rbmatlab  1.13.10
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1 classdef Interface < handle
2  % Interface for parameter sampling classes producing discrete parameter
3  % sample in the parameter space `{\cal M}`.
4  %
5  % Attention: An object must be initialized by init_sample() before it is
6  % fully functional. This can be checked by the init_required() method.
8  properties (SetAccess = private, Dependent, Abstract)
9  % matrix storing the parameter vectors in the parameter samples as row
10  % vectors.
11  sample;
12  end
14  properties (Access = protected)
15  % boolean indicating whether the object has already been initialized by a
16  % call of init_sample().
17  init_done = false;
18  end
20  methods (Abstract)
22  init_sample(this, dmodel);
23  % function init_sample(this, dmodel);
24  % initializes the parameter sampling object
26  size = size(this);
27  % function size = size(this);
28  % returns the number of parameter vectors in this sampling
29  %
30  % Return values:
31  % size: sample size
32  end
34  methods
35  function please_init = init_required(this)
36  % function please_init = init_required(this)
37  % returns a boolean indicating whether the object is fully functional, or
38  % must be initialized by a call to init_sample().
39  %
40  % Return values:
41  % please_init: boolean indicating whether init_sample() needs to be
42  % executed.
43  please_init = ~this.init_done;
44  end
45  end
46 end