rbmatlab  1.13.10
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1 classdef ReducedData < Greedy.User.IReducedDataNode
2  % Reduced data implementation for linear evolution problems with finite
3  % volume discretizations
4  %
5  % See @ref HO08a for details on the implementation of the reduced matrices
6  % and vectors.
9  properties
10  % Dof vectors of projections `\left\{{ \cal P }_{\text{red}}[u_0^q]
11  % \right\}_{q=1}^{Q_{u_0}}`.
12  %
13  % @sa LinEvol.ReducedModel.rb_init_values() for details.
14  a0;
16  % `Q_I` reduced matrix for implicit operator `{\cal L}_{h,I}`
17  %
18  % The matrix entries are:
19  % ``({ \bf L}_I^q)_{ij} = \int \varphi_i {\cal L}^q_{h,I}[\varphi_j]``
20  % for `i,j=1,\ldots,N` and `q=1,\ldots,Q_I`.
21  LL_I;
23  % `Q_E`-sequence of reduced matrices for explicit operator `{\cal L}_{h,E}`
24  %
25  % The matrix entries are:
26  % ``({ \bf L}_E^q)_{ij} = \int \varphi_i {\cal L}^q_{h,E}[\varphi_j]``
27  % for `i,j=1,\ldots,N` and `q=1,\ldots,Q_E`.
28  LL_E;
30  % `Q_b`-sequence of reduced vectors for constant contributions `b_h`
31  %
32  % The matrix entries are:
33  % ``({ \bf b})_{i} = \int \varphi_i b^q_h``
34  % for `i=1,\ldots,N` and `q=1,\ldots,Q_b`.
35  bb;
37  % `Q_I \cdot Q_I`-sequence of gram matrices
38  %
39  % The matrix entries are:
40  % ``({ \bf K}_{II}^{q_1,q_2})_{ij} = \int {\cal L}^{q_1}_{h,I}[\varphi_i] {\cal L}^{q_2}_{h,I}[\varphi_j]``
41  % for `i,j=1,\ldots,N` and `q_1,q_2=1,\ldots,Q_I`.
42  K_II;
44  % `Q_I \cdot Q_E`-sequence of gram matrices
45  %
46  % The matrix entries are:
47  % ``({ \bf K}_{IE}^{q_1,q_2})_{ij} = \int {\cal L}^{q_1}_{h,I}[\varphi_i] {\cal L}^{q_2}_{h,E}[\varphi_j]``
48  % for `i,j=1,\ldots,N` and `q_1=1,\ldots,Q_I, q_2=1,\ldots,Q_E`.
49  K_IE;
51  % `Q_E \cdot Q_E`-sequence of gram matrices
52  %
53  % The matrix entries are:
54  % ``({ \bf K}_{EE}^{q_1,q_2})_{ij} = \int {\cal L}^{q_1}_{h,E}[\varphi_i] {\cal L}^{q_2}_{h,E}[\varphi_j]``
55  % for `i,j=1,\ldots,N` and `q_1,q_2=1,\ldots,Q_E`.
56  K_EE;
58  % `Q_I \cdot Q_b`-sequence of vectors
59  %
60  % The vector entries are:
61  % ``({ \bf m}_I^{q_1,q_2})_i = \int {\cal L}^{q_1}_{h,I}[\varphi_i] b_h^{q_2}``
62  % for `i=1,\ldots,N` and `q_1=1,\ldots,Q_I, q_2=1,\ldots,Q_b`.
63  m_I;
65  % `Q_E \cdot Q_b`-sequence of vectors
66  %
67  % The vector entries are:
68  % ``({ \bf m}_E^{q_1,q_2})_i = \int {\cal L}^{q_1}_{h,E}[\varphi_i] b_h^{q_2}``
69  % for `i=1,\ldots,N` and `q_1=1,\ldots,Q_E, q_2=1,\ldots,Q_b`.
70  m_E;
72  % `Q_b \cdot Q_b`-sequence of scalars
73  %
74  % The scalars are:
75  % ``{ \bf m}^{q_1,q_2} = \int b_h^{q_1} b_h^{q_2}``
76  % and `q_1,q_2=1,\ldots,Q_b`.
77  m;
79  % in case of output functional this is a `Q_s`-sequence of vectors.
80  %
81  % The vector entries are:
82  % ``({ \bf s}^q)_i = s(\varphi_i)``
83  % for `i=1,\ldots,N` and `q_1=1,\ldots,Q_s`
84  s_RB;
86  % in case of output functional this is a `Q_s`-sequence of scalars.
