mtoc++  1.5
mtoc++: Doxygen filter for MatLab .m files
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Changes in mtoc++ 1.2

First "stable" release with windows/unix support.

See also New features in mtoc++ 1.2

Page Changes and new features in mtoc++

(Martin Drohmann, 2011-11-17) Updated the test reference files

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-07) Reordered the source code files and tools in more concise folders.

Class MFileScanner

(Martin Drohmann, 2011-11-28) Allow long (including line breaks) default values for properties

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-27) Included a new option –verbose for short mtoc++ version output.

(Martin Drohmann, 2011-11-17) Fixed a bug that messed up the documentation if a new line was started after a @type tag and added a test case to classA.m<p> (Martin Drohmann, 2011-11-17) Non-standard access modifier strings are now separated by a comma

(Martin Drohmann, 2011-11-17) Fixed a parse error occuring with the new ~-notation in newer MatLab versions. Calls like foo = bar(par1, ~, par3) now work.

(Martin Drohmann, 2011-11-17) The order of @default and @type tags in parameters (if occurring) is no longer fixed.