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1 function sim_data = detailed_simulation_galerkin(dmodel, detailed_data)
2 % function sim_data = detailed_simulation(dmodel, detailed_data)
3 % executes a detailed simulation for a given parameter
4 %
5 % required fields of model:
6 % T : final time
7 % nt : number of time-steps
8 % `0 = t_0 \leq t_1 \leq \cdots \leq t^K+1 = T`, i.e. `K+1`.
9 % init_values_algorithm : function pointer for computing the initvalues-DOF
10 % with arguments '(model, model_data)'
11 % - example: fv_init_values()
12 % .
13 % L_E_local_ptr : function pointer to the local space-discretization
14 % operator evaluation with syntax
15 % @code
16 % INC_local = L_local(U_local_ext, ind_local, grid_local_ext)
17 % @endcode
18 % where '*_local' indicates results on a set of elements,
19 % '*_local_ext' includes information including their
20 % neighbours, i.e. the grid must be known also for the
21 % neighbours, the values of the previous timstep must be known
22 % on the neighbours. The subset of elements, which are to be
23 % computed are given in ind_local and the values produced are
24 % 'INC_local'.
25 % A time-step can then be realized by
26 % @code
27 % NU_local = U_local_ext(ind_local) - dt * INC_local
28 % @endcode
29 % - example: fv_conv_explicit_space()
30 % .
31 %
32 % optional fields of model:
33 % data_const_in_time : if this optional field is 1, the time
34 % evolution is performed with constant operators,
35 % i.e. only the initial-time-operators are computed
36 % and used throughout the time simulation.
37 %
38 % Return values:
39 % sim_data: structure holding the `H`-dimensional simulation data.
40 % fl: debug output holding the flux evaluations returned by the
41 % 'L_E_local_ptr' operator.
42 %
43 % Generated fields of sim_data:
44 % U: matrix of size `H \times K+1` holding for each time step the solution
45 % dof vector.
46 % Unewton: matrix of size `H \times K+1+\sum_{k=0}^K n_{\text{Newton}}(k)`
47 % holding for each time step and each Newton iteration the
48 % intermediate solution dof vectors.
49 %
52 % Martin Drohmann 9.12.2007 based on detailed_nonlin_evol_simulation.m by
53 % Bernard Haasdonk
55 dd = detailed_data;
56 model_data = dd.model_data;
58 if nargin ~= 2
59  error('wrong number of parameters!');
60 end;
62 if dmodel.verbose >= 9
63  disp('entered detailed simulation ');
64 end;
66 if isempty(model_data)
67  model_data = gen_model_data(dmodel);
68 end;
71 % for a detailed simulation we do not need the affine parameter
72 % decomposition
73 dmodel.decomp_mode = 0;
75 model = dmodel.descr;
77 % initial values by midpoint evaluation
78 S0 = model.init_values.evaluate(model,model_data);
80 dd_sat = get_by_description(dd.datatree.rb, 'saturation');
81 dd_vel = get_by_description(dd.datatree.rb, 'velocity');
82 dd_prs = get_by_description(dd.datatree.rb, 'pressure');
83 sat_N = size(dd_sat.RB, 2);
84 vel_N = size(dd_vel.RB, 2);
85 prs_N = size(dd_prs.RB, 2);
