KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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Properties with level "Important"

Property level important

Member approx.algorithms.ABase.ErrorFun
Depending on the approximation goal different error functions are suitable.
Member approx.BaseApprox.TrainDataSelector
Determines the strategy used to select the approximation training data
Member DPCMDemoClass.Prop2

Another property, but "only" important. This comment is extracted to the end of the comment section or until the next tag.

Another property, but "only" important. This comment is extracted to the end of the comment section or until the next tag.

Member DPCMDemoClass.SubClass

This description is about the importance of the SubClass property.

This description is about the importance of the SubClass property.

Member general.DEIM.MaxOrder
The larger the maximal order, the better approximation quality can be achieved, for paying the cost of higher evaluation time.
Member general.interpolation.KernelInterpol.RelTol
Specifying a higher tolerance results in sparser but less precise approximations
Member general.POD.Mode
Choices sign and eps can lead to long computation times if the input samples are large as the full decomposition must be computed.
Member general.POD.Value
Determines the size of the reduced space. Has different effects depending on the choice of the general.POD.Mode property.
Member general.regression.BaseQPSVR.QuadProgOpts
The flags for the matlab builtin quadprog solver.
Member general.regression.KernelLS.lambda
If the data is badly conditioned increasing lambda can help.
Member general.regression.ScalarEpsSVR_SMO.Version
Influences the performance and time needed for solving.
Member models.BaseFirstOrderSystem.f
Member models.BaseFullModel.Sampler
The sampling strategy affects the quality of the parameter samples used for training.
Member models.BaseModel.ODESolver
Choose an appropriate ODE solver for your system.
Member models.BaseModel.T
Defines the end time \(T\) up to which the dynamical system has to be simulated.
Member models.BaseSecondOrderSystem.D
Member solvers.AJacobianSolver.JacFun
If available, supply a jacobian function evaluation handle to improve speed and reliability of implicit solvers.
Member solvers.AJacobianSolver.JPattern
Providing a sparsity pattern to implicit solvers might be crucial for the performance of the solver due to memory restrictions.
Member solvers.BaseSolver.InitialStep
Some odes require a certain (small) initial step.
Member spacereduction.BaseSpaceReducer.IncludeTrajectoryFxiData
Including this data in the subspace can reduce projection errors of nonlinearities
Member spacereduction.PODGreedy.MinRelImprovement
Too little minimal improvement causes a too large subspace