rbmatlab  1.13.10
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1 function scm_example_script(step)
2 dbstop if error
3 %scm_example_script(step)
4 %
5 %% Step description:
6 % Attention: In some of the steps precomputed scm_offline_data can be loaded!
7 %
8 % step 1: generates scm_offline_data (stored in reduced_data) and saves them. Shows the typical approach.
9 % step 2: loads scm_offline_data generated with step 1 and does some tests (scm_lower_bound =< real constant =< scm_upper_bound for random mus and
10 % scm_lower_bound = real constant = scm_upper_bound for mu in C)
11 % step 3: test for scm_offline_data computet with step 1. Compares error estimators computed in the rb_simulation using scm and not using it.
12 % step 4: test for the small thermal_block (B1 = 2, B2 = 1). One shall see, that the scm for alpha and for beta produce the same upper and lower bounds.
13 %
14 %% Notes:
15 %
16 % - the fields that can be changed are always marked with 'choose', 'specify' or 'insert'
17 %
18 % - regarding step 1: See 'Additional information on the functionality of the SCM' on which models are supported yet.
19 % The standard model used in this step (thermalblock_model_old) doesn't call gen_reduced_data
20 % in the basis generation (while gen_detailed_data). Other models might do so, which would result in the yet
21 % unsolved problem of generating scm_offline_data in each basis generation step.
22 % - regarding step 2: Due to the limited amounts of supportet models of step 1 the exact constants in this step are computed rather direct and
23 % expensive (huge 'lin_evol' problems may cause RAM issues here)
24 % - regarding step 3: If this step shall work for a 'lin_evol' model in the current version (24.09 2012) one has to choos model.error_norm = 'energy' and
25 % model.rb_simulation = @lin_evol_rb_simulation_primal_dual.
26 % - regarding step 4: In the end is a display showing the maximum error of any of the computet lower bounds to the respective exact constant. By
27 % this one can see how exact the scm is.
28 % This step can easily be expanded to support other models.
29 %
30 %% Additional information on the functionality of the SCM:
31 % - the SCM for coercive 'lin_stat' problems works fine
32 % - the SCM for coercive 'lin_evol' problems hasn't been tested yet
33 % - the SCM for small inf-sup 'lin_stat' problems works fine (see scm_demo.m and step 4)
34 % - the SCM for small inf-sup 'lin_evol' problems hasn't been tested yet
35 %
36 % Huge (in the sense of Q and therefore Q^2 being quite large) inf-sup
37 % problems (3x3 thermalblock and european_option_pricing_model) caused the
38 % following problem:
39 % the bounding box allowed many components to be negativ, which should be
40 % fine, but in the upcoming online-phase it seemed impossible to guarantee
41 % a positiv lower bound. This problem could not be solved in time and will
42 % have to be tackled in the future. One posibility might be to severely
43 % increase the size of C (500 and more) via model.scm_size_C.
45 %% todo: die standard scm values müssen doch ins default model, geht nicht in scm offline -> da dann checks, falls n feld fehlt warning + keyboard oder so
47 switch step
49  case 1
51  model = thermalblock_model_old; % insert the desired 'lin_stat' (or 'lin_evol') model here
52  model.verbose = 21; % choose verbosity level (there will be no output in case of model.verbose =< 20)
53  % specifying SCM parameters (optional - see scm_offline.m for a detailed description)
54  model.scm_M_alpha = 70;
55  model.scm_M_plus = 300;
56  model.scm_eps_tol = 1e-5;
57  model.scm_size_C = 200;
58  % necessary to choose either coercive or inf-sup stable SCM
59  model.scm_desired_constant = 1; %1 = alpha (coercive), 2 = beta (inf-sup stable)
60  % don't change the rest
61  model.use_scm = 1;
62  model_data = gen_model_data(model);
63  detailed_data = gen_detailed_data(model, model_data);
64  reduced_data = gen_reduced_data(model, detailed_data); % scm_offline.m is included here
65  save('step1_data.mat')
67  case 2
69  load('step1_data.mat') % computet with step 1. Contains model, model_data, detailed_data and reduced_data(including reduced_data.scm_offline_data)
