rbmatlab  1.13.10
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1 classdef Checkpoint
2  % Helper class used to store and restore @ref DataTree "data tree" objects at
3  % specified checkpoints.
4  %
5  % This class can be used for checkpointing. The most prominent use case is
6  % the ReducedModel.gen_detailed_data() method. When this method is called,
7  % checkpoints are created after each bigger basis extension step at which the
8  % generated detailed_data is stored. Each of these Afterwards the checkpoint can be re-read
9  % from the harddrive like this:
10  % @code
11  % ids = Checkpoint.get_ids(rmodel)
12  % [detailed_data, cp] = Checkpoint.restore(rmodel, ids(1), 'latest');
13  % @endcode
14  %
15  % Instead of 'latest' one could also have used a file index. See
16  % #file_rotation_size and store() for more details on this.
19  properties (Hidden=true, Constant)
20  % list of values ignored for hash computation by compute_hash()
21  ignorelist = {'Mmax','MM','Mstrich','ei_Mmax','Mmax','M','N','Nmax',...
22  'verbose','debug', ...
23  'enable_error_estimator'...
24  };
25  end
27  properties(Dependent)
28  % persistent value for all Checkpoint instances controlling whether
29  % checkpoint is enabled or not.
30  enable_auto_restore = 1;
32  enable_storing = true;
33  end
35  properties (Access = public)
37  % maximum number of files stored in one directory in parallel.
38  %
39  % If this limit is reached, the oldest file is deleted before a new
40  % Checkpoint.store() is executed.
41  file_rotation_size = 5;
43  % The level indicates which level in a data tree of DataTree.INode instances
44  % can be (re)stored by this Checkpoint instance.
45  %
46  % Level '1' corresponds to the root element of the data tree, level '2' to
47  % a child of the root, level '3' to a child of a child of the root element,
48  % ...
49  level = 1;
51  % A cell array of indices as returned by DataTree.INode.get_index() defining
52  % the index of the stored DataTree.INode instance with respect to the root
53  % element of the tree.
54  %
55  % @todo: Why do I not store a single vector
56  data_index = {[]};
58  % a cell array of arbitrary userdata stored with each DataTree.INode node.
59  userdata = {[]};
61  % a cell array of id strings which describes the DataTree.INode instance or the
62  % algorithm which generates it.
63  ids = {''};
65  % a cell array of filenames where the DataTree.INode children are stored.
66  filenames = {''};
67  end
69  methods
71  function cp = Checkpoint(old, index)
72  % function cp = Checkpoint(old, index)
73  % creates a new checkpoint
74  %
75  % Parameters:
76  % old: an object of type .Greedy.Checkpoint whose checkpoint data is copied or
77  % included in the newly created checkpoint.
78  % index: if this is empty, argument old is copied, otherwise a new
79  % Checkpoint of level old.level+1 is created with data fields.
81  if nargin == 2
82  if isempty(index)
83  cp.level = old.level;
84  else
85  cp.level = old.level + 1;
86  end
87  if cp.level <= length(old.userdata)
88  cp.userdata = old.userdata;
89  cp.ids = old.ids;
90  cp.data_index = old.data_index;
91  cp.filenames = old.filenames;
92  else
93  cp.userdata = [ old.userdata, {[]} ];
94  cp.ids = [ old.ids, {''} ];
95  cp.filenames = [ old.filenames, {''} ];
96  cp.data_index = [ old.data_index, {[old.data_index{end}, index]} ];
97  end
98  end
99  end
101  function ec = get.enable_auto_restore(this)
102  ec = this.static_flags('auto_restore');
103  end
105  function this = set.enable_auto_restore(this, nec)
106  ec = this.static_flags('auto_restore', nec);
107  end
109  function ec = get.enable_storing(this)
110  ec = this.static_flags('storing');
111  end
113  function this = set.enable_storing(this, nec)
114  ec = this.static_flags('storing', nec);
115  end
117  function dd = restore_detailed_data(cp, model, cp_index)
118  if nargin <= 2
119  cp_index = 'latest';
120  end
121  fp = Greedy.Checkpoint.filepath(model, cp.ids{1});
122  cpfn = Greedy.Checkpoint.filename(model, cp.ids{1}, cp_index);
123  tmp = load(fullfile(fp, cpfn));
124  if length(cp.ids) == 1
125  dd = tmp.detailed_data;
126  else
127  fp = Greedy.Checkpoint.filepath(model, cp.ids{1});
128  tmp = load(fullfile(fp, cp.filenames{1}));
129  dd = tmp.detailed_data;
130  for i = 2:length(cp.ids)
131  if ~isempty(cp.ids{i})
132  fp = Greedy.Checkpoint.filepath(model, cp.ids{i});
133  tmp = load(fullfile(fp, cp.filenames{i}));
134  set(dd, cp.data_index{i}, tmp.detailed_data);
135  end
136  end
137  end
138  end
140  function ret = get(this, field, default)
141  % function ret = get(this, field, default)
142  % access function for user data stored in a Checkpoint instance
143  %
144  % Parameters:
145  % field: name of a field in the #userdata structure of this #level.
