KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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3 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
4  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
5  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
6  *
7  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
8  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
9  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
10  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
11  *
12  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
13  * the correct locations in the source code browser.
14  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
15  */
17 class JRBExport
18  :public JaRMoSExport {
35  public:
37  Version = 0;
48  TargetFolder = "/home/dwirtz/aghwww/romsim/rbm_advec";
57  JRBSource = "/home/dwirtz/aghhome/Software/Eclipse/JRB/src";
66  Params = "[]";
93  ForWebFolder = true;
108  public:
112 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.TargetFolder'
113 function TargetFolder(value) {
114  if isempty(value)
115  error(" Target folder value must not be empty. ");
116  end
117  /* Strip trailing slash if set */
118  if value(end) == " / " || value(end) == " \ "
119  value = value(1:end-1);
120  end
121  if exist(value," dir ") ~= 7
122  if 1 ~= mkdir(value)
123  error(" Could not create directory '%s' ", value);
124  end
125  end
126  this.TargetFolder= value;
127  }
129 #endif
133 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Version'
134 function Version(value) {
135  if ~any(value == [0 1])
136  error(" Only 0 for 'jrb' and 1 for 'rbappmit' versions allowed. ");
137  end
138  this.Version= value;
139  }
141 #endif
144  function export_file(matfile) {
145  S = load(matfile);
146  this.export(S.model, S.detailed_data);
147  }
157  function export(model,det) {
159  /* % Validity checks */
160  fprintf(" Starting model export to %s ...\n ",this.TargetFolder);
162  /* % Re-create the model and reduced data; should not be too costly */
163  model_data = gen_model_data(model);
164  red = gen_reduced_data(model, det);
166  /* % Start the model.xml file with description etc */
167  f = this.startExportXML(model);
169  /* % Export model data, depending on format */
170  if this.Version == 0
171  this.export_JRB(model, model_data, det, red, f);
172  elseif this.Version == 1
173  fprintf(f," <rbappmit_model />\n ");
174  this.export_rbappmit(model, model_data, det, red);
175  end
177  /* % Export affine functions */
178  this.exportAffineFunctions(f);
180  /* % Export grid (no matter which version - always the rb one for our models) */
181  this.exportGeometry(model_data.grid, f);
183  fprintf(f," \t<visual>\n ");
184  fprintf(f," \t\t<plotSteps>%d</plotSteps>\n ",model.nt+1);
185  fprintf(f," \t</visual>\n ");
187  this.endExportXML(f);
189  /* % Add folder name to models.txt if it is a web export. */
190  if this.ForWebFolder
191  [parent, foldername] = fileparts(this.TargetFolder);
192  mtxt = fullfile(parent, " models.txt ");
193  fid = fopen(mtxt," a+ ");
194  ln = fgetl(fid);
195  exists = false;
196  while ischar(ln)
197  if strcmp(ln,foldername)
198  exists = true;
199  end
200  ln = fgetl(fid);
201  end
202  if ~exists
203  fprintf(fid," %s\n ",foldername);
204  end
205  fclose(fid);
206  end
207  }
219  private:
222  function f = startExportXML(models.BaseFullModel model) {
223  f = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," model.xml ")," w+ ");
224  fprintf(f," <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n ");
225  fprintf(f," <!-- Generated by rbmatlab on %s -->\n ",date);
