rbmatlab  1.13.10
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1 function res = rb_tutorial_buggy(step)
3 % script for RB Summerschool in Munich, 16.9.2013-19.9.2013
4 % script used for generating pictures for course
6 % B. Haasdonk, 7.9.2013
8 if nargin<1
9  step = 1
10 end;
12 switch step
13  case 1 % thermal block for different configurations and
14  % corresponding plots
15  params = [];
16  params.B1 = 2;
17  params.B2 = 2;
18  params.mu_range = [0.1;10];
19  params.numintervals_per_block = 5;
20  model = thermalblock_model_struct(params);
21  model_data = gen_model_data(model);
22  plot_params = [];
23  plot_params.axis_equal = 1;
24  plot_params.axis_tight = 1;
26  % plot 1: four identical values
27  figure;
28  model = set_mu(model,[1,1,1,1]);
29  sim_data = detailed_simulation(model,model_data);
30  plot_sim_data(model,model_data,sim_data,plot_params);
32  % plot 2: lower and upper values identical
33  figure;
34  model = set_mu(model,[0.1,0.1,10,10]);
35  sim_data = detailed_simulation(model,model_data);
36  plot_sim_data(model,model_data,sim_data,plot_params);
38  % plot 3: four different values
39  figure;
40  model = set_mu(model,[0.3,0.2,0.2,0.7]);
41  sim_data = detailed_simulation(model,model_data);
42  plot_sim_data(model,model_data,sim_data,plot_params);
44  % plot 4: larger division
45  % mu = rand(params.B1*params.B2,1)+0.1;
46  figure;
47  mu = [ 0.8094 0.8547 0.3760 0.7797 0.7551 0.2626, ...
48  0.2190 0.5984 1.0597 0.4404 0.6853 0.3238, ...
49  0.8513 0.3551 0.6060 0.7991 0.9909 1.0593 ...
50  0.6472 0.2386 0.2493 0.3575 0.9407 0.3543 ...
51  0.9143 0.3435 1.0293 0.4500 0.2966 0.3511 ...
52  0.7160 0.5733 0.4517 0.9308 0.6853 0.6497]';
53  params = [];
54  params.B1 = 6;
55  params.B2 = 6;
56  params.mu_range = [0.1;10];
57  model = thermalblock_model_struct(params);
58  model_data = gen_model_data(model);
59  model = set_mu(model,mu);
60  sim_data = detailed_simulation(model,model_data);
61  plot_sim_data(model,model_data,sim_data,plot_params);
63  case 2 % thermal block detailed gui
64  params = [];
65  params.B1 = 2;
66  params.B2 = 2;
67  params.numintervals_per_block = 50;
68  params.mu_range = [0.1;10];
69  params.numintervals_per_block = 5;
70  model = thermalblock_model_struct(params);
71  model_data = gen_model_data(model);
72  plot_params = [];
73  plot_params.axis_equal = 1;
74  plot_params.axis_tight = 1;
75  plot_params.yscale_uicontrols = 0.7;
76  demo_detailed_gui(model,model_data,[],plot_params);
77  set(gcf,'Position',[584 245 553 691]);
79  case 3 % equidistant samples for basis generation, offline versus online time
81  params = [];
82  params.B1 = 2;
83  params.B2 = 2;
84  params.numintervals_per_block = 20;
85  params.mu_range = [0.1;10];
86  disp('initializing model')
87  model = thermalblock_model_struct(params);
89  disp('-----------------------------------------------------')
90  disp('OFFLINE PHASE:');
91  disp('generating model data: grid, fem inner product matrix, etc.');
92  tic
93  model_data = gen_model_data(model);
94  model.RB_generation_mode = 'lagrangian';
95  model.RB_mu_list = lin_equidist_samples(model,[4,2,2,2]);
96  disp('generating detailed data: A_q,f_q,l_q components, reduced basis.');
97  detailed_data = gen_detailed_data(model,model_data);
98  disp('generating reduced data: A_Nq,f_Nq,l_Nq components');
99  reduced_data = gen_reduced_data(model, detailed_data);
100  t_offline = toc;
101  disp('Offline time: ')
102  t_offline
103  save('thermalblock_2x2_data');
105  disp('-----------------------------------------------------')
106  disp('ONLINE PHASE:');
107  % online phase for single simulation:
108  disp('reduced simulation: assembling system and solve');
109  model = set_mu(model,[1,1,1,1]);
110  tic
111  sim_data = rb_simulation(model,reduced_data);
112  t_online = toc;
114  disp('Online time: ')
115  t_online
117  disp('starting reduced basis gui:')
118  plot_params = [];
119  plot_params.axis_equal = 1;
120  plot_params.axis_tight = 1;
121  plot_params.yscale_uicontrols = 0.7;
122  demo_rb_gui(model,detailed_data,reduced_data,plot_params);
124  case 4 % 1-parameter example: error, estimator, effectivity bound plot.
