KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace error{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
5  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
6  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
7  *
8  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
9  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
10  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
11  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
12  *
13  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
19  :public error.BaseEstimator,
63  public:
148  UseTrueDEIMErr = false;
159  public:
209  public:
211  M3 = "[]";
213  M4 = "[]";
215  M5 = "[]";
217  M6 = "[]";
219  M7 = "[]";
221  M8 = "[]";
223  M9 = "[]";
225  M10 = "[]";
227  M11 = "[]";
229  M12 = "[]";
231  Ah;
289  public: /* ( Dependent ) */
329  private:
331  jstSize = 0;
333  deim;
336  private: /* ( Transient ) */
338  fullsol;
340  uolst = "[]";
342  silent = false;
344  lastvalpos;
347  public: /* ( Transient ) */
350  this = this@error.BaseEstimator;
351  this.ExtraODEDims= 1;
352  this.TrainDataSelector= data.selection.DefaultSelector;
353  }
358  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 0
359  fprintf(" error.DEIMEstimator: Starting offline computations...\n ");
360  end
362  /* Call superclass */
363  offlineComputations@error.BaseEstimator(this, fm);
365  /* Precompute log norm of A component if existing */
366  this.Aln= [];
367  fA = fm.System.A;
368  if ~isempty(fA)
369  /* Precompute logarithmic norm of A(t,\mu) */
370  a = general.AffParamMatrix;
371  if isa(fA, " dscomponents.LinearCoreFun ")
372  a.addMatrix(" 1 ",Utils.logNorm(fA.A));
373  else
374  for i=1:fA.N
375  a.addMatrix([" abs( " fA.funStr[i] " ) "],...
376  Utils.logNorm(fA.getMatrix(i)));
377  end
378  end
379  this.Aln= a;
380  end
382  /* Jacobian matrix DEIM approx */
383  this.compute_jacmdeim(fm);
385  /* Similarity transformation */
386  this.compute_simtrans(fm);
388  /* Compute approximation for local logarithmic norm
389  * this.computeLogNormApprox; */
390  }
402  function prepared = prepareForReducedModel(models.ReducedModel rm) {
403  prepared = prepareForReducedModel@error.BaseEstimator(this, rm);
405  fm = rm.FullModel;
407  W = rm.W;
408  if isempty(W)
409  W = rm.V;
410  end
412  /* Perform projection of JacMDeim instance */
413  prepared.JacMDEIM= this.JacMDEIM.project(rm.V, W);
415  /* Precompute all the projected quantities that are independent of the DEIM error
416  * orders */
417  fA = fm.System.A;
418  G = fm.G;
419  A = [];
420  if ~isempty(fA)
421  hlp = fA*rm.V;
422  A = hlp - rm.V*(W^t*hlp); /* (I-VW^T)AV */
424  prepared.M6= A^t*(G*A);
425  prepared.Ah= A;
426  else
427  prepared.M6= []; prepared.M7= []; prepared.M8= []; prepared.M9= [];
428  end
429  B = [];
430  if ~isempty(fm.System.B)
431  B = fm.System.B - rm.V*(W^t*fm.System.B);
432  prepared.M12= B^t*(G*B);
433  prepared.Bh= B;
434  else
435  prepared.M9= []; prepared.M10= []; prepared.M11= []; prepared.M12= [];
436  end
437  if ~isempty(A) && ~isempty(B)
438  if isa(B," dscomponents.LinearInputConv ")
439  prepared.M9= 2*A^t*(G*B.B);
440  else
