KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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3 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
4  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
5  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
6  *
7  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
8  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
9  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
10  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
11  *
12  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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14  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
15  */
18  :public JaRMoSExport {
29  public:
44  public:
47  this.ModelType= " JKerMor ";
48  }
51  protected:
54  function [sourcebase , sourcefiles ] = typeSpecificExport(f,models.BaseFullModel model,folder) {
55  rm = model;
57  fprintf(f," \t<kermor_model>\n ");
58  fprintf(f," \t\t<T>%17.17f</T>\n ",rm.T);
59  fprintf(f," \t\t<dt>%17.17f</dt>\n ",rm.dt);
61  /* Get system dimension from initial value */
62  mu = [];
63  if ~isempty(rm.ParamSamples)
64  mu = rm.ParamSamples(:,1);
65  end
66  dim = size(rm.System.x0.evaluate(mu),1);
67  fprintf(f," \t<dim>%d</dim>\n ",dim);
69  /* % Export model data */
70  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(rm.V," V.bin ",folder);
71  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(rm.W," W.bin ",folder);
72  /* export.AppExport.saveRealMatrix(rm.W,'G.bin',folder); */
74  /* ODE solver type */
75  stype = " explicit ";
76  if isa(rm.ODESolver," solvers.IImplSolver ")
77  stype = " implicit ";
78  end
79  fprintf(f," \t<solvertype>%s</solvertype>\n ",stype);
80  fprintf(f," \t<outputtodof>TimoOutToDoF</outputtodof>\n ");
81  sources = [" TimoOutToDoF "];
83  /* % Export system data
84  * Parameters */
85  fprintf(f," \t<parameters>\n ");
86  p = rm.FullModel.System.Params;
87  if ~isempty(p)
88  /* pvals = zeros(length(p),2); */
89  for k=1:length(p)
90  fprintf(f," \t\t<param name='%s' min='%17.17f' max='%17.17f' label='%s'/>\n ",...
91  p(k).Name,p(k).MinVal,p(k).MaxVal,p(k).Name);
92  end
93  /* export.AppExport.saveRealMatrix(pvals, 'paramvalues.bin', folder); */
94  end
95  fprintf(f," \t</parameters>\n ");
97  /* Kernel expansion */
98  s = rm.System;
99  cf = s.f;
100  fprintf(f," \t<corefun type='%s'>\n ",class(cf));
101  if isa(cf," kernels.KernelExpansion ")
102  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(cf.Ma," Ma.bin ",folder);
103  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(cf.Centers.xi," xi.bin ",folder);
104  exportKernel(cf.Kernel," kernel.bin ",folder);
105  fprintf(f," \t\t<statekernel>%s</statekernel>\n ",class(cf.Kernel));
106  if isa(cf," kernels.ParamTimeKernelExpansion ")
107  export.Util.saveRealVector(cf.Centers.ti," ti.bin ",folder);
108  exportKernel(cf.TimeKernel," timekernel.bin ",folder);
109  fprintf(f," \t\t<timekernel>%s</timekernel>\n ",class(cf.TimeKernel));
111  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(cf.Centers.mui," mui.bin ",folder);
112  exportKernel(cf.ParamKernel," paramkernel.bin ",folder);
113  fprintf(f," \t\t<paramkernel>%s</paramkernel>\n ",class(cf.ParamKernel));
114  end
115  elseif isa(cf, " dscomponents.LinearCoreFun ")
116  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(cf.A," A.bin ",folder);
117  elseif isa(cf, " dscomponents.AffLinCoreFun ")
118  if isempty(cf.CoeffClass)
119  error(" AffLinCoreFuns must have the CoeffClass value set for export. ");
120  end
121  /* Set path to IAffineCoefficients class to compile */
