSingularValueSize
The minimum relative value of singular values that triggers selection of the compared to the largest ...
Definition: ABlockedData.m:42
Global configuration class for all KerMor run-time settings.
Definition: KerMor.m:17
static function KerMor theinstance = App()
The singleton KerMor instance.
Definition: KerMor.m:910
function A = toMemoryMatrix()
Converts this FileMatrix to a full double matrix.
Definition: ABlockedData.m:210
virtual function varargout = size(dim)
static function res = test_BlockSVD_vs_SVD()
Definition: ABlockedData.m:240
ProcessIndicator: A simple class that indicates process either via waitbar or text output...
function [ matrix< double > U , matrix< double > S , matrix< double > V ] = getSVD(integer k,matrix< double > Vexclude,colvec< integer > targetdims)
Computes an SVD on this blockwise matrix .
Definition: ABlockedData.m:55