KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace data{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
5  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
6  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
7  *
8  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
9  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
10  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
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12  *
13  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
19  :public data.FileData,
20  public data.ABlockedData {
47  public: /* ( Constant ) */
49  static const .integer BLOCK_SIZE = 512;
64  public:
80  public:
139  MinValue = Inf;
142  MaxValue = -Inf;
145  private:
147  idx;
156  created;
164  blocksize;
172  private:
174  cachedBlock = "[]";
182  cachedNr = 0;
184  cacheDirty = false;
187  public:
191  if isempty(var)
192  error(" Cannot create a FileMatrix with empty first argument. Must either be a row number or a matrix. ");
193  end
196  matrixin = false;
197  if numel(var) > 1
198  A = var;
199  [n, m] = size(A); /* #ok<*PROP> */
201  matrixin = true;
202 /* elseif isa(var,'data.FileMatrix')
203  * n = var.n;
204  * m = var.m;
205  * varargin = {'Dir', fileparts(var.DataDirectory),...
206  * 'BlockSize', var.blocksize}; */
207  else
208  n = var;
209  ip.addRequired('m');
210  end
212  ip.addParamValue('Dir',KerMor.App.TempDirectory,...
213  @(v)isempty(v) || (ischar(v) && exist(v," dir ") == 7));
214  ip.addParamValue('BlockSize',KerMor.App.BlockSize,@(v)isposrealscalar(v));
215  ip.parse(varargin[:]);
216  /* Latest at here we have an m value */
217  if isfield(ip.Results," m ")
218  m = ip.Results.m;
219  end
220  /* Error checks */
221  if ~(round(n) == n && round(m) == m)
222  error(" Size arguments n, m must be integer values. ");
223  end
225  bsize = min(ip.Results.BlockSize*1024^2,n*m*BYTEPERDOUBLE);
226  bcols = max(floor(bsize/(BYTEPERDOUBLE*n)),1);
227  nb = ceil(m / bcols);
229  /* Determine the DataDirectory (store in each case, even if there is only one block.
230  * This is due to the fact that matrix operations can result in a filematrix with
231  * more than one block, thus needing to know where the previous matrix should have
232  * been located. */
233  ddir = ip.Results.Dir;
234  if isempty(ddir)
235  ddir = KerMor.App.TempDirectory;
236  end
237  this = this@data.FileData(fullfile(ddir,...
238  sprintf(" matrix_%s ",IDGenerator.generateID)));
240  this.n= n;
241  this.m= m;
242  this.blocksize= bsize/1024^2;
243  this.bCols= bcols;
244  this.nBlocks= nb;
245  this.created= false(1,nb);
246  hlp = reshape(repmat(1:nb,bcols,1),[],1);
247  hlp2 = reshape(repmat(1:bcols,nb,1)^t,[],1);
248  this.idx= [hlp(1:m) hlp2(1:m)];
250  if nb == 1
251  this.loadBlock(1);
252  end
253  /* Matrix case: Assign value directly */
254  if matrixin
255  this.subsasgn(struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[[" : "," : "]]),A);
256  end
257  }
284  B = data.FileMatrix(A," Dir ",fileparts(this.DataDirectory)," Blocksize ",this.blocksize);
285  }
298  function [rowmin , rowmax ] = getColBoundingBox() {
299  rowmin = Inf*ones(this.n,1);
300  rowmax = -rowmin;
301  for i=1:this.nBlocks
302  A = this.loadBlock(i);
303  rowmin = min(rowmin, min(A,[],2));
304  rowmax = max(rowmax, max(A,[],2));
305  end
306  }
314  function pos = getBlockPos(nr) {
315  pos = (nr-1)*this.bCols + 1 : min(nr*this.bCols,this.m);
316  }
325  function copy = copyWithNewBlockSize(block_size) {
326  copy = data.FileMatrix(this.n,this.m,...
327  " Dir ",fileparts(this.DataDirectory)," BlockSize ",block_size);
328  for k=1:this.nBlocks
329  pos = this.getBlockPos(k);
330  copy.subsasgn(struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[[" : ",pos]]),this.loadBlock(k));
331  end
332  }
335  function relocate(new_root) {
337  /* Extract matrix_xxx folder name */
338  [~, mfolder] = fileparts(this.DataDirectory);
339  /* Concatenate with new path and call superclass relocate */
340  relocate@data.FileData(this, fullfile(new_root, mfolder));
341  }
365  function res = transposedTimes(B) {
366  if ~isa(B," data.FileMatrix ")
367  error(" Operation only applicable to other FileMatrix instances ");
368  end
369  res = data.FileMatrix(this.m,B.m," Dir ", fileparts(B.DataDirectory),...
