mtoc++  1.5
mtoc++: Doxygen filter for MatLab .m files
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Changes in mtoc++ 1.3

Improved stability for Windows platforms, event handling

See also New features in mtoc++ 1.3

Page Changes and new features in mtoc++

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-01-16) Changed the SHOW_FILES default value in the doxygen configuration file from "NO" to "YES".

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-01-16) Bugfix: The setting EXTRA_PACKAGES in the doxygen configuration file was given the wrong path format, as latex follows the unix file separation using only forwardslashes "/", so the inclusion failed on Windows platforms. We fixed this by passing the correctly transformed path. Also a new placeholder "_FileSep_" which is being processed by MatlabDocMaker (any any tools to come) and set to the correct file separator character for your platform.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-01-14) Bugfix: Moved the mtoc++ developers page declaration into a separate file inside the tools/config folder, so that error messages like "changelog1:13: warning: unable to resolve reference to `dw' for \ref command" do not appear anymore.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-08) Bugfix: The CUSTOM_DOC_DIR path is not longer extended by a docs/ folder.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-29) Added the new fake classes varargin and varargout to the class_substitutes.c file with links to the MatLab online documentation.

Class MFileScanner

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-02-17) added events section

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-02-15) improved documentation for dependent flags

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-02-15) remove =0 for purely virtual class methods

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-02-15) bugfix: no Grrr! messages for complex property declarations.

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-02-15) We totally ignore functions which are locally defined inside another function.

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-02-15) Added config GENERATE_SUBFUNTION_DOCUMENTATION and format for output of subfunctions.

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-02-03) Bugfix: Default values were printed twice if documented in the documenation block and given as property default values. Now, the documentated default value is preferred.

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-02-03) Improved the automatic documentation text for MATLAB specific attributes of properties and methods, add a link to the online MATLAB documentation.

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-01-10) Some minor modifications for the postprocessor regarding dots '.' and '::'

(Martin Drohmann, 2011-12-16) Bugfix: On Windows platforms the wrong getcwd command was issued and is now fixed.

(Martin Drohmann, 2011-12-13) Bugfix: Now handling the Abstract property correctly (was previously added for SetObservable declarations due to copy&paste)

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-01-13) Added a test case for default properties containing semicolons

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-01-13) Changed format for documentation of default properties and parameters

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-01-13) Default arguments for properties are added to the properties documentation block

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-01-13) Bugfix: observable properties have been documented as abstract ones.

(Martin Drohmann, 2011-12-13) Adding a bold "Default:" line in property documentation blocks if a default value/default tag is set in either code or property comment.

(Martin Drohmann, 2011-12-04) Bugfix reported by Evgeny Pr on mathworks: allow property definitions not ended by semicolons.