126  % generate reduced model
127  disp('generating reduced model')
128  params = [];
129  params.B1 = 2;
130  params.B2 = 2;
131  params.numintervals_per_block = 20;
132  params.mu_range = [0.1;10];
133  model = thermalblock_model_struct(params);
134  model_data = gen_model_data(model);
135  model.RB_generation_mode = 'lagrangian';
136  c = 0.1;
137  mu_list = {[0.1,c,c,c],...
138  [0.5,c,c,c],...
139  [0.9,c,c,c],...
140  [1.3,c,c,c],...
141  [1.7,c,c,c]};
142  model.RB_mu_list = mu_list;
143  detailed_data = gen_detailed_data(model,model_data);
144  reduced_data = gen_reduced_data(model,detailed_data);
146  disp('computing parameter sweep')
147  mu1s = linspace(0.1,4,1000);
148  % rapidly computable error landscape:
149  Deltas = zeros(length(mu1s),1);
150  for n = 1:length(mu1s)
151  fprintf('.');
152  error('fix something here in the following line!');
153 % mu = .....;
154  model = set_mu(model,mu);
155  sim_data = rb_simulation(model,reduced_data);
156  Deltas(n) = sim_data.Delta;
157  end;
158  fprintf('\n');
159  plot(mu1s,Deltas,'Linewidth',2);
160  xlabel('mu1','Fontsize',15);
161  ylabel('error/estimator','Fontsize',15);
162  title('error estimator by parameter sweep','Fontsize',15);
163  set(gca,'Yscale','log');
164  legend('estimator \Delta_u(\mu)');
166  % comparison with expensive true error
168  disp('computing true error for some parameters')
169  mu1s = linspace(0.1,4,40);
170  errs = zeros(length(mu1s),1);
171  for n = 1:length(mu1s)
172  fprintf('.');
173  mu = [mu1s(n),c,c,c];
174  model = set_mu(model,mu);
175  sim_data = detailed_simulation(model,model_data);
176  rb_sim_data = rb_simulation(model,reduced_data);
177  % linear combination of reduced vector with basis:
178  rb_sim_data= rb_reconstruction(model,detailed_data,rb_sim_data);
179  err = sim_data.uh;
180  error('fix something here in the following line!');
181 % err.dofs = ....;
182  errs(n) = fem_h10_norm(err);
183  end;
184  fprintf('\n');
185  hold on;
186  plot(mu1s,errs,'r*','Markersize',10);
187  legend({'estimator \Delta_u(\mu)','true error |u-u_N|'},'Fontsize',15);
189  %set(gcf,'Position', [379 492 434 328]);
190  %saveas(gcf,'error_parameter_sweep.png');
191  %saveas(gcf,'error_parameter_sweep.eps','epsc');
193  save('rb_tutorial_step4');
195  case 5 % Effectivity plot
196  load('rb_tutorial_step4');
198  disp('computing parameter sweep')
199  mu1s = linspace(0.1,4,40);
200  % rapidly computable error landscape:
201  Deltas = zeros(length(mu1s),1);
202  for n = 1:length(mu1s)
203  fprintf('.');
204  mu = [mu1s(n),0.1,0.1,0.1];
205  model = set_mu(model,mu);
206  sim_data = rb_simulation(model,reduced_data);
207  Deltas(n) = sim_data.Delta;
208  end;
209  fprintf('\n');
211  error('fix something here in the following line!');
212 % etas = ...
214  % remove large values, that occured by division by (almost) zero
215  i = find(etas>100);
216  etas(i)=NaN;
217  plot(mu1s,etas,'b*','Markersize',10);
218  xlabel('\mu1','Fontsize',15);
219  ylabel('effectivity','Fontsize',15);
220  title('effectivity over parameter','Fontsize',15);
221 % set(gca,'Yscale','log');
223  hold on;
224  gammas = mu1s;
225  alpha = 0.1;
226  effectivities = gammas/alpha;
227  plot(mu1s,effectivities,'r-','Linewidth',2);
229  legend({'effectivity \Delta_u/|u-u_N|',...
230  'upper bound \gamma(\mu)/\alpha(\mu)'},...
231  'Fontsize',15,...