70  number_of_test_mus = 50; % choose number of random mus for the test (but 50 should be fine) - nothing else to choose in this step
71  K = model.get_inner_product_matrix(model_data);
72  if isfield(model_data,'df_info') % in FEM-cases cut out dirgid-values, since they can bias the upcoming eigenvalueproblems
73  K(:,model_data.df_info.dirichlet_gids) = [];
74  K(model_data.df_info.dirichlet_gids,:) = [];
75  end
76  % generate a set M_test with the desired number of random mus
77  build1 = zeros(size(model.mu_ranges,2),1);
78  build2 = zeros(size(model.mu_ranges,2),1);
79  for i = 1:size(model.mu_ranges,2)
80  build1(i,1) = model.mu_ranges{i}(1);
81  build2(i,1) = model.mu_ranges{i}(2);
82  end
83  M_test = unifrnd(repmat(build1,1,number_of_test_mus),repmat(build2,1,number_of_test_mus));
84  %% first test: scm_lower_bound =< real constant =< scm_upper_bound for mu in M_test
85  disp('first test')
86  gather_LB_random_mu = zeros(number_of_test_mus,1);
87  gather_UB_random_mu = zeros(number_of_test_mus,1);
88  gather_constant_random_mu = zeros(number_of_test_mus,1);
89  % compute the components (for the computation of the exact constant)
90  model.decomp_mode = 1;
91  if strcmp(model.rb_problem_type, 'lin_stat') == 1
92  A_comp = model.operators(model, model_data);
93  M = 1; % only 1 timestep;
94  H_total = size(K,1)*M; % total size of the system
95  elseif strcmp(model.rb_problem_type, 'lin_evol') == 1
96  [L_I_comp,L_E_comp,~] = model.operators_ptr(model, model_data);
97  M = model.nt + 1; % number of timesteps
98  H_total = size(K,1)*M; % total size of the system
99  end
100  warningstate_error = warning('error','MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged'); % sets the state of this warning to error. This way you can tackle it with a try catch block and adjust the problem.
101  for i = 1:number_of_test_mus
102  fprintf('.');
103  model = set_mu(model, M_test(:,i));
104  % compute the lower and upper bound
105  [gather_LB_random_mu(i),gather_UB_random_mu(i)] = scm_lower_bound(model, reduced_data);
106  % compute the exact constant
107  model.decomp_mode = 2;
108  if strcmp(model.rb_problem_type, 'lin_stat') == 1
109  A_coeff = model.operators(model, model_data);
110  A = lincomb_sequence(A_comp, A_coeff);
111  if isfield(model_data,'df_info') % again cut out dirgid values in FEM case
112  A(:,model_data.df_info.dirichlet_gids) = [];
113  A(model_data.df_info.dirichlet_gids,:) = [];
114  end
115  elseif strcmp(model.rb_problem_type, 'lin_evol') == 1
116  [L_I_coeff,L_E_coeff,~] = model.operators_ptr(model, model_data);
117  L_I = lincomb_sequence(L_I_comp, L_I_coeff);
118  L_E = lincomb_sequence(L_E_comp, L_E_coeff);
119  % build Petrov-Galerkin-BLF-matrix
120  kron_1 = sparse(diag([1;zeros(model.nt,1)]));
121  kron_2 = sparse(diag([0;ones(model.nt,1)]));
122  kron_3 = sparse(diag(-ones(model.nt,1),-1));
123  A = kron(kron_1, K) + kron(kron_2, L_I'*K) + kron(kron_3, L_E'*K);
124  end
125  if model.scm_desired_constant == 1
126  try % solve the EWP in a try catch block that prevents covergence issues and other problems with eigs
127  LM_alpha = eigs(0.5*(A+A'),kron(speye(M),K),1,'LM'); %first try to solve the EWP with default options
128  catch err
129  if (strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineErrorMinus14')) || (strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged'))...
130  || (strcmp(err.message,'Error with ARPACK routine dnaupd: info = -8'))
131  % in these cases (convergence problems or heavy clustering of eigenvalues) change the options and try again. Can be timeconsuming.
132  if H_total < 600 % opts.p has to be smaller than H_total
133  opts.p = ceil(H_total/2);
134  else
135  opts.p = 300;
136  end
137  opts.maxit = 1500;
138  opts.tol = 1e-14;
139  no_solution = 1;
140  while no_solution
141  disp('There was no solution to an eigenvalueproblem. I changed the options.');
142  try
143  LM_alpha = eigs(0.5*(A+A'),kron(speye(M),K),1,'LM',opts);
144  no_solution = 0; %end when there is no error
145  catch err2 %when it still fails change the options and try again!
