rbmatlab  1.13.10
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1 classdef PODDune < Greedy.Plugin.PODCommon
2  % extension class implementing the POD-greedy algorithm extension routines
3  %
5  properties(Constant)
6  % cell array of field names which shall be copied to the detailed data node
7  % structure on creation in init_basis() method.
8  info_fields = {'stop_Nmax', 'noof_pca_modes'};
9  end
11  properties
12  % maximum number of generated reduced basis vectors.
13  stop_Nmax = inf;
15  % number of most significant POD modes to be added to the reduced basis in
16  % each extension step.
17  %
18  % See also: basis_extension() for more information.
19  noof_pca_modes = 1;
20  end
22  properties(Constant)
23  % @copybrief .Greedy::Interfacegenerated_basis_type
24  %
25  % @copydetails .Greedy::Interfacegenerated_basis_type
26  %
27  generated_basis_type = 'rb';
28  end
30  methods
32  function rbpcafe = PODDune(generator, id)
33  % function rbpcafe = PODDune(generator)
34  % constructor for the POD-greedy extension algorithms.
35  %
36  % Parameters:
37  % generator: object of type SnapshotsGenerator.Trajectories generating
38  % the (high dimensional) basis functions, i.e. solutions of
39  % the numerical scheme for the parametrized partial
40  % differential equation.
42  rbpcafe = rbpcafe@Greedy.Plugin.PODCommon(generator);
43  end
45  function detailed_data = init_basis(this, rmodel, model_data, M_train)
46  % function detailed_data = init_basis(this, rmodel, model_data, M_train)
47  % @copybrief .Greedy.Plugin::Interfaceinit_basis()
48  %
49  % @copydetails Greedy.Plugin::Interfaceinit_basis()
50  %
51  % Parameters:
52  % rmodel: of type .Greedy.User::IReducedModel
53  %
54  % Return values:
55  % detailed_data: of type .Greedy.DataTree.Detailed.RBLeafNode
56  %
57  % Computes the initial data functions for all parameters from the
58  % training set 'M_train' and initializes the reduced basis with an
59  % orthonormalization of these DOF vectors. The result is stored in a
60  % detailed data tree leaf node object.
61  if isa(model_data, 'Greedy.DataTree.Detailed.INode')
62  model_data = model_data.model_data;
63  end
65  RBinit = rmodel.descr.mexptr('init_data_basis');
67  if isstruct(model_data)
68  detailed_data = Greedy.DataTree.Detailed.DuneRBLeafNode(model_data, this.id);
69  set_fields(detailed_data, this, Greedy.Plugin.PODDune.info_fields);
70  end
72  detailed_data.RB = RBinit;
73  disp(['found ',num2str(size(RBinit,2)),' basis functions for',...
74  ' init data variation.']);
75  end
77  function prepare_reduced_data(this, rmodel, detailed_data)
78  % function prepare_reduced_data(this, rmodel, detailed_data)
79  % @copybrief Greedy.Plugin::Interfaceprepare_reduced_data()
80  %
81  % @copydetails Greedy.Plugin::Interfaceprepare_reduced_data()
82  %
83  % Parameters:
84  % rmodel: of type .Greedy.User::IReducedModel
85  % detailed_data: of type .Greedy.DataTree.DetailedRBLeafNode
87 % if isempty(this.last_detailed_data_handle_for_prepare_reduced) ...
88 % || this.last_detailed_data_handle_for_prepare_reduced ~= detailed_data
89  this.reduced_data = gen_reduced_data(rmodel, detailed_data);
90 % this.last_detailed_data_handle_for_prepare_reduced = detailed_data;
91 % end
92  end
94  function Uapprox = generate_reduced(this, rmodel, reduced_data, detailed_data, U)
95  % function Uapprox = generate_reduced(this, rmodel, reduced_data, detailed_data, U)
96  % @copybrief Greedy.Plugin::Interfacegenerate_reduced()
97  %
98  % @copydetails Greedy.Plugin::Interfacegenerate_reduced()
99  %
100  % Parameters:
101  % rmodel: of type .Greedy.User::IReducedModel
102  % detailed_data: of type .Greedy.User::IDetailedData
103  % reduced_data: of type .Greedy.User::IReducedData
104  if isempty(reduced_data)
105  error('prepare_reduced_data() may need to be executed before generate_reduced()!');
106  end
107  rmodel.N = get_rb_size(detailed_data);
108  rmodel.M = get_ei_size(detailed_data) - rmodel.Mstrich;
110  rb_sim_data = rb_simulation(rmodel, reduced_data);
111  rb_sim_data = rb_reconstruction(rmodel, detailed_data, rb_sim_data);
112  Uapprox = rmodel.get_dofs_from_sim_data(rb_sim_data);
113  end
115  function [max_errs, max_err_sequence, max_mu_index] = ...
