KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace solvers{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
5  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
6  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
7  *
8  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
9  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
10  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
11  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
12  *
13  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
14  * the correct locations in the source code browser.
15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
19  :public solvers.BaseSolver {
44  public:
47  this = this@solvers.BaseSolver;
48  this.Name= " Base Custom Solver ";
49  }
52  function [rowvect , matrixx ] = solve(function_handle odefun,rowvec t,colvec x0) {
54  /* Get computation times
55  *[times, outputtimes] = this.getCompTimes(t); */
56  [times, outidx] = this.getCompTimes(t);
58  /* Fire PreSolve event */
59  ed = solvers.SolverEventData(times);
60  notify(this," PreSolve ",ed);
62  x = this.customSolve(odefun, times, x0, outidx);
64  /* Fire PostSolve event */
65  ed.States= x;
66  notify(this," PostSolve ",ed);
68  /* Extract wanted values */
69  t = times(outidx);
70  /* New: x is supposed to be returned in the size of effectively desired timesteps
71  * (memory issues for large, long simulations)
72  *x = x(:,outputtimes); */
73  }
90  private:
92  function [times , rowvec<integer>outidx ] = getCompTimes(rowvec<double> t) {
94  /* Validity checks */
95  if any(abs(sort(t) - t) > 100*eps)
96  error(" The time vector must be strictly monotoneously increasing. ");
97  end
99  /* Default values
100  * outputtimes = true(1,length(t)); */
101  outidx = 1:length(t);
102  times = t;
103  if ~isempty(this.MaxStep)
104  if numel(t) == 2
105  times = t(1):this.MaxStep:t(2);
106  /* outputtimes = true(1,length(times)); */
107  outidx = [1,length(times)];
108  else
109  len = length(t);
110  n = max(round((t(2:len)-t(1:len-1))/this.MaxStep),1); /* number of steps in interval [t(i-1),t(i)] after refinemant. If t(i-1)-t(i)>= 1.5*MaxStep, interval will be refined */
112  m = ones(1,len); /* m(i) is the index of the originally i-th entry in t in times */
114  m(2:len) = cumsum(n) + m(2:len);/* - (0:len-2); */
116  times = zeros(1,m(len));
117  /* outputtimes = times; */
118  for i = 1:len-1
119  times(m(i):m(i+1))= t(i):(t(i+1)-t(i))/(n(i)):t(i+1); /* linspace(t(i),t(i+1),n(i));
120  * outputtimes(m(i)) = 1; */
122  outidx(i) = m(i);
123  end
124  /* outputtimes(end) = 1; */
125  outidx(end) = length(times);
126  end
127  /* outputtimes = logical(outputtimes); */
129  /* % Find refinement indices
130  * idx = fliplr(find(t(2:end)-t(1:end-1)-this.MaxStep>100*eps));
131  * % If any "gaps" are present, fill up with MaxStep's
132  *
133  * if ~isempty(idx)
134  * for i=idx
135  * add = times(i):this.MaxStep:times(i+1);
136  * times = [times(1:i-1) add times(i+2:end)];
137  * outputtimes = [outputtimes(1:i) false(1,length(add)-2) outputtimes(i+1:end)];
138  * end
139  * tout = times(outputtimes);
140  * if numel(tout) ~= numel(t) || any(abs(tout - t) > 100*eps)
141  * error('Unexpected error: Computed time vector differs from the desired one.');
142  * t%#ok
143  * end */
144  end
145  }
187  protected: /* ( Abstract ) */
189  virtual function colvec<double>x = customSolve(odefun,t,x0,outputtimes) = 0;
216  public: /* ( Abstract ) */
218  EVENT PreSolve;
234  EVENT PostSolve;
251 };
252 }
Broadcast a notice that a specific event is occurring on a specified handle object or array of handle...
BaseCustomSolver: Base class for all self-implemented solvers.
The solver's name.
Definition: BaseSolver.m:116
ort the handle objects in any array in ascending or descending order.
A MatLab function handle.
EVENT PostSolve
Gets fired after the solver has finished.
double MaxStep
Maximum time step for solver.
Definition: BaseSolver.m:48
A matlab column vector.
virtual function colvec< double > x = customSolve(odefun, t, x0, outputtimes)
The abstract solve function for custom ODE solver implementations.
A matlab row vector.
Base class for all KerMor ODE solvers.
Definition: BaseSolver.m:18
EVENT PreSolve
Gets fired before the solver starts.
function [ rowvec t , matrix x ] = solve(function_handle odefun,rowvec t,colvec x0)
Solves the ode and wraps the actual solving method.