KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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Go to the documentation of this file.
3 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
4  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
5  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
6  *
7  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
8  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
9  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
10  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
11  *
12  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
13  * the correct locations in the source code browser.
14  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
15  */
17 class MatlabDocMaker {
128  public: /* ( Constant ) */
130  static const .char DOXYFILE_TEMPLATE = "Doxyfile.template";
142  static const .char LATEXEXTRAS_TEMPLATE = "latexextras.template";
155  static const .char MTOCPP_CONFIGFILE = "mtocpp.conf";
168  public: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Constant ) */
170  static function charname = getProjectName() {
172  name = " KerMor ";
173  }
187  /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
188  *% End of user defined part.
189  *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
191  public: /* ( Static, Sealed ) */ /* ( Constant ) */
193  static function chardir = getOutputDirectory() {
194  dir = MatlabDocMaker.getPref(" outdir ");
195  }
208  static function chardir = getSourceDirectory() {
209  dir = MatlabDocMaker.getPref(" srcdir ");
210  }
223  static function chardir = getConfigDirectory() {
224  dir = MatlabDocMaker.getPref(" confdir ");
225  }
242  static function chardesc = getProjectDescription() {
243  desc = MatlabDocMaker.getPref(" proj_desc ", );
244  }
258  static function setProjectDescription(char value) {
259  if ~ischar(value)
260  error(" The description must be a char array. ");
261  end
262  MatlabDocMaker.setPref(" proj_desc ", value);
263  }
277  static function charversion = getProjectVersion() {
278  version = MatlabDocMaker.getPref(" proj_ver ", " 0 ");
279  }
296  static function setProjectVersion(char value) {
297  if ~ischar(value)
298  error(" The project version must be a char array. ");
299  end
300  MatlabDocMaker.setPref(" proj_ver ", value);
301  }
315  static function fullPath = getProjectLogo() {
316  logoFile = MatlabDocMaker.getPref(" proj_logo ",);
317  fullPath = ;
318  if ~isempty(logoFile)
319  if isempty(fileparts(logoFile))
320  fullPath = fullfile(MatlabDocMaker.getConfigDirectory,logoFile);
321  else
322  fullPath = logoFile;
323  end
324  if exist(fullPath," file ") ~= 2
325  warning(" MatlabDocMaker:getLogo ",[" Could not find logo file '%s'.\n "...
326  " No logo will be shown in documentation output. "],logoFile);
327  end
328  end
329  }
345  static function setProjectLogo(char value) {
346  if nargin < 1
347  [f, p] = uigetfile(" *.* ", " Select project logo ", pwd);
348  if f ~= 0
349  value = fullfile(p,f);
350  else
351  fprintf(2," No file selected. Aborting.\n ");
352  return;
353  end
354  end
355  if ~ischar(value)
356  error(" The project logo file must be a char array. ");
357  end
358  if ~isempty(value)
359  fullPath = value;
360  if isempty(fileparts(value))
361  fullPath = fullfile(MatlabDocMaker.getConfigDirectory, value);
362  end
363  if ~exist(fullPath," file ")
364  error(" Invalid logo file: Could not find '%s' ",fullPath);
365  end
366  end
367  MatlabDocMaker.setPref(" proj_logo ", value);
368  }
386  public: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Constant ) */
389  static function open() {
390  index = fullfile(MatlabDocMaker.getOutputDirectory, " index.html ");
391  if ispc
392  winopen(index);
393  else
394  [s, m] = system(sprintf(" xdg-open '%s' ",index));
395  if s ~= 0
396  fprintf(2," Could not find/execute xdg-open: %s ",m);
397  web(index);
398  end
399  end
400  }
410  static function create(varargin) {
412  /* % Preparations */
414  ip.addParamValue('open',false,@islogical);
415  ip.addParamValue('latex',false,@islogical);
416  ip.parse(varargin[:]);
417  genlatex = ip.Results.latex;
419  /* Check for correct setup */
420  cdir = MatlabDocMaker.getConfigDirectory;
421  srcdir = MatlabDocMaker.getSourceDirectory;
422  outdir = MatlabDocMaker.getOutputDirectory;
423  /* Check if doxygen config file template exists */
424  doxyfile_in = fullfile(cdir,MatlabDocMaker.DOXYFILE_TEMPLATE);
425  if exist(doxyfile_in," file ") ~= 2
426  error(" No doxygen configuration file template found at '%s' ",doxyfile_in);
427  end
429  lstr = ;
430  if genlatex
431  lstr = " (+Latex) ";
432  end
433  fprintf([" Starting creation of doxygen/mtoc++ powered HTML%s documentation for '%s' (%s)\n "...