370  " BlockSize ", B.blocksize);
371  key = struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[]);
372  for j = 1:B.nBlocks
373  Bb = B.getBlock(j);
374  for i=1:this.nBlocks
375  key.subs= [this.getBlockPos(i),B.getBlockPos(j)];
376  res.subsasgn(key,this.getBlock(i)^t*Bb);
377  end
378  end
379  }
390  function s = sum(dim) {
391  if nargin < 2
392  dim = 1;
393  end
394  if dim == 1
395  s = zeros(1,this.m);
396  for k=1:this.nBlocks
397  s(this.getBlockPos(k)) = sum(this.loadBlock(k),1);
398  end
399  elseif dim == 2
400  s = zeros(this.n,1);
401  for k=1:this.nBlocks
402  s = s + sum(this.loadBlock(k),2);
403  end
404  else
405  error(" Invalid sum dimension: %d ",dim);
406  end
407  }
416  function value = power(expo) {
417  if ~isa(this," data.FileMatrix ") && ~isscalar(expo)
418  error(" FileMatrix power only defined for scalar values. ");
419  end
420  /* Special case for one block */
421  if this.nBlocks == 1
422  this.ensureCacheLoaded;
423  value = this.cachedBlock.^expo;
424  return;
425  end
426  value = data.FileMatrix(this.n,this.m," Dir ",fileparts(this.DataDirectory),...
427  " BlockSize ", this.blocksize);
428  for k=1:this.nBlocks
429  value.saveBlock(k,this.loadBlock(k).^expo);
430  end
431  }
434  function n = numel() {
435  n = 1;
436  }
439  function [n , m ] = size(dim) {
440  n = [this.n this.m];
441  if nargin == 2
442  if dim > 0 && dim < 3
443  n = n(dim);
444  else
445  n = 0;
446  end
447  elseif nargout == 2
448  n = this.n;
449  m = this.m;
450  end
451  }
460  function varargout = subsref(key) {
461  if strcmp(key(1).type," () ")
462  if this.nBlocks == 1
463  this.ensureCacheLoaded;
464  [varargout[1:nargout]] = builtin(" subsref ", this.cachedBlock, key);
465  return;
466  end
467  s = key.subs;
468  /* Default case: row & column adressing */
469  if length(s) == 2
470  /* "Select all" mode */
471  if strcmp(s[2]," : ")
472  s[2] = 1:this.m;
473  end
474  pos = this.idx(s[2],:);
475  blocks = unique(pos(:,1));
476  the_n = this.n;
477  if ~strcmp(s[1]," : ")
478  the_n = length(s[1]);
479  end
480  value = zeros(the_n,size(pos,1));
481  for bidx = 1:length(blocks)
482  b = blocks(bidx);
483  B = this.loadBlock(b);
484  value(:,pos(:,1) == b) = B(s[1],pos(pos(:,1)==b,2));
485  end
486  /* Linear addressing */
487  elseif length(key.subs) == 1
488  error(" Not yet implemented. ");
489  else
490  error(" ()-assignment must have one or two subscripts ");
491  end
492  varargout[1] = value;
493  else
494  [varargout[1:nargout]] = builtin(" subsref ", this, key);
495  end
496  }
509  function this = subsasgn(key,value) {
510  if strcmp(key(1).type," () ")
511  if this.nBlocks == 1
512  this.ensureCacheLoaded;
513  this.cachedBlock= builtin(" subsasgn ", this.cachedBlock, key, value);
514  this.cacheDirty= true;
515  return;
516  end
517  s = key.subs;
518  /* Default case: row & column adressing */
519  if length(s) == 2
520  /* "Select all" mode */
521  if strcmp(s[2]," : ")
522  s[2] = 1:this.m;
523  end
524  pos = this.idx(s[2],:);
525  blocks = unique(pos(:,1));
526  for bidx = 1:length(blocks)
527  b = blocks(bidx);
528  B = this.loadBlock(b);
529  B(s[1],pos(pos(:,1)==b,2)) = value(:,pos(:,1) == b);
530  this.saveBlock(b,B);
531  end
532  /* Linear addressing */
533  elseif length(key.subs) == 1
534  error(" Not yet implemented. ");
535  else
536  error(" ()-assignment must have one or two subscripts ");
537  end
538  else
539  builtin(" subsasgn ", this, key, value);
540  end
541  }
556  function diff = minus(B) {
557  if all(size(A) == size(B))
558  if isa(A," data.FileMatrix ")
559  if isa(B," data.FileMatrix ")
560  error(" Not yet implemented. ");
561  /* diff = data.FileMatrix(A.n, A.m, A);
562  * key = struct('type',{'()'},'subs',{{':'}});
563  * for i=1:A.nBlocks
564  * pos = A.getBlockPos(i);
565  * key.subs{2} = pos;
566  * diff.subsasgn(key,A.loadBlock(i) - B(:,pos));
567  * end */
568  else
569  /* Special case for one block */
570  if A.nBlocks == 1
571  A.ensureCacheLoaded;
572  diff = A.cachedBlock - B;
573  return;
574  end
576  diff = zeros(A.n, A.m);
577  for i=1:A.nBlocks
578  pos = A.getBlockPos(i);
579  diff(:,pos) = A.loadBlock(i) - B(:,pos);
580  end
581  end
582  else
583  diff = minus(B, A);
584  end
585  else
586  error(" Invalid matrix dimensions. ");
587  end
588  }
591  function a = mldivide(R) {
592  if isa(L," data.FileMatrix ")
593  if L.nBlocks == 1
594  L.ensureCacheLoaded;
595  a = L.cachedBlock\R;
596  else
597  error(" Not yet implemented ");
598  end
599  else
600  if R.nBlocks == 1
601  R.ensureCacheLoaded;
602  a = L\R.cachedBlock;
603  else
604  error(" Not yet implemented ");
605  end
606  end
607  }
610  function AB = mtimes(B) {
611  if isa(A," data.FileMatrix ")
612  /* FileMatrix * FileMatrix case */
613  if isa(B," data.FileMatrix ")
614  if A.nBlocks == 1 && B.nBlocks == 1
615  A.ensureCacheLoaded;
616  B.ensureCacheLoaded;
617  AB = data.FileMatrix(A.cachedBlock * B.cachedBlock);
618  return;