441  /* Both inherit from AffParamMatrix, so they can be
442  * multiplied :-) */
443  prepared.M9= 2*A^t*(G*B);
444  end
445  else
446  prepared.M9= [];
447  end
449  newd = rm.System.f;
450  prepared.uolst= addlistener(newd," OrderUpdated ",@prepared.handleOrderUpdate);
451  prepared.deim= newd;
452  prepared.updateErrMatrices;
453  }
469  function ct = prepareConstants(colvec<double> mu,integer inputidx) {
470  prepareConstants@error.BaseEstimator(this, mu, inputidx);
471  if this.deim.Order(2) == 0 && ~this.UseTrueDEIMErr
472  warning(" KerMor:DEIMEstimator "," No DEIM error order set. Disabling error estimator. ");
473  this.Enabled= false;
474  ct = 0;
475  return;
476  end
477  /* True log lip const comparison estimator */
478  if this.Enabled
479  rm = this.ReducedModel;
481  [~, this.fullsol, ct] = rm.FullModel.computeTrajectory(mu, inputidx);
482  else
483  this.JacMDEIM.f.prepareSimulation(mu);
484  ct = 0;
485  end
486  this.LastAlpha= zeros(1,length(rm.Times));
487  this.LastBeta= zeros(1,length(rm.Times));
488  this.lastvalpos= [1 1];
490  if ~isempty(this.M6)
491  this.M6.prepareSimulation(mu);
492  end
493  if ~isempty(this.M7)
494  this.M7.prepareSimulation(mu);
495  end
496  if ~isempty(this.M8)
497  this.M8.prepareSimulation(mu);
498  end
499  if ~isempty(this.M9)
500  this.M9.prepareSimulation(mu);
501  end
502  end
503  this.kexp= [];
504  }
507  function a = getAlpha(colvec<double> x,double t,colvec<double> ut) {
508  mu =;
509  if this.UseTrueDEIMErr
510  rm = this.ReducedModel;
511  fs = rm.FullModel.System;
512  A = fs.A.evaluate(rm.V*x,t);
513  if isempty(rm.W)
514  a = A - rm.V*(rm.W^t*A);
515  else
516  a = A - rm.V*(rm.V^t*A);
517  end
518  a = a + fs.f.evaluate(rm.V*x,t,mu) ...
519  - rm.V*rm.System.f.evaluate(x,t,mu);
520  if ~isempty(fs.B)
521  hlp = fs.B.evaluate(t,mu)*ut;
522  a = a + (hlp-rm.V*(rm.W^t*hlp));
523  end
524  a = Norm.LG(a,rm.FullModel.G);
525  else
526  f = this.ReducedModel.System.f.f;
527  v1 = f.evaluateComponentSet(1, x, t);
528  v2 = f.evaluateComponentSet(2, x, t);
530  /* NOTE: The factors 2 before some summands are added at offline
531  * stage!! */
532  a = v1" *this.M3*v1 - v1 "*this.M4*v2 + v2^t*this.M5*v2;
533  if ~isempty(this.M6) /* An time/param affine A is set */
535  a = a + x" *this.M6.evaluate(x,t) + v1 "*this.M7.evaluate(x,t) ...
536  - v2^t*this.M8.evaluate(x,t);
537  if ~isempty(ut)
538  a = a + x^t*this.M9.evaluate(ut,t);
539  end
540  end
541  if ~isempty(ut) /* An input function u is set */
543  a = a + v1" *this.M10.evaluate(t,mu)*ut - v2 "*this.M11.evaluate(t,mu)*ut ...
544  + ut^t*this.M12.evaluate(t,mu)*ut;
545  end
546  a = sqrt(a);
547 /* %% Validation: direct computation (expensive)
548  * V = this.ReducedModel.V;
549  * fs = this.ReducedModel.FullModel.System;
550  * I = speye(size(V,1));
551  * hlp = fs.A.evaluate(V*x,t,mu);
552  * a_1 = hlp - V*(V'*hlp);
553  * a_2 = this.ReducedModel.System.f.M1 * v1;
554  * a_3 = this.ReducedModel.System.f.M2 * v2;
555  * a_4 = 0;
556  * if ~isempty(fs.B)
557  * a_4 = (I-V*V')*fs.B.evaluate(t,mu)*ut;
558  * end
559  * a2 = sqrt((a_1+a_2-a_3+a_4)'*this.ReducedModel.FullModel.G...