434  " Sources: %s\nOutput to: <a href=''>%s</a>\nCreating config files... "],lstr,...
435  MatlabDocMaker.getProjectName,MatlabDocMaker.getProjectVersion,...
436  srcdir,outdir);
438  /* Operation-system dependent strings */
439  strs = struct;
440  if isunix
441  strs.null= " /dev/null ";
442  strs.silencer= ;
443  elseif ispc
444  strs.null= " NUL ";
445  strs.silencer= " @ "; /* argh that took a while to remember.. */
447  else
448  error(" Current platform not supported. ");
449  end
451  /* Save current working dir and change into the KerMor home
452  * directory; only from there all classes and packages are
453  * detected properly. */
454  curdir = pwd;
455  cd(srcdir);
457  /* Append the configuration file directory to the current PATH */
458  pathadd = [pathsep cdir];
459  setenv(" PATH ",[getenv(" PATH ") pathadd]);
461  mtoc_conf = fullfile(cdir,MatlabDocMaker.MTOCPP_CONFIGFILE);
462  filter = sprintf(" %smtocpp ",strs.silencer);
463  if exist(mtoc_conf," file ")
464  if isunix
465  strs.filter= " ";
466  strs.farg= " $1 ";
467  elseif ispc
468  strs.filter= " mtocpp_filter.bat ";
469  strs.farg= " %1 ";
470  else
471  error(" Current platform not supported. ");
472  end
473  /* % Creation part */
474  cdir = MatlabDocMaker.getConfigDirectory;
475  /* Create "configured" filter script for inclusion in doxygen */
476  filter = fullfile(cdir,strs.filter);
477  f = fopen(filter," w ");
478  fprintf(f," %smtocpp %s %s ",strs.silencer,strs.farg,mtoc_conf);
479  fclose(f);
480  if isunix
481  unix([" chmod +x " filter]);
482  end
483  end
485  /* % Prepare placeholders in the Doxyfile template */
486  cdirfwd = strrep(cdir," \ "," / ");
487  m = [" _OutputDir_ " strrep(outdir," \ "," \\ "); ...
488  " _SourceDir_ " strrep(MatlabDocMaker.getSourceDirectory," \ "," \\ ");...
489  " _ConfDir_ " strrep(cdir," \ "," \\ ");...
490  " _ConfDirFwdSlash_ " cdirfwd;...
491  " _ProjectName_ " MatlabDocMaker.getProjectName; ...
492  " _ProjectDescription_ " MatlabDocMaker.getProjectDescription; ...
493  " _ProjectLogo_ " strrep(MatlabDocMaker.getProjectLogo," \ "," \\ "); ...
494  " _ProjectVersion_ " MatlabDocMaker.getProjectVersion; ...
495  " _MTOCFILTER_ " strrep(filter," \ "," \\ "); ...