226  /* Always use big endian format as it's java's native byte order */
227  version = " JRB ";
228  if this.Version == 1
229  version = " rbappmit ";
230  end
231  fprintf(f," <model type='%s' machformat='be'>\n ",version);
232  fprintf(f," <description>\n ");
233  if isfield(this.Params," title ")
234  t = this.Params.title;
235  else
236  t = [" rbmatlab: " func2str(model.gen_model_data)];
237  end
238  fprintf(f," \t<name>%s</name>\n ",t);
239  fprintf(f," \t<created>%s</created>\n ",datestr(now));
240  if isfield(this.Params," short ")
241  t = this.Params.short;
242  else
243  t = [" rbmatlab: " func2str(model.gen_model_data)];
244  end
245  fprintf(f," \t<short>%s</short>\n ",t);
246  if exist(" figure.png "," file ") == 2
247  copyfile(" figure.png ",fullfile(this.TargetFolder," figure.png "))
248  fprintf(f," \t<image>figure.png</image>\n ");
249  end
250 /* fprintf(f,'\t<infohtml>site_info.html</infohtml>\n'); */
251  fprintf(f," </description>\n ");
252  }
267  function endExportXML(f) {
268  fprintf(f," </model>\n ");
269  fclose(f);
270  }
273  function exportAffineFunctions(f) {
274  jfile = this.AffFcnsJava;
275  package = ;
276  if this.Version == 0
277  if isempty(this.JRBSource)
278  error(" For JRB model export version a the JRBSource property must not be empty. ");
279  end
280  if isempty(jfile)
281  [par, fname] = fileparts(this.TargetFolder);
282  package = fullfile(" models ",fname);
283  jfile = fullfile(fullfile(this.JRBSource,package)," ");
284  end
285  cmd = sprintf(" javac -classpath %s -d %s %s ",this.JRBSource, this.TargetFolder, jfile);
286  elseif this.Version == 1
287  if isempty(this.AffFcnsJava)
288  error(" Error exporting affine functions: AffFcnsJava field must be set for rbappmit model export. ");
289  end
290  cmd = sprintf(" javac -d %s %s ",this.TargetFolder, jfile);
291  end
292  if exist(jfile," file ") ~= 2
293  error(" Affine functions file '%s' does not exist. ",jfile);
294  end
296  fprintf(" Compiling and exporting AffineFunctions in '%s'...\n ",jfile);
297  system(cmd);
299  outcl = fullfile(fullfile(this.TargetFolder,package)," AffineFunctions.class ");
300  javajar = fullfile(this.TargetFolder," classes.jar ");
301  dexjar = fullfile(this.TargetFolder," dexclasses.jar ");
303  /* Create dex files for Android DalvikVM
304  *system(sprintf('dx --dex --output="dexclasses.jar" %s',outcl)); */
305  system(sprintf(" dx --dex --no-strict --output='%s' %s ",dexjar,outcl));
307  /* Create normal jar file for Java VMs */
308  system(sprintf(" jar -cf %s -C %s %s ",javajar,this.TargetFolder,fullfile(package," AffineFunctions.class ")));
309  /* Remove .class file - we're tidy :-) */
310  if ~isempty(package)
311  rmdir(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," models ")," s ");
312  package = [" models. " fname];
313  else
314  delete(outcl);
315  end
317  if ~isempty(package)
318  fprintf(f," <package>%s</package>\n ",package);
319  end
320  }
328  function exportGeometry(g,f) {
329  if ~isa(g," triagrid ")
330  error(" Cannot export an object of class %s as geometry. Instance of triagrid is required. ",class(g));
331  end
333  fprintf(" Exporting model grid (%s) to geometry files...\n ",class(g));
335  /* Write XML entries */
336  fprintf(f," <geometry>\n ");
337  fprintf(f," \t<dimension>2</dimension>\n ");
338  fprintf(f," \t<nodes>%d</nodes>\n ",length(g.X));
339  fprintf(f," \t<fieldmapping>ELEMENT</fieldmapping>\n ");
340  fprintf(f," </geometry>\n ");
342  /* COMMENTED - dont write useless zeros to files, is big enough already.
343  * Rather read the model XML and fill up zeros inside the program, if need be.