232  'Location','NorthWest');
234 % set(gcf,'Position', [379 492 434 328]);
235 % saveas(gcf,'effectivity_parameter_sweep.png');
236 % saveas(gcf,'effectivity_parameter_sweep.eps','epsc');
238  case 6 % Convergence plot for test error on equidistant samples
240  params = [];
241  params.B1 = 3;
242  params.B2 = 3;
243  params.numintervals_per_block = 20;
244  params.mu_range = [0.5;2];
245  model = thermalblock_model_struct(params);
246  model_data = gen_model_data(model);
247  model.RB_generation_mode = 'model_RB_basisgen';
248  model.RB_basisgen = @lagrangian_orth_basisgen;
249  Ns = 2:8; % linear dependent for higher values...
251  maxDeltas = zeros(length(Ns),1);
252  maxerrs = zeros(length(Ns),1);
254  disp('Precomputing test snapshots');
255  ntest = 100;
256  [U,test_mus] = filecache_function(@precompute_test_snapshots,...
257  params,model,model_data,ntest);
259  disp('Generating basis and determining max error, estimators');
260  tic;
261  for Ni = 1:length(Ns)
262  N = Ns(Ni)
263  train_mu1s = linspace(params.mu_range(1),params.mu_range(2),N);
264  train_mus = [train_mu1s(:), ones(N,params.B1*params.B2-1)*1];
265  model.RB_mu_list = mat2cell(train_mus,ones(N,1),params.B1*params.B2);
266  detailed_data = gen_detailed_data(model,model_data);
267  reduced_data = gen_reduced_data(model,detailed_data);
268  for i = 1:ntest
269  model = set_mu(model,test_mus(i,:));
270  rb_sim_data = rb_simulation(model, reduced_data);
271  rb_sim_data = rb_reconstruction(model,detailed_data,rb_sim_data);
272  err = rb_sim_data.uh;
273  err.dofs = err.dofs - U(:,i);
274  errnorm = fem_h10_norm(err);
275  if maxerrs(Ni)<errnorm
276  maxerrs(Ni)=errnorm;
277  end;
278  if maxDeltas(Ni)<rb_sim_data.Delta
279  maxDeltas(Ni)=rb_sim_data.Delta;
280  end;
281  end; % i
282  end; % Ni
284  time_step_6 = toc
285  % save('rb_tutorial_step6');
286  % case 6.1 % plot of error convergenc
287  % load('rb_tutorial_step6');
288  plot(Ns,maxDeltas,'b-','Linewidth',2);
289  hold on
290  plot(Ns,maxerrs,'r:','Linewidth',2);
291  set(gca,'Yscale','log');
292  legend({'estimator \Delta_u(\mu)','error |u(\mu)-u_N(\mu)|'},'Fontsize',15);
293  title('test error decay for growing sample size','Fontsize',15);
294  xlabel('sample/basis Size N','Fontsize',15);
295  ylabel('error/estimator','Fontsize',15);
297  % set(gcf,'Position', [379 492 434 328]);
298  % saveas(gcf,'lagrangian_error_convergence.png');
299  % saveas(gcf,'lagrangian_error_convergence.eps','epsc');
301  case 7 % plot basis
302  load('rb_tutorial_step6');
303  plot_params = [];
304  plot_params.axis_equal = 1;
305  plot_params.axis_tight = 1;
306  plot_params.plot = @plot_vertex_data;
307  plot_params.title='Orthonormal Reduced Basis \Phi_N';
308  % plot as sequence
309  plot_sequence(detailed_data.RB,detailed_data.grid,plot_params);
311  % or in single plot
312  plot_params.show_colorbar = 0;
313  plot_params.no_lines = 1;
314  figure;
315  for n = 1:8
316  subplot(2,4,n);
317  plot_vertex_data(detailed_data.grid,detailed_data.RB(:,n), ...
318  plot_params);
319  title(['n=',num2str(n)],'Fontsize',15);
320  set(gca,'Xtick',[]);
321  set(gca,'Ytick',[]);
322  end;
323  set(gcf,'Position',[32 49 1569 906]);
324 % saveas(gcf,'orthonormal_basis.png');
325 % saveas(gcf,'orthonormal_basis.eps','epsc');
327  case 8 % Greedy error convergence
329  params = [];
330  params.B1 = 2;
331  params.B2 = 2;
332  params.numintervals_per_block = 20;
333  params.mu_range = [0.5;2];
334  model = thermalblock_model_struct(params);
335  model_data = gen_model_data(model);
336  model.RB_stop_epsilon = 1e-6;
337  model.RB_stop_Nmax = 50;
338  model.RB_train_size = 1000;
340  disp('Generating basis and determining max error, estimators');
341  tic;
342  detailed_data = gen_detailed_data(model,model_data);
343  reduced_data = gen_reduced_data(model,detailed_data);
345  disp('Precomputing test snapshots');
346  ntest = 100;
347  [U,test_mus] = filecache_function(@precompute_test_snapshots,...
