rbmatlab  1.13.10
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1 classdef ReducedData < IReducedData
2  % Reduced data implementation for linear stationary problems with finite
3  % element discretizations.
4  %
5  % @todo Describe the matrix components, or add a link to a paper...
8  properties
9  Q_A; % number of components in matrix `A`
10  Q_f; % number of components in vector `f`
11  Q_l; % number of components in vector `l`
12  AN_comp; % reduced components `A^q`
13  fN_comp; % reduced components `f^q`
14  lN_comp; % reduced components `l^q`
15  Gff; % estimator matrix components `G_{ff}`
16  Gfa; % estimator matrix components `G_{fA}`
17  Gaa; % estimator matrix components `G_{AA}`
18  G; % estimator matrix components `G`
19  end
21  properties (SetAccess = private, Dependent)
22  % number of reduced basis vectors stored in this data node.
23  N;
24  end
26  methods
28  function res = ReducedData(rmodel, detailed_data)
29  % computes the reduced basis vectors and matrices @b or implements a copy
30  % constructor.
31  %
32  % Parameters:
33  % rmodel: of type LinStat.ReducedModel
34  % detailed_data: of type LinStat.DetailedData
36  if nargin == 0
37  error('LinStat.ReducedData constructor needs an argument');
38  elseif nargin == 2 && isa(rmodel, 'IReducedModel') && isa(detailed_data, 'IDetailedData')
39  fill_fields(res, rmodel, detailed_data);
40  elseif nargin == 1 && isa(rmodel, 'IReducedData')
41  fns = properties(rmodel);
42  fns = setdiff(fns,'N');
43  for i = 1:length(fns)
44  res.(fns{i}) = rmodel.(fns{i});
45  end
46  % res.handle_to_last_subset = arg1.handle_to_last_subset;
47  else
48  error('Did not find constructor for your arguments');
49  end
50  end
52  function N = get.N(this)
53  if ~isempty(this.AN_comp{1})
54  N = size(this.AN_comp{1}, 2);
55  else
56  N = 0;
57  end
58  end
60  function reduced_data_subset = extract_reduced_data_subset(this, rmodel)
61  % function reduced_data_subset = extract_reduced_data_subset(this, rmodel)
63  %
64  % Parameters:
65  % rmodel: reduced model of type LinStat.ReducedModel indicating the
66  % number of reduced basis vectors to be used in the
67  % 'reduced_data_subset'
68  %
69  % Return values:
70  % reduced_data_subset: object of type LinStat.ReducedData which is a
71  % deep copy of this data node but with a number of
72  % reduced basis vectors indicated by 'rmodel.N'. If
73  % the number did not change, only a handle copy is
74  % returned.
76  if this.N ~= rmodel.N
77  % extract correct N-sized submatrices and subvectors from reduced_data
78  if rmodel.N > this.N
79  error('N too large for current size of reduced basis!');
80  end
82  % create a copy
83  reduced_data_subset = LinStat.ReducedData(this);
85  N = rmodel.N;
87  reduced_data_subset.AN_comp = ...
88  subblock_sequence(this.AN_comp,1:N,1:N);
89  reduced_data_subset.fN_comp = subblock_sequence(this.fN_comp,1:N);
90  reduced_data_subset.lN_comp = subblock_sequence(this.lN_comp,1:N);
92  % inner product matrix of Riesz-representers of residual components:
93  reduced_data_subset.Gff = this.Gff;
94  rQ_f = length(reduced_data_subset.fN_comp);
95  Q_a = length(reduced_data_subset.AN_comp);
96  reduced_data_subset.G = this.G(1:(rQ_f+N*Q_a),1:(rQ_f+N*Q_a));
97  reduced_data_subset.Q_f = rQ_f;
98  else
99  reduced_data_subset = this;
100  end
101  end
103  function conds = get_conds(this)
105  disp('get_conds needs to be implemented for LinStat.ReducedData');
106  conds = [];
107  end
108  end
110  methods(Access=private)
112  function fill_fields(reduced_data, dmodel, detailed_data)
113  % function fill_fields(reduced_data, dmodel, detailed_data)
114  % actually fills the reduced data fields
116  model = dmodel.descr;
118  model.decomp_mode = 1; % == components
120  [A_comp,f_comp] = model.operators(model,detailed_data.model_data);
122  Q_A = length(A_comp);
123  reduced_data.Q_A = Q_A;
124  Q_f = length(f_comp);
125  reduced_data.Q_f = Q_f;
127  reduced_data.AN_comp = cell(1,length(A_comp));
128  for q = 1:Q_A
129  reduced_data.AN_comp{q} = ...