344  * Insert zero z coords (JRB has only 3D vertices)
345  *z = single(zeros(size(g.X))); */
347  /* Make big column vector */
348  nodes = single(reshape([g.X g.Y]^t,[],1));
350  m = max(g.VI(:));
351  if m > intmax(" int16 ")
352  error(" Too many faces for app: %d. Max allowed is intmax(int16) = %d ",m,intmax(" int16 "));
353  end
354  faces = int16(reshape(g.VI^t,[],1));
356  export.AppExport.saveRealVector(nodes," vertices.bin ",this.TargetFolder);
357  export.AppExport.saveRealVector(faces," faces.bin ",this.TargetFolder);
358 /* save geo nodes faces; */
359  }
362  function export_rbappmit(models.BaseFullModel model,model_data,det,red) {
363  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," ")," w ");
365  /* check if system type is predefined. If not... make a guess
366  *---------------------------------------------------- */
367  if (isfield(this.Params," model_type "))
368  system_type = this.Params.model_type;
369  else
370  if isfield(model," nt ")
371  /* unsteady... */
372  if isfield(model," affinely_decomposed ")&&model.affinely_decomposed
373  system_type = " LINEAR_UNSTEADY ";
374  else
375  system_type = " NONLINEAR_UNSTEADY ";
376  end
377  else
378  /* steady */
379  if isfield(model," affinely_decomposed ")&&model.affinely_decomposed
380  system_type = " LINEAR_STEADY ";
381  else
382  system_type = " NONLINEAR_STEADY ";
383  end
384  end
385  end
387  fprintf(fid," system_type = %s\n ",system_type);
389  /* scm type (successive constraint method)
390  *--------------------------------------- */
391  if isfield(this.Params," scm_type ")
392  scm_type = this.Params.scm_type;
393  else
394  scm_type = " NONE ";
395  end
396  fprintf(fid," scm_type = %s\n ",scm_type);
398  /* n_field (number of field variables... bei uns bisher immer nur eine)
399  *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
400  if isfield(this.Params," n_field ")
401  n_field = this.Params.n_field;
402  else
403  n_field = 1; /* standard: nur eine Feldvariable */
405  end
406  fprintf(fid," n_field = %d\n\n ",n_field);
408  /* number of components Q
409  *---------------------- */
410  fprintf(fid," Q_a = %d\n ",Qa);
411  fprintf(fid," Q_f = %d\n\n ",Qf);
412  /* Kommentar: eigentlich fehlen hier noch Komponenten LL_I des
413  *impliziten Operators und die Komponenten der parameter separierten
414  *Anfangsbedingungen */
416  /* Nmax: maximum number of basis vectors
417  *-------------------------------------- */
418  fprintf(fid," Nmax = %d\n\n ",size(det.RB,2));
420  /* Information about parameterization
421  *-------------------------------------- */
422  n_parameters = length(model.mu_names);
423  fprintf(fid," n_parameters = %d\n ",n_parameters);
424  for i=1:n_parameters
425  fprintf(fid,[" mu ",num2str(i-1)," _min = %d\n "],model.mu_ranges[i](1));
426  fprintf(fid,[" mu ",num2str(i-1)," _max = %d\n "],model.mu_ranges[i](2));
427  end
429  /* Information about outputs
430  *------------------------- */
431  if isfield(this.Params," n_outputs ")
432  n_outputs = this.Params.n_outputs;
433  else
434  n_outputs = 1;
435  end
436  fprintf(fid," n_outputs = %d\n ",n_outputs);
438  /* Information about time discretization
439  *------------------------------------- */
440  if strcmp(system_type," LINEAR_UNSTEADY ")||strcmp(system_type," NONLINEAR_UNSTEADY ")
441  fprintf(fid," dt = %f\n ",(model.T/model.nt)); /* Zeitschrittweite */
443  fprintf(fid," K = %d\n ",model.nt); /* number of time steps */
445  if isfield(model," theta ")
446  fprintf(fid," euler_theta = %d\n ",model.theta);
447  else
448  fprintf(fid," euler_theta = %f\n ",0);
449  end
450  end
452  /* Labels
453  *------------------------------------ */
454  if isfield(this.Params," title ")
455  fprintf(fid," title = %s\n ",this.Params.title);
456  end
457  for i=1:n_parameters
458  fprintf(fid,[" param ",num2str(i-1)," _label = %s\n "],model.mu_names[i]);
459  end
461  fclose(fid);
462  /* keyboard
463  *----------------------------------------------------------- */
465  /* number of basisvectors in RB */