146  % default: This value is returned if the field does not exist in the
147  % #userdata structure.
148  %
149  % Return values:
150  % ret: This returns the value of the userdata field.
152  ud = this.userdata{this.level};
153  if isfield(ud, field)
154  ret = ud.(field);
155  else
156  ret = default;
157  end
158  end
160  function child = child(this, index)
161  % function child = child(this, index)
162  % is called when a new Checkpoint instance for the child of a DataTree.INode
163  % instance shall be generated.
164  %
165  % The child must be a DataTree.INode itself.
166  %
167  % Parameters:
168  % index: a scalar indicating the father child-relationship. child must
169  % be the 'index'-th child of father.
170  %
171  % Return values:
172  % child: the created instance of type Checkpoint
173  child = Greedy.Checkpoint(this, index);
174  end
176 % function ret = subsref(this, S)
177 % if isequal(S(1).type, '.') && isequal(S(1).subs, 'ud') ...
178 % && length(S) == 2 && isequal(S(2).type, '.')
179 % if isfield(this.userdata, S(2).subs)
180 % ret = this.userdata.(S(2).subs);
181 % else
182 % ret = [];
183 % end
184 % else
185 % ret = builtin('subsref', this, S);
186 % end
187 % end
189  function cp = store(cp, model, detailed_data, id, ud)
190  % function cp = store(cp, model, detailed_data, id, ud)
191  % stores a DataTree.INode tree on the harddrive and attaches a descriptive
192  % text and user data.
193  %
194  % The directory where the data is stored is computed via
195  % Greedy.Checkpointfilepath() from the model argument.
196  %
197  % @note The stored DataTree.INode knows its fathers, such that it can be
198  % embedded in a full DataTree.INode tree by restore().
199  %
200  % Parameters:
201  % model: an object or type IReducedModel
202  % detailed_data: an object of type DataTree.INode to be stored on the harddrive
203  % id: id strings which describes the DataTree.INode instance or the
204  % algorithm which generates it.
205  % ud: arbitrary user data to stored with this checkpoint.
206  %
207  % Return values:
208  % cp: handle object of type Greedy.Checkpoint pointing to the changed
209  % Checkpoint instance.
211  if cp.enable_storing
212  fp = Greedy.Checkpoint.filepath(model, id);
213  if ~exist(fp, 'dir')
214  mkdir(fp);
215  end
217  files = dir(fp);
219  dates = zeros(length(files),1);
220  if length(files) >= cp.file_rotation_size + 2
221  for i = 1:length(files)
222  if isempty(setdiff(files(i).name, {'.', '..'}))
223  dates(i) = inf;
224  else
225  dates(i) = files(i).datenum;
226  end
227  end
228  [dates, ind] = min(dates);
229  cpfn = files(ind).name;
230  else
231  cpfn = ['cp', num2str(length(files)-2)];
232  end
234  cp.ids{cp.level} = id;
235  cp.userdata{cp.level} = structcpy(cp.userdata{cp.level}, ud);
236  cp.filenames{cp.level} = cpfn;
237  save(fullfile(fp, cpfn), 'detailed_data', 'cp');
238  end
239  end
241  end
243  methods (Static)
245  function [dd, cp] = restore_latest_if_available(model, id)
246  fp = Greedy.Checkpoint.filepath(model, id);
247  if isempty(dir(fp)) || ~Greedy.Checkpoint.static_flags('auto_restore')
248  dd = [];
249  cp = Greedy.Checkpoint;
250  else
251  [dd, cp] = Greedy.Checkpoint.restore(model, id, 'latest');
252  end
253  end
255  function [dd, cp] = restore(model, id, cp_index)
256  % function [dd, cp] = restore(model, id[, cp_index])
257  % restores a check point by a descriptive text and a checkpoint index
258  %
259  % Parameters:
260  % id: the descriptive id string used when storing the DataTree.INode with
261  % store().
262  % cp_index: an file index between '1' and #file_rotation_size or the
263  % string 'latest'. (Default = 'lastest')
264  %
265  % Return values:
266  % dd: restored object of type DataTree.INode . Note, that is the root of a
267  % data tree even if the 'id' argument refers to a child of it.
268  % cp: an object of type Greedy.Checkpoint restored together with the 'dd'
269  % object.
271  if nargin <= 2
272  cp_index = 'latest';
273  end
274  if nargin <= 1
275  id = 'latest';
276  end
277  fp = Greedy.Checkpoint.filepath(model, id);
278  if ~exist(fp, 'dir')
279  error(['Could not find checkpoint! Directory ', fp, ' does not exist.']);
280  end
282  cpfn = Greedy.Checkpoint.filename(model, id, cp_index);
284  tmp = load(fullfile(fp, cpfn));
285  cp = tmp.cp;
287  dd = restore_detailed_data(cp, model, cp_index);
288  cp.level = 1;
289  end
291  function cpfn = filename(model, id, cp_index)
292  fp = Greedy.Checkpoint.filepath(model, id);
294  files = dir(fp);
296  if isequal(cp_index, 'latest')
297  dates = zeros(length(files),1);
298  for i = 1:length(files)
299  if isempty(setdiff(files(i).name, {'.', '..'}))
300  dates(i) = 0;
301  else
302  dates(i) = datenum(files(i).date);
303  end
304  end
305  [dates, ind] = max(dates);
306  cpfn = files(ind).name;
307  else
308  cpfn = ['cp', num2str(cp_index)];
309  end
310  end
312  function clear_old_checkpoints(model, num_left)
313  % function clear_old_checkpoints(model [, num_left])
314  % clears data files in a checkpoint directory
315  %
316  % The filepath is generated from the argument 'model'.
