rbmatlab  1.16.09
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common Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for common:


file  default_plot_control.m [code]
 DEFAULT_PLOT_CONTROL M-file for default_plot_control.fig DEFAULT_PLOT_CONTROL, by itself, creates a new DEFAULT_PLOT_CONTROL or raises the existing singleton*.
file  demo_rb_gui.m [code]
 reduced basis demo with sliders
file  detailed_ei_rb_proj_simulation.m [code]
file  detailed_ei_simulation.m [code]
file  detailed_simulation.m [code]
file  discrete_boundary_values.m [code]
 Convert a boundary function with global evaluation to local evaluation.
file  discrete_volume_values.m [code]
 Convert a volume function with global evaluation to local evaluation.
file  dune_demo_rb_gui.m [code]
 reduced basis demo with sliders for a remotely running DUNE-rb server application
file  elliptic_discrete_model.m [code]
 function creating a model with local functions out of a model with global functions. See detailed description for explanation.
file  gen_detailed_data.m [code]
file  gen_model_data.m [code]
file  gen_reduced_data.m [code]
file  generic_fem_model_adapter.m [code]
 Initializes a default linear and stationary model for more generic fem discretization by modifying model generated by lin_stat_model_default.
file  insert_affine_decompositions.m [code]
 the field <name> is created as a parameter separable function, if both <name>_components and <name>_coefficients are present fields of model
file  model_default.m [code]
 model = model_default(model)
file  optimize.m [code]
 opt_data = optimize(model, model_data, detailed_data, reduced_data)
file  plot_detailed_data.m [code]
file  plot_sim_data.m [code]
 function performing the plot of the simulation results as specified in model.
file  postprocess_gravity.m [code]
 subtracts a previously added addent induced by gravitational effects.
file  rb_init_values.m [code]
file  rb_operators.m [code]
file  rb_reconstruction.m [code]
file  rb_simulation.m [code]
file  renew_model.m [code]
 change fields of old param structure to new model structure with excessive use of function pointers.
file  unitcube.m [code]
 function adding fields to model for generating a 2D rectgrid with 100 x 100 elements on the unit-square