rbmatlab  1.16.09
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demos Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for demos:


file  demo_adaptive_basisgen.m [code]
file  demo_cubegrid.m [code]
 demo_cubegrid small script demonstrating the possibilities of the cubegrid class.
file  demo_dare.m [code]
file  demo_detailed_gui.m [code]
 demo gui for detailed simulations (calling demo_rb_gui after switching some pointers)
file  demo_dom_dec.m [code]
 Demo showing the functionality of the dom_dec routines.
file  demo_edge_quad.m [code]
 demonstration of the edge-quadratures over a grid
file  demo_elastic_membrane.m [code]
 demo of variational inequalities reduced order model
file  demo_explicit_FV.m [code]
 demo of a explicit FV scheme for advection-diffusion
file  demo_fem.m [code]
 demo of a finite element simulation
file  demo_fem2.m [code]
 Demo of +Fem usage for finite elements simulations of linear and stationary models: (i) Poisson, (ii) Stokes and nonlinear models: (iii) Navier-Stokes.
file  demo_fem2_discfunc.m [code]
 This demo shows the basic functionality of the discrete function class Fem.DiscFunc.
file  demo_femdiscfunc.m [code]
 Script demonstrating some basic functionality of lagrange finite element functions in the RBmatlab fem implementation.
file  demo_interpol.m [code]
 Script using femdiscfunc for interpolating functions by local and global evaluations.
file  demo_ldgfunc.m [code]
 demo for showing ldgfunc capabilities
file  demo_lin_ds.m [code]
 function demonstrating RB approach for linear dynamical systems according to MATHMOD 2009 paper
file  demo_quadratures.m [code]
 small script demonstrating interval integration of polynomials of degree pdeg with quadratures of degree qdeg
file  demo_rb_burgers_fv.m [code]
 small script demonstrating the RB-approach for nonlinear examples
file  demo_rb_error_gui.m [code]
 demo gui for detailed simulations and reduced simulation and plotting the error
file  demo_rb_explicit_evol.m [code]
 small script demonstrating the RB-approach for examples by interpolation of the explicit operator The linear advection-diffusion example of the lin-evol setting is used, but now the explicit discretization of the convection is realized by empirical interpolation.
file  demo_rb_lin_evol_oop.m [code]
 small collection of RBmatlab's rb-simulation abilities please inspect the source-file during execution, as the main purpose is to demonstrate the possibilities of RBmatlab's rb-philosophy
file  demo_rb_newton.m [code]
file  demo_rb_nonlin_symmetry.m [code]
file  demo_rb_richards_fv.m [code]
 A small script demonstrating the online phase of the two models from the diploma thesis "Reduzierte-Basis Methoden für unges\"{a}ttigte Grundwasserstr"{o}mungen".
file  demo_rb_riemann_burgers.m [code]
file  demo_rb_simtech.m [code]
 demo_rb_simtech demo starting a simtech LOGO in a fuelcell. Does not fully work yet... instead perhaps update the generating script simtech_fuelcall_gdl....
file  demo_rb_steps_oop.m [code]
 small collection of RBmatlab's rb-simulation abilities please inspect the source-file during execution, as the main purpose is to demonstrate the possibilities of RBmatlab's rb-philosophy
file  demo_rb_steps_struct.m [code]
 small collection of RBmatlab's rb-simulation abilities please inspect the source-file during execution, as the main purpose is to demonstrate the possibilities of RBmatlab's rb-philosophy
file  demo_rb_stokes_fem.m [code]
 This function demonstrates the reduced basis approximation of the stationary Navier-Stokes equations (2-d CFD benchmark problem).
file  demo_rectgrid.m [code]
 small script demonstrating the possibilities of the rectgrid class
file  demo_thermalblock.m [code]
file  demo_triagrid.m [code]
 small script demonstrating the possibilities of the triagrid class
file  demo_vi.m [code]
 function testing the implementation of the RB-Method for Parametrized Variational Inequalities. In particular 1D FEM model of a hanging elastic rope with different elasticities in subdomains.
file  rbmatlabdemos.m [code]
 allows interactive choice of some rbmatlab demos subgroups
file  rbmatlabdemos_detailed.m [code]
 interactive gui for some high dimensional simulation demos
file  rbmatlabdemos_discfunc.m [code]
 interactive gui for some discrete function demos
file  rbmatlabdemos_elementary.m [code]
 interactive gui for some elementary (boring) demos
file  rbmatlabdemos_grid.m [code]
 interactive gui for some grid demos
file  rbmatlabdemos_rb_part1.m [code]
 interactive gui for some RB demos
file  rbmatlabdemos_rb_part2.m [code]
 interactive gui for some RB demos