317  %
318  % Parameters:
319  % model: an object of type IReducedModel .
320  % num_left: number of files to be left in the directory. (Default = 0)
322  if nargin == 1
323  num_left = 0;
324  end
326  fp = Greedy.Checkpoint.basepath;
327  descr = model.descr;
328  base = fullfile(fp, descr.name);
329  if exist(base, 'dir')
331  dirs = dir(base);
332  dates = zeros(length(dirs),1);
333  for i = 1:length(dirs)
334  if isempty(setdiff(dirs(i).name, {'.', '..'}))
335  dates(i) = inf;
336  else
337  dates(i) = datenum(dirs(i).date);
338  end
339  end
340  [dates, inds] = sort(dates, 1, 'descend');
342  for i = inds(num_left+1:end)
343  rmdir(fullfile(base, dirs(i).name), 's')
344  end
345  end
346  end
348  function fp = basepath()
349  % function fp = basepath()
350  % returns the basepath for storage of Greedy.Checkpoint instances on the hdd.
351  %
352  % Return values:
353  % fp: string of file path to base directory.
354  fp = fullfile(rbmatlabtemp, 'checkpoints');
355  end
357  function fp = filepath(rmodel, id)
358  % function fp = filepath(rmodel, id)
359  % computes a file path from the rmodel hash and an id
360  %
361  % Parameters:
362  % rmodel: an object of type IReducedModel
363  % id: id strings which describes the DataTree.INode instance or the
364  % algorithm which generates it.
365  %
366  % Return values:
367  % fp: string of file path to the directory where data is stored.
369  descr = rmodel.descr;
370  mhash = Greedy.Checkpoint.compute_hash(descr);
371  fp = fullfile(Greedy.Checkpoint.basepath, descr.name, mhash, id);
372  end
374  function ids = get_ids(rmodel)
375  % function ids = get_ids(rmodel)
376  % returns a list of possible 'ids' to restore for a reduced model.
377  %
378  % Parameters:
379  % rmodel: an object of type IReducedModel
380  %
381  % Return values:
382  % ids: a cell array of possible ids to restore.
384  ids = {};
386  fp = Greedy.Checkpoint.filepath(rmodel, '');
387  if exist(fp, 'dir')
388  dirlist = dir(fp);
389  ids = setdiff(arrayfun(@(x) x.name, dirlist, 'UniformOutput', false), {'.', '..'});
390  end
391  end
393  function mhash = compute_hash(descr)
394  % function mhash = compute_hash(descr)
395  % computes an md5 hash string from the model description used to identify
396  % it over a file name.
397  %
398  % Parameters:
399  % descr: a structure describing the model.
400  %
401  % Return values:
402  % mhash: a string of the hash key computed.
403  il = [Greedy.Checkpoint.ignorelist, descr.mu_names];
404  if isfield(descr, 'filecache_ignore_fields_in_model')
405  il = [ il, descr.filecache_ignore_fields_in_model ];
406  end
407  fns = setdiff(fieldnames(descr), il);
408  fns = sort(fns);
409  mstr = '';
410  for i = 1:length(fns)
411  mstr = [ mstr, fns{i}, ':', Greedy.Checkpoint.stringify(descr.(fns{i})) ];
412  end
413  mhash = hash(mstr, 'md5');
414  end
416  function str = stringify(x)
417  % function str = stringify(x)
418  % helper function to make strings out of function_handle, cell and other objects.
419  %
420  % This function is utilized by the compute_hash() method.
421  %
422  % Parameters:
423  % x: an arbitrary object from which a string shall be computed.
424  %
425  % Return values:
426  % str: the string
427  if isobject(x)
428  str = class(x);
429  else
430  switch(class(x))
431  case 'function_handle'
432  str = func2str(x);
433  case 'cell'
434  str = mat2str(cell2mat(cellfun(@Greedy.Checkpoint.stringify, x, 'UniformOutput', false) ) );
435  case 'struct'
436  str = 'structs_not_handled_yet';
437  otherwise % double, logical, uint??, int??, ...
438  str = mat2str(x);
439  end
440  end
441  str = [str, ','];
442  end
443  end
445  methods (Static, Access = public)
447  function ec = static_flags(flag, nec)
448  persistent pec;
449  if isempty(pec)
450  pec = struct('auto_restore', true, 'storing', true);
451  end
452  if nargin == 2
453  pec.(flag) = nec;
454  end
455  ec = pec.(flag);
456  end
457  end
459 end