KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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3 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
4  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
5  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
6  *
7  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
8  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
9  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
10  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
11  *
12  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
13  * the correct locations in the source code browser.
14  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
15  */
17 class MUnit {
55  public: /* ( Constant ) */
57  static const TestFunctionPrefix = "test_";
69  static const GreenCol = "[0 .5 0]";
78  static const BlueCol = "*"[0 0 .8]"";
87  static const WarnCol = "*"[1 .4 0]"";
96  public: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Constant ) */
98  static function succeeded = RunClassTests(dir,returnonerror,exclude) {
100  /* Check for no specified path */
101  if nargin < 3
102  exclude = [];
103  if nargin < 2
104  returnonerror = false;
105  if nargin < 1
106  dir = cd;
107  end
108  end
109  end
111  /* Check if the current directory path contains packages and
112  * extract them if necessary */
113  curPackage = ;
114  pckidx = strfind(dir," + ");
115  if ~isempty(pckidx)
116  curPackage = dir(pckidx(1)+1:end);
117  curPackage = [strrep(strrep(curPackage," + "," . ")," / ",) " . "];
118  end
120  a = KerMor.App;
121  old = a.UseDPCM;
122  a.UseDPCM= false;
124  /* Start recursive run */
125  [s,f,succeeded,abort] = MUnit.recursiveRun(dir, curPackage, returnonerror, exclude);
127  a.UseDPCM= old;
129  /* Summary */
130  if abort
131  fprintf(" \n\n Test runs aborted.\n ");
132  else
133  fprintf(" \n\n All Class Tests finished.\n ");
134  end
135  cprintf(MUnit.GreenCol," Successful:%d\n ",s);
136  cprintf(" Red "," Failed:%d\n ",f);
137  }
153  private: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Constant ) */
155  static function [s , f , cell<char>succeeded , abort ] = recursiveRun(folder,char currentPackage,returnonerror,cell<char> exclude) {
157  s = 0; f = 0; succeeded = exclude;
159  if exist(folder," file ") ~= 7
160  folder = fullfile(pwd,folder);
161  if exist(folder," file ") ~= 7
162  error(" Folder %s does not seem to exist. ",folder);
163  end
164  end
166  /* Descend into subfolders */
167  dinf = dir(folder);
168  for idx = 1:length(dinf)
169  if dinf(idx).isdir
170  subdir = dinf(idx).name;
171  if ~any(strcmp(subdir,[" . "," .. "]))
172  subdir = fullfile(folder,subdir);
173  /* disp(['Descending into ' subdir]); */
174  [sa,fa,succeeded,abort] = ...
175  MUnit.recursiveRun(subdir, currentPackage, returnonerror, succeeded);
176  s = s + sa;
177  f = f + fa;
178  if abort
179  return;
180  end
181  end
182  end
183  end
185  /* Descend into any package */
186  w = what(folder);
187  w=w(1); /* Some weird afs stuff goin on! */
189  for idx = 1:length(w.packages)
190  subdir = fullfile(w.path,[" + " w.packages[idx]]);
191  /* disp(['Descending into ' subdir]); */
192  [sa,fa,succeeded,abort] = MUnit.recursiveRun(subdir, [currentPackage w.packages[idx] " . "], returnonerror, succeeded);
193  s = s + sa;
194  f = f + fa;
195  if abort
196  return;
197  end
198  end
200  pref = MUnit.TestFunctionPrefix;
201  pl = length(pref);
203  targets = [w.m; w.classes];
205  /* Run tests in current directory */
206  for idx = 1:length(targets)
207  [~,n] = fileparts(targets[idx]);
209  /* disp(['Checking ' n '...']); */
211  try
212  mc = meta.class.fromName([currentPackage n]);
213  catch ME
214  warning(" Could not instantiate class %s: %s ",[currentPackage n],ME.message);
215  abort = true;
216  return;
217  end
218  /* mc is empty if m-file wasnt a class */
219  if ~isempty(mc)
221  /* disp(['Checking ' mc.Name '...']); */
223  for midx=1:length(mc.Methods)
224  m = mc.Methods[midx];
226  /* disp(['Method: ' mc.Name '.' m.Name]); */
228  /* check for test function and if the method is
229  * actually declared within the current class
230  * (subclassing would otherwise lead to a repeated
231  * call to the test) */
232  if length(m.Name) >= pl+1 ...
233  && strcmp(m.Access," public ") ...
234  && ~m.Abstract ...
235  && strcmpi(m.Name(1:pl),pref) ...
236  && strcmp(m.DefiningClass.Name,mc.Name)
237  /* check if the method is static [non-statics
238  * cant be run without instances.. :-)] */
239  if m.Static
240  fullname = [mc.Name " . " m.Name];
241  if any(strcmp(fullname,exclude))
242  continue;
243  end
244  lines = " @--------------@---------------@ ";
245  fprintf(2,[lines " Running "...
246  " <a href='matlab: " mc.Name " . " m.Name " '> " m.Name(6:end) " </a> " ...
247  " in <a href='matlab:edit " mc.Name " '> " mc.Name " </a> " ...
248  " ... " lines " \n "]);
249  try
250  eval([" outargs = nargout(@ " fullname " ); "]);
251  if outargs > 0
252  command = [" succ = " fullname " ; "];
253  else
254  command = [fullname " ; "];
255  end
256  eval(command);
257  if outargs == 0 || succ
258  cprintf(MUnit.GreenCol,[" Test " mc.Name " -> " m.Name(6:end) " succeeded!\n "]);
259  succeeded[end+1] = fullname;/* #ok */
261  s = s+1;
262  elseif ~succ
263  cprintf(" Red "," Failure!\n ");
264  f = f+1;
265  end
266  catch ME
267  f = f+1;
268  cprintf(MUnit.WarnCol,[" Test " mc.Name " -> " m.Name(6:end) " failed!\nExeption information:\n "]);
269  disp(getReport(ME));
270  if returnonerror
271  abort = true;
272  return;
273  end
274  end
275  else
276  cprintf(MUnit.WarnCol,[" Non-static test '%s' in %s found. "...
277  " Should this be static?\n "],...
278  m.Name((length(MUnit.TestFunctionPrefix)+1):end),...
279  mc.Name);
280  end
281  end
282  end
283  end
284  end
285  abort = false;
286  }
306 };
static const BlueCol
Blue color.
Definition: MUnit.m:78
Class Unit Testing Framework for Matlab.
Definition: MUnit.m:17
static function succeeded = RunClassTests(dir, returnonerror, exclude)
Runs class tests recursively within the specified path.
Definition: MUnit.m:98
static const TestFunctionPrefix
The prefix for any function that will be detected in the MUnit testing process.
Definition: MUnit.m:57
function count = cprintf(style, format, varargin)
CPRINTF displays styled formatted text in the Command Window.
Definition: cprintf.m:17
static const WarnCol
Warning color.
Definition: MUnit.m:87
Global configuration class for all KerMor run-time settings.
Definition: KerMor.m:17
static function KerMor theinstance = App()
The singleton KerMor instance.
Definition: KerMor.m:910
static const GreenCol
Green color (the default is hardly readable)
Definition: MUnit.m:69