130  detailed_data.RB'*A_comp{q}*detailed_data.RB;
131  end;
133  reduced_data.fN_comp = cell(1,length(f_comp));
134  for q = 1:Q_f
135  reduced_data.fN_comp{q} = ...
136  detailed_data.RB' * f_comp{q};
137  end;
139  if model.compute_output_functional
140  % assumption: nonparametic output functional, then simple RB
141  % evaluation possible
142  l_comp = ...
143  model.operators_output(model,detailed_data.model_data);
144  Q_l = length(l_comp);
145  reduced_data.lN_comp = cell(1,Q_l);
146  for q = 1:Q_l
147  reduced_data.lN_comp{q} = detailed_data.RB' * l_comp{q};
148  end;
149  reduced_data.Q_l = Q_l;
150  end;
152  % plus error estimation quantities
154  % G = (v_r^q, v_r^q) = v_r^q' * K * v_r^q
155  % with {v_r^q}_q = (v_f^q, v_a^qq')_{qq'}
156  % G = [Gff, Gfa; Gfa', Gaa];
157  %
158  % (v_f^q,v_f^q') = v_f^q' * K * v_f^q
160  % matrices of coefficient vectors of Riesz-representers:
161  % K * v_f^q = f^q (coefficient vector equations)
162  K = model.get_inner_product_matrix(detailed_data.model_data);
163  % search solution in H10, i.e. set dirichlet DOFs
165  N = get_rb_size(detailed_data);
167  v_f = zeros(size(detailed_data.RB,1),Q_f);
168  K_v_f = zeros(size(detailed_data.RB,1),Q_f);
169  for q = 1:Q_f
170  K_v_f(:,q) = f_comp{q};
171  v_f(:,q) = K \ f_comp{q};
172  end;
174  v_a = cell(N,1);
175  K_v_a = cell(N,1);
176  for n = 1:N
177  K_v_a{n} = zeros(size(K,1),Q_A);
178  v_a{n} = zeros(size(K,1),Q_A);
179  for q = 1:Q_A
180  K_v_a{n}(:,q) = (A_comp{q}*detailed_data.RB(:,n));
181  v_a{n}(:,q) = K \ K_v_a{n}(:,q);
182  end;
183  end;
185  % compute matrix G components = [G_ff, G_fa{n}; G_fa{n}', G_aa{n}];
186  reduced_data.Gff = v_f' * K_v_f;
187  reduced_data.Gfa = cell(1,N);
188  for n = 1:N
189  reduced_data.Gfa{n} = v_f' * K_v_a{n};
190  end;
191  reduced_data.Gaa = cell(N,N);
192  for n1 = 1:N
193  for n2 = 1:N
194  reduced_data.Gaa{n1,n2} = v_a{n1}' * K_v_a{n2};
195  end;
196  end;
198  % finally assemble G = [G_ff, G_fa{n}; G_fa{n}', G_aa{n}];
199  Q_r = Q_f + N * Q_A;
200  G = zeros(N,N);
201  G(1:Q_f,1:Q_f) = reduced_data.Gff;
202  for n = 1:N
203  G(1:Q_f,Q_f+(n-1)*Q_A +(1:Q_A)) = ...
204  reduced_data.Gfa{n};
205  G(Q_f+(n-1)*Q_A +(1:Q_A),1:Q_f) = ...
206  reduced_data.Gfa{n}';
207  end;
208  for n1 = 1:N
209  for n2 = 1:N
210  G(Q_f+(n1-1)*Q_A+(1:Q_A),Q_f+(n2-1)*Q_A +(1:Q_A)) = ...
211  reduced_data.Gaa{n1,n2};
212  end;
213  end;
214  reduced_data.G = G;
216  end
217  end
218 end