rbmatlab  1.13.10
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1 classdef Assessment < handle
2  % a class used to compute reduced several reduced simulations over a huge
3  % parameter sample extracting useful information
4  %
5  % The class generates one or two dimensional cell arrays of these data fields
6  % storing information for a variation of some attributes of the reduced
7  % model, which can be freely chosen by specification of #plot_fields .
9  properties(Access=public)
10  % is a vector of field names with at most 2 elements over which the error
11  % landscape is computed or a cell with empty entries.
12  %
13  % A reasonable choice would be '{ \'N\', \'M\' }'. The error landscape is
14  % plotted over a variation of these fields specified by samples.
15  % In case of an empty cell entry, 'N' and 'M' are coupled by the fixed
16  % ratio #M_by_N_ratio and samples should be a vector of coupling constant
17  % between 0 and 1. See also: update_rmodel()
18  %
19  % @default = '{[]}'
20  plot_fields = {[]};
22  % is a cell array of scalar row vectors. The scalar values are 'plot_field'
23  % values for which the error is computed and tested.
24  %
25  % @default = '{[0.1:0.1:1]}'
26  samples = {(0.1:0.1:1)};
28  % an parameter sampling object of type ParameterSampling.Interface
29  %
30  % @default is a random sampling with 10 elements and seed 654321;
31  %
32  % See also: init_random_sampling()
33  M_test;
35  % is a cell array of description texts for the plot fields. If this field
36  % is not set it is set to 'plot_fields'.
37  plot_field_descr = {};
40  % character string specifying this test run. The string should be unique
41  % for every parameter combination.
42  %
43  % @default rmodel.name + '_stoachastic_assessment';
44  run_name;
46  % boolean value determining whether error estimates shall be computed
47  compute_estimates = false;
49  % boolean value determining whether the "true" error `\|u_h(\mu) -
50  % u_{\text{red}}(\mu)\|_{{\cal W}_h}` shall be computed
51  compute_errors = false;
53  % boolean value determining whether the condition numbers of the system
54  % matrices shall be computed
55  compute_conditions = false;
57  % boolean value indicating whether the refinement steps of the reduced
58  % basis generation by Greedy.TrainingSetAdaptation shall be taken into account
59  %
60  % This option is only useful if
61  % -# #M_test is set to the training sample of the parameter space
62  % generation and
63  % -# the #plot_fields include the basis dimensions
64  % In this case the parameter sampling used during basis generation for the
65  % given basis dimension is selected.
66  follow_refinement_steps = false;
68  % if M and N are couple this value specifies the constant for the coupling.
69  %
70  % A value of zero means `M_{\max} / N_{\max}`
71  M_by_N_ratio = 1;
73  % the underlying reduced model of type IReducedModel
74  rmodel;
76  % an object of type CacheableObject storing the reduced model and the
77  % detailed data
78  cache_object;
80  end
82  properties(Dependent)
83  % the "real" collection of vectors used for the #plot_fields variation
84  %
85  % See also: #samples
86  rsamples;
88  % the underlying detailed data of type Greedy.DataTree.Detailed.INode
89  %
90  % @todo make this cached...
91  detailed_data;
92  end
94  methods
96  function dd = get.detailed_data(this)
97  dd = this.cache_object.obj.detailed_data;
98  end
100  function rsamples = get.rsamples(this)
101  if length(this.samples) == 2
102  rsamples = combvec(this.samples{1},this.samples{2});
103  else
104  rsamples = this.samples{1};
105  end
106  end
108  function sta = Assessment(matfile, rmodel, mu_set_size, seed)
109  % function sta = Assessment(matfile, rmodel, mu_set_size, seed)
110  % constructor
111  %
112  % Parameters:
113  % matfile: name of result file where a IReducedModel object and a
114  % Greedy.DataTree.Detailed.INode object must be stored.
