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1 function flux = conv_flux_to_be_distributed_in_single_files(glob,U,params)
2 ´%function flux = conv_flux(glob,U,params)
3 %
4 % function computing the convective flux of a convection problem.
5 % flux is a 2xnpoints matrix, representing the x/y-coordinates of the
6 % velocity in the edge midpoints.
7 %
8 % required fields of params:
9 % t: real time value in case of time-dependent flux
10 %
11 % if name_flux == 'burgers_parabola' (reasonable domain [0,1]^2)
12 % then a parabolic velocity field going to the right is used with
13 % maximum velocity params.vmax and angle params.vrot_angle to
14 % the x-axis. The computed flux then is v * u^params.flux_pdeg. The input
15 % quantity U is assumed to be bounded by linfty-norm 1
16 %
17 % if name_flux == 'parabola' (reasonable domain [0,1]^2)
18 % c : velocity of parabola-profile in params.yrange, constant in x-direction
19 %
20 % if name_flux == 'gdl' (reasonable domain [0,1e-3]x[0,0.25e-3])
21 % v_in_max : max velocity
22 % a velocity profile is used, which is computed from an
23 % elliptic problem: parabolic inflow profile on the left,
24 % parabolic outflow on the right, noflow on bottom and middle
25 % of top. Dirichlet values in pressure on two top domains
26 % yield the velocity.
27 % if name_flux == 'gdl2' (reasonable domain [0,1e-3]x[0,0.25e-3])
28 % lambda : factor for velocity computation: v = - lambda * grad(p)
29 % a velocity field is used, which is computed from an
30 % elliptic problem for the pressure by compute_pressure_gdl2
31 % (some gdl-elements in a row, Neumann-0 and dirichlet
32 % conditions between 4 and 1 for the pressure, linear
33 % decreasing along the channel)
34 % if name_flux == 'gdl_circ_par_mix' then a mixture of parabolic and
35 % circular hand crafted velocity profile is used.
36 % does not work good, produces singularities in fv simulation.
37 % if name_flux == 'gdl_pgrad_and_parabola' then a mixture of a parabola
38 % and a simulated pressure gradient is used. By this,
39 % symmetric boundary conditions can be used
40 %
41 % Function supports affine decomposition, i.e. different operation modes
42 % guided by optional field decomp_mode in params. See also the
43 % contents.txt for general explanation
44 %
45 % optional fields of params:
46 % mu_names : names of fields to be regarded as parameters in vector mu
47 % decomp_mode: operation mode of the function
48 % 'none' (default): no parameter dependence or decomposition is
49 % performed. output is as described above.
50 % 'components': For each output argument a cell array of output
51 % arguments is returned representing the q-th component
52 % independent of the parameters given in mu_names
53 % 'coefficients': For each output argument a cell array of output
54 % arguments is returned representing the q-th coefficient
55 % dependent of the parameters given in mu_names
56 %
57 % in 'coefficient' mode, the parameters in brackets are empty
59 % Bernard Haasdonk 4.4.2006
61 % glob column check
62 if params.debug
63  if ~isempty(glob) && size(glob,1) < size(glob,2)
64  warning('coordinates in variable glob are given row-wise, but expected them to be column-wise');
65  if params.debug > 2
66  keyboard;
67  end
68  end
69 end
70 flux = [];
72 % determine affine_decomposition_mode as integer
73 decomp_mode = params.decomp_mode;
74 % flag indicating whether the computation respected the decomposition
75 respected_decomp_mode = 0;
77 %disp('halt in conv_flux')
78 %keyboard;
80 % keep the following up-to-date with conv_flux_linearization!!!
81 %linear_fluxes = {'gdl2','parabola','gdl_circ_par_mix','gdl',...
82 % 'gdl_pgrad_and_parabola'};
84 %if ismember(params.name_flux, linear_fluxes)
85 % if fluxname is linear fluxes
86 if params.flux_linear
87  % evaluate linear flux
88  lin_flux = conv_flux_linearization(params,U,X,Y);
89  if decomp_mode == 0 % i.e. 'none'
90  flux.lambda = lin_flux.lambda;
91  if ~isempty(lin_flux.Vx) % otherwise size 0/0 => 0/1 !!!!!