560  * *(a_1+a_2-a_3+a_4));
561  * if abs((a-a2)/a2) > 1e-1
562  * error('alpha computation mismatch.');
563  * end */
564  end
565  this.LastAlpha(this.lastvalpos(1)) = a;
566  this.lastvalpos(1) = this.lastvalpos(1)+1;
567  }
580  function b = getBeta(colvec<double> x,double t) {
581  mu =;
582  /* Validation code */
584  rm = this.ReducedModel;
585  f = rm.FullModel.System.f;
586  tx = this.fullsol(:,find(abs(rm.scaledTimes - t) < eps,1));
587  rx = rm.V*x;
588  d = tx - rx;
589  diff = sum(d.*d);
590  if diff ~= 0
591  /* Use local jacobian matrix log lip const */
592  if this.UseJacobianLogLipConst
593  b = d^t*(f.getStateJacobian(tx,t,mu)*d) / diff;
594  /* Use local function log lip const */
595  else
596  b = d^t*(f.evaluate(tx,t,mu) - f.evaluate(rx,t,mu)) / diff;
597  end
598  else
599  b = 0;
600  end
601  elseif this.UseFullJacobian || this.UseJacobianNorm
602  rm = this.ReducedModel;
603  f = rm.FullModel.System.f;
604  J = f.getStateJacobian(rm.V*x, t, mu);
605  if this.UseJacobianNorm
606  b = normest(J);
607  else
608  b = Utils.logNorm(J);
609  end
610  else
611  DJ = this.JacMDEIM.evaluate(x,t);
612  b = Utils.logNorm(DJ);
613  end
615  /* DFJ = fm.Approx.getStateJacobian(rx,t,mu);
616  * jtlc = (d'*(FJ*d)) / sum(d.*d);
617  * djtlc = (d'*(DFJ*d)) / sum(d.*d); */
619  /* fprintf('True: %g, Jac: %g, diff: %g, rel: %g, DEIMJac: %g, diff: %g, rel: %g\n',...
620  * tlc,jtlc,abs(tlc-jtlc),abs((tlc-jtlc)/tlc),...
621  * djtlc,abs(tlc-djtlc),abs((tlc-djtlc)/tlc)); */
623  /* J = this.deim.getStateJacobian(x,t,mu);
624  * jln = Utils.logNorm(J); */
626  /* fprintf('Log norms - F: %g, SF: %g, SR: %g, R: %g\n',...
627  * fjln,sfjln,dsjln,jln); %, FJN: %g */
629  if isnan(b)
630  fprintf(2," NaN b value occured in error.DEIMEstimator.getBeta!\n ");
631  b = 0;
632  end
634  /* Take care of the A(t,\mu) part, if existing
635  *this.kexp(1,end+1) = b; */
636  if ~isempty(this.Aln)
637  b = b + this.Aln.compose(t, mu);
638  end
639  /* this.kexp(2,end) = b; */
640  this.LastBeta(this.lastvalpos(2)) = b;
641  this.lastvalpos(2) = this.lastvalpos(2) + 1;
642  }
656  function eint = evalODEPart(colvec<double> x,double t,colvec<double> ut) {
657  eint = this.getBeta(x(1:end-1), t)*x(end) + this.getAlpha(x(1:end-1), t, ut);
658  }
670  function time = postProcess(matrix<double> x,double t,integer inputidx) {
671  time = tic;
672  rm = this.ReducedModel;
673  /* Get initial values of alpha/beta for completeness */
674  ut = [];
675  t0 = rm.scaledTimes(1);
676  if ~isempty(inputidx)
677  ut = rm.System.Inputs[inputidx](t0);
678  end
679  x0 = rm.System.x0.evaluate(;
680  this.LastAlpha(1) = this.getAlpha(x0, t0, ut);
681  this.LastBeta(1) = this.getBeta(x0, t0);
683  this.StateError= x(end,:);
684  time = toc(time) + postProcess@error.BaseEstimator(this, x, t, inputidx);
685  }
702  function copy = clone() {
703  copy = clone@error.BaseEstimator(this, error.DEIMEstimator);
704  copy.silent= true;
706  /* DEIM stuff */
707  copy.JacMatDEIMMaxOrder= this.JacMatDEIMMaxOrder;
708  copy.JacMDEIM= [];
709  if ~isempty(this.JacMDEIM)
710  copy.JacMDEIM= this.JacMDEIM.clone;
711  end
712  copy.deim= this.deim;
713  if ~isempty(copy.deim)
714  copy.uolst= addlistener(copy.deim," OrderUpdated ",@copy.handleOrderUpdate);
715  end
717  /* Sim Trans stuff */
718  copy.JacSimTransMaxSize= this.JacSimTransMaxSize;
719  copy.jstSize= this.jstSize;
720  copy.QFull= this.QFull;
721  copy.QSingVals= this.QSingVals;
723  copy.UseTrueLogLipConst= this.UseTrueLogLipConst;