115  % mu_set_size: Optional argument determining the number of random
116  % parameters in the validation sample. (Default = 10)
117  % seed: a random seed used for initialization of
118  % ParameterSampling.Random object for the #M_test parameter
119  % sample set. (Default = 654321)
121  if nargin == 1 && isa(matfile, 'Postprocess.StochasticAssessment.Assessment')
122  cp = matfile;
123  m = metaclass(cp);
124  fns = m.Properties(cellfun(@(x) ~isequal(x.SetAccess, 'none') && ~x.Dependent, m.Properties));
125  fns = cellfun(@(x) x.Name, fns, 'UniformOutput', false);
126  fns = setdiff(fns, {'cache_object'});
127  for i = 1:length(fns);
128  sta.(fns{i}) = cp.(fns{i});
129  end
130  sta.cache_object = CacheableObject(cp.cache_object.matfile, 'detailed_data');
131  sta.rmodel = copy(cp.rmodel);
132  else
133  sta.rmodel = copy(rmodel);
134  sta.cache_object = CacheableObject(matfile, 'detailed_data');
135  if nargin <= 2
136  mu_set_size = 10;
137  end
138  if nargin <= 3
139  seed = 654321;
140  end
141  init_random_sampling(sta, mu_set_size, seed);
143  if isempty(sta.plot_field_descr)
144  sta.plot_field_descr = sta.plot_fields;
145  else
146  assert(length(sta.plot_field_descr) == length(sta.plot_fields));
147  end
149  sta.run_name = [rmodel.descr.name, '_stochastic_assessment'];
150  end
151  end
153  function output=compute(this)
154  % function compute(this)
155  % stochastic estimation of error between reduced and detailed simulation over a
156  % test sample of `\mu` vectors
157  %
158  % This function stochastically estimates the error between reduced and detailed
159  % simulations for given `\mu`-vectors and various reduced and collateral basis
160  % sizes. The results are visualized in a surface plot for problems with CRB.
161  %
162  % If required by the users, averaged time measurements for the reduced and the
163  % detailed simulations are computed, too.
164  %
165  % Return values:
166  % output: an Output object
168  %if isequal(params.mode, 'error_ei')
169  % model.detailed_simulation = model.detailed_ei_simulation;
170  %end
172  %if isequal(params.mode, 'error_ei_rb_proj')
173  % model.detailed_simulation = model.detailed_ei_rb_proj_simulation;
174  %end
176  reduced_data = gen_reduced_data(this.rmodel, this.detailed_data);
178  if this.compute_estimates
179  assert(this.rmodel.Mstrich > 0);
180  assert(this.rmodel.enable_error_estimator);
181  else
182  assert(~this.rmodel.enable_error_estimator);
183  assert(this.rmodel.Mstrich == 0);
184  end
186  basis_gen = this.detailed_data.bg_algorithm;
187  while ~isa(basis_gen, 'Greedy.Algorithm')
188  switch(class(basis_gen))
189  case 'Greedy.Combined'
190  basis_gen = get_rb_basis_generator(basis_gen);
191  case 'Greedy.TrainingSetAdaptation'
192  basis_gen = basis_gen.child;
193  otherwise
194  error('nonono');
195  end
196  end
197  generator = basis_gen.detailed_gen;
199  if ~generator.is_valid
200  generator = SnapshotsGenerator.Trajectories(this.rmodel.detailed_model);
201  end
203  % default value (only need for mode == 'check' when no 'mu_set_size' is given)
205  savefile = [this.run_name];
206  tmpfile = [savefile,'_tmp.mat'];
207  savefile = [savefile,'.mat'];
209  rps_size = length(this.rsamples);
211  complete_out = cell(1, rps_size);
213  if this.compute_conditions
214  rd_conds = cell(1, rps_size);
215  else
216  rd_conds = {};
217  end
219  for comb = 1:rps_size
221  pf_val=this.rsamples(:,comb);
223  for i=1:length(pf_val)
224  update_rmodel(this, this.plot_fields{i}, pf_val(i));
225  end
226  temp_rd = extract_reduced_data_subset(this.rmodel, reduced_data);
228  if this.compute_conditions
229  rd_conds{comb} = get_conds(temp_rd);
230  end
232  disp(['Processing combination ', num2str(comb), '/', num2str(rps_size)]);
234  M = this.get_test_space_sample;
235  generator.prepare(this.rmodel.detailed_model, this.detailed_data.model_data, M);
236  mu_size = size(M,1);
238  part_out = struct('max_Delta' , cell(1, mu_size), ...
239  'max_Delta_ind', cell(1, mu_size), ...
240  'max_err' , cell(1, mu_size), ...
241  'max_err_ind' , cell(1, mu_size), ...
242  'rtime' , cell(1, mu_size), ...
243  'rrtime' , cell(1, mu_size), ...
244  'dtime' , cell(1, mu_size), ...
245  'rconds' , cell(1, mu_size), ...
246  'dconds' , cell(1, mu_size));
247  %for mu_ind = 1:mu_size
248  parfor mu_ind = 1:mu_size
249  tthis = this;
250  trm = this.rmodel;
251  tdm = trm.detailed_model;
252  trd = temp_rd;
253  tgen = generator;
255  disp(['processing parameter vector ',num2str(mu_ind),...