619  else
620  /* Set blocksize such that the result has the same number of columns per
621  * block as B has */
622  AB = data.FileMatrix(A.n,B.m," Dir ", fileparts(B.DataDirectory),...
623  " BlockSize ", A.blockSizeOf(A.n,B.bCols));
624  key = struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[]);
625  for i=1:B.nBlocks
626  Bb = B.getBlock(i);
627  key.subs= [" : ",B.getBlockPos(i)];
628  for k = 1:A.nBlocks
629  Ab = A.getBlock(k);
630  sum = AB.subsref(key) + Ab*Bb(A.getBlockPos(k),:);
631  AB.subsasgn(key,sum);
632  end
633  end
634  end
635  else
636  /* Special case for one block */
637  if A.nBlocks == 1
638  A.ensureCacheLoaded;
639  AB = A.cachedBlock * B;
640  return;
641  end
642  if isscalar(B) /* Matrix*scalar case */
644  AB = mtimes(B,A);
645  else
646  if A.m ~= size(B,1)
647  error(" Matrix dimensions must agree. ");
648  end
649  /* FileMatrix * vec case */
650  if size(B,2) == 1
651  AB = zeros(A.n,1);
652  for bidx = 1:A.nBlocks
653  /* Only multiply if nonzero */
654  if A.created(bidx)
655  ABlock = A.loadBlock(bidx);
656  AB = AB + ABlock*B(A.getBlockPos(bidx),:);
657  end
658  end
659  /* FileMatrix * matrix case */
660  else
661  AB = data.FileMatrix(A.n, size(B,2), " Dir ", fileparts(A.DataDirectory),...
662  " BlockSize ", A.blocksize);
663  ABcols = AB.bCols;
664  key = struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[[" : "]]);
665  for i=1:A.nBlocks
666  if A.created(i)
667  b = A.loadBlock(i);
668  posm = A.getBlockPos(i);
669  /* Split up the additions into the block size of AB */
670  for j=1:ceil(size(B,2)/ABcols)
671  key.subs[2] = AB.getBlockPos(j);
672  /* This is reasonably fast as the same block in AB is loaded all
673  * the time. */
674  AB.subsasgn(key,AB.subsref(key) + b*B(posm,key.subs[2]));
675  end
676  end
677  end
678  end
679  end
680  end
681  /* [vec|mat] * FileMatrix case */
682  elseif isa(B," data.FileMatrix ")
683  /* Special case for one block */
684  if B.nBlocks == 1
685  B.ensureCacheLoaded;
686  AB = A*B.cachedBlock;
687  return;
688  end
689  if isscalar(A) /* scalar*Matrix */
691  AB = data.FileMatrix(B.n, B.m, " Dir ", fileparts(B.DataDirectory),...
692  " BlockSize ", B.blocksize);
693  key = struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[[" : "]]);
694  for bidx = 1:B.nBlocks
695  /* Only multiply if nonzero */
696  if B.created(bidx)
697  key.subs[2] = B.getBlockPos(bidx);
698  AB.subsasgn(key,A*B.loadBlock(bidx));
699  end
700  end
701  else
702  AB = data.FileMatrix(size(A,1), B.m, " Dir ", fileparts(B.DataDirectory),...
703  " BlockSize ", B.blocksize);
704  key = struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[[" : "]]);
705  /* If AB has more blocks than B, the resulting matrix is larger than B.