348  params,model,model_data,ntest);
350  Ns = 1:size(detailed_data.RB,2);
351  maxDeltas = zeros(length(Ns),1);
352  maxerrs = zeros(length(Ns),1);
353  for Ni = 1:length(Ns)
354  N = Ns(Ni)
355  model.N = N;
356  reduced_data_subset = model.reduced_data_subset(model,reduced_data);
357  for i = 1:ntest
358  model = set_mu(model,test_mus(i,:));
359  rb_sim_data = rb_simulation(model, reduced_data_subset);
360  rb_sim_data = rb_reconstruction(model,detailed_data,rb_sim_data);
361  err = rb_sim_data.uh;
362  err.dofs = err.dofs - U(:,i);
363  errnorm = fem_h10_norm(err);
364  if maxerrs(Ni)<errnorm
365  maxerrs(Ni)=errnorm;
366  end;
367  if maxDeltas(Ni)<rb_sim_data.Delta
368  maxDeltas(Ni)=rb_sim_data.Delta;
369  end;
370  end; % i
371  end; % Ni
372  time_step_6 = toc
373  save('rb_tutorial_step8');
375  case 8.1 % plot of greedy errors
376  load('rb_tutorial_step8');
378  plot(Ns,maxDeltas,'b-','Linewidth',2);
379  hold on
380  plot(Ns,maxerrs,'r:','Linewidth',2);
381  set(gca,'Yscale','log');
382  % if wanted, training error can be plotted
383  % plot(Ns(1:end-2),detailed_data.RB_info.max_err_est_sequence(2:end),...
384 % 'g-.','Linewidth',2);
385  set(gca,'Yscale','log');
386  legend({'test estimator \Delta_u(\mu)','test error |u(\mu)-u_N(\mu)|'},'Fontsize',15);
387  title('Error decay for Greedy basis','Fontsize',15);
388  xlabel('sample/basis Size N','Fontsize',15);
389  ylabel('error/estimator','Fontsize',15);
391 % set(gcf,'Position', [379 492 434 328]);
392 % saveas(gcf,'greedy_test_error.png');
393 % saveas(gcf,'greedy_test_error.eps','epsc');
395  % possible further cases:
396  % plot of sample points: not spectacular...
397  % load('rb_tutorial_step8');
398  % mus = detailed_data.RB_info.max_mu_sequence;
399  % mumat = cell2mat(mus)
400  % plot(mumat(1,:),mumat(2,:),'*');
402  case 9 % experiment with basis from 4
404  case 10 % convergence curves, training error for different block numbers
406  otherwise
407  disp('step number unknown');
408 end;
411 function mu_list = lin_equidist_samples(model,numintervals)
412 % generate cell array of parameter vectors
413 % numintervals a vector of number of equal sized intervals per
414 % parameter direction
415 p = [];
416 p.range = model.mu_ranges;
417 p.numintervals = numintervals;
418 c = cubegrid(p);
419 mu_list = mat2cell(c.vertex,ones(size(c.vertex,1),1),...
420  size(c.vertex,2));
422 function [U,test_mus] = precompute_test_snapshots(params,model,model_data,ntest)
423 % function precomputing test snapshots for step 6
424 test_mu1s = rand_uniform(ntest,{params.mu_range});
425 test_mus = [test_mu1s(:), ones(ntest,params.B1*params.B2-1)*1];
426 U = zeros(model_data.df_info.ndofs,0);
427 for i = 1:ntest
428  fprintf('.');
429  model = set_mu(model,test_mus(i,:));
430  sim_data = detailed_simulation(model, model_data);
431  U = [U,sim_data.uh.dofs(:)];
432 end;
433 fprintf('\n');
435 function RB = lagrangian_orth_basisgen(model, ...
436  detailed_data)
437 Utot = [];
438 for m = 1:length(model.RB_mu_list)
439  model = set_mu(model,model.RB_mu_list{m});
440  sim_data = detailed_simulation(model,detailed_data);
441  if isempty(Utot)
442  Utot = model.get_dofs_from_sim_data(sim_data);
443  else
444  U = model.get_dofs_from_sim_data(sim_data);
445  Utot = [Utot U];
446  end;
447 end;
448 % Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization
449 KN = Utot'*model.get_inner_product_matrix(detailed_data)*Utot;
450 KN = 0.5*(KN + KN');
451 Ltransp = chol(KN);
452 RB = Utot / Ltransp;