87  %
88  % The scalars are:
89  % ``{ \bf s}_{l^2}^q = \|s(\varphi_1), \ldots, s(\varphi_N)\|_{l^2}``
90  % for `q_1=1,\ldots,Q_s`
91  s_l2norm;
92  end
94  properties (SetAccess = private, Dependent)
95  % number of reduced basis vectors stored in this data node.
96  N;
97  end
99  properties (SetAccess = private)
100  % number of collateral reduced basis vectors stored in this data node.
101  M = 0;
102  % number of collateral reduced basis vectors used for error estimation
103  Mstrich = 0;
104  end
106  methods
108  function rd = ReducedData(rmodel, detailed_data)
109  % Constructor for the generation of the reduced matrices and vectors.
110  %
111  % Parameters:
112  % rmodel: of type LinEvol.ReducedModel
113  % detailed_data: of type IDetailedData
114  %
115  %
116  if nargin == 0
117  error('LinEvol.ReducedData constructor needs an argument');
118  elseif nargin == 2 && isa(rmodel, 'IReducedModel') ...
119  && isa(detailed_data, 'LinEvol.ReducedData')
120  copy = detailed_data;
121  copy_extract(rd, copy, rmodel);
122  elseif nargin == 2 && isa(rmodel, 'IReducedModel') && isa(detailed_data, 'IDetailedData')
123  fill_fields(rd, rmodel, detailed_data);
124  else
125  error('Did not find constructor for your arguments');
126  end
127  end
129  function N = get.N(this)
130  if ~isempty(this.a0)
131  N = size(this.a0{1},2);
132  else
133  N = 0;
134  end
135  end
137  function yesno = needs_subset_copy(this, rmodel)
138  % function yesno = needs_subset_copy(this, rmodel)
139  % @copybrief .Greedy.User.IReducedDataNode.needs_subset_copy()
140  %
141  % @copydetails .Greedy.User.IReducedDataNode.needs_subset_copy()
142  %
143  % Parameters:
144  % rmodel: of type LinEvol.ReducedModel
146  yesno = this.N ~= rmodel.N;
147  end
150  function conds = get_conds(this)
151  disp('get_conds needs to be implemented for LinEvol.ReducedData');
152  conds = [];
153  end
155  end
157  methods (Access=private)
158  function fill_fields(this, rmodel, detailed_data)
159  % function fill_fields(this, rmodel, detailed_data)
161  this.a0 = rmodel.descr.mexptr('rb_init_values', 1);
162  [this.LL_I, this.LL_E, this.bb, ...
163  this.K_II, this.K_IE, this.K_EE, ...
164  this.m_I, this.m_E, this.m ] ...
165  = LinEvolDune.ReducedData.rb_operators(rmodel, detailed_data, 1);
166  end
168  function copy_extract(this, copy, rmodel)
169  % function copy_extract(this, copy, rmodel)
170  % @copybrief IReducedModelextract_reduced_data_subset()
171  %
172  % Parameters:
173  % rmodel: reduced model of type LinEvol.ReducedModel indicating the
174  % number of reduced basis vectors to be used in the
175  % 'reduced_data_subset'
177  % extract correct N-sized submatrices and subvectors from reduced_data
178  if rmodel.N > copy.N
179  error('N too large for current size of reduced basis!');
180  end
182  N = rmodel.N;
183  this.a0 = subblock_sequence(copy.a0,1:N);
184  this.LL_I = subblock_sequence(copy.LL_I,1:N,1:N);
185  this.LL_E = subblock_sequence(copy.LL_E,1:N,1:N);
186  this.bb = subblock_sequence(copy.bb,1:N);
187  this.K_EE = subblock_sequence(copy.K_EE,1:N,1:N);
188  this.K_IE = subblock_sequence(copy.K_IE,1:N,1:N);
189  this.K_II = subblock_sequence(copy.K_II,1:N,1:N);
190  this.m_I = subblock_sequence(copy.m_I,1:N);
191  this.m_E = subblock_sequence(copy.m_E,1:N);
192  this.m = copy.m;