706  * Thus, we need A*b to be as most as big as blocksize, which is why slices of B
707  * in the size of ABs blocks are taken. */
708  if AB.nBlocks > B.nBlocks
709  for i=1:AB.nBlocks
710  key.subs[2] = AB.getBlockPos(i);
711  b = B.subsref(key);
712  AB.subsasgn(key,A*b);
713  end
714  else
715  for i=1:B.nBlocks
716  if B.created(i)
717  key.subs[2] = B.getBlockPos(i);
718  AB.subsasgn(key,A*B.loadBlock(i));
719  end
720  end
721  /* Return a matrix if the A argument was a transposed vector */
722  if size(A,1) == 1
723  AB = AB.toMemoryMatrix;
724  end
725  end
726  end
727  end
728  }
739  function AB = times(B) {
740  if isa(A," data.FileMatrix ")
741  /* FileMatrix * FileMatrix case */
742  if isa(B," data.FileMatrix ")
743  error(" Not yet implemented. ");
744  else
745  /* Special case for one block */
746  if A.nBlocks == 1
747  A.ensureCacheLoaded;
748  AB = A.cachedBlock .* B;
749  return;
750  elseif isscalar(B)
751  /* Call matrix multiplication with scalar value */
752  AB = mtimes(B,A);
753  else
754  if A.n ~= size(B,1) || A.m ~= size(B,2)
755  error(" Matrix dimensions must agree. ");
756  end
757  AB = data.FileMatrix(A.n,A.m," Dir ", fileparts(A.DataDirectory),...
758  " BlockSize ", A.blocksize);
760  for k=1:A.nBlocks
761  AB.saveBlock(k,A.loadBlock(k).*B(:,A.getBlockPos(k)));
762  end
763  end
764  end
765  else
766  /* Pointwise operation does not depend on which side it is done from. */
767  AB = times(B,A);
768  end
769  }
778  function trans = ctranspose() {
779  trans = data.FileMatrix(this.m, this.n, " BlockSize ", this.blocksize, ...
780  " Dir ", fileparts(this.DataDirectory));
781  /* Special case for only one block */
782  if this.nBlocks == 1
783  this.ensureCacheLoaded;
784  trans = this.cachedBlock^t;
785  return;
786  end
787  /* Else: multiple blocks */
788  if this.InPlaceTranspose
789  if this.nBlocks > 1
790  pi = ProcessIndicator(" Creating in-place transposed of %d-block matrix in %s " ,this.nBlocks,...
791  false,this.nBlocks,trans.DataDirectory);
792  end
793  key = struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[[[]," : "]]);
794  for j=1:this.nBlocks
795  B = this.loadBlock(j);
796  key.subs[1] = this.getBlockPos(j);
797  trans.subsasgn(key,B^t);
798  if this.nBlocks > 1
799  pi.step;
800  end
801  end
802  else
803  if this.nBlocks > 1
804  pi = ProcessIndicator(" Creating transposed of %d-block matrix in %s ",2*this.nBlocks,...
805  false,this.nBlocks,trans.DataDirectory);
806  end
807  /* Write out blocks in small chunks */
808  for j=1:this.nBlocks
809  B = this.loadBlock(j);
810  for k=1:trans.nBlocks
811  pos = trans.getBlockPos(k);
812  chunk = B(pos,:); /* #ok */
814  save(fullfile(trans.DataDirectory,sprintf(" tmp_%d_%d.mat ",j,k)), " chunk ");
815  end
816  if this.nBlocks > 1
817  pi.step;
818  end
819  end
820  /* Read in blocks from respective chunks */
821  for k=1:trans.nBlocks
822  B = trans.loadBlock(k);
823  for j=1:this.nBlocks
824  file = fullfile(trans.DataDirectory,sprintf(" tmp_%d_%d.mat ",j,k));
825  s = load(file);
826  pos = this.getBlockPos(j);
827  B(pos,:) = s.chunk^t;
828  /* remove temp file */
829  delete(file);
830  end
831  trans.saveBlock(k,B);
832  if this.nBlocks > 1
833  pi.step;
834  end
835  end
836  end
837  if this.nBlocks > 1
838  pi.stop;
839  end
840  }
843  function res = eq(B) {
844  res = false;
845  if isa(A," data.FileMatrix ") && all(size(A) == size(B))
846  if isa(B," data.FileMatrix ")
847  error(" not yet implemented ");
848  else
849  for i=1:A.nBlocks
850  pos = A.getBlockPos(i);
851  if A.created(i) || A.cachedNr == i
852  if ~isequal(A.loadBlock(i),B(:,pos)), return; end
853  else
854  if any(any(B(:,pos) ~= 0)), return; end
855  end
856  end
857  res = true;
858  end
859  elseif isa(B," data.FileMatrix ")
860  res = eq(B, A);
861  end
862  }
865  function res = ne(B) {
866  res = ~eq(A,B);
867  }
870  function horzcat(varargin) {
871  error(" not yet implemented ");
872  }
875  function vertcat(varargin) {
876  error(" not yet implemented ");
877  }
880  function delete() {
881  if ~isempty(this.created) && ~this.isSaved
882  /* Remove exactly the files for the matrix */