724  copy.UseTrueDEIMErr= this.UseTrueDEIMErr;
725  copy.UseFullJacobian= this.UseFullJacobian;
727  copy.TrainDataSelector= this.TrainDataSelector.clone;
729  copy.scale= this.scale;
730  copy.kexp= this.kexp;
731  copy.fullsol= this.fullsol;
733  copy.M3= this.M3;
734  copy.M4= this.M4;
735  copy.M5= this.M5;
736  if ~isempty(this.M6)
737  copy.M6= this.M6.clone;
738  end
739  if ~isempty(this.M7)
740  copy.M7= this.M7.clone;
741  end
742  if ~isempty(this.M8)
743  copy.M8= this.M8.clone;
744  end
745  if ~isempty(this.M9)
746  copy.M9= this.M9.clone;
747  end
748  if ~isempty(this.M10)
749  copy.M10= this.M10.clone;
750  end
751  if ~isempty(this.M11)
752  copy.M11= this.M11.clone;
753  end
754  if ~isempty(this.M12)
755  copy.M12= this.M12.clone;
756  end
757  if ~isempty(this.Ah)
758  copy.Ah= this.Ah.clone;
759  end
760  if ~isempty(this.Aln)
761  copy.Aln= this.Aln;
762  end
763  if ~isempty(this.Bh)
764  copy.Bh= this.Bh.clone;
765  end
766  copy.silent= false;
767  }
770  function plotSummary(pm,context) {
771  if ~isempty(this.QSingVals)
772  str = sprintf(" %s: Singular value decay for partial similarity transformation ",context);
773  h = pm.nextPlot(" deimest_simtrans_singvals ",...
774  str,...
775  " transformation size "," singular values ");
776  semilogy(h,this.QSingVals," LineWidth ",2);
777  end
778  }
781  private: /* ( Transient ) */
783  function compute_jacmdeim(models.BaseFullModel fm) {
784  jtd = data.ApproxTrainData.computeFrom(fm, ...
785  general.JacCompEvalWrapper(fm.System.f), this.TrainDataSelector, false);
786  md = fm.Data;
787  md.JacobianTrainData= jtd;
789  /* % Matrix DEIM */
790  jd = general.MatrixDEIM;
791  jd.MaxOrder= this.JacMatDEIMMaxOrder;
792  jd.NumRows= fm.System.f.fDim;
793  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 0
794  fprintf(" Computing matrix DEIM (MaxOrder=%d) of system jacobian...\n ",...
795  this.JacMatDEIMMaxOrder);
796  end
797  jd.computeDEIM(general.JacCompEvalWrapper(fm.System.f), ...
798  md.JacobianTrainData.fxi);
799  /* Project, as arguments that will be passed are in reduced
800  * dimension */
801  this.JacMDEIM= jd;
802  /* Initialize to certain order */
803  this.JacMatDEIMOrder= ceil(this.JacMatDEIMMaxOrder/2);
804  }
815  function compute_simtrans(models.BaseFullModel fm) {
816  if ~isempty(this.JacSimTransMaxSize)
817  jtd = fm.Data.JacobianTrainData;
819  d = fm.System.f.xDim;
820  n = size(jtd.fxi,2);
821  v = data.FileMatrix(d,n," Dir ",fm.Data.DataDirectory);
822  ln = zeros(1,n);
823  times = ln;
824  pi = ProcessIndicator(" Computing Jacobian similarity transform data for %d jacobians ",n,false,n);
825  hassparse = ~isempty(fm.System.f.JSparsityPattern);
826  if hassparse
827  [i,j] = find(fm.System.f.JSparsityPattern);
828  end
829  for nr = 1:n
830  if hassparse
831  J = sparse(i,j,jtd.fxi(:,nr),d,d);
832  else
833  J = reshape(jtd.fxi(:,nr),d,d);
834  end
835  t = tic;
836  [ln(nr), v(:,nr)] = Utils.logNorm(J);
837  times(nr) = toc(t);
838  pi.step;
839  end
840  pi.stop;
842  jstd.VFull= v;
843  jstd.LogNorms= ln;
844  jstd.CompTimes= times;
845  fm.Data.JacSimTransData= jstd;
847  p = general.POD;
848  p.Mode= " abs ";
849  p.Value= this.JacSimTransMaxSize;
850  [Q, this.QSingVals] = p.computePOD(jstd.VFull);
851  if isa(Q," data.FileMatrix ")
852  this.QFull= Q.toMemoryMatrix;
853  else
854  this.QFull= Q;
855  end
856  if size(this.QFull,2) < this.JacSimTransMaxSize
857  fprintf(2," Only %d nonzero singular values in difference to %d desired ones. Setting JacSimTransMaxSize=%d\n ",...
