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(M1) Discretization methods

Detailed Description

Implementation of grid-based discretization methods for parametrized partial differential equations.

This module provides

In order to be compliant with the reduced basis framework described in Module (M3), a numerical scheme implemented with the routines above, should be wrapped in an IDetailedModel implementation.

Example usage of a detailed model implementation

In this section we want to show the steps that need to be undertaken in order to execute a detailed simulation for a convection diffusion equation problem.

The ModelDescr struct for this problem is returned by convdiff_model(). Starting from this description, we can construct a LinEvol.DetailedModel instance by:

model_descr = convdiff_model();
dmodel = gen_detailed_model(model_descr);

We check the type of this model

disp(['Detailed model is of type: ', class(dmodel)]);

and find it to be a LinEvol.DetailedModel.

Now, we can compute the ModelData structure and compute a single detailed simulation snapshot:

model_data = gen_model_data(dmodel);
set_mu(dmodel, mu);
sim_data   = detailed_simulation(dmodel, model_data);

Further ready-to-use description structs can be found in the models/ directory.

Collaboration diagram for (M1) Discretization methods:


class  ModelData
 Struct with high dimensional data needed for a high dimensional simulation. More...
class  ModelDescr
 Struct with control fields for the analytical PDE functions, the discretization and the parametrization. More...
class  Test.DetailedModel
 a test model doing nothing More...
class  Fem.Lagrange.DefaultInfo
 scalar Lagrange FE functions on triangular grid More...
class  Fem.Lagrange.BubbleInfo
 scalar Lagrange FE functions (degree 1) with additional bubble function on triangular grid More...
class  Fem.BcInfo
 Class for boundary condition information. Allows more flexible usage. More...
class  Fem.CompositeFunctionSpace
 Composite function space for composition of FE function spaces on same grid. More...
class  Fem.DiscFunc
 represents a continous piecewise polynomial function of arbitrary dimension. Can be used for all finite elements (discrete function information class) implementing IFeminfo (e.g. Fem.Lagrange.DefaultInfo) More...
class  Fem.IFemInfo
 Abstract class for implementing finite elements. Fem info classes implementing this interface are compatible with Fem.DiscFunc. More...
class  Fem.OperatorsDefault
 Fem operators can be obtained from stored components. More...
class  Fv.TwoPhase.DivergenceSpace
class  Fv.TwoPhase.GlobalSpace
class  Fv.TwoPhase.PressureMean
class  Fv.TwoPhase.SaturationSpace
class  Fv.TwoPhase.VelocitySpace
class  ILocalizedOperator
 Interface for a localized operator that fulfills the so-called \(H\)-independent DOF dependence. More...
class  ISeparableFunction
class  ISeparableOperator
class  LocalizedOperatorDefault
class  SeparableFunctionDefault


 Grid generation
 Classes for the discretization of a domain space \( \Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d \) by grids.
 Data functions
 Collection of (affinely decomposable) analytical data functions \( \mu \mapsto f:\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}\).
 Finite volume
 Collection of discretized finite volume operators.
 Local discontinuous Galerkin
 Local basis functions for local discontinuous Galerin (LDG) discretizations and a collection of discretized operators acting on an LDG space.
 Finite element
 Local basis functions for finite element (FEM) discretizations and a collection of discretized operators acting on a FEM function space.


file  add_integral_kernels.m
 Addition of integral kernel evaluations.
file  dirichlet_dof_vector.m
 Assembly of vector enforcing the Dirichlet boundary condition.
file  eval_coefficients.m
 Concatenation of multiple parametric coefficient evaluations.
file  matrix_part.m
 Fem Matrix assembly.
file  operator.m
 Complete Fem system assembly for lin_stat and stokes models.
file  rhs_part.m
 Fem right-hand side assembly.
file  stokes_fd_nl_operator.m
 Evaluation of the Frechet-derivative of nonlinear Navier-Stokes problems for the approximation of the inf-sup constant.
file  stokes_matrix_fd_nl.m
 additional trilinear term in Frechet derivative of global operator
file  global_dof_index.m
 function computing the local-to-global dof map of a fem discrete function
file  nodes_edges_llcoord.m
 used in constructors, computes edge-local coordinates on reference triangle
file  copy_model_data_to_plot_params.m
 Helper function copying extracting relevant information for plot_params from the model.
file  plot_sequence.m
 plotting a sequence of data slices on polygonal 2d grid (constructed from params if empty) and providing a slider for changing between the data slices.
file  plot_subplot_sequence.m
 plotting a sequence of data slices on polygonal 2d grid (constructed from params if empty) and providing a slider for changing between the data slices.