122  fprintf(f," \t\t<coeffclass>%s</coeffclass>\n ",cf.CoeffClass);
123  sources[end+1] = cf.CoeffClass;
124  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(cf.AffParamMatrix.Matrices," A.bin ",folder);
125  else
126  error(" System function type unknown for export. ");
127  end
128  fprintf(f," \t</corefun>\n ");
130  /* Input */
131  if rm.System.InputCount > 0 && ~isempty(s.B)
132  fprintf(f," \t<inputconv type='%s'>\n ",class(s.B));
133  if isa(s.B," dscomponents.LinearInputConv ")
134  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(s.B.B," B.bin ",folder);
135  elseif isa(s.B," dscomponents.AffLinInputConv ")
136  if isempty(s.B.CoeffClass)
137  error(" AffLinInputConv instances must have the CoeffClass value set for export. ");
138  end
139  /* Set path to IAffineCoefficients class to compile */
140  fprintf(f," \t\t<coeffclass>%s</coeffclass>\n ",s.B.CoeffClass);
141  sources[end+1] = s.B.CoeffClass;
142  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(s.B.Matrices," B.bin ",folder);
143  end
144  fprintf(f," \t</inputconv>\n ");
145  sources[end+1] = " Inputs ";
146  end
148  /* Mass matrix */
149  if ~isempty(s.M)
150  fprintf(f," \t<massmatrix type='%s'>\n ",class(s.M));
151  if isa(s.M," dscomponents.ConstMassMatrix ")
152  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(s.M.M," M.bin ",folder);
153  elseif isa(s.M," dscomponents.AffLinMassMatrix ")
154  if isempty(s.M.CoeffClass)
155  error(" AffLinMassMatrix instances must have the CoeffClass value set for export. ");
156  end
157  /* Set path to IAffineCoefficients class to compile */
158  fprintf(f," \t\t<coeffclass>%s</coeffclass>\n ",s.M.CoeffClass);
159  sources[end+1] = s.M.CoeffClass;
160  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(s.M.Matrices," M.bin ",folder);
161  end
162  fprintf(f," \t</massmatrix>\n ");
163  end
165  /* Output */
166  if ~isempty(s.C)
167  if isa(s.C," dscomponents.LinearOutputConv ")
168  C = s.C.C;
169  if isscalar(C)
170  C = eye(dim);
171  end
172  export.Util.saveRealMatrix(C," C.bin ",folder);
173  elseif isa(s.C," dscomponents.AffLinOutputConv ")
174  error(" Not yet implemented. ");
175  end
176  fprintf(f," \t<outputconvtype>%s</outputconvtype>\n ",class(s.C));
177  end
179  /* Initial value */
180  if isa(s.x0," dscomponents.ConstInitialValue ")
181  export.Util.saveRealVector(s.x0.x0," x0.bin ",folder);
182  elseif isa(s.B," dscomponents.AffineInitialValue ")
183  error(" Not yet implemented. ");
184  end
185  fprintf(f," \t<initialvaluetype>%s</initialvaluetype>\n ",class(s.x0));
186  fprintf(f," \t</kermor_model>\n ");
188  /* Assign source files and base here (from settings; here as
189  * JaRMoSExport does not "know" the KerMor etc) */
190  sourcebase = this.JKerMorSourceDirectory;
191  sourcefiles = sources;
193  function exportKernel(k, file, folder)
194  if isa(k," kernels.GaussKernel ")
195  export.Util.saveRealVector(k.Gamma,file,folder);
196  elseif isa(k," kernels.LinearKernel ")
197  /* do nothing. */
198  end
199  end
200  }
203 };
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
function [ sourcebase , sourcefiles ] = typeSpecificExport(f,models.BaseFullModel model, folder)
Definition: JKerMorExport.m:54
char ModelType
The model type according to the jarmos.ModelType enum.
Definition: JaRMoSExport.m:114
JKerMorExport: Export class for JaRMoS model generation from KerMor models.
Definition: JKerMorExport.m:17
JaRMoSExport: Export base class for JaRMoS Models.
Definition: JaRMoSExport.m:17
char JKerMorSourceDirectory
The directory of JKerMor sources.
Definition: JKerMorExport.m:31
A MatLab character array.