858  size(this.QFull,2),this.JacSimTransMaxSize,size(this.QFull,2));
859  this.silent= true;
860  this.JacSimTransMaxSize= size(this.QFull,2);
861  this.silent= false;
862  end
863  red = 1-size(this.QFull,2)/size(this.QFull,1);
864  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 0
865  fprintf([" Computed partial similarity transform with target size %d over %d eigenvectors. "...
866  " Resulting reduction %d/%d (%g%%)\n "],...
867  p.Value,size(jstd.VFull,2),...
868  size(this.QFull,2),size(this.QFull,1),100*red);
869  end
870  if red < .2
871  this.JacSimTransSize= [];
872  fprintf(2," Achieved reduction under 20%%, disabling similarity transformation.\n ");
873  else
874  this.JacSimTransSize= ceil(this.JacSimTransMaxSize/2);
875  end
876  end
877  }
880  function handleOrderUpdate(unused1,unused2) {
881  this.updateErrMatrices;
882  }
885  function updateErrMatrices() {
886  if isempty(this.deim)
887  if isempty(this.ReducedModel)
888  error(" Cannot update error matrices as no reduced model instance is specified for this estimator. ");
889  else
890  error(" Unintended error. No deim instance stored but a reduced model is set. ");
891  end
892  end
894  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 3
895  fprintf(" error.DEIMEstimator: Updating error matrices of DEIMEstimator (#%s) to [%d %d]\n ",...
896  this.ID,this.deim.Order);
897  end
899  if this.deim.Order(2) > 0
900  G = this.ReducedModel.FullModel.G;
901  M1 = this.deim.M1;
902  M2 = this.deim.M2;
903  this.M3= M1^t*(G*M1);
904  this.M4= 2*M1^t*(G*M2);
905  this.M5= M2^t*(G*M2);
906  if ~isempty(this.Ah)
907  this.M7= 2*M1^t*(G*this.Ah);
908  this.M8= 2*M2^t*(G*this.Ah);
909  end
910  if ~isempty(this.Bh)
911  this.M10= 2*M1^t*(G*this.Bh);
912  this.M11= 2*M2^t*(G*this.Bh);
913  end
914  else
915  this.M3= [];
916  this.M4= [];
917  this.M5= [];
918  this.M7= [];
919  this.M8= [];
920  this.M10= [];
921  this.M11= [];
922  end
923  }
932  function computeLogNormApprox() {
934  load(fullfile(KerMor.App.HomeDirectory," data/lognorm/res_loclognorms_scaled.mat "));
935  this.kexp= kexp;/* #ok */
937  this.scale= [ms Ms];
938  }
956  /* % Getter & Setter */
957  public: /* ( Transient ) */
960 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.JacSimTransSize'
961 function value = JacSimTransSize() {
962  value = this.jstSize;
963  }
965 #endif
969 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.JacSimTransSize'
970 function JacSimTransSize(value) {
971  if isempty(value) || (isposintscalar(value) ...
972  && value <= this.JacSimTransMaxSize)
973  if ~isequal(this.jstSize,value)
974  this.jstSize= value;
976  this.QFull(:,1:this.jstSize));
977  end
978  else
979  error(" Value must be empty or a positive int scalar smaller than JacSimTransMaxSize ");
980  end
981  }
983 #endif
987 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.JacMatDEIMOrder'
988 function value = JacMatDEIMOrder() {
989  if ~isempty(this.JacMDEIM)
990  value = this.JacMDEIM.Order(1);
991  else
992  value = -1;
993  end
994  }
996 #endif
1000 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.JacMatDEIMOrder'
1001 function JacMatDEIMOrder(value) {
1002  if ~isposintscalar(value)
1003  error(" JacMatDEIMOrder must be a positive integer. ");
1004  end
1005  if value <= this.JacMatDEIMMaxOrder
1006  if this.JacMDEIM.Order(1) ~= value
1007  this.JacMDEIM.Order= value;
1008  end
1009  else
1010  error(" Cannot set an order higher (%d) than the current JacMatDEIMMaxOrder of %d ",...