146  no_solution = 1;
147  if (strcmp(err2.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineErrorMinus14')) || (strcmp(err2.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged'))...
148  || (strcmp(err2.message,'Error with ARPACK routine dnaupd: info = -8'))
149  opts.tol = 100 * opts.tol;
150  if H_total < 600 % opts.p has to be smaller than H_total
151  opts.p = opts.p + ceil(H_total/50);
152  else
153  opts.p = opts.p +50;
154  end
155  opts.maxit = opts.maxit + 100;
156  end
157  if opts.tol > 1e-3 %if the options have changed several times and there is still no solution produce an error.
158  error(['I changed the options of an eigenvalueproblem up to opts.tol = ' mat2str(opts.tol) ', opts.p = ' mat2str(opts.p) ' and opts.maxit = ' mat2str(opts.maxit) ' but I still could not find a solution. Reconsider your problem']);
159  end
160  end
161  end
162  else %if there is another error rethrow
163  rethrow(err)
164  end
165  end
167  if LM_alpha >= 0
168  try % solve the EWP in a try catch block that prevents covergence issues and other problems with eigs
169  gather_constant_random_mu(i) = eigs(0.5*(A+A') - (LM_alpha+1e-10)*kron(speye(M),K),kron(speye(M),K),1,'LM') + (LM_alpha+1e-10); %first try to solve the EWP with default options
170  catch err
171  if (strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineErrorMinus14')) || (strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged'))...
172  || (strcmp(err.message,'Error with ARPACK routine dnaupd: info = -8'))
173  % in these cases (convergence problems or heavy clustering of eigenvalues) change the options and try again. Can be timeconsuming.
174  if H_total < 600 % opts.p has to be smaller than H_total
175  opts.p = ceil(H_total/2);
176  else
177  opts.p = 300;
178  end
179  opts.maxit = 1500;
180  opts.tol = 1e-14;
181  no_solution = 1;
182  while no_solution
183  disp('There was no solution to an eigenvalueproblem. I changed the options.');
184  try
185  gather_constant_random_mu(i) = eigs(0.5*(A+A') - (LM_alpha+1e-10)*kron(speye(M),K),kron(speye(M),K),1,'LM',opts) + (LM_alpha+1e-10);
186  no_solution = 0; %end when there is no error
187  catch err2 %when it still fails change the options and try again!
188  no_solution = 1;
189  if (strcmp(err2.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineErrorMinus14')) || (strcmp(err2.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged'))...
190  || (strcmp(err2.message,'Error with ARPACK routine dnaupd: info = -8'))
191  opts.tol = 100 * opts.tol;
192  if H_total < 600 % opts.p has to be smaller than H_total
193  opts.p = opts.p + ceil(H_total/50);
194  else
195  opts.p = opts.p +50;
196  end
197  opts.maxit = opts.maxit + 100;
198  end
199  if opts.tol > 1e-3 %if the options have changed several times and there is still no solution produce an error.
200  error(['I changed the options of an eigenvalueproblem up to opts.tol = ' mat2str(opts.tol) ', opts.p = ' mat2str(opts.p) ' and opts.maxit = ' mat2str(opts.maxit) ' but I still could not find a solution. Reconsider your problem']);
201  end
202  end
203  end
204  else %if there is another error rethrow
205  rethrow(err)
206  end
207  end
208  else
209  gather_constant_random_mu(i) = LM_alpha;
210  end
211  elseif model.scm_desired_constant == 2
212  try % solve the EWP in a try catch block that prevents covergence issues and other problems with eigs
213  LM_beta = sqrt(eigs(A*kron(speye(M),inv(K))*A',kron(speye(M),K),1,'LM')); %first try to solve the EWP with default options
214  catch err
215  if (strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineErrorMinus14')) || (strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged'))...
216  || (strcmp(err.message,'Error with ARPACK routine dnaupd: info = -8'))
217  % in these cases (convergence problems or heavy clustering of eigenvalues) change the options and try again. Can be timeconsuming.
218  if H_total < 600 % opts.p has to be smaller than H_total
219  opts.p = ceil(H_total/2);
220  else
221  opts.p = 300;
222  end
223  opts.maxit = 1500;
224  opts.tol = 1e-14;
225  no_solution = 1;
226  while no_solution
227  disp('There was no solution to an eigenvalueproblem. I changed the options.');
228  try
229  LM_beta = sqrt(eigs(A*kron(speye(M),inv(K))*A',kron(speye(M),K),1,'LM',opts));
230  no_solution = 0; %end when there is no error
231  catch err2 %when it still fails change the options and try again!