256  '/',num2str(size(M,1))]);
258  set_mu(trm, M(mu_ind,:));
259  set_mu(tdm, M(mu_ind,:));
261  compute_out = compute_impl(tthis, tgen, trm, trd);
263  part_out(mu_ind) = compute_out;
264  end
266  complete_out{comb} = part_out;
267 % disp(['saving temporary workspace in ', tmpfile]);
268 % rmodel = this.rmodel;
269 % detailed_data = this.detailed_data;
270 % save(fullfile(rbmatlabtemp,tmpfile), 'complete_out', 'part_out', 'this', 'rmodel', 'detailed_data', 'reduced_data');
272  end
274  if length(this.samples) == 2
275  ns1 = length(this.samples{1});
276  ns2 = rps_size / ns1;
277  complete_out = reshape(complete_out, ns1, ns2);
278  if this.compute_conditions
279  rd_conds = reshape(rd_conds, ns1, ns2);
280  end
281  end
283  output = Postprocess.StochasticAssessment.Output(complete_out, this);
284  output.rd_conds = rd_conds;
286  save(fullfile(rbmatlabresult, savefile));
288  end
290  function init_random_sampling(this, mu_set_size, seed)
291  % function init_random_sampling(this, mu_set_size, seed)
292  % generates the initial random sample set #M_test
293  %
294  % Parameters:
295  % mu_set_size: @copydoc ParameterSampling.Random.nparameters
296  % seed : @copydoc ParameterSampling.Random.seed
298  detailed_model = this.rmodel.detailed_model;
299  this.M_test = ParameterSampling.Random(mu_set_size, seed);
300  if this.M_test.init_required()
301  init_sample(this.M_test, detailed_model);
302  end
303  end
305  function other = copy(this)
306  % function other = copy(this)
307  % deep copy of this object
308  %
309  % Return values:
310  % other: copied Assessment object
311  other = Postprocess.StochasticAssessment.Assessment(this);
312  end
314  function equal_distribution_samples(this, min, max, sample_size)
315  % function equal_distribution_samples(min, max, sample_size)
316  % adapts the #samples attribute such that they are equally distributed in
317  % a given range.
318  %
319  % Parameters:
320  % min: is a vector of minimum values of 'plot_fields' variables.
321  % max: is a vector for maximum values of 'plot_fields'
322  % variables.
323  % sample_size: specifies the number of sample values between 'min' and
324  % 'max' for which the error is computed and plotted. The
325  % default value is 'max-min'.
327  if nargin == 2
328  sample_size = max-min;
329  end
332  assert(all(max > min));
334  this.samples = cell(1,length(max));
335  for i = 1:length(max)
336  this.samples{i} = min(i) + ...
337  round((0:sample_size(i)-1) .* ...
338  (max(i)-min(i))./(sample_size(i)-1));
339  end
340  end
342  function update_rmodel(this, plot_field, new_value)
343  % function update_rmodel(this, plot_field, new_value)
344  % updates the reduced model, i.e. applies the changes defined by the
345  % #plot_fields attribute
346  %
347  % Parameters:
348  % plot_field: an entry in #plot_fields, if it is empty, a coupling of
349  % 'N' and 'M' is assured.
350  % new_value: the new value it should be set to.
352  if ~isempty(plot_field)
353  this.rmodel.(plot_field) = new_value;
354  else
355  couple_N_and_M_by_c(this, new_value);
356  end
358  rmodel = this.rmodel;
359  disp(['N = ', num2str(rmodel.N), ' M = ', num2str(rmodel.M), ' Mstrich = ', num2str(rmodel.Mstrich)]);
360  end
363  end
366  methods(Static)
368  function [rb_sim_data, tictoc] = rb_simulation_tictoc(varargin)
369  % function [rb_sim_data, tictoc] = rb_simulation_tictoc(varargin)
370  % a wrapper around the IReducedModel.rb_simulation() measuring the
371  % execution time
372  %
373  % Return values:
374  % rb_sim_data: the reduced simulation data
375  % tictoc: execution time
376  [rb_sim_data, tictoc] = tictoc_wrapper(@rb_simulation, varargin{:});
377  end
380  end
382  methods(Access=private)
384  function output = compute_impl(this, generator, rmodel, reduced_data)
386  fprintf('[');
388  model_data = this.detailed_data.model_data;
390  max_Delta = NaN;
391  max_Delta_ind = 0;
392  max_err = NaN;
393  max_err_ind = 0;
394  dtime = NaN;
395  rtime = NaN;
396  rrtime = NaN;
397  rconds = [];
398  dconds = [];
399  rmodel.compute_conditions = this.compute_conditions;
400  try
401  [rb_sim_data,tictoc] = this.rb_simulation_tictoc(rmodel, reduced_data);
403  fprintf('N');
404  if this.compute_estimates
405  Delta = rb_sim_data.Delta;
406  [max_Delta, max_Delta_ind] = max(Delta);
407  else
408  max_Delta = Inf;
409  end
411  if this.compute_conditions
412  rconds = rb_sim_data.conds;
413  else
414  % condition computations may make time measurements bogus.