1011  value,this.JacMatDEIMMaxOrder);
1012  end
1013  }
1015 #endif
1019 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.TrainDataSelector'
1020 function TrainDataSelector(value) {
1021  this.checkType(value, " data.selection.ASelector ");
1022  this.TrainDataSelector= value;
1023  }
1025 #endif
1029 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.JacSimTransMaxSize'
1030 function JacSimTransMaxSize(value) {
1031  if ~this.silent && ~isempty(value) && ~isempty(this.JacSimTransMaxSize) && ...
1032  this.JacSimTransMaxSize ~= value /* #ok<MCSUP> */
1034  fprintf(2," New maximum size of similarity transform. Re-run of offlineComputations necessary.\n ");
1035  end
1036  this.JacSimTransMaxSize= value;
1037  }
1039 #endif
1042  protected: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Transient ) */
1044  static function obj = loadobj(obj) {
1045  if ~isempty(obj.deim)
1046  obj.uolst= addlistener(obj.deim," OrderUpdated ",@obj.handleOrderUpdate);
1047  end
1048  }
1051  public: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Transient ) */
1054  static function errmsg = validModelForEstimator(models.BaseFullModel model) {
1055  errmsg = ;
1056  if ~isa(model.Approx," approx.DEIM ")
1057  errmsg = " The reduced models core function must be a DEIM approximation. ";
1058  elseif ~isempty(model.System.B) && ...
1059  ~any(strcmp(class(model.System.B),[" dscomponents.LinearInputConv "," dscomponents.AffLinInputConv "]))
1060  errmsg = " The systems input must be either Linear- or AffLinInputConv ";
1061  elseif ~isempty(model.System.A) && ...
1062  ~any(strcmp(class(model.System.A),...
1063  [" dscomponents.LinearCoreFun "," dscomponents.AffLinCoreFun "]))
1064  errmsg = [" If the system component A is set, is has to be either a "...
1065  " LinearCoreFun or AffLinCoreFun. "];
1066  end
1067  }
1096 };
1097 }
integer JacSimTransSize
The size of the partial similarity transform to apply to the matrix DEIM approximated jacobians...
Collection of generally useful functions.
Definition: Utils.m:17
function time = postProcess(matrix< double > x,double t,integer inputidx)
Postprocessing for the error estimate.
the component
"Even More Expensive version 2": Precompute the full solution and use the true logarithmic lipschitz ...
integer fDim
The current output dimension of the function.
Definition: ACoreFun.m:171
static function errmsg = validModelForEstimator(models.BaseFullModel model)
Abstract static method that forces subclasses to specify whether an estimator can be used for a given...
"Even More Expensive version": Precompute the full solution and use the true logarithmic lipschitz co...
Base interface for any approximation training data selection algorithm.
Definition: ASelector.m:19
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
models.BaseFullModel FullModel
The full model this reduced model was created from.
Definition: ReducedModel.m:53
matrix< double > QFull
The complete similarity transformation matrix of size .
Definition: MatrixDEIM.m:18
function J = getStateJacobian(x, t)
Default implementation of jacobian matrix evaluation via finite differences.
Definition: ACoreFun.m:395
function ct = prepareConstants(colvec< double > mu,integer inputidx)
integer JacMatDEIMMaxOrder
Maximum order for the DEIM approximation of the state space jacobian.
Definition: DEIMEstimator.m:80
models.BaseFirstOrderSystem System
The actual dynamical system used in the model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:102
dscomponents.AInputConv B
The input conversion.
function b = getBeta(colvec< double > x,double t)
Old log lip const kernel learning code x = x .* (this.scale(:,2) - this.scale(:,1)) + this...
function prepareSimulation(colvec< double > mu)
A method that allows parameter-dependent computations to be performed before a simulation using this ...
Definition: ACoreFun.m:380
function plotSummary(pm, context)
function target = project(V, unused1)
Definition: MatrixDEIM.m:106
Stores zi min- and max scaling.
The reduction state-space error from the last simulation.
Definition: BaseEstimator.m:82
rowvec< double > QSingVals
The singular values computed by the SimTransPOD in the offline stage.
static function obj = loadobj(obj)
matrix< double > G
The custom scalar product matrix .