496  " _FileSep_ " filesep
497  ];
499  /* Check for latex extra stuff */
500  texin = fullfile(cdir,MatlabDocMaker.LATEXEXTRAS_TEMPLATE);
501  latexextras = ;
502  if exist(texin," file ") == 2
503  latexstr = strrep(fileread(texin)," _ConfDir_ ",cdir);
504  latexstr = strrep(latexstr," _ConfDirFwdSlash_ ",cdirfwd);
505  latexextras = fullfile(cdir," latexextras.sty ");
506  fid = fopen(latexextras," w+ "); fprintf(fid," %s ",latexstr); fclose(fid);
507  end
508  /* Always use "/" for latex usepackage commands, so replace "\" (effectively windows
509  * only) by "/", and dont pass the extension ".sty" as latex automatically adds it. */
510  m(end+1,:) = [" _LatexExtras_ " strrep(latexextras(1:end-4)," \ "," / ")];
511  L = " NO ";
512  if genlatex
513  L = " YES ";
514  end
515  m(end+1,:) = [" _GenLatex_ ",L];
517  /* Check how to set the HAVE_DOT flag */
518  [s, ~] = system(" dot -V ");
519  if s == 0
520  HD = " YES ";
521  else
522  HD = " NO ";
523  fprintf(" no 'dot' found... ");
524  end
525  m(end+1,:) = [" _HaveDot_ ",HD];
527  /* Read, replace & write doxygen config file */
528  doxyfile = fullfile(cdir," Doxyfile ");
529  doxyconfstr = regexprep(fileread(doxyfile_in),m(:,1),m(:,2));
530  fid = fopen(doxyfile," w "); fprintf(fid," %s ",doxyconfstr); fclose(fid);
532  /* Fix for unix systems where the MatLab installation uses older
533  * GLIBSTD libraries than doxygen/mtoc++ */
534  ldpath = ;
535  if isunix
536  ldpath = " LD_LIBRARY_PATH= ";
537  end
538  /* Call doxygen */
539  fprintf(" running doxygen with mtoc++ filter... ");
540  [~,warn] = system(sprintf(" %sdoxygen '%s' 1>%s ",ldpath, doxyfile, strs.null));
542  /* Postprocess */
543  fprintf(" running mtoc++ postprocessor... ");
544  [~,postwarn] = system(sprintf(" %smtocpp_post '%s' 1>%s ",ldpath,...
545  outdir, strs.null));
546  if ~isempty(postwarn)
547  warn = [warn sprintf(" mtoc++ postprocessor messages:\n ") postwarn];
548  end
550  /* Create latex document if desired */
551  if genlatex
552  oldd = pwd;
553  latexerr = false;
554  latexdir = fullfile(outdir," latex ");
555  if exist(latexdir," dir ") == 7
556  if exist(fullfile(latexdir," refman.tex ")," file ") == 2
557  fprintf(" compiling LaTeX output... ");
558  cd(latexdir);
559  [s, latexmsg] = system(" make ");
560  if s ~= 0
561  warn = [warn sprintf(" LaTeX compiler output:\n ") latexmsg];
562  latexerr = true;
563  end
564  else
565  fprintf(" cannot compile LaTeX output: no refman.tex found... ");
566  end
567  end
568  cd(oldd);
569  end
571  /* Tidy up */
572  fprintf(" cleaning up... ");
573  if isfield(strs," filter ")
574  delete(filter);
575  end
576  if ~isempty(latexextras)
577  delete(latexextras);
578  end
579  delete(doxyfile);
581  /* % Post generation phase */
582  cd(curdir);
583  /* Restore PATH to previous value */
584  curpath = getenv(" PATH ");
585  setenv(" PATH ",curpath(1:end-length(pathadd)));
586  fprintf(" done!\n ");
588  /* Process warnings */
589  showchars = 800;
590  warn = strtrim(warn);
591  if ~isempty(warn)
592  dispwarn = [warn(1:min(showchars,length(warn))) " [...] "];
593  fprintf(" First %d characters of warnings generated during documentation creation:\n%s\n ",showchars,dispwarn);
594  /* Write to log file */
595  log = fullfile(outdir," warnings.log ");