193  % if ~isempty(copy.T)
194  % this.T = copy.T(1:N,1:N);
195  % end
197  model = rmodel.detailed_model;
198  if isfield(model,'name_output_functional')
199  this.s_RB = copy.s_RB(1:N);
200  this.s_l2norm = copy.s_l2norm;
201  end
203  end
204  end
206  methods(Static)
207  %
208  %
209  % Parameters:
210  % rmodel : of type LinEvol.ReducedModel
211  % detailed_data : of type Greedy.DataTree.Detailed.RBLeafNode
212  function [LL_I, LL_E, bb, K_II, K_IE, K_EE, m_I, m_E, m] = rb_operators(rmodel, detailed_data, decomp_mode)
214  descr = rmodel.descr;
216  if decomp_mode == 2
217  mu = get_mu(rmodel);
218  dLL_I = descr.coeff_ops.LL_I_ptr(mu);
219  dLL_E = descr.coeff_ops.LL_E_ptr(mu);
220  dbb = descr.coeff_ops.bb_ptr(mu);
221  % model.mexptr('set_mu', model.mu);
222  % foo = model.mexptr('rb_operators', decomp_mode);
223  % disp('start');
224  % dLL_I == foo{1}
225  % dLL_E == foo{2}
226  % dbb == foo{3}
227  % kron(dLL_I,dLL_E) == foo{6}
228  % kron(dLL_E,dbb) == foo{8}
229  % kron(dbb,dbb) == foo{9}
230  LL_I = [1, dLL_I];
231  LL_E = [1, dLL_E];
232  bb = dbb;
233  K_II = [1, dLL_I, dLL_I, kron(dLL_I,dLL_I) ];
234  K_EE = [1, dLL_E, dLL_E, kron(dLL_E,dLL_E) ];
235  K_IE = [1, dLL_I, dLL_E, kron(dLL_I,dLL_E) ];
236  m_I = [dbb, kron(dLL_I,dbb) ];
237  m_E = [dbb, kron(dLL_E,dbb) ];
238  m = kron(dbb,dbb);
239  else
240  foo = descr.mexptr('rb_operators', decomp_mode);
241  dLL_I = foo{1};
242  dLL_E = foo{2};
243  dbb = foo{3};
244  dK_II = foo{4};
245  dK_EE = foo{5};
246  dK_IE = foo{6};
247  dm_I = foo{7};
248  dm_E = foo{8};
249  dm = foo{9};
251  if decomp_mode == 1
252  func2 = @(X) descr.dt * X;
253  func2t = @(X) descr.dt * X';
254  func3 = @(X) descr.dt.^2 * X;
256  identity = speye(size(dLL_I{1}));
258  LL_I = [{identity}; ...
259  cellfun(func2 , dLL_I, 'UniformOutput', false)];
261  LL_E = [{identity}; ...
262  cellfun(func2 , dLL_E, 'UniformOutput', false)];
264  bb = cellfun(func2 , dbb , 'UniformOutput', false);
266  K_II = [{identity}; ...
267  cellfun(func2t, dLL_I, 'UniformOutput', false); ...
268  cellfun(func2 , dLL_I, 'UniformOutput', false); ...
269  cellfun(func3 , dK_II, 'UniformOutput', false)];
271  K_EE = [{identity}; ...
272  cellfun(func2t, dLL_E, 'UniformOutput', false); ...
273  cellfun(func2 , dLL_E, 'UniformOutput', false); ...
274  cellfun(func3 , dK_EE, 'UniformOutput', false)];
276  K_IE = [{identity}; ...
277  cellfun(func2t, dLL_I, 'UniformOutput', false); ...
278  cellfun(func2 , dLL_E, 'UniformOutput', false); ...
279  cellfun(func3 , dK_IE, 'UniformOutput', false)];
281  m_I = [bb; ...
282  cellfun(func3 , dm_I , 'UniformOutput', false)];
284  m_E = [bb; ...
285  cellfun(func3 , dm_E , 'UniformOutput', false)];
287  m = cellfun(func3 , dm , 'UniformOutput', false);
289  else % decomp_mode == 0
290  assert(all(get_mu(rmodel) == get_mu(rmodel.detailed_model)));
291  LL_I = 1 + model.dt * dLL_I;
292  LL_E = 1 + model.dt * dLL_E;
293  bb = model.dt * dbb;
294  K_II = 1 + model.dt * dLL_I' + model.dt * dLL_I + model.dt^2 * dK_II;
295  K_EE = 1 + model.dt * dLL_E' + model.dt * dLL_E + model.dt^2 * dK_EE;
296  K_IE = 1 + model.dt * dLL_I' + model.dt * dLL_E + model.dt^2 * dK_IE;
297  m_I = model.dt * dbb + model.dt^2 * dm_I;
298  m_E = model.dt * dbb + model.dt^2 * dm_E;
299  m = model.dt^2 * dm;
300  end
301  end
302  end
303  end
304 end