232  no_solution = 1;
233  if (strcmp(err2.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineErrorMinus14')) || (strcmp(err2.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged'))...
234  || (strcmp(err2.message,'Error with ARPACK routine dnaupd: info = -8'))
235  opts.tol = 100 * opts.tol;
236  if H_total < 600 % opts.p has to be smaller than H_total
237  opts.p = opts.p + ceil(H_total/50);
238  else
239  opts.p = opts.p +50;
240  end
241  opts.maxit = opts.maxit + 100;
242  end
243  if opts.tol > 1e-3 %if the options have changed several times and there is still no solution produce an error.
244  error(['I changed the options of an eigenvalueproblem up to opts.tol = ' mat2str(opts.tol) ', opts.p = ' mat2str(opts.p) ' and opts.maxit = ' mat2str(opts.maxit) ' but I still could not find a solution. Reconsider your problem']);
245  end
246  end
247  end
248  else %if there is another error rethrow
249  rethrow(err)
250  end
251  end
252  if LM_beta >= 0
253  try % solve the EWP in a try catch block that prevents covergence issues and other problems with eigs
254  gather_constant_random_mu(i) = sqrt(eigs(A*kron(speye(M),inv(K))*A' - (LM_beta+1e-10)*kron(speye(M),K),kron(speye(M),K),1,'LM') + (LM_beta+1e-10)); %first try to solve the EWP with default options
255  catch err
256  if (strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineErrorMinus14')) || (strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged'))...
257  || (strcmp(err.message,'Error with ARPACK routine dnaupd: info = -8'))
258  % in these cases (convergence problems or heavy clustering of eigenvalues) change the options and try again. Can be timeconsuming.
259  if H_total < 600 % opts.p has to be smaller than H_total
260  opts.p = ceil(H_total/2);
261  else
262  opts.p = 300;
263  end
264  opts.maxit = 1500;
265  opts.tol = 1e-14;
266  no_solution = 1;
267  while no_solution
268  disp('There was no solution to an eigenvalueproblem. I changed the options.');
269  try
270  gather_constant_random_mu(i) = sqrt(eigs(A*kron(speye(M),inv(K))*A' - (LM_beta+1e-10)*kron(speye(M),K),kron(speye(M),K),1,'LM',opts) + (LM_beta+1e-10));
271  no_solution = 0; %end when there is no error
272  catch err2 %when it still fails change the options and try again!
273  no_solution = 1;
274  if (strcmp(err2.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineErrorMinus14')) || (strcmp(err2.identifier,'MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged'))...
275  || (strcmp(err2.message,'Error with ARPACK routine dnaupd: info = -8'))
276  opts.tol = 100 * opts.tol;
277  if H_total < 600 % opts.p has to be smaller than H_total
278  opts.p = opts.p + ceil(H_total/50);
279  else
280  opts.p = opts.p +50;
281  end
282  opts.maxit = opts.maxit + 100;
283  end
284  if opts.tol > 1e-3 %if the options have changed several times and there is still no solution produce an error.
285  error(['I changed the options of an eigenvalueproblem up to opts.tol = ' mat2str(opts.tol) ', opts.p = ' mat2str(opts.p) ' and opts.maxit = ' mat2str(opts.maxit) ' but I still could not find a solution. Reconsider your problem']);
286  end
287  end
288  end
289  else %if there is another error rethrow
290  rethrow(err)
291  end
292  end
293  else
294  gather_constant_random_mu(i) = LM_beta;
295  end
296  end
297  end
298  warning(warningstate_error) % return the state of the warning to 'on' instead of 'error'
299  fprintf('\n');
301  %% second test: scm_lower_bound = real constant = scm_upper_bound for mu in C
302  disp('second test')
303  size_of_C = size(reduced_data.scm_offline_data.C,2);
304  gather_LB_mu_in_C = zeros(size_of_C,1);
305  gather_UB_mu_in_C = zeros(size_of_C,1);
306  gather_constant_mu_in_C = reduced_data.scm_offline_data.alpha_C; % they were already computed in the offline-phase
307  % compute the lower and upper bounds
308  for j = 1:size_of_C
309  fprintf('.');
310  model = set_mu(model, reduced_data.scm_offline_data.C(:,j));
311  [gather_LB_mu_in_C(j),gather_UB_mu_in_C(j)] = scm_lower_bound(model, reduced_data);
312  end
313  fprintf('\n');
315  %% plots and output
316  disp('plotting...')