87 S = zeros(length(S0(:)),model.nt+1);
88 U = zeros(model_data.gn_edges, model.nt+1);
89 P = zeros(length(S0(:)),model.nt+1);
90 sat_a = zeros(sat_N, model.nt+1); % matrix of saturation RB-coefficients
91 vel_a = zeros(vel_N, model.nt+1); % matrix of velocity RB-coefficients
92 prs_a = zeros(prs_N, model.nt+1); % matrix of pressure RB-coefficients
93 exflags = zeros(1, model.nt+1);
94 outtext = cell(1, model.nt+1);
95 Slength = length(S0(:));
96 Ulength = model_data.gn_edges;
98 %totlength = 2*Slength+length(grid.VI);
99 S(:,1) = S0(:);
100 W = model_data.W;
101 dW = model_data.diamondWinv;
102 dd_satl2 = dd_sat.RB';
103 dd_vell2 = dd_vel.RB';
104 dd_prsl2 = dd_prs.RB';
106 sat_a(:,1) = dd_satl2 * W * S(:,1);
107 %sim_data = evalin('base', 'sim_data');
108 %prs_a(:,1) = dd_prsl2 * W * sim_data.P(:,2);
109 %vel_a(:,1) = dd_vell2 * dW * sim_data.U(:,2);
112 model.dt = model.T / model.nt;
114 for t = 1:model.nt
115  model.t = (t-1)*model.dt;
116  model.tstep = t;
117  if model.verbose > 19
118  disp(['entered time-loop step ',num2str(t), ' for non linear evolution equation']);
119  elseif model.verbose > 9
120  fprintf('.');
121  end;
122  fprintf('.');
124 % sat_a(:,t+1) = dd_satl2 * W * sim_data.S(:,t+1);
125 % vel_a(:,t+1) = dd_vell2 * dW * sim_data.U(:,t+1);
126 % prs_a(:,t+1) = dd_prsl2 * W * sim_data.P(:,t+1);
127  % V = zeros(totlength, model.newton_steps+1);
128  V_last = [sat_a(:,t); vel_a(:,t); prs_a(:,t)];
130  model.t = model.t + model.dt;
132 % Srhs = model.S_local_ptr(model, model_data, V(1:Slength+Ulength,n), []);
133 % Urhs = model.U_local_ptr(model, model_data, V(Slength+1:end,n), []);
134 % Prhs = model.P_local_ptr(model, model_data, V(Slength+Ulength+1:end,n), []);
135 % gradSM = model.S_op_matrix(model, model_data, V(Slength+1:Slength+Ulength,n), []);
136 % gradUM = model.U_op_matrix(model, model_data, V(1:Slength,n), []);
137 % gradPM = model.P_op_matrix(model, model_data, v(Slength+Ulength+1:end,n), []);
139  fsolve_fun = @(X) sat_fun(model, model_data, sat_a(:,t), X, dd_sat, dd_vel, dd_prs, dd_satl2, dd_vell2, dd_prsl2);
140  %[(X(1:Slength)-S(:,t))./model.dt;zeros(Ulength+Slength+1,1)] ...
141  % + fv_two_phase_space(model, model_data, X, []);
143  %LB = [zeros(Slength,1);-Inf(Ulength,1);-Inf(Slength,1)];
144  %UB = [ones(Slength,1)-100*eps;Inf(Ulength,1);Inf(Slength,1)];
145  %[V_new, resnorm, FV, exitflag, output] = lsqnonlin(fsolve_fun, V_last, LB, UB,...
146  % optimset('Display', 'iter', ...
147  % 'Algorithm', 'trust-region-reflective',...
148  % 'Jacobian', 'on', ...
149  % 'FinDiffType', 'central', ...
150  % 'Diagnostics', 'on', ...
151  % 'DerivativeCheck', 'off'));
152  % [V_new, FV, exitflag, output, jacobian] = fsolve(fsolve_fun, V_last, ...
153  % optimset('LargeScale', 'on', ... %'Algorithm', 'levenberg-marquardt', ...
154  % 'Display', 'iter', ...
155  % 'Jacobian', 'on', ...
156  % 'Diagnostics', 'off', ...
157  % 'DerivativeCheck', 'off'...