466  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," n_bfs.dat ")," w ");
467  fprintf(fid," %d ",size(det.RB,2));
468  fclose(fid);
470  /* number of nodes in geometry */
471  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," calN.dat ")," w ");
472  fprintf(fid," %d ",size(model_data.grid.VI,1));
473  fclose(fid);
475  /* write output */
476  disp(" Writing output ")
477  fid=fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," output_000_000.dat ")," w ");
478  for i=1:(length(red.s_RB))
479  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",(red.s_RB(i)));
480  end
481  fclose(fid);
483  /* write L_E operator components */
484  disp(" Writing LL_E ")
485  for q=1:Qa
486  fid= fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder,[" RB_A_00 ",num2str(q-1)," .dat "])," w ");
487  for i=1:(size(red.LL_E[q],1)^2)
488  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",red.LL_E[q](i));
489  end
490  fclose(fid);
491  end
493  /* write rhs b components */
494  disp(" Writing bb ")
495  for q=1:Qf
496  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder,[" RB_F_00 ",num2str(q-1)," .dat "])," w ");
497  for i=1:size([q],1)
498  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",[q](i));
499  end
500  fclose(fid);
501  end
503  /* write M matrix (identity matrix) */
504  disp(" Writing M ")
505  M=eye(size(red.LL_E[1],1), size(red.LL_E[1],2));
506  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," RB_M_000.dat ")," w ");
507  for i=1:size(M,1)^2
508  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",M(i));
509  end
510  fclose(fid);
512  /* write mass matrices (try=also idendity matrices) */
513  disp(" Writing mass matrices ")
514  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," RB_mass_matrix.dat ")," w ");
515  for i=1:size(M,1)^2
516  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",M(i));
517  end
518  fclose(fid);
520  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," RB_inner_product_matrix.dat ")," w ");
521  for i=1:size(M,1)^2
522  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",M(i));
523  end
524  fclose(fid);
526  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," RB_L2_matrix.dat ")," w ");
527  for i=1:size(M,1)^2
528  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",M(i));
529  end
530  fclose(fid);
532  /* write RB-vectors */
533  disp(" Writing RB-vectors ");
534  for n=1:size(det.RB,2)
535  if n-1<10
536  ns = [" 0 ",num2str(n-1)];
537  else
538  ns=num2str(n-1);
539  end
540  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder,[" Z_000_0 ",ns," .bin "])," w ");
541  /* for i=1:size(det.RB,1) */
542  fwrite(fid,det.RB(:,n)," double ");
543  /* end */
544  fclose(fid);
545  end
547  /* write error matrices AqAq */
548  disp(" Writing AqAq ")
549  Q=length(red.M_EE);
550  for q=1:length(red.M_EE)
551  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder,[" Aq_Aq_00 ",num2str(floor((q-1)/sqrt(Q)))," _00 ",num2str(q-floor((q-1)/sqrt(Q))*sqrt(Q)-1)," _norms.bin "])," w ");
552  fwrite(fid,red.M_EE[q]," double ");
553  fclose(fid);
554  end
556  /* write error matrices FqAq */
557  disp(" Writing FqAq ")
558  Qb=Qf;
559  QL=Qa;
560  Fq_Aq=cell(1,QL*Qb);
561  for q1=1:Qb
562  for q2=1:QL
563  Fq_Aq[q2+(q1-1)*QL] = red.M_Eb[q1+(q2-1)*Qb];
564  end
565  end
566  fid=fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," Fq_Aq_norms.dat ")," w ");
567  for i=1:QL*Qb
568  for j=1:size(Fq_Aq[i],1)
569  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",Fq_Aq[i](j));
570  end
571  end
572  fclose(fid);
575  /* write Aq_Mq norms and Aq_M */
576  disp(" Writing Aq_Mq and Aq_M ")
577  fid=fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," Aq_M_norms.dat ")," w ");
578  for q=1:length(red.M_E)
579  for i=1:size(red.M_E[q],1)^2
580  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",red.M_E[q](i));
581  end
582  end
583  fclose(fid);
584  fid=fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," Aq_Mq_norms.dat ")," w ");