317  f = figure;
318  subplot(1,2,1)
319  plot(1:number_of_test_mus, gather_LB_random_mu, 'r:', 1:number_of_test_mus, gather_constant_random_mu, 'b', 1:number_of_test_mus, gather_UB_random_mu, 'g--')
320  title('results of the first test, i.e. using the set of random \mu')
321  xlabel('number of test \mu')
322  axis tight
323  leg = legend('scm lower bound','exact constant','scm upper bound');
324  set(leg,'Location','Best')
325  subplot(1,2,2)
326  plot(1:size_of_C, gather_LB_mu_in_C, 'r:', 1:size_of_C, gather_constant_mu_in_C, 'b', 1:size_of_C, gather_UB_mu_in_C, 'g--')
327  title('results of the second tests, i.e. using the set C')
328  xlabel('number of \mu in C')
329  axis tight
330  leg = legend('scm lower bound','exact constant','scm upper bound');
331  set(leg,'Location','Best')
332  set(gcf,'Color','white')
333  % additional output information
334  disp(['maximum distance between scm lower bound and exact constant for random mu is ' mat2str(max(abs(gather_constant_random_mu - gather_LB_random_mu)))])
335  disp(['maximum distance between scm upper bound and exact constant for random mu is ' mat2str(max(abs(gather_constant_random_mu - gather_UB_random_mu)))])
336  disp(['maximum distance between scm lower bound and exact constant for mu in C is ' mat2str(max(abs(gather_constant_mu_in_C - gather_LB_mu_in_C)))])
337  disp(['maximum distance between scm upper bound and exact constant for mu in C is ' mat2str(max(abs(gather_constant_mu_in_C - gather_UB_mu_in_C)))])
339  case 3
341  load('step1_data.mat') % load offline_data computet with step 1 - includes model, model_data, detailed_data and reduced_data
342  number_of_tests = 100; % choose the size of the random mu set
343  gather_scm_estimators = zeros(number_of_tests,1);
344  gather_non_scm_estimators = zeros(number_of_tests,1);
345  % build the random mu set
346  build1 = zeros(size(model.mu_ranges,2),1);
347  build2 = zeros(size(model.mu_ranges,2),1);
348  for i = 1:size(model.mu_ranges,2)
349  build1(i,1) = model.mu_ranges{i}(1);
350  build2(i,1) = model.mu_ranges{i}(2);
351  end
352  M_test = unifrnd(repmat(build1,1,number_of_tests),repmat(build2,1,number_of_tests));
353  for i = 1:number_of_tests
354  fprintf('.');
355  model = set_mu(model, M_test(:,i));
356  % first do rb_simulation (error estimator computation) without scm
357  model.use_scm = 0;
358  rb_sim_data = rb_simulation(model, reduced_data);
359  gather_non_scm_estimators(i) = rb_sim_data.Delta;
360  % now with scm
361  model.use_scm = 1;
362  rb_sim_data = rb_simulation(model, reduced_data);
363  gather_scm_estimators(i) = rb_sim_data.Delta;
364  end
365  fprintf('\n');
366  % compare results with plot
367  disp('plotting...')