158  % ));
160  gplmmopts.Px = @(X) box_projection(X, Slength);
161 % gplmmopts.HessFun = @(params, jac, dummy, arg) jac' * (jac * arg);
162  gplmmopts.Slength = Slength;
163  [V_new, resnorm, FV, exitflag, output] = gplmm(fsolve_fun, V_last, gplmmopts);
164 % [V_new, resnorm, FV, exitflag, output] = newton_raphson(fsolve_fun, V_last, gplmmopts);
166 % sat_a(:,t) = dd_sat.RB' * model_data.W * sim_data.S(:,t);
167 % vel_a(:,t) = dd_vel.RB' * model_data.diamondWinv * sim_data.U(:,t);
168 % prs_a(:,t) = dd_prs.RB' * model_data.W * sim_data.P(:,t);
169  V_new = real(V_new);
170  disp(['t= ', num2str(model.t)]);
172  exflags(t) = exitflag;
173  outtext{t} = output;
175  sat_a(:,t+1) = V_new(1:sat_N);
176  vel_a(:,t+1) = V_new(sat_N+1:sat_N+vel_N);
177  prs_a(:,t+1) = V_new(sat_N+vel_N+1:end);
178  S(:,t+1) = dd_sat.RB * sat_a(:,t+1);
179  % Stemp(:,2*t+1:2*t+2) = tempsols(1:Slength,:);
180  U(:,t+1) = dd_vel.RB * vel_a(:,t+1);
181  % Utemp(:,2*t+1:2*t+2) = tempsols(Slength+1:Slength+Ulength,:);
182  P(:,t+1) = dd_prs.RB * prs_a(:,t+1);
183  % Ptemp(:,2*t+1:2*t+2) = tempsols(Slength+Ulength+1:end,:);
185 end
187 sim_data.sat_a = sat_a;
188 sim_data.vel_a = vel_a;
189 sim_data.prs_a = prs_a;
190 sim_data.S = S;
191 %sim_data.Stemp = Stemp;
192 sim_data.U = U;
193 %sim_data.Utemp = Utemp;
194 sim_data.P = P;
195 %sim_data.Ptemp = Ptemp;
196 sim_data.exit_flags = exflags;
197 sim_data.outputs = outtext;
199 if model.verbose > 9
200  fprintf('\n');
201 end
203 function [ret, J] = sat_fun(descr, model_data, Sold, X, dd_sat, dd_vel, dd_prs, dd_satl2, dd_vell2, dd_prsl2)
205  model_data = dd_sat.model_data;
206  W = model_data.W;
207  dW = model_data.diamondWinv;
209  sat_N = size(dd_sat.RB, 2);
210  vel_N = size(dd_vel.RB, 2);
211  prs_N = size(dd_prs.RB, 2);
212  Uoff = size(dd_sat.RB, 1);
213  Poff = Uoff + size(dd_vel.RB, 1);
215  % Stemp(Stemp < 0) = 0+eps;
216  % Stemp(Stemp > 1) = 1-eps;
217  arglength = Poff + size(dd_prs.RB, 1);
218  L_sat_arg.S = dd_sat.RB * X(1:sat_N);
219  L_sat_arg.U = dd_vel.RB * X(sat_N+1:sat_N+vel_N);
220 % L_sat_arg.S = X(1:Uoff);
221 % L_sat_arg.U = X(Uoff+1:Poff);
222  L_sat_arg.Uoff = Uoff;
223  L_sat_arg.m = arglength;
224  [sat_ret, dummy, sat_Jret] = descr.L_saturation.apply(descr, model_data, L_sat_arg);
225  sat_ret = (X(1:sat_N) - Sold)./descr.dt + ( dd_satl2 * W * sat_ret );
226 % sat_ret = ddsatl2 * W * ( (X(1:Uoff) - Sold)./descr.dt + sat_ret );
228  L_vel_arg.S = dd_sat.RB * X(1:sat_N);
229  L_vel_arg.P = dd_prs.RB * X(sat_N+vel_N+1:end);
230 % L_vel_arg.S = X(1:Uoff);
231 % L_vel_arg.P = X(Poff+1:end);
232  L_vel_arg.Poff = Poff;
233  L_vel_arg.n = Poff-Uoff;
234  L_vel_arg.m = arglength;
235  [vel_ret, dummy, vel_Jret] = descr.L_velocity.apply(descr, model_data, L_vel_arg);
237  L_div_arg.U = dd_vel.RB * X(sat_N+1:sat_N+vel_N);
238 % L_div_arg.U = X(Uoff+1:Poff);
239  [div_Jret, div_bb] = descr.L_divergence.full_matrix(descr, model_data);
241  % real_NBI_ind = model_data.grid.NBI > 0 & model_data.grid.NBI < repmat((1:model_data.grid.nelements)', 1, 4);
242  % prs_mat = repmat(dd_prs.RB, 1, 4);
