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1 function p = plot_element_data(grid,data,plot_params)
2 %function p = plot_element_data(grid,data[,plot_params])
3 % plot method for a 2d polygonal grid and elementwise constant data
4 % routine can be used for triangular and rectangular grids.
5 %
6 % By default a patch plot is performed.
7 %
8 % parameters:
9 % data : is assumed to be a vector of length 'grid.nelements' with
10 % element-wise scalar values
11 %
12 % return values:
13 % p: is the list of handles to the graphics primitives
14 %
15 % optional fields of plot_params:
16 % shrink_factor : if this flag is given, the elements are plotted
17 % shrinked
18 % axis_equal : if this flag is set, set axis to equal scale
19 % no_lines : if this flag is set, no lines are drawn
20 % show_colorbar : if this flag is set, a colorbar is drawn (default
21 % 1)
22 % colorbar_location : string specifying the position of the colorbar,
23 % e.g. 'South','EastOutside' (default), etc.
24 % clim : if this 2-vector is set, the colorbar is set to
25 % these values
26 % geometry_transformation: type of transformation function that is to be
27 % applied on the geometry (default 'none')
28 % postprocess : function 'data = f(data,[CX,CY],plot_params)'
29 % postprocessing the given data before it is plotted.
30 % colormap : user-defined colormap
31 % plot_type : string sepcifying wether a 'patch' (default) or a
32 % 'contour' plot is created.
33 % line_width : specifyies the line width of plotted lines, e.g.
34 % in a contour plot.
35 % contour_lines : number of contour_lines if plot_type is set to
36 % 'contour'. The default is '0' and means that the
37 % number is determined automatically.
38 %
40 % Bernard Haasdonk 9.5.2007
42 if nargin<3
43  plot_params = [];
44 end;
46 if ~(isfield(plot_params,'shrink_factor'))
47  plot_params.shrink_factor = 1.0;
48 end;
50 if ~(isfield(plot_params,'axis_equal'))
51  plot_params.axis_equal = 0;
52 end;
54 if ~(isfield(plot_params,'no_lines'))
55  plot_params.no_lines = 0;
56 end;
58 if ~(isfield(plot_params,'show_colorbar'))
59  plot_params.show_colorbar = 1;
60 end;
62 if ~(isfield(plot_params,'colorbar_location'))
63  plot_params.colorbar_location = 'EastOutside';
64 end;
66 if ~(isfield(plot_params,'plot_type'))
67  plot_params.plot_type = 'patch';
68 end
70 if ~(isfield(plot_params,'contour_lines'))
71  plot_params.contour_lines = 0;
72 end
74 if ~(isfield(plot_params,'geometry_transformation'))
75  plot_params.geometry_transformation = 0;
76 end;
78 if (length(data)~=grid.nelements)
79  error('length of data does not match number of elements!');
80 end;
82 nneigh = grid.nneigh;
84 % compute vertex coordinates and scale
85 XX = grid.X(grid.VI(:));
86 %XX = XX(:);
87 YY = grid.Y(grid.VI(:));
88 %YY = YY(:)
89 CX = grid.CX(:);
90 CY = grid.CY(:);
92 DS = grid.DS;
94 if (plot_params.geometry_transformation)
95  [XX,YY] = geometry_transformation(XX,YY,plot_params);
96  [CX,CY] = geometry_transformation(CX,CY,plot_params);
97 end;
99 if isfield(plot_params, 'postprocess')
100  data = plot_params.postprocess(data,[CX,CY],plot_params);
101 end
103 if isequal(plot_params.plot_type, 'patch')
104  XX = reshape(XX,size(grid.VI)); % nelements*4 matrix
105  YY = reshape(YY,size(grid.VI)); % nelements*4 matrix
106  CXX = repmat(CX,1,nneigh);
107  CYY = repmat(CY,1,nneigh);
109  % scale coordinates
110  XX = (XX - CXX) * plot_params.shrink_factor + CXX;
111  YY = (YY - CYY) * plot_params.shrink_factor + CYY;
113  % set patch colors for every VERTEX to the value of the function in the CELL
114  % center
115  CC = repmat(data(:)',nneigh,1);
117  p = patch(XX',YY',CC);
119  % Change the axes object's background to the background of figure object it
120  % the patch is embedded in.