585  for q=1:length(red.M_E)
586  for i=1:size(red.M_E[q],1)^2
587  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",red.M_E[q](i));
588  end
589  end
590  fclose(fid);
592  /* write Fq_M and Fq_Mq */
593  disp(" Writing Fq_Mq and Fq_M ")
594  fid=fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," Fq_Mq_norms.dat ")," w ");
595  for q=1:length(red.M_b)
596  for i=1:size(red.M_b[q],1)*size(red.M_b[q],2)
597  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",red.M_b[q](i));
598  end
599  end
600  fclose(fid);
602  fid=fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," Fq_M_norms.dat ")," w ");
603  for q=1:length(red.M_b)
604  for i=1:size(red.M_b[q],1)*size(red.M_b[q],2)
605  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",red.M_b[q](i));
606  end
607  end
608  fclose(fid);
610  /* write Fq_Fq */
611  disp(" Writing Fq norms ");
612  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," Fq_norms.dat ")," w ");
613  for q=1:length(red.M_bb)
614  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",red.M_bb[q]);
615  end
616  fclose(fid);
618  /* write idendity matrices for M_M_norms */
619  disp(" Writing M_M_norms and Mq_Mq_norms ");
620  fid=fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," M_M_norms.dat ")," w ");
621  for i=1:size(M,1)^2
622  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",M(i));
623  end
624  fclose(fid);
626  fid=fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," Mq_Mq_norms.dat ")," w ");
627  for i=1:size(M,1)^2
628  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",M(i));
629  end
630  fclose(fid);
632  /* output_dual_norm */
633  disp(" Writing dual norm of output ")
634  fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder," output_000_dual_norms.dat ")," w ");
635  model.decomp_mode= 0;
636  v=model.operators_output(model,model_data);
637  fprintf(fid," %17.17e ",norm(v));
638  fclose(fid);
640  /* %write LL_E operator
641  * for i=1:Qa
642  * fid = fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder,['Aq_Aq_000_00',num2str(i-1),'_norms.bin')],'w');
643  * fwrite(fid,red.LL_E{i},'double');
644  * fclose(fid);
645  * end
646  *
647  *
648  * %write mass matrix WRONG!!
649  * fid=fopen(fullfile(this.TargetFolder,'RB_inner_product_matrix.dat'),'w');
650  * for i=1:(size(model_data.W,1)^2)
651  * fwrite(fid,model_data.W(i),'double');
652  * fwrite(fid,' ');
653  * end
654  * fclose(fid); */
655  }
673  function export_JRB(models.BaseFullModel model,model_data,det,red,fxml) {
675  /* % Static settings, that might change for different models */
676  Qm = 1; /* number of mass matrices for UNSTEADY-type systems? */
679  /* % Determine system type */
680  if (isfield(this.Params," model_type "))
681  system_type = this.Params.model_type;
682  else
683  if isfield(model," nt ")
684  /* unsteady... */
685  if isfield(model," affinely_decomposed ") && model.affinely_decomposed
686  system_type = " LINEAR_UNSTEADY ";
687  else
688  system_type = " NONLINEAR_UNSTEADY ";
689  end
690  else
691  /* steady */
692  if isfield(model," affinely_decomposed ") && model.affinely_decomposed
693  system_type = " LINEAR_STEADY ";
694  else
695  system_type = " NONLINEAR_STEADY ";
696  end
697  end
698  end
700  /* % Write rb_model attributes
701  * n_field (number of field variables... bei uns bisher immer nur eine)
702  *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
703  if isfield(this.Params," n_field ")
704  n_field = this.Params.n_field;
705  else
706  n_field = 1; /* standard: nur eine Feldvariable */
708  end
709  /* Number of components Q */
710  Qa = length(red.LL_E);
711  Qf = length(;
712  /* Kommentar: eigentlich fehlen hier noch Komponenten LL_I des
713  *impliziten Operators und die Komponenten der parameter separierten
714  *Anfangsbedingungen */
716  /* Nmax: maximum number of basis vectors
717  * same as n_bfs, why artificially reduce? */
718  nmax = size(det.RB,2);
719  n_bfs = nmax;
721  fprintf(fxml," <rb_model num_basisfcn='%d' fields='%d' Qa='%d' Qf='%d' Nmax='%d'>\n ",...
