mtoc++  1.5
mtoc++: Doxygen filter for MatLab .m files
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Changes in mtoc++ 1.4

Many bugfixes due to detailed feedback! Thanks!

See also New features in mtoc++ 1.4

Page Changes and new features in mtoc++

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-11-19) mtocpp_post/postprocess.rl: Re-Added the possibility to directly specify a file target instead of a whole folder.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-10-17)

  • Using the new css-style from doxygen 1.8 for own docs
  • Added some troubleshooting feedback
  • Checked the CMake procedure on a Mac platform (MacBook pro), worked neatly.
  • Added an extra section Using mtoc++ directly for instructions on how to directly use mtoc++
  • Fixed broken links to MatLab method/property attributes in mtoc++ output

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-09-27) Optimized compilation under Visual Studio 2010, now can also build the mtoc++ documentation locally.

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-09-27)

  • Added check for HAVE_DOT in
  • Bugfix for function-only M-files reported by Francois Rongere
Class MFileScanner

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-10-22) Added an additional comment about indentation in matlab on parse errors

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-10-19) prettify the output of postprocessed source for source code browsing in doxygen. Now, we recommend the usage of the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch.

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-10-17) implemented varargin handling by Matlab inputParser, as suggested here:

(Martin Drohmann, 2012-02-24) ignore comments in front of classdef (fixes Grrr message from Jesse Hopkins)