116  error_estimators(this, rmodel, detailed_data, M_train)
117  % function [max_errs, max_err_sequence, max_mu_index] = error_estimators(this, rmodel, detailed_data, M_train)
118  % @copybrief Greedy.Plugin::Defaulterror_estimators()
119  %
120  % @copydetails Greedy.Plugin::Defaulterror_estimators()
121  %
122  % Parameters:
123  % rmodel: of type .Greedy.User::IReducedModel
124  % detailed_data: of type .Greedy.User::IDetailedData
125  %
126  % The estimator `\eta_{N,M,M'}` used here is described in @ref DHO11
127  % "[DHO11], Chapter 5".
128  %
129  nmus = size(M_train, 1);
131  tmp_max_errs = cell(nmus, 1);
132  tmp_max_err = zeros(nmus, 1);
134  reduced_data = this.reduced_data;
135  if rmodel.crb_enabled
136  if isa(reduced_data.M, 'DataTree.INode')
137  rmodel.M = create_scalar_tree(reduced_data.M, @(x) get(x,1) - rmodel.Mstrich);
138  else
139  rmodel.M = reduced_data.M - rmodel.Mstrich;
140  end
141  end
143  if ~FakeMPI.MPI_IsActive
144  ME.message = '';
145  parfor i = 1:nmus
146  %for i = 1:nmus
147  trmodel = rmodel;
148  if trmodel.verbose >= 5
149  fprintf('.');
150  end
151  set_mu(trmodel, M_train(i,:));
152  try
153  sim_data = rb_simulation(trmodel, reduced_data);
154  tmp_max_errs{i} = trmodel.get_estimators_from_sim_data(sim_data);
155  tmp_max_err(i) = max(tmp_max_errs{i});
156  catch ME
157  tME = ME;
158  warning('RBmatlab:simulation_error', ...
159  ['Method rb_simulation threw an error: ', tME.message]);
160  tmp_max_errs{i} = NaN;
161  tmp_max_err(i) = NaN;
162  end
163  end
164  fprintf('\n');
165  else
166  buf.reduced_data = reduced_data;
167  buf.rmodel = rmodel;
168  buf.M_train = M_train;
169  FakeMPI.MPI_Deploy(buf);
170  buf = [];
172  min_mu = 0;
173  nnodes = min(FakeMPI.MPI_Size, nmus-min_mu);
174  width = max((nmus-min_mu)/(2*nnodes),1);
176  ids = 1:nnodes;
177  bufs = cell(1,nnodes);
178  for id=1:nnodes
179  bufs{id}.st = round((id-1)*width)+1+min_mu;
180  bufs{id}.en = min(round(id*width)+min_mu, nmus);
181 % disp(['Send: id = ', num2str(id), ' st = ', num2str(buf.st), ' en = ', num2str(buf.en)]);
182  end
183  FakeMPI.MPI_Send(ids, bufs);
184  min_mu = bufs{end}.en;
186  running=true(1,nnodes);
187  countdown = 0;
189  pause(0.5);
191  while (any(running))
192  probed_ids = FakeMPI.MPI_Probe('*');
193  id_mask = find(running);
194  for id=intersect(probed_ids, id_mask)
195  ret_struct = FakeMPI.MPI_Recv(id);
196  try
197  st = ret_struct.st;
198  en = ret_struct.en;
199  assert(bufs{id}.st == st)
200  assert(bufs{id}.en == en)
201  tmp_max_errs(st:en) = ret_struct.tmp_max_errs(:);
202  tmp_max_err(st:en) = ret_struct.tmp_max_err(:);
203  catch exception
204  disp('received corrupt data');
205  disp(exception.message);
206  disp('resend this job');
207  FakeMPI.MPI_ReDeploy(id);
208  FakeMPI.MPI_Send(id, bufs{id});
209  pause(0.05);
210  continue;
211  end
212  if min_mu < nmus
213  if countdown == 0
214  width = max((nmus-min_mu)/(2*nnodes), 1);
215  countdown = nnodes;
216  end
217  buf.st = min_mu + 1;
218  buf.en = min(min_mu + round(width), nmus);
219  bufs{id} = buf;
220 % disp(['Send: id = ', num2str(id), ' st = ', num2str(buf.st), ' en = ', num2str(buf.en)]);
221  FakeMPI.MPI_ReDeploy(id);
222  FakeMPI.MPI_Send(id, buf);
223  pause(0.05);
224  min_mu = buf.en;
225  countdown = countdown - 1;
226  else
227  running(id) = 0;
228  disp(['stopped parCompErrs #', num2str(id)]);
229  end
230  end
231  pause(0.05);
232  end
