rbmatlab  1.16.09
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1 classdef DetailedModel < IDetailedModel
2  % Detailed model for a linear stationary problem with a @ref fem
3  % discretization
4  %
5  % This is a detailed model for a problem type 'rb_problem_type' = "LinStat"
6  %
7  % It solves finite element discretization of the form
8  % `` A u = r, ``
9  % with a matrix `A` and a right hand side `r` returned by
10  % '[A,r] = descr.operators(descr, model_data)'
11  %
12  % Furthermore, an output fuctional can be defined by the description field
13  % 'descr.operators_output(descr, model_data);'
16  methods
17  function dm = DetailedModel(descr)
18  % function dm = DetailedModel(descr)
19  % constructor based on problem description
20  %
21  % Parameters:
22  % descr: structure of type ModelDescr describing the problem and the
23  % discretization
24  dm = dm@IDetailedModel(descr);
25  end
27  sim_data = detailed_simulation(this, model_data);
29  model_data = gen_model_data(dmodel);
31  p = plot_sim_data(dmodel, model_data, sim_data, plot_params);
32  end
34  methods(Static)
36  function U = get_dofs_from_sim_data(sim_data)
37  U = sim_data.uh.dofs;
38  end
39  end
41 end
Struct with control fields for the analytical PDE functions, the discretization and the parametrizati...
Definition: dummyclasses.c:15
Detailed model for a linear stationary problem with a Finite element discretization.
Definition: DetailedModel.m:18
This is the interface for a detailed model providing methods to compute high dimensional simulation s...
function p = plot_sim_data(model, model_data, sim_data, plot_params)
function performing the plot of the simulation results as specified in model.
Definition: plot_sim_data.m:17