92  flux.Fx = lin_flux.Vx(:).* U(:);
93  flux.Fy = lin_flux.Vy(:).* U(:);
94  else
95  flux.Fx = [];
96  flux.Fy = [];
97  end;
98  elseif decomp_mode == 1 % i.e. 'components'
99  flux = cell(size(lin_flux));
100  Q = length(lin_flux);
101  for q = 1:Q
102 % f.lambda = lin_flux{q}.lambda;
103  f.Fx = lin_flux{q}.Vx(:).* U(:);
104  f.Fy = lin_flux{q}.Vy(:).* U(:);
105  flux{q} = f;
106  end;
107  elseif decomp_mode == 2 % i.e. 'coefficients'
108  flux = lin_flux; % copy of coefficient vector from linear flux
109  end;
110  respected_decomp_mode = 1;
111 else
112  % if no linear flux, then select appropriate nonlinear flux
113  switch params.name_flux
114  case 'burgers_parabola'
115  % i.e. a parabolic velocity field times u^2, which is rotated by
116  % an arbitrary angle around the midpoint (0.5,0.5)
117  % u is assumed to be bounded by 1, such that lambda can be
118  % specified in advance
121  % IN conv_flux_linearization !!!
122  P = [X(:)'-0.5; Y(:)'-0.5];
123  Rinv = [cos(-params.vrot_angle), - sin(-params.vrot_angle); ...
124  sin(-params.vrot_angle), cos(-params.vrot_angle) ];
125  RP = Rinv*P; % rotated coordinates as columns
126  RP(1,:) = RP(1,:) + 0.5;
127  RP(2,:) = RP(2,:) + 0.5;
128  V = zeros(size(RP));
129  V(1,:) = (1- RP(2,:)) .* RP(2,:) * params.vmax * 4;
130  V(2,:) = 0;
131  RV = Rinv^(-1) * V;
132  flux.Fx = RV(1,:)' .* U(:).^params.flux_pdeg;
133  flux.Fy = RV(2,:)' .* U(:).^params.flux_pdeg;
135  umax = 1;
136  i = find(abs(U)>1.5);
137  if ~isempty(i)
138  disp(['U not bounded by 1 as assumed by flux, lambda may be ',...
139  'too large.']);
140  end;
141  flux.lambda = 1/ (params.vmax * 2 * umax^(params.flux_pdeg-1));
143  % IN conv_flux_linearization !!!
144  case 'burgers'
145  % i.e. constant velocity v = (params.flux_vx, params.flux_vy) times u^pdeg
146  % u is assumed to be bounded by 1, such that lambda can be
147  % specified in advance
148  Upower = real(U(:).^params.flux_pdeg);
149  flux.Fx = params.flux_vx * ones(size(U(:))) .* Upower;
150  flux.Fy = params.flux_vy * ones(size(U(:))) .* Upower;
152  umax = 1;
153  i = find(abs(U)>1.5);
154  if ~isempty(i)
155  disp(['U not bounded by 1 as assumed by flux, lambda may be ',...
156  'too large.']);
157  end;
158  vmax = sqrt(params.flux_vy^2 + params.flux_vx^2);
159  flux.lambda = 1/ (vmax * 2 * umax^(params.flux_pdeg-1));
160  case 'richards'
161  flux.Fx = zeros(size(U));
162  flux.Fy = zeros(size(U));
164  p_mu = spline_select(params);
165  [ breaks, coeffs, pieces, order ] = unmkpp(p_mu);
166  p_mu_d = mkpp(breaks, coeffs(:,1:order-1) .* repmat([order-1:-1:1],pieces,1));
169  denom = 1 + ppval(p_mu, X);
170  flux.Fx = - 0.001 * ppval(p_mu_d, X) ./ denom .* U';
171  flux.Fy = - 0.001 * ppval(p_mu_d, X).^2 .* Y ./ denom.^2 .* U';
172  flux.lambda = 1/ (max(max([flux.Fx, flux.Fy])));
174  case 'none'
175  flux.Fx = zeros(size(U));
176  flux.Fy = zeros(size(U));
177  % assumption: vmax = 1, umax = 1;
178  vmax = 1;
179  umax = 1;
180  flux.lambda = 1/ (vmax * 2 * umax);
182  otherwise
183  error('flux function unknown');
184  end;
186 end;
188 if decomp_mode>0 & respected_decomp_mode==0
189  error('function does not support affine decomposition!');
190 end;
192 %| \docupdate