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1 function [sim_data, fl] = nonlin_evol_detailed_simulation(model,model_data)
2 %function sim_data = nonlin_evol_detailed_simulation(model,model_data)
3 %
4 % required fields of model:
5 % T : final time
6 % nt : number of time-intervals until T, i.e. nt+1
7 % solution slices are computed
8 % init_values_algorithm : name of function for computing the
9 % initvalues-DOF with arguments (model, model_data)
10 % example: fv_init_values
11 % data_const_in_time : if this optional field is 1, the time
12 % evolution is performed with constant operators,
13 % i.e. only the initial-time-operators are computed
14 % and used throughout the time simulation.
15 % L_E_local_ptr : function pointer to the local space-discretization
16 % operator evaluation with syntax
17 %
18 % INC_local = L_local(U_local_ext, ind_local,
19 % grid_local_ext)
20 % where *_local indicates results on a set of
21 % elements, *_local_ext includes information including
22 % their neighbours, i.e. the grid must be known
23 % also for the neighbours, the values of the
24 % previous timstep must be known on the
25 % neighbours. The subset of elements, which are
26 % to be computed are given in ind_local and the
27 % values produced are INC_local.
28 % A time-step can then be realized by
29 % NU_local = U_local_ext(ind_local) - dt * INC_local
30 % example: fv_conv_explicit_space
32 % Martin Drohmann 9.12.2007 based on detailed_nonlin_evol_simulation.m by
33 % Bernard Haasdonk
35 if nargin ~= 2
36  error('wrong number of parameters!');
37 end;
39 if model.verbose >= 9
40  disp('entered detailed simulation ');
41 end;
43 if isempty(model_data)
44  model_data = gen_model_data(model);
45 end;
47 % for a detailed simulation we do not need the affine parameter
48 % decomposition
49 model.decomp_mode = 0;
51 % initial values by midpoint evaluation
52 U0 = model.init_values_algorithm(model,model_data);
54 U = zeros(length(U0(:)),model.nt+1);
55 U(:,1) = U0(:);
57 if ~isfield(model,'data_const_in_time')
58  model.data_const_in_time = 0;
59 end
61 if ~isfield(model, 'newton_regularisation')
62  model.newton_regularisation = 0;
63 end
65 fl = cell(model.nt, 1);
66 % loop over fv-steps
67 if model.fv_impl_diff_weight ~= 0 && ~model.newton_solver
68  % diffusive part is computed implicitly.
70  [L_diff_I, const_diff_I] = model.implicit_operators_algorithm(model, model_data, []);
71  clear_all_caches;
72 end
74 model.dt = model.T / model.nt;
76 nmax = 0;
77 nlast = 1;
78 Unewton = U0;
79 for t = 1:model.nt
80  model.t = (t-1)*model.dt;
81  model.tstep = t;
82  if model.verbose > 19
83  disp(['entered time-loop step ',num2str(t), ' for non linear evolution equation']);
84  elseif model.verbose > 9
85  fprintf('.');
86  end;
88  [inc, fluxes] = model.L_E_local_ptr(model, model_data, U(:,t), []);
90  if model.debug == 1
91  fl{t} = fluxes;
92  end
93  if all([model.fv_impl_conv_weight, model.fv_impl_diff_weight, ...
94  model.fv_impl_react_weight] == [0, 0, 0])
95  % purely explicit scheme
96  U(:,t+1) = U(:,t) - model.dt * inc;
97  elseif model.newton_solver
98  V = zeros(length(U0(:)),model.newton_steps+1);
99  exprhs = model.dt * inc;
100  V(:,1) = U(:,t) - exprhs;
101  n=0;
102  residual=inf;
103 % while true
104 % n=n+1;
105  for n=1:model.newton_steps;
106  if model.verbose > 10
107  disp(['Computing time step no. ', num2str(t), ...
108  ', Newton step no. ', num2str(n), ...
109  '... Residual norm: ']);
110  end
111  model.t = model.t + model.dt;
112  Urhs = model.L_I_local_ptr(model, model_data, V(:,n), []);
113  [gradL_I, gL_I_offset] = ...
114  model.implicit_gradient_operators_algorithm(model, model_data, ...
115  V(:,n),[]);
116  model.t = model.t - model.dt;
117  gradL_I = gradL_I * model.dt + speye(size(gradL_I));
118  rhs = - V(:,n) + U(:,t) - exprhs - model.dt * Urhs;
119  VU = gradL_I \ rhs;
120  residual = sqrt(model.inner_product(model, model_data, VU, VU));
121  Vnew = V(:,n) + VU;
122  if model.newton_regularisation
123  [i] = find(Vnew < 0);
124  if(~isempty(i))
125 % epsilon = 0.99*min(-V(i,n)./VU(i));
126 % % epsilon = 1;
127  disp(' == regularisation == ');
128  Vnew(i) = 0.000;
129  %Vnew = V(:,n) + epsilon * VU;
130  end
131  end
132  V(:,n+1) = Vnew;
133  nres = Vnew - U(:,t) + exprhs + model.dt * Urhs;
134  nres = sqrt(model.inner_product(model, model_data, nres, nres));
135  if model.verbose > 10
136  disp([num2str(residual), ' newton residual: ', num2str(nres)]);
137  end
138  if nres < model.newton_epsilon
139  nmax = max(nmax, n);
140  break;
141  end
142  end
143  U(:,t+1) = V(:,n+1);
144  Unewton = [Unewton, V(:,1:n+1)];
145  nlast = nlast + n + 2;
146  else % scheme with implicit parts, but without newton_scheme
147  if ~model.data_const_in_time
149  model.t=model.t+model.dt;
150  [L_diff_I, const_diff_I] = model.implicit_operators_algorithm(model, model_data, []);
151  model.t=model.t-model.dt;
153  end
154  inc = inc - const_diff_I;
155  L_I = L_diff_I;
156  L_I = L_I * model.dt + speye(size(L_I));
157 % L_I = speye(size(L_diff_I));
158 % keyboard;
160  rhs = U(:,t) - model.dt * inc; % + model.dt * L_diff_I * U(:,t);
161 % U(:,t+1) = rhs;
162  U(:,t+1) = L_I \ rhs;
163 % [U(:,t+1), flag] = bicgstab(L_I, rhs, 10e-5, 1000);
164  if flag>0
165  disp(['error in system solution, solver return flag = ', ...
166  num2str(flag)]);
167  keyboard;
168  end;
169  end
170 end
172 if model.newton_solver && model.verbose > 0
173  disp(['computation ready: We needed at most ', num2str(nmax), ' Newton steps']);
174 end
176 sim_data.U = U;
178 if model.newton_solver
179  sim_data.Unewton = Unewton;
180 end
182 if model.verbose > 9
183  fprintf('\n');
184 end;
186 %| \docupdate