883  for k=1:this.nBlocks
884  if this.created(k)
885  f = fullfile(this.DataDirectory, sprintf(" block_%d.mat ",k));
886  if exist(f," file ")
887  delete(f);
888  end
889  end
890  end
891  end
892  /* Superclass delete removes the folder if empty. */
893  delete@data.FileData(this);
894  }
897  function n = getNumBlocks() {
898  n = this.nBlocks;
899  }
908  function B = getBlock(nr) {
909  B = this.loadBlock(nr);
910  }
919  protected:
922  function this = saveobj() {
923  this = saveobj@data.FileData(this);
924  if this.cacheDirty
925  A = this.cachedBlock;/* #ok */
927  save([this.DataDirectory filesep sprintf(" block_%d.mat ",this.cachedNr)], " A ");
928  this.created(this.cachedNr) = true;
929  end
930  this.cachedBlock= [];
931  this.cachedNr= [];
932  this.cacheDirty= false;
933  }
936  private:
939  function ensureCacheLoaded() {
940  if this.nBlocks == 1 && isempty(this.cachedBlock)
941  this.loadBlock(1);
942  end
943  }
946  function saveBlock(nr,A) {
947  if nr == this.cachedNr
948  this.cachedBlock= A;
949  this.cacheDirty= true;
950  else
951  /* Save actual block that should be saved */
952  save([this.DataDirectory filesep sprintf(" block_%d.mat ",nr)], " A ");
953  end
954  this.updateMinMax(A);
955  this.created(nr) = true;
956  }
964  function A = loadBlock(nr) {
965  if nr == this.cachedNr
966  A = this.cachedBlock;
967  else
968  /* Before loading a new block, save the old one if the cache is dirty! */
969  if this.cacheDirty
970  A = this.cachedBlock;
971  save([this.DataDirectory filesep sprintf(" block_%d.mat ",this.cachedNr)], " A ");
972  this.updateMinMax(A);
973  this.created(this.cachedNr) = true;
974  /* cacheDirty is set "false" at end! */
975  end
976  if this.created(nr)
977  s = load([this.DataDirectory filesep sprintf(" block_%d.mat ",nr)]);
978  A = s.A;
979  else
980  /* Ensures correct size for block (even if only one with less than bCols
981  * columns) */
982  A = zeros(this.n, length(this.getBlockPos(nr)));
983  end
984  this.cachedNr= nr;
985  this.cachedBlock= A;
986  this.cacheDirty= false;
987  end
988  }
991  function updateMinMax(A) {
992  this.MinValue= min(this.MinValue,min(min(A)));
993  this.MaxValue= max(this.MaxValue,max(max(A)));
994  }
997  protected: /* ( Static ) */
999  static function this = loadobj(this,initfrom) {
1001  created = false;
1002  if ~isa(this, " data.FileMatrix ")
1003  initfrom = this;
1004  this = data.FileMatrix(initfrom.n,initfrom.m," Dir ",...
1005  initfrom.DataDirectory," BlockSize ",initfrom.blocksize);
1006  created = true;
1007  end
1008  if nargin == 2 || created
1009  this.InPlaceTranspose= initfrom.InPlaceTranspose;
1010  this.bCols= initfrom.bCols;
1011  this.nBlocks= initfrom.nBlocks;
1012  this.n= initfrom.n;
1013  this.m= initfrom.m;
1014  this.MinValue= initfrom.MinValue;
1015  this.MaxValue= initfrom.MaxValue;
1016  this.idx= initfrom.idx;
1017  this.created= initfrom.created;
1018  this.blocksize= initfrom.blocksize;
1019  if this.nBlocks == 1
1020  field = " cachedBlock ";
1021  if isfield(initfrom," block1 ")
1022  field = " block1 ";
1023  end
1024  this.cachedBlock= initfrom.(field);
1025  end
1026  this = loadobj@data.FileData(this, initfrom);
1027  else
1028  this = loadobj@data.FileData(this);
1029  end
1030  }
1043  public: /* ( Static ) */
1045  static function data.FileMatrixfm = recoverFrom(char directory) {
1046  if nargin == 0
1047  directory = KerMor.getDir;
1048  if ~directory
1049  fm = [];
1050  return;
1051  end
1052  end
1053  d = dir(directory);
1054  nf = length(d)-2;
1055  if nf > 0
1056  nb = 0;
1057  for k=1:nf
1058  if ~exist(fullfile(directory,sprintf(" block_%d.mat ",k))," file ")
1059  break;
1060  end
1061  nb = nb + 1;
1062  end
1063  if nb > 0
1064  s = load(fullfile(directory," block_1.mat "));
1065  A1 = s.A;
1066  [N, nCols] = size(A1);
1067  if nb > 1
1068  s = load(fullfile(directory,sprintf(" block_%d.mat ",nb)));
1069  end
1070  M = (nb-1)*nCols + size(s.A,2);
1071  fm = data.FileMatrix(N,M," Dir ",fileparts(directory)," BlockSize ",8*nCols*N);
1072  fm.updateMinMax(A1); /* first block */
1074  if nb > 1
1075  fm.updateMinMax(s.A);
1076  for k=2:nb-1