722  n_bfs,n_field,Qa,Qf,nmax);
724  /* % System type */
725  fprintf(fxml," \t<systype>%s</systype>\n ",system_type);
727  /* % Scm type (successive constraint method) -------------------- */
728  if isfield(this.Params," scm_type ")
729  scm_type = this.Params.scm_type;
730  else
731  scm_type = " NONE ";
732  end
733  fprintf(fxml," \t<scmtype>%s</scmtype>\n ",scm_type);
735  /* % Time discretization ---------------------------------------- */
736  if strcmp(system_type," LINEAR_UNSTEADY ") || strcmp(system_type," NONLINEAR_UNSTEADY ")
737  fprintf(fxml," \t<timeinfo>\n ");
738  fprintf(fxml," \t\t<dt>%17.17f</dt>\n ",model.T/model.nt);
739  fprintf(fxml," \t\t<K>%d</K>\n ",model.nt);
740  if isfield(model," theta ")
741  et = model.theta;
742  else
743  et = 0;
744  end
745  fprintf(fxml," \t\t<euler_theta>%17.17f</euler_theta>\n ",et);
746  fprintf(fxml," \t</timeinfo>\n ");
747  end
749  /* % Information about parameterization ------------------------- */
750  if isfield(model," mu_names ") && ~isempty(model.mu_names)
751  pvals = model.get_mu(model);
752  n_parameters = length(model.mu_names);
753  fprintf(fxml," \t<parameters number='%d'>\n ",n_parameters);
754  for i=1:n_parameters
755  fprintf(fxml," \t\t<param name='%s' min='%17.17f' max='%17.17f' label='%s' default='%17.17f'/>\n ",...
756  model.mu_names[i],model.mu_ranges[i](1),model.mu_ranges[i](2),model.mu_names[i],pvals(i));
757  end
758  fprintf(fxml," \t</parameters>\n ");
759  end
761  /* % Model output */
762  disp(" Writing output ");
763  export.AppExport.saveRealVector(double(red.s_RB)," output_000_000.bin ",this.TargetFolder);
764  /* Dual norms */
765  model.decomp_mode= 0;
766  v=norm(model.operators_output(model,model_data));
767  /* The dual norms must equal an Ql*(Ql+1)/2 vector
768  * (symmetric information) */
769  v = this.uppertria(v);
770  if numel(v) > 1
771  warning(" Model:Export "," Export of dual norms for more than one output not yet checked. ");
772  end
773  export.AppExport.saveRealVector(double(v)," output_000_dual_norms.bin ",this.TargetFolder);
775  /* % Model initial value data */
776  disp(" Writing initial data ");
777  for q=1:length(red.a0)
778  export.AppExport.saveRealVector(double(red.a0[q]),...
779  sprintf(" RB_initial_%.3d.bin ",q-1),this.TargetFolder);
780  end
783  /* % Write reduced basis data
784  * L_E operator components (JRB: A_q matrices) */
785  disp(" Writing LL_E ");
786  for q=1:Qa
787  export.AppExport.saveRealMatrix(double(red.LL_E[q]),...
788  sprintf(" RB_A_%.3d.bin ",q-1),this.TargetFolder);
789  end
791  /* Write rhs b components (JRB: F_q vectors) */
792  disp(" Writing bb ")
793  for q=1:Qf
794  export.AppExport.saveRealVector(double([q]),...
795  sprintf(" RB_F_%.3d.bin ",q-1),this.TargetFolder);
796  end
798  /* Write M matrix (identity matrix, JRB: M_q matrices) */
799  disp(" Writing M ")
800  M = double(eye(size(red.LL_E[1],1), size(red.LL_E[1],2)));
801  export.AppExport.saveRealMatrix(M, " RB_M_000.bin ",this.TargetFolder);
803  /* JRB: read in TransientRBSystem
804  * Here: identity matrix */
805  export.AppExport.saveRealMatrix(M, " RB_L2_matrix.bin ",this.TargetFolder);
807  /* write RB-vectors */
808  disp(" Writing RB-vectors ");
809  for n=1:size(det.RB,2)
810  export.AppExport.saveRealVector(single(det.RB(:,n)),...