243  % prs_on_edge1 = zeros(1, model_data.gn_edges);
244  % prs_on_edge2 = zeros(1, model_data.gn_edges);
245  % prs_on_edge1(model_data.gEI(real_NBI_ind)) = prs_mat(real_NBI_ind);
246  % prs_on_edge2(model_data.gEI(real_NBI_ind)) = dd_prs.RB(model_data.grid.NBI(real_NB_ind));
247  div_ret = div_Jret * L_div_arg.U + div_bb;
248  % div_ret = div_Jret * L_div_arg.U + div_bb;
250  [prs_ret, dummy, prs_Jret] = descr.L_pressure.apply(descr, model_data, L_vel_arg);
252  % ret = [sat_ret; dd_vel.RB' * dW * (vel_ret) - X(sat_N+1:sat_N+vel_N); div_ret];
253  ret = [sat_ret; dd_vell2 * dW * (vel_ret) - X(sat_N+1:sat_N+vel_N); div_ret; prs_ret];
254  % ret = [sat_ret; dd_vell2 * dW * (vel_ret - X(Uoff+1:Poff)); div_ret; prs_ret];
256  assert(all(~isnan(ret)));
257  assert(all(~isinf(ret)));
259 % [ret2, Jret2] = fv_two_phase_space(descr, model_data, X);
260 % retlength = length(ret2);
262  if nargout > 1
264  n = vel_N;
265  m = sat_N + vel_N + prs_N;
266  sp_minus_U = sparse(1:n, sat_N+1:sat_N+vel_N, -1, n, m);
267  sat_Jret = dd_satl2 * W * ([sat_Jret(:,1:Uoff) * dd_sat.RB, sat_Jret(:,Uoff+1:Poff) * dd_vel.RB, zeros(Uoff, prs_N)]);
268  vel_Jret = dd_vell2 * dW * ([vel_Jret(:,1:Uoff) * dd_sat.RB, zeros(Poff-Uoff, vel_N), vel_Jret(:,Poff+1:end) * dd_prs.RB]);
269  div_Jret = ([zeros(Uoff, sat_N), div_Jret * dd_vel.RB, zeros(Uoff, prs_N)]);
270  J = [ sparse(1:sat_N, 1:sat_N, 1/descr.dt * ones(1,sat_N), sat_N, m) ...
271  + sat_Jret; ...
272  vel_Jret + sp_minus_U; ...
273  div_Jret; ...
274  zeros(1, sat_N+vel_N), prs_Jret(:,Poff+1:end) * dd_prs.RB ];
275 % n = Poff-Uoff;
276 % m = arglength;
277 % sp_minus_U = [zeros(vel_N, Uoff), dd_vell2 * dW * sparse(1:n, 1:n, -1, n, n), zeros(vel_N, arglength - Poff)];
278 % sat_Jret = dd_satl2 * W * ([sat_Jret(:,1:Uoff), sat_Jret(:,Uoff+1:Poff), zeros(Uoff, arglength-Poff)]);
279 % vel_Jret = dd_vell2 * dW * ([vel_Jret(:,1:Uoff), zeros(Poff-Uoff, vel_N), vel_Jret(:,Poff+1:end)]);
280 % div_Jret = ([zeros(Uoff, Uoff), div_Jret, zeros(Uoff, Uoff)]);
281 % J = [ sparse(1:sat_N, 1:sat_N, 1/descr.dt * ones(1,sat_N), sat_N, m) ...
282 % + sat_Jret; ...
283 % vel_Jret + sp_minus_U; ...
284 % div_Jret; ...
285 % zeros(1, sat_N+vel_N), prs_Jret(:,Poff+1:end) * dd_prs.RB ];
287 % J2 = sparse(1:Uoff, 1:Uoff, ...
288 % 1/descr.dt * ones(1,Uoff), ...
289 % retlength, arglength) ...
290 % + Jret2;
291 % keyboard;
292  end
294 function Xproj = box_projection(X, Slength)
296  Xproj = X;
297 % SX = X(1:Slength);
298 % SX(SX<0) = eps;
299 % upper_bound = 1.0;%0.6359878341047967;
300 % SX(SX>upper_bound) = upper_bound-eps;
301 % Xproj = [SX; X(Slength+1:end)];
303 % dd = evalin('base', 'dd');
304 % sat_dd = get_by_description(dd.datatree.rb, 'saturation');
305 % vel_dd = get_by_description(dd.datatree.rb, 'velocity');
306 % prs_dd = get_by_description(dd.datatree.rb, 'pressure');
307 % aaa = sat_dd.RB' * dd.model_data.W * SX;
308 % bbb = vel_dd.RB' * dd.model_data.diamondW * X(Slength+1:Slength+size(vel_dd.RB,1));
309 % ccc = prs_dd.RB' * dd.model_data.W * X(Slength+size(vel_dd.RB,1)+1:end);
310 % Xproj = [sat_dd.RB * aaa; vel_dd.RB * bbb; prs_dd.RB * ccc];