1077  s2 = load(fullfile(directory,sprintf(" block_%d.mat ",k)));
1078  fm.updateMinMax(s2.A);
1079  end
1080  end
1081  /* Delete & reassign correct directory */
1082  rmdir(fm.DataDirectory);
1083  fm.DataDirectory= directory;
1084  fm.created(:) = true;
1085  fm.isSaved= true;
1086  else
1087  error(" No block_%%.mat files of a FileMatrix found. ");
1088  end
1089  else
1090  error(" No files found in %s ",directory);
1091  end
1092  }
1108  static function bs = blockSizeOf(arg1,integer arg2) {
1109  if nargin < 2
1110  n = numel(arg1);
1111  else
1112  n = arg1*arg2;
1113  end
1114  bs = n*8/1024^2;
1115  }
1130  static function res = test_FileMatrix() {
1131  res = true;
1132  B = rand(99,100);
1133  A = data.FileMatrix(99,100," BlockSize ",data.FileMatrix.blockSizeOf(B)/5);
1134  key = struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[]);
1135  /* col-wise setting (fast) */
1136  for k=1:100
1137  key.subs= [" : ", k];
1138  A.subsasgn(key,B(:,k));
1139  end
1140  key.subs= [" : ", " : "];
1141  res = res && all(all(A.subsref(key) == B));
1142  /* Row-wise setting */
1143  for k=1:10
1144  key.subs= [k," : "];
1145  A.subsasgn(key,B(k,:));
1146  end
1147  key.subs= [" : ", " : "];
1148  res = res && all(all(A.toMemoryMatrix == B));
1150  /* Direct constructor test */
1151  A2 = data.FileMatrix(B);
1152  res = res && all(all(A2.subsref(key) == B));
1154  /* IsEqual test */
1155  res = res && A == B;
1156  B2 = B; B2(1,:) = -B2(1,:);
1157  res = res && A ~= B2;
1159  /* Transpose test */
1160  A.InPlaceTranspose= false;
1161  At = A^t;
1162  res = res && all(all(At.toMemoryMatrix == B^t));
1163  A.InPlaceTranspose= true;
1164  At = A^t;
1165  res = res && all(all(At.toMemoryMatrix == B^t));
1167  /* Bounding box test */
1168  [bm, bM] = Utils.getBoundingBox(B);
1169  [am, aM] = A.getColBoundingBox;
1170  res = res && isequal(bm,am) && isequal(bM,aM);
1171  }
1174  static function res = test_transposeTimes() {
1175  [A1,B1] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(80,100,5);
1176  [A2,B2] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(80,100,5);
1177  A3 = A1.transposedTimes(A2);
1178  res = norm(B1" *B2 - A3.toMemoryMatrix, "fro^t) < sqrt(eps);
1179  }
1182  static function res = test_SVD() {
1183  [A,B] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(99,100,5);
1184  /* SVD test */
1185  p = sqrt(eps);
1186  [u,s,v] = svd(B," econ ");
1187  [U,S,V] = A.getSVD;
1188  V = V.toMemoryMatrix;
1189  res = norm(U*S*V-B," fro ") < p;
1190  [U5,S5,V5] = A.getSVD(5);
1191  V5 = V5.toMemoryMatrix;
1192  res = res && norm(abs(V)-abs(v" ), "fro" ) < p && norm(abs(U)-abs(u), "fro^t) < p &&...
1193  norm(diag(S)-diag(s)) < p;
1194  res = res && norm(abs(V5)-abs(v(:,1:5)" ), "fro^t) < p ...
1195  && norm(abs(U5)-abs(u(:,1:5))," fro ") < p ...
1196  && norm(diag(S5)-diag(s(1:5,1:5))) < p;
1198  /* Exclude test */
1199  o = general.Orthonormalizer;
1200  exclu = o.orthonormalize(rand(size(B,1),5));
1201  [U,~,~] = A.getSVD(10,exclu);
1202  res = res && norm(exclu^t*U) < 1e-12;
1203  }
1206  static function res = test_SaveLoad() {
1207  [A,B] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(100,10000,1);
1208  /* Load/save */
1209  save Atmp A;
1210  clear A;
1211  load Atmp;
1212  res = A == B;
1213  rmdir(A.DataDirectory," s ");
1214  delete Atmp.mat;
1216  /* Multiblock save/load */
1217  [A,B] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(100,10000,10);
1219  /* Load/save */
1220  save Atmp A;
1221  clear A;
1222  load Atmp;
1223  res = res && A == B;
1224  rmdir(A.DataDirectory," s ");
1225  delete Atmp.mat;
1226  }
1229  static function res = test_SumPower() {
1230  [A,B] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(100,10000,40);
1232  /* Sum test */
1233  bs = sum(B,2);
1234  as = sum(A,2);
1235  res = isequal(sum(B,1),sum(A,1)) && all(abs((as-bs) ./ bs)) < sqrt(eps);
1237  /* Power test */
1238  res = res && A.^2 == B.^2;/* #ok */
1240  }
1243  static function res = test_ScalarMult() {
1244  res = true;
1245  [A,a] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(400,400);
1246  B = 4*A;
1247  res = res & isequal(4*a,B);
1248  C = A*1;
1249  res = res & isequal(a,C);
