rbmatlab  1.16.09
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1 classdef CacheableObject < handle
2  % class which wraps an object pointer to an object that is stored somewhere
3  % on the hdd (in a cache)
4  %
5  % As the wrapped object is already stored somewhere, it is not stored if the
6  % CacheableObject is stored. Instead only the filename and some consistency
7  % hash are stored on the hdd, from which the wrapped object can be reliably
8  % restored. (with a consistency check on the data)
9  %
11  properties
12  % the file name where the wrapped object is stored
13  matfile;
15  % a hash computed from the cache file
16  md5;
18  % the pointer to the wrapped object
19  obj;
21  % the full path to the file where the wrapped object is stored
22  matfile_path;
23  end
25  methods
26  function co = CacheableObject(matfile, fieldname)
27  % function co = CacheableObject(matfile, fieldname)
28  % constructor
29  %
30  % At construction time, the #obj attribute is tried to be filled with the
31  % obj stored in 'matfile'.
32  %
33  % Parameters:
34  % matfile: a string specifying the full path or only the file name of
35  % the mat-file where the object is stored.
36  % fieldname: a string specifying a fieldname that shall be passed as
37  % second argument to the load method. (@default = [])
39  if nargin == 0
40  matfile = evalin('base', 'matfile');
41  end
42  if exist(matfile, 'file') || exist([matfile, '.mat'], 'file')
43  matp = matfile;
44  [dummy, matfile, ext] = fileparts(matfile);
45  else
46  matp = fullfile(rbmatlabresult, matfile);
47  end
48  if ~exist(matp, 'file') && ~exist([matp, '.mat'], 'file')
49  matp = fullfile(rbmatlabresult, '..', matfile);
50  if ~exist(matp, 'file') && ~exist([matp, '.mat'], 'file')
51  [st, matp] = system(['find ', fullfile(rbmatlabresult, '..', '..'), ' -iname ''', matfile, '*'' | head -1']);
52  if ~exist(matp, 'file')
53  error(['could not load file: ', matfile]);
54  end
55  end
56  end
57  if ~exist(matp, 'file')
58  matfile = [matfile, '.mat'];
59  matp = [matp, '.mat'];
60  end
61  co.matfile = matfile;
62  co.matfile_path = matp;
63  co.md5 = CacheableObject.compute_hash(matp);
64  if nargin >= 2 && ~isempty(fieldname)
65  co.obj = load(matp, fieldname);
66  else
67  co.obj = load(matp);
68  end
69  end
72  function obj = saveobj(this)
73  % function obj = saveobj(this)
74  % saves all fields except for the #obj handle
75  %
76  % Return values:
77  % obj: struct to be stored in file
78  obj.matfile_path = this.matfile_path;
79  obj.matfile = this.matfile;
80  obj.md5 = this.md5;
81  end
83  end
85  methods(Static = true)
86  function this = loadobj(obj)
87  % function this = loadobj(obj)
88  % restores the CacheableObject object and fills the #obj handle again.
89  this = CacheableObject(obj.matfile_path);
91  if ~isequal(obj.md5, this.md5)
92  this = [];
93  error('RBMatlab:CacheableObject:Consistency', 'Consistency check failed! The stored object has changed!');
94  end
95  end
96  end
98  methods(Static=true, Access=private)
99  function md5 = compute_hash(matpath)
100  fid=fopen(matpath, 'r');
101  md5='';
102  while ~feof(fid)
103  tmp=fread(fid, 1e5);
104  md5 = hash([tmp; uint8(md5)'], 'md5');
105  end
106  fclose(fid);
107  end
108  end
109 end
the file name where the wrapped object is stored
class which wraps an object pointer to an object that is stored somewhere on the hdd (in a cache) ...