121  ax = get(p, 'Parent');
122  fi = gcf; %get(ax, 'Parent');
123  set(ax, 'Color', get(fi, 'Color'));
125 elseif isequal(plot_params.plot_type, 'contour')
126  xmin = min(grid.CX);
127  xmax = max(grid.CX);
128  ymin = min(grid.CY);
129  ymax = max(grid.CY);
130  lines = sum(grid.CX==xmin);
131  cols = sum(grid.CY==ymin);
132  xstep = (xmax-xmin)/(cols-1);
133  ystep = (ymax-ymin)/(lines-1);
134  if isequal(class(grid), 'rectgrid')
135  XX = xmin:xstep:xmax;
136  YY = ymin:ystep:ymax;
137  cdata = reshape(data,lines,cols)';
138  else
139  F=TriScatteredInterp(CX,CY,data);
140  XX = xmin:xstep/4:xmax;
141  YY = ymin:ystep/4:ymax;
142  cdata = F(meshgrid(XX,YY));
143  end
144  if plot_params.contour_lines > 0
145  [h,p] = contour(XX,YY,cdata,plot_params.contour_lines);
146  else
147  [h,p] = contour(XX,YY,cdata);
148  end
149  line([xmin xmin], [ymin ymin],'Color',[0.9 0.9 0.9]);
150  line([xmax xmax], [ymax ymax],'Color',[0.9 0.9 0.9]);
151 elseif isequal(plot_params.plot_type, 'mesh')
152  xmin = min(grid.CX);
153  xmax = max(grid.CX);
154  ymin = min(grid.CY);
155  ymax = max(grid.CY);
156  lines = sum(grid.CX==xmin);
157  cols = sum(grid.CY==ymin);
158  xstep = (xmax-xmin)/(cols-1);
159  ystep = (ymax-ymin)/(lines-1);
160  if isequal(class(grid), 'rectgrid')
161  XX = xmin:xstep:xmax;
162  YY = ymin:ystep:ymax;
163  cdata = reshape(data,lines,cols)';
164  else
165  F=TriScatteredInterp(CX,CY,data);
166  XX = xmin:xstep/4:xmax;
167  YY = ymin:ystep/4:ymax;
168  cdata = F(meshgrid(XX,YY));
169  end
170  p = surf(XX,YY,cdata');
171  set(p, 'edgecolor', 'none');
172  cm=colormap([0.7 0.7 0.7; 0.7 0.7 0.7]);
173  set(gca,'View',[-2,65]);
174  set(gca,'ZLim',[0,1]);
175  set(gca,'YLim',[0,1]);
176 % cm=colormap('gray');
177 % colormap(cm(end:-1:1,:));
178  camlight headlight;
179  lighting gouraud;
181 end
183 if isfield(plot_params,'line_width')
184  set(p, 'LineWidth', plot_params.line_width);
185 end
187 if plot_params.axis_equal
188  axis equal;
189  axis tight;
190 end;
192 if isequal(plot_params.plot_type, 'patch') && plot_params.no_lines
193  set(p,'linestyle','none');
194 end;
196 if isfield(plot_params,'clim') && ~isempty(plot_params.clim)
197  if all(imag(plot_params.clim) == 0)
198  set(gca,'Clim',plot_params.clim);
199  end
200 end;
201 if isfield(plot_params,'colormap')
202  set(gcf,'Colormap',plot_params.colormap);
203 end;
204 if plot_params.show_colorbar
205  colorbar(plot_params.colorbar_location);
206 end;