1251  B = 4.*A;
1252  res = res & isequal(4*a,B);
1253  C = A.*1;
1254  res = res & isequal(a,C);
1256  [A,a] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(400,400,4);
1257  B = 4*A;
1258  res = res & 4*a == B;
1259  C = A*1;
1260  res = res & a == C;
1262  B = 4.*A;
1263  res = res & 4*a == B;
1264  C = A.*1;
1265  res = res & a == C;
1266  }
1275  static function res = test_Times_MTimes() {
1277  /* No blocks */
1278  [A,B] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(100,1000);
1279  AB = A.*B;
1280  res = isequal(AB,B.*B);
1281  AB = B.*A;
1282  res = res & isequal(AB,B.*B);
1284  /* With blocks */
1285  [A,B] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(100,1000,4);
1286  AB = A.*B;
1287  res = res & AB == B.*B;
1288  AB = B.*A;
1289  res = res & AB == B.*B;
1291  /* Vector Multiplication test */
1292  v = rand(size(A,2),1);
1293  res = res && norm(A*v-B*v) < 1e-10;
1294  v = rand(size(A,2),100);
1295  res = res && all(Norm.L2(A*v-B*v) < 1e-10);
1296  v = rand(1,size(A,1));
1297  res = res && norm(v*A-v*B) < 1e-10;
1298  v = rand(100,size(A,1));
1299  res = res && all(Norm.L2(v*A-v*B) < 1e-10);
1301  /* Left / right multiplication test */
1302  R = rand(1000,200);
1303  L = rand(2000,50);
1304  /* With no blocks */
1305  [A, Amat] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(50,1000);
1306  LA = L*A;
1307  AR = A*R;
1308  res = res && isequal(LA,L*Amat);
1309  res = res && isequal(AR,Amat*R);
1310  /* With blocks */
1311  [A, Amat] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(50,1000,4);
1312  LA = L*A;
1313  AR = A*R;
1314  /* Left multiplication is exact as whole blocks can be used */
1315  res = res && LA == L*Amat;
1316  /* Right multiplication requires accumulation of values -> rounding errors */
1317  res = res && norm(AR - Amat*R) < 1e-12;
1318  }
1327  static function res = test_2FileMatrix_MTimes() {
1328  [A,B] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(100,1000);
1329  [C,D] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(1000,100);
1330  AC = A*C;
1331  res = AC == B*D;
1332  CA = C*A;
1333  res = res & CA == D*B;
1335  /* With blocks */
1336  [A,B] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(100,1000,4);
1337  [C,D] = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(1000,100,5);
1338  AC = A*C;
1339  res = res & norm(B*D - AC.toMemoryMatrix," fro ") < 1e-10;
1340  CA = C*A;
1341  res = res & norm(D*A - CA.toMemoryMatrix," fro ") < 1e-10;
1342  }
1351  static function res = test_SpeedSVDTransp() {
1352  A = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(100,1000,5);
1353  ti = tic;
1354  [u,s,v] = A.getSVD(5);
1355  t(1) = toc(ti);
1357  ti = tic;
1358  B = A^t;
1359  t(2) = toc(ti);
1361  ti = tic;
1362  [v2,s2,u2] = B.getSVD(5);
1363  t(3) = toc(ti);
1364  t(2) = t(2) + t(3);
1366  fprintf(" Direct SVD time: %g, Transposition time: %g, Transposed SVD time: %g\n ",t);
1367  res = true;
1368  }
1380  static function test_PartialSVD() {
1381  d = 100;
1382  A = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(d,1000,3);
1383  B = data.FileMatrix.getTestPair(d,1000,1);
1384  idx = [1 d-1 floor(rand(1,10)*d)]+1;
1385  for k = 1:length(idx)
1386  [u,s] = B.getSVD(100,[],1:idx(k));
1387  fprintf(" u_nrows=%d, s_nrows=%d\n ",size(u,1),size(s,1));
1388  [u,s] = A.getSVD(100,[],1:idx(k));
1389  fprintf(" u_nrows=%d, s_nrows=%d\n ",size(u,1),size(s,1));
1390  end
1391  }
1398  private: /* ( Static ) */
1400  static function [A , B ] = getTestPair(n,m,nb) {
1401  if nargin < 3
1402  nb = 1;
1403  end
1404  B = rand(n,m);
1405  A = data.FileMatrix(n,m," BlockSize ",data.FileMatrix.blockSizeOf(B)/nb);
1406  /* Tedious formulation as use of direct operators inside the defining class of
1407  * overloads will not work.
1408  * See */
1409  A.subsasgn(struct(" type ",[" () "]," subs ",[[" : ", " : "]]),B);
1410  }
1413 };
1414 }
function vertcat(varargin)
Definition: FileMatrix.m:875
function value = power(expo)
Definition: FileMatrix.m:416
Collection of generally useful functions.
Definition: Utils.m:17
function this = saveobj()
Definition: FileMatrix.m:922
static function gen = generateID()
Generates a new unique ID.