Definition: BaseModel.m:132
hanges the dimensions of the handle object array to the specified dimensions. See the MATLAB reshape ...
function prepared = prepareForReducedModel(models.ReducedModel rm)
Prepares this estimator for use with a given reduced model. Basically uses the projection matrices an...
An integer value.
The KerMor reduced model class.
Definition: ReducedModel.m:18
The precomputed logarithmic norms of the system's A components.
matrix< double > V
The matrix that has been used for projection.
Definition: ReducedModel.m:72
matrix< double > W
The biorthogonal matrix for V, i.e. .
Definition: ReducedModel.m:85
dscomponents.ACompEvalCoreFun f
The function which DEIM is applied to.
Definition: DEIM.m:214
function copy = clone()
function offlineComputations(models.BaseFullModel fm)
Overrides the method from BaseEstimator and performs additional computations.
Base class for all error estimators.
Definition: BaseEstimator.m:18
Flag that indicates whether error estimation is used or not.
Definition: BaseEstimator.m:67
function fx = evaluate(colvec< double > x, unused1, unused2)
Definition: LinearCoreFun.m:80
An ID that allows to uniquely identify this DPCMObject (at least within the current MatLab session/co...
Definition: DPCMObject.m:70
"Expensive version": Using the full system's jacobian for logarithmic norm computation. Included for easy error estimator comparison.
approx.BaseApprox Approx
The approximation method for the CoreFunction.
virtual function copy = clone(target)
The interface method with returns a copy of the current class instance.
data.ModelData Data
The full model's data container. Defaults to an empty container.
the component
Expensive conservative guess.
function M = evaluate(colvec< double > x,double t)
Definition: MatrixDEIM.m:74
function checkType(obj, type)
Object typechecker.
Definition: KerMorObject.m:122
static function rowvec< double > n = LG(matrix< double > x, G)
Returns the -induced norm for each column vector in .
Definition: Norm.m:87
dscomponents.ACoreFun f
The core f function from the dynamical system.
#define G(x, y, z)
Definition: CalcMD5.c:169
data.selection.ASelector TrainDataSelector
The selector that chooses the full model's trajectory points that are used for the MatrixDEIM approxi...
Definition: DEIMEstimator.m:91
data.ApproxTrainData JacobianTrainData
Training data for the jacobian approximation.
Definition: ModelData.m:120
integer JacMatDEIMOrder
The actual order of the DEIM approximation for the system's jacobian.
rowvec< double > scaledTimes
The time steps Times in scaled time units .
Definition: BaseModel.m:218
integer JacSimTransMaxSize
The maximum size of the similarity transformation.
Definition: DEIMEstimator.m:65
function res = isposintscalar(value)
isposintscalar: Backwards-compatibility function for matlab versions greater than 2012a ...
Global configuration class for all KerMor run-time settings.
Definition: KerMor.m:17
static function [ double ln , colvec< double > v ] = logNorm(matrix< double > A,matrix< double > G,colvec< double > v0)
Computes the logarithmic norm of a matrix , optionally using a positive definite symmetric matrix in...
Definition: Utils.m:551
models.ReducedModel ReducedModel
The reduced model associated with the error estimator.
static function KerMor theinstance = App()
The singleton KerMor instance.
Definition: KerMor.m:910
Norm: Static class for commonly used norms on sets of vectors.
Definition: Norm.m:17
The local logarithmic norm estimation.
Creates a listener for the specified event and assigns a callback function to execute when the event ...
The dimensions added to the ODE function by the estimator.
Definition: BaseEstimator.m:97
function setSimilarityTransform(Qk)
Definition: MatrixDEIM.m:86
"Expensive" version that uses the true approximation error between the DEIM approximation and the ful...
DEIMEstimator: A-posteriori error estimation for DEIM reduced models.
Definition: DEIMEstimator.m:18
function a = getAlpha(colvec< double > x,double t,colvec< double > ut)
More expensive variant, using the true DEIM approximation error instead of the estimated ones using M...
function copy = clone()
Definition: MatrixDEIM.m:111
general.MatrixDEIM JacMDEIM
The MatrixDEIM instance used to approximate the state space jacobian matrices.
function eint = evalODEPart(colvec< double > x,double t,colvec< double > ut)
Compose the ode function.
dscomponents.LinearCoreFun A
Represents a linear or affine-linear component of the dynamical system.
ProcessIndicator: A simple class that indicates process either via waitbar or text output...