415  rtime = tictoc;
416  end
418  if this.compute_errors
419  dmodel = rmodel.detailed_model;
420  if this.compute_conditions
421  fields = {'conds'};
422  dmodel.compute_conditions = true;
423  else
424  fields = [];
425  end
426  [U_H, dtic_toc, opts] = generate(generator, dmodel, model_data, fields);
427  fprintf('H');
428  if this.compute_conditions
429  dconds = opts.conds;
430  else
431  % condition computations may make time measurements bogus.
432  dtime = dtic_toc;
433  end
435  tic;
436  rb_sim_data = rb_reconstruction(rmodel, this.detailed_data.datatree, rb_sim_data);
437  rrtime = toc;
438  fprintf('R');
440  errors = dmodel.l2_error_sequence_algorithm(U_H, rb_sim_data.U, ...
441  model_data);
442  [max_err,max_err_ind] = max(errors);
443  else
444  max_err = Inf;
445  end
447  catch ME
448  warning(['catched an error: ', ME.message]);
449  disp('setting error to NaN');
450  end
451  fprintf(']');
452  output.max_Delta = max_Delta;
453  output.max_Delta_ind = max_Delta_ind;
454  output.max_err = max_err;
455  output.max_err_ind = max_err_ind;
456  output.rtime = rtime;
457  output.rrtime = rrtime;
458  output.dtime = dtime;
459  output.rconds = rconds;
460  output.dconds = dconds;
461  end
464  function couple_N_and_M_by_c(this, c)
465  % function model = couple_N_and_M_by_c(model, c)
466  % modifies the reduced basis size fields of 'model' by a single variable.
467  %
468  % Parameters:
469  % c: sets the reduced basis sizes to
470  % `(N,M) = c (N_{\mbox{max}}, c_{MbyN} N_{\mbox{max}})`. For time-adaptive
471  % schemes with several collateral reduced basis spaces, the following
472  % formula is applied: `(N,M^k) = c (N_{\mbox{max}}), c_{MbyN}
473  % \frac{M^k_{\mbox{max}}}{\mbox{max}_{k=0,...,K} M^k_{\mbox{max}}}
474  % N_{\mbox{max}}.`
476  dd = get_by_description(this.detailed_data.datatree, 'rb');
477  Nmax = get_rb_size(dd);
478  Mmax = get_ei_size(dd);
479  maxMmax = max(Mmax)-this.rmodel.Mstrich;
480  this.rmodel.N = max(round(c*Nmax),1);
481  if this.M_by_N_ratio == 0
482  M_by_N_r = maxMmax / Nmax;
483  elseif this.M_by_N_ratio == -1
484  leaf_dd = get_active_leaf(this.detailed_data, this.rmodel);
485  assert(isa(leaf_dd, 'Greedy.DataTree.Detailed.PODEI'));
486  ext_ind = this.rmodel.N;
487  ext_counts = get_field(leaf_dd, 'ei_ext_count');
488  ei_ext_steps = get_field(leaf_dd, 'ei_ext_steps');
489  rb_real_ext_steps = get_field(leaf_dd, 'rb_real_ext_steps');
490  if isempty(ext_counts)
491  n_ei_exts = length(ei_ext_steps);
492  ext_counts = ones(size(ei_ext_steps))*maxMmax/n_ei_exts;
493  end
494  Mcomp = round(sum((ei_ext_steps <= rb_real_ext_steps(ext_ind)).*ext_counts));
495  this.rmodel.M = min(maxMmax, max(Mcomp, 1));
496  return
497  else
498  M_by_N_r = this.M_by_N_ratio;
499  end
500  this.rmodel.M = arrayfun(@(x) min(x, max(round(c*x/maxMmax*M_by_N_r*Nmax),1)), maxMmax);
501  end
503  function M = get_test_space_sample(this)
504  if this.follow_refinement_steps
505  info = active_info(this.detailed_data);
506  ref_level = get_ref_level(info, this.rmodel);
507  M = get_sample_at_ref_level(this.M_test, ref_level);
508  else
509  M = this.M_test.sample;
510  end
511  end
513  end
514 end