233  if getenv('PBS_JOBID')
234  pause(0.5);
235  end
237  end
239  [dummy, max_mu_index] = max(tmp_max_err);
240  max_errs = tmp_max_err;
241  max_err_sequence = tmp_max_errs{max_mu_index};
242  end
244  function [breakloop, reason] = pre_check_for_end(this, rmodel, detailed_data)
245  % function [breakloop, reason] = pre_check_for_end(this, rmodel, detailed_data)
246  % @copybrief Greedy.Plugin.Interface.pre_check_for_end()
247  %
248  % @copydetails Greedy.Plugin.Interface.pre_check_for_end()
249  %
250  % Parameters:
251  % rmodel: of type .Greedy.User.IReducedModel
252  % detailed_data: of type .Greedy.DataTree.Detailed.RBLeafNode
254  dd_leaf = get_active_leaf(detailed_data, rmodel);
255  reason = '';
256  breakloop = false;
257  if stopped_on_active_child(detailed_data, 'stopped_on_empty_extension', rmodel)
258  breakloop = true;
259  reason = 'RB extension stopped on empty extension';
260  elseif size(detailed_data.RB, 2) >= get_field(dd_leaf, 'stop_Nmax')
261  set_stop_flag(dd_leaf, 'stopped_on_max_basis_size');
262  breakloop = true;
263  reason = 'RB extension reached maximum basis size';
264  end
265  end
268 % breakloop = post_check_for_end(this, detailed_data);
270  function detailed_data = basis_extension(this, rmodel, detailed_data, max_err_seq, mu)
271  % function ret_detailed_data = basis_extension(this, rmodel, detailed_data, max_err_seq, mu)
272  % @copybrief Greedy.Plugin.Interface.basis_extension()
273  %
274  % @copydetails Greedy.Plugin.Interface.basis_extension()
275  %
276  % Parameters:
277  % rmodel: of type .Greedy.User.IReducedModel
278  % detailed_data: of type .Greedy.DataTree.Detailed.RBLeafNode
279  %
280  % Return values:
281  % detailed_data: of type .Greedy.DataTree.Detailed.RBLeafNode
282  %
283  % Implementation details:
284  %
285  % - This method computes first POD modes of this sequence of discrete
286  % functions and adds them to the reduced basis space.
287  % - The number of POD modes used can be specified by the #noof_pca_modes
288  % property.
289  % - The POD is computed by the PCA_fixspace() function.
291  % extend rb basis if you receive rbeidetailedata
293  max_err = max(max_err_seq);
294  disp(['Detected maximum error prediction ',num2str(max_err),...
295  ' for mu=[',...
296  num2str(mu),']']);
298  dmodel = rmodel.detailed_model;
299  set_mu(dmodel, mu);
301  cur_stop_Nmax = get_field(detailed_data, 'stop_Nmax');
302  cur_noof_pca_modes = get_field(detailed_data, 'noof_pca_modes');
303  pca_modes = min(cur_noof_pca_modes, cur_stop_Nmax - size(detailed_data.RB,2));
305  RBext = rmodel.descr.mexptr('rb_extension_PCA', mu, pca_modes);
307  if ~isempty(RBext)
308  RB = [detailed_data.RB, RBext];
309  % RBo = model_orthonormalize_qr( dmodel.descr, model_data, RB, eps );
310  % K = inner_product(dmodel, model_data, RBo, RB);
311  % [dummy,i] = max(abs(K));
312  % RB = RBo(:,i);
313  % if model.debug
314  % K = rb_engine.inner_product(model,detailed_data, RB, RB);
315  % if max(max(abs(K-eye(size(K)))))>1e-10
316  % error('error in orthonormal basis extension!');
317  % end
318  % end
319  detailed_data.RB = RB;
320  N = size(detailed_data.RB, 2);
321  disp(['Extended RB to length ', num2str(N)]);
322  else
323  set_stop_flag(detailed_data, 'stopped_on_empty_extension');
324  %! \todo Remember to catch this one in the container above when
325  % combining eidetailed and pod-greedy!!!!
326  end
327  end
328  end
329 end