rbmatlab  1.13.10
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Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 123]
oNGreedyCustomizable implementation of an abstract greedy algorithm
|oNDataTreeDataTree implementation for generated detailed and reduced data
||oNDetailedDataTree specialization for detailed data generated by a Greedy algorithm instance
||\NReducedDataTree specialization for reduced data constructed out of Greedy.DataTree.Detailed instances
|oNInfoInformation objects generated throught Greedy execution
|oNPluginSpecialization plugins for the greedy algorithm
|\NUserInterface classes to be implemented by the Greedy.Algorithm user
oNLinEvolReduced basis implementation for linear evolution equations
oNLinStatReduced basis implementation for linear stationary PDEs
oNNonlinEvolReduced basis implementation for non-linear evolution equations
oNParameterSamplingParameter sampling sets
oNPostprocessTools for post-processing data, i.e. data extraction and visual enhancements for publication
|\NStochasticAssessmentTools for gathering and storing data from a huge set of randomly generated reduced simulations
oNSnapshotsGeneratorCacheable generators of detailed data snapshots
\NTestTest reduced basis implementation