811  sprintf(" Z_000_%.3d.bin ",n-1),...
812  this.TargetFolder);
813  end
815  /* % Error matrices
816  * Write error matrices AqAq */
817  disp(" Writing Aq Aq matrices ")
818  hlp = this.uppertria(red.M_EE);
819  for i=1:Qa
820  for j=1:Qa-i+1
821  export.AppExport.saveRealMatrix(double(hlp[(i-1)*Qa + j]),...
822  sprintf(" Aq_Aq_%.3d_%.3d_norms.bin ",i-1,j-1),...
823  this.TargetFolder);
824  end
825  end
827  /* Write error matrices Fq Aq (JRB: Fq_Aq representor data in RBSystem)
828  * Order looked up in lin_evol_opt_rb_operators */
829  disp(" Writing Fq Aq norms. ")
830  for i=1:Qa
831  for j=1:Qf
832  export.AppExport.saveRealVector(double(red.M_Eb[j+(i-1)*Qf]),...
833  sprintf(" Fq_Aq_%.3d_%.3d.bin ",j-1,i-1),this.TargetFolder);
834  end
835  end
837  /* write Fq_Fq */
838  disp(" Writing Fq norms ");
839  norms = this.uppertria([red.M_bb[:]]);
840  export.AppExport.saveRealVector(double(norms),...
841  " Fq_norms.bin ",this.TargetFolder);
843  /* Write Aq_Mq norms */
844  disp(" Writing Aq_Mq ")
845  for i=1:Qa
846  for j=1:Qm
847  export.AppExport.saveRealMatrix(double(red.M_E[(i-1)*Qm+j]),...
848  sprintf(" Aq_Mq_%.3d_%.3d_norms.bin ",i-1,j-1),this.TargetFolder);
849  end
850  end
852  /* Write and Fq_Mq */
853  disp(" Writing Fq_Mq ")
854  for i=1:Qf
855  for j=1:Qm
856  export.AppExport.saveRealVector(double(red.M_b[(i-1)*Qm+j]),...
857  sprintf(" Fq_Mq_%.3d_%.3d.bin ",i-1,j-1),this.TargetFolder);
858  end
859  end
861  /* write idendity matrices for M_M_norms */
862  disp(" Writing M_M_norms and Mq_Mq_norms ");
863  for i=1:Qm
864  for j=1:Qm-i+1
865  export.AppExport.saveRealMatrix(M,...
866  sprintf(" Mq_Mq_%.3d_%.3d.bin ",i-1,j-1),this.TargetFolder);
867  end
868  end
870  fprintf(fxml," </rb_model>\n ");
871  }
874  function res = uppertria(vec) {
875  n = sqrt(numel(vec));
876  if n*n ~= numel(vec)
877  error(" vec has not a square number of elements. ");
878  end
879  res = reshape(vec,n,n);
880  res = res(triu(true(n,n)));
881  }
901 };
Returns a cell array of string containing the names of public properties.
Some additional export parameters.
Definition: JRBExport.m:66
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
A MatLab cell array or matrix.
Path to the AffineFunctions file giving the coefficient functions.
Definition: JRBExport.m:78
hanges the dimensions of the handle object array to the specified dimensions. See the MATLAB reshape ...
function export(model, det)
Exports the given model using the detailed data.
Definition: JRBExport.m:157
Flag that indicates if the export is for a web folder.
Definition: JRBExport.m:93
The model export version to use. Can be either 0 for for JRB models or 1 for rbappmit-models.
Definition: JRBExport.m:37
JRBExport: Exporting rbmatlab models for the JRB project.
Definition: JRBExport.m:17
JaRMoSExport: Export base class for JaRMoS Models.
Definition: JaRMoSExport.m:17
Handle object destructor method that is called when the object's lifecycle ends.
Handle object disp method which is called by the display method. See the MATLAB disp function...
#define X(i, j)
The folder to write the model data to.
Definition: JRBExport.m:48
#define Y(i, j)
The source of the JRB software.
Definition: JRBExport.m:57
function export_file(matfile)
Exports an m-file containing rb data to a model.
Definition: JRBExport.m:144