596  f = fopen(log," w "); fprintf(f," %s ",warn); fclose(f);
597  fprintf(2," MatlabDocMaker finished with warnings!\n ");
598  fprintf(" Complete log file at <a href='matlab:edit( "" %s "" )'>%s</a>.\n ",log,log);
599  /* Check for latex log file */
600  log = fullfile(outdir," _formulas.log ");
601  if exist(log," file ")
602  fprintf(" Found LaTeX formula log file. Check <a href='matlab:edit( "" %s "" )'>%s</a> for any errors.\n ",log,log);
603  end
604  /* Check for errors on latex generation */
605  if genlatex && latexerr
606  log = fullfile(latexdir," refman.log ");
607  fprintf(" There have been errors with LaTeX compilation. See log file at <a href='matlab:edit( "" %s "" )'>%s</a>.\n ",log,log);
608  end
609  else
610  fprintf(" MatlabDocMaker finished with no warnings!\n ");
611  end
613  /* Open index.html if wanted */
614  if
616  end
617  }
633  static function setup() {
635  /* % Validity checks */
636  fprintf(" <<<< Welcome to the MatlabDocMaker setup for your project '%s'! >>>>\n ",MatlabDocMaker.getProjectName);
638  /* % Setup directories
639  * Source directory */
640  srcdir = MatlabDocMaker.getPref(" srcdir ",);
641  word = " keep ";
642  if isstruct(srcdir) || isempty(srcdir) || exist(srcdir," dir ") ~= 7
643  srcdir = pwd;
644  word = " set ";
645  end
646  str = sprintf(" Do you want to %s %s as your projects source directory?\n(Y)es/(N)o?: ",word,strrep(srcdir," \ "," \\ "));
647  ds = lower(input(str," s "));
648  if isequal(ds," n ")
649  d = uigetdir(srcdir," Please select the projects source directory ");
650  if d == 0
651  error(" No source directory specified. Aborting setup. ");
652  end
653  srcdir = d;
654  end
655  MatlabDocMaker.setPref(" srcdir ",srcdir);
657  /* Config directory */
658  confdir = MatlabDocMaker.getPref(" confdir ",);
659  word = " keep ";
660  if isstruct(confdir) || isempty(confdir) || exist(confdir," dir ") ~= 7
661  confdir = fullfile(srcdir," documentation ");
662  word = " set ";
663  end
664  str = sprintf(" Do you want to %s %s as your documentation configuration files directory?\n(Y)es/(N)o?: ",word,strrep(confdir," \ "," \\ "));
665  ds = lower(input(str," s "));
666  if isequal(ds," n ")
667  d = uigetdir(confdir," Please select the documentation configuration directory ");
668  if d == 0
669  error(" No documentation configuration directory specified. Aborting setup. ");
670  end
671  confdir = d;
672  end
673  MatlabDocMaker.setPref(" confdir ",confdir);
675  /* Output directory */
676  outdir = MatlabDocMaker.getPref(" outdir ",);
677  word = " keep ";
678  if isstruct(outdir) || isempty(outdir) || exist(outdir," dir ") ~= 7
679  outdir = confdir;
680  word = " set ";
681  end
682  str = sprintf(" Do you want to %s %s as your documentation output directory?\n(Y)es/(N)o?: ",word,strrep(outdir," \ "," \\ "));
683  ds = lower(input(str," s "));
684  if isequal(ds," n ")
685  d = uigetdir(outdir," Please select the documentation output directory ");
686  if d == 0
687  error(" No documentation output directory specified. Aborting setup. ");
688  end
689  outdir = d;
690  end
691  MatlabDocMaker.setPref(" outdir ",outdir);
693  /* % Additional Project properties */
694  if isequal(lower(input([" Do you want to specify further project details?\n "...