Definition: IDGenerator.m:90
function s = sum(dim)
% Overloaded methods
Definition: FileMatrix.m:390
static function res = test_SaveLoad()
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1206
function res = transposedTimes(B)
Implements the operation A'*B for this matrix A and another FileMatrix B.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:365
function [ n , m ] = size(dim)
Implementation of ABlockedData.size.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:439
function pos = getBlockPos(nr)
Returns the column indices of the block "nr" within the full matrix.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:314
static function test_PartialSVD()
Tests the selective SVD/POD block-wise algorithm.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1380
function varargout = subsref(key)
Implements subscripted value retrieval.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:460
static const .integer BLOCK_SIZE
The default block size to use for new FileMatrix instances. [MB].
Definition: FileMatrix.m:49
ABlockedData: General abstract class that allows computation of and SVD on a large matrix that is sep...
Definition: ABlockedData.m:18
function this = subsasgn(key, value)
Implements subscripted assignment.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:509
hanges the dimensions of the handle object array to the specified dimensions. See the MATLAB reshape ...
An integer value.
function B = getBlock(nr)
Implementation of ABlockedData.getBlock.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:908
static function res = test_SpeedSVDTransp()
Test results for 100000x100 matrix: BlockSVD: Computing truncated 50-SVD on 100x1000000 matrix (3 blo...
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1351
function a = mldivide(R)
Definition: FileMatrix.m:591
function relocate(new_root)
Relocates this FileMatrix instance to a new folder.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:335
A variable number of input arguments.
function diff = minus(B)
Definition: FileMatrix.m:556
Set this flag to true, if only so much space should be required as actually needed when transposing t...
Definition: FileMatrix.m:66
function horzcat(varargin)
Definition: FileMatrix.m:870
static function bs = blockSizeOf(arg1,integer arg2)
Computes the block size in Megabytes for a given matrix of matrix dimensions.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1108
function B = spawnWithContent(matrix< double > A)
Creates a new FileMatrix containing the matrix A. The matrix is stored at the at the same location as...
Definition: FileMatrix.m:283
integer bCols
The number of columns for each block.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:82
FileData: Base class for access of files stored in a specific folder in the local file system...
Definition: FileData.m:18
function n = numel()
Definition: FileMatrix.m:434
function res = ne(B)
Definition: FileMatrix.m:865
Speed test * all(1:3)
char DataDirectory
The root folder where the FileData's files are saved.
Definition: FileData.m:56
static function res = test_ScalarMult()
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1243
integer m
The total number of columns.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:126
static function res = test_2FileMatrix_MTimes()
% Two FileMatrices No blocks
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1327
function trans = ctranspose()
Definition: FileMatrix.m:778
function prod = mtimes()
Need left-sided matrix multiplication if RHS singular vectors V should be returned.
Definition: ABlockedData.m:193
static function res = test_SVD()
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1182
static function res = test_SumPower()
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1229
integer nBlocks
The number of blocks into which this matrix is separated.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:95
static function this = loadobj(this, initfrom)
Loads a FileMatrix instance.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:999
FileMatrix(matrix< double > var, varargin)
Creates a new file matrix. Possible constructors:
Definition: FileMatrix.m:189
function n = getNumBlocks()
% data.ABlockedData implementations Implementation of ABlockedData.getNumBlocks
Definition: FileMatrix.m:897
integer n
The number of rows.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:113
static function rowvec< double > n = L2(matrix< double > x)
Returns the discrete norm for each column vector in x.
Definition: Norm.m:39
FileMatrix: File-based matrix which stores sets of columns in separate files.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:18
Global configuration class for all KerMor run-time settings.
Definition: KerMor.m:17
function AB = mtimes(B)
Override of ABlockedData.mtimes.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:610
Generates unique IDs.
Definition: IDGenerator.m:17
static function KerMor theinstance = App()
The singleton KerMor instance.
Definition: KerMor.m:910
Norm: Static class for commonly used norms on sets of vectors.
Definition: Norm.m:17
function res = eq(B)
Definition: FileMatrix.m:843
static function data.FileMatrix fm = recoverFrom(char directory)
Tries to recover a FileMatrix from a given directory, containing the old block data files...
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1045
function AB = times(B)
Override of ABlockedData.mtimes.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:739
static function res = test_Times_MTimes()
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1275
function res = isposrealscalar(value)
isposintscalar: Backwards-compatibility function for matlab versions greater than 2012a ...
static function res = test_transposeTimes()
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1174
function copy = copyWithNewBlockSize(block_size)
Definition: FileMatrix.m:325
function [ rowmin , rowmax ] = getColBoundingBox()
Computes the bounding box of the matrix with respect to columns.
Definition: FileMatrix.m:298
ProcessIndicator: A simple class that indicates process either via waitbar or text output...
static function [ double bmin , double bmax ] = getBoundingBox(double vectors)
Gets the bounding box for a matrix containing column vectors.
Definition: Utils.m:96
A variable number of output arguments.
static function res = test_FileMatrix()
Definition: FileMatrix.m:1130
static function d = getDir()
Returns a folder selected by a uigetdir command. Remembers the last selected folder (if successful & ...
Definition: KerMor.m:1114