KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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Changes in Version 0.3

Added RC circuit model, implemented Property classes and levels, improved error estimator computation

Submitted to /agh/git/kermor repository on 2011-05-03 Branch name: kermor03

Class approx.BaseApprox
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-01) Removed the gen_approximation_data template method as it basically only compiled the single xi,ti,mui values which will be re-joined into the dscomponents.AKernelCoreFun.Centers property in all currently implemented approximation strategies. Some similar intermediate method may be reintroduced later.
Class approx.KernelApprox

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-26) Implementing the approximateData in this class so that rescaling of the function f values \(f_{x_i}\) can be used. Subclasses now implement the template method approx.KernelApprox.computeCompwiseApprox.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-03-31)

  • Added a new property approx.KernelApprox.CoeffComp which allows to use the strategy pattern for computing kernel expansion coefficients.
  • Moved some old methods into the new class approx.algorithms.Componentwise to retain the old functionality which selects a subset of the projection training data by linspace selection as approximation data.
  • Changed method names for computeSerial/Parallel to computeCoeffsSerial/computeCoeffsParallel and visibility to protected as they can be used by any subclass.
Class approx.TPWLApprox
(Syed Ammar, 2011-04-21) Implemented Setters for the properties
Class data.MemoryTrajectoryData

(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-10) Implemented setters for the properties

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-01)

  • Changed the old ProjTrainData to TrainingData, as this property name describes the usage more precisely.
Class data.ModelParam
(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-10) Implemented setters for the properties
Class data.selection.TimeSelector
(Syed Ammar, 2011-04-20) Implemented Setters for the class properties.
Class Dictionary
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-20) - Improved the subsref and subsasgn methods to forward eventual further sub-assignments to the respective underlying values. Now i.e. assignments of the type
natively creates a struct at
Class dscomponents.ACoreFun

(Syed Ammar, 2011-04-15) Implemented Setters for the properties of this class

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-13) The evaluate function supports multiargument evaluation now.

Member dscomponents.ACoreFun.evaluate (x, t)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-19) Fixed an error when no MultiArgumentEvaluations were supported and no parameter \(\mu\) was given (Crashed due to index out of bounds)
Member dscomponents.ACoreFun.project (V, W, target)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-11) Modified the project method to also cater for the noncustomized projection case by cloning the current instance (general.AProjectable now inherits from ICloneable per default).
Class dscomponents.AOutputConv
(Syed Ammar, 2011-04-15) Implemented Setter for the class property
Class dscomponents.LinearOutputConv
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-11) Due to the new inheritance AProjectable < ICloneable the clone method is implemented here now, too.
Class dscomponents.PointerInputConv
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-11) Implemented the clone method from ICloneable
Class error.BaseEstimator
(Syed Ammar, 2011-04-23) Implemented Setters for the properties
Class error.IterationCompLemmaEstimator

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-05-02) Changed the implementation of the evalODEPart so that only two extra ODE dimensions are needed. This avoids NaN entries when exponential values grow too big.

(Syed Ammar, 2011-04-23) Implemented Setters for the properties LocalLipschitzFcn and UseTimeDiscreteC

Class general.AProjectable

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-11) Inheriting from ICloneable now in order to ensure cloning capabilities for any projectable class.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-01) Updated documentation.

Class general.Orthonormalizer
(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-07) Implemented Setter for the properties G and Epsilon
Class general.regression.BaseScalarSVR
(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-07) Implemented Setter for the properties of this class
Class IKernelCoeffComp
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-05-03) Removed offset terms from interface as the \(b\) offsets for kernel expansions arent used anymore.
Class IParallelizable
(Syed Ammar, 2011-04-14) Implemented UseMatlabParallelComputing functionality
Class KerMor

(Syed Ammar, 2011-04-14) Implemented UseMatlabParallelComputing functionality

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-12)

  • Included the setup script for Devel in the installation procedure.
  • Added new properties MainVersion and SubVersion to this class for global versioning.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-03-22) Modified the GIT repository so that branches now reflect the KerMor versions.

Class KerMorObject
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-07)
  • Moved the checkType method from models.BaseModel to this class.
  • Removed the ALoadable class and moved the ID property here.
Class kernels.BaseKernel
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-21) Removed the RotationInvariant property as it is now replaced by the IRotationInvariant interface.
Class kernels.GaussKernel

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-26) Fixed the x0 computation for the new Gamma property version; so far a square was missing, rendering the LipschitzEstimator modified newton method useless.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-15) Changed the Gamma property to compute into the kernel evaluation being squared instead of linear. This way the Gamma becomes a more geometrical meaning

Class kernels.KernelExpansion
(Syed Ammar, 2011-04-16) Implemented Setter for the property off
Class kernels.ParamTimeKernelExpansion

(Syed Ammar, 2011-04-16) Implemented Setter for the property Centers

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-6) Set the kernel properties to dependent and introduced private storage members for them. Also improved the setter for the SubKernelCombinationFun (checks for 3 args now)

Class models.BaseFirstOrderSystem

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-05-03) Moved the x0 property into an abstract function. This way subclasses must implemement the x0 function and is not only warned by the DPCS that it should be set.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-6) This class inherits from KerMorObject now in order to enable correct saving/loading

Class models.BaseFullModel
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-26) The property changed descriptions now contain links to the respective classes containing the property.
Class models.BaseModel

(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-10) Implemented setters for the rest of the properties

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-15) Added a dependent GScaled property that returns the norm-inducing matrix G scaled with the current System.StateScaling property.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-05)

  • Removed the getConfigStr-Method and moved it to Utils.getObjectConfig
  • Added a setter for System checking for self-references
Class models.circ.RCLadder
(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-11) Implemented proeprty setter
Class models.pcd.CoreFun1D
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-12) Added MultiArgumentEvaluation capabilities to this class.
Class models.pcd.PCDSystem2D
(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-11) Implemented property setter
Class models.rbmatlab.RBMatlabModel
(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-11) Implemented setters for the properties
Class models.synth.AffParamKernelTest
(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-11) Implemented property setter
Class models.synth.KernelTest
(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-11) Implemented property setter
Class MUnit
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-26) Added linebreaks after each message to avoid loss of lines when using cprintf
Member object2str (handle obj,integer maxdepth)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-05) The order of the properties listed is now alphabetically, fixed no-tabs-bug.
Class sampling.WeightedRandomSampler
(Syed Ammar, 2011-05-10) Implemented property setter
Class Utils
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-04) Moved the Utils.getObjectConfig method here from models.BaseModel
Member Utils.findVecInMatrix (A, b)

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-12) Added support for multi vector search.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-04-13) Fixed errors when multiple occurences appear.