368  f = figure;
369  plot(1:number_of_tests, gather_non_scm_estimators, 'r:', 1:number_of_tests, gather_scm_estimators, 'g--')
370  xlabel('number of test \mu')
371  leg = legend('estimator without scm','estimator with scm');
372  set(leg,'Location','Best')
373  set(gcf,'Color','white')
374  % additional output information
375  disp(['maximum error bestween an estimator with and without scm is ' mat2str(max(abs(gather_non_scm_estimators - gather_scm_estimators)))])
377  case 4
379  mode = 2; % choose to either load precomputed scm_offline_data of the small thermal_block (params.B1 = 2, params.B2 = 1) for the coercive and inf-sup stable case (mode = 1),
380  % or produce the data here (mode = 2)
381  if mode == 1
382  load('step1_data_for_small_coercive_TB.mat')
383  model_1 = model;
384  %reduced_data1 = reduced_data;
385  reduced_data1 = [];
386  reduced_data1.scm_offline_data = scm_offline_data;
387  load('step1_data_for_small_infup_stable_TB.mat')
388  model_2 = model;
389  %reduced_data2 = reduced_data;
390  reduced_data2 = [];
391  reduced_data2.scm_offline_data = scm_offline_data;
392  elseif mode == 2
393  params.B1 = 2;
394  params.B2 = 1;
395  model_1 = thermalblock_model_old(params);
396  model_2 = thermalblock_model_old(params);
397  % choose to have output (=< 20) or to have output (>20) from the upcoming offline phase
398  model_1.verbose = 21;
399  model_2.verbose = 21;
400  % make sure to use the scm
401  model_1.use_scm = 1;
402  model_2.use_scm = 1;
403  % configuration fields of the scm
404  model_1.scm_M_alpha = 70;
405  model_2.scm_M_alpha = 70;
406  model_1.scm_M_plus = 200;
407  model_2.scm_M_plus = 200;
408  model_1.scm_eps_tol = 1e-14;
409  model_2.scm_eps_tol = 1e-14;
410  model_1.scm_size_C = 50;
411  model_2.scm_size_C = 50;
412  model_1.scm_desired_constant = 1; % for the coercive scm
413  model_2.scm_desired_constant = 2; % for the inf-sup stable scm
414  % for the other optional scm-parameters the standard values are sufficient
415  % model and detailed_data are the sam in both cases
416  model_data = gen_model_data(model_1);
417  model_1.RB_mu_list = {[0.1,1],[1,0.1]}; % required so gen_detailed_data works
418  detailed_data = gen_detailed_data(model_1, model_data);
419  reduced_data1 = gen_reduced_data(model_1, detailed_data);
420  reduced_data2 = gen_reduced_data(model_2, detailed_data);
421  end
423  number_of_tests = 100; % choose the size of the random mu set
424  gather_lower_bounds_1 = zeros(size(number_of_tests,2));
425  gather_upper_bounds_1 = zeros(size(number_of_tests,2));
426  gather_lower_bounds_2 = zeros(size(number_of_tests,2));
427  gather_upper_bounds_2 = zeros(size(number_of_tests,2));
428  gather_constant = zeros(size(number_of_tests,2));
429  % build the random mu set
430  build1 = zeros(size(model_1.mu_ranges,2),1);
431  build2 = zeros(size(model_1.mu_ranges,2),1);
432  for i = 1:size(model_1.mu_ranges,2)
433  build1(i,1) = model_1.mu_ranges{i}(1);
434  build2(i,1) = model_1.mu_ranges{i}(2);
435  end
436  M_test = unifrnd(repmat(build1,1,number_of_tests),repmat(build2,1,number_of_tests));
437  % collect the exact constant and the various upper and lower bounds
438  % for every mu in the set
439  for i = 1:number_of_tests
440  fprintf('.');
441  model_1 = set_mu(model_1, M_test(:,i));
442  [gather_lower_bounds_1(i), gather_upper_bounds_1(i)] = scm_lower_bound(model_1, reduced_data1);
443  model_2 = set_mu(model_2, M_test(:,i));
444  [gather_lower_bounds_2(i), gather_upper_bounds_2(i)] = scm_lower_bound(model_2, reduced_data2);
445  gather_constant(i) = min(M_test(:,i)); % for the thermal block this is known to always be the exact constant
446  end
447  fprintf('\n');
448  % plot the upper and lower bounds
449  disp('plotting...')
450  f = figure;
451  subplot(1,2,1)
452  plot(1:number_of_tests, gather_lower_bounds_1, 'r:', 1:number_of_tests, gather_lower_bounds_2, 'g--')
453  xlabel('number of test \mu')
454  leg = legend('\alpha_{scm,LB}','\beta_{scm,LB}');
455  set(leg,'Location','Best')
456  subplot(1,2,2)
457  plot(1:number_of_tests, gather_upper_bounds_1, 'r:', 1:number_of_tests, gather_upper_bounds_2, 'g--')
458  xlabel('number of test \mu')
459  leg = legend('\alpha_{scm,UB}','\beta_{scm,UB}');
460  set(leg,'Location','Best')
461  set(gcf,'Color','white')
462  % error result (how exact is the lower bound to the exact constant)
463  disp(['maximal error of a lower bound to the exact constant is ' mat2str(max(abs(gather_lower_bounds_1 - gather_constant)))])
465  otherwise
467  error('step number unknown!')
469 end