695  " You can set them later using provided set methods. (Y)es/(N)o?: "]," s "))," y ")
696  MatlabDocMaker.setPref(" proj_ver ",input(" Please specify the project version, e.g. '0.1': "," s "));
697  MatlabDocMaker.setPref(" proj_desc ",input(" Please specify a short project description: "," s "));
698  MatlabDocMaker.setProjectLogo;
699  end
701  /* % Check for necessary and recommended tools */
702  hasall = true;
703  setenv(" PATH ",[getenv(" PATH ") pathsep confdir]);
704  fprintf(" [Required] Checking for doxygen... ");
705  [st, vers] = system(" doxygen --version ");
706  if st == 0
707  fprintf(" found %s\n ",vers(1:end-1));
708  else
709  fprintf(2," not found!\n ");
710  hasall = false;
711  end
712  fprintf(" [Required] Checking for mtoc++... ");
713  ldpath = ;
714  if isunix
715  ldpath = " LD_LIBRARY_PATH= ";
716  end
717  [st, vers] = system(sprintf(" %smtocpp --version ",ldpath));
718  if st == 0
719  fprintf(" found %s\n ",vers(1:end-1));
720  else
721  fprintf(2," not found!\n ");
722  hasall = false;
723  end
724  fprintf(" [Recommended] Checking for dot... ");
725  [st, vers] = system(" dot -V ");
726  if st == 0
727  fprintf(" found %s\n ",vers(1:end-1));
728  else
729  fprintf(2," dot Graphviz tool not found!\nInstall dot for nicer class diagrams.\n ");
730  end
731  fprintf(" [Recommended] Checking for latex... ");
732  [st, vers] = system(" latex --version ");
733  if st == 0
734  fprintf(" found %s\n ",vers(1:strfind(vers,sprintf(" \n "))-1));
735  else
736  fprintf(2," latex not found!\nA LaTeX installation available on the system path is strongly recommended with mtoc++.\n ");
737  end
738  /* Ghostscript */
739  fprintf(" [Recommended] Checking for ghostscript... ");
740  if ispc
741  [st, vers] = system(" gswin32c --version ");
742  if st ~= 0
743  [st, vers] = system(" gswin64c --version ");
744  end
745  else
746  [st, vers] = system(" gs --version ");
747  end
748  if st == 0
749  fprintf(" found %s\n ",vers(1:strfind(vers,sprintf(" \n "))-1));
750  else
751  fprintf(2," ghostscript not found!\nCreating LaTeX formulas might not work properly.\n ");
752  end
754  if ~hasall
755  fprintf(2," Please make sure all prerequisites can be found on PATH or copy the executables into %s.\n ",confdir);
756  fprintf(" <<<< MatlabDocMaker setup finished with warnings. >>>>\n ");
757  else
758  fprintf(" <<<< MatlabDocMaker setup successful. >>>>\nYou can now create your projects documentation by running <a href='matlab:MatlabDocMaker.create( "" open "" ,true)'>MatlabDocMaker.create</a>!\n ");
759  end
760  }
769  private: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Constant ) */
771  static function value = getProjPrefTag() {
772  str = regexprep(strrep(strtrim(MatlabDocMaker.getProjectName)," "," _ ")," [^\d\w] ",);
773  value = sprintf(" MatlabDocMaker_on_%s ",str);
774  }
784  static function value = getPref(name,default) {
785  if nargin < 2
786  def = [];
787  else
788  def = default;
789  end
790  value = getpref(MatlabDocMaker.getProjPrefTag,name,def);
791  if nargin < 2 && isempty(value)
792  error(" MatlabDocMaker preferences not found/set correctly. (Re-)Run the MatlabDocMaker.setup method. ");
793  end
794  }
797  static function value = setPref(name,value) {
798  setpref(MatlabDocMaker.getProjPrefTag,name,value);
799  }
802 };
A variable number of input arguments.
Speed test * all(1:3)
function varargout = ghostscript(cmd)
Initialize any required system calls before calling ghostscript.
Definition: ghostscript.m:17
#define Y(i, j)