KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace kernels{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
5  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
6  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
7  *
8  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
9  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
10  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
11  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
12  *
13  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
19  :public KerMorObject,
20  public general.AProjectable,
66  public: /* ( Dependent, setObservable ) */
87  public: /* ( Dependent ) */
168  public: /* ( setObservable ) */
170  struct Centers = struct("'xi',[]");
232  protected:
247  public:
251  /* Set custom projection to true as the project method is
252  * overridden */
253  this = this@KerMorObject;
255  this.fSK= kernels.GaussKernel;
257  /* DONT CHANGE THIS LINE unless you know what you are doing or
258  * you are me :-)
259  * this.updateRotInv; */
261  this.registerProps(" Kernel "," Centers "," Base ");
262  }
271  function fx = evaluate(matrix x,varargin) {
272  fx = this.Ma * (this.Base \ this.getKernelVector(x)^t);
273  }
286  function phi = getKernelVector(matrix x,varargin) {
287  phi = this.fSK.evaluate(x, this.Centers.xi);
288  }
302  if nargin < 3
303  x = this.Centers.xi;
304  end
305  row = this.fSK.evaluate(x, x(:,idx));
306  }
321  function J = getStateJacobian(x,varargin) {
322  J = this.Ma * (this.Base \ this.fSK.getNabla(x, this.Centers.xi)^t);
323  }
341  function K = getKernelMatrix() {
342  K = [];
343  if ~isempty(this.Centers)
344  K = this.fSK.evaluate(this.Centers.xi,[]);
345 /* cent = this.Centers.xi;
346  * if isa(cent,'data.FileMatrix')
347  * cent = cent.toMemoryMatrix;
348  * end
349  * K = this.fSK.evaluate(cent,[]); */
350  end
351  }
367  function v = scalarProductWith(f) {
368  if ~isa(f," kernels.KernelExpansion ")
369  error(" f argument must be another KernelExpansion ");
370  end
371  if size(this.Centers.xi,1) ~= size(f.Centers.xi,1)
372  error(" Function input dimension mismatch ");
373  end
374  if size(this.Ma,1) ~= size(f.Ma,1)
375  error(" Function output dimension mismatch ");
376  end
377  v = sum(sum(this.Ma .* f.evaluate(this.Centers.xi),2));
378  }
381  function normalize() {
382  this.Ma= this.Ma / this.NativeNorm;
383  }
387  this.Centers.xi= atd.xi(:,idx);
388  }
402  function kernels.KernelExpansionkexp = toTranslateBase() {
403  kexp = this.clone;
404  if kexp.HasCustomBase
405  kexp.Ma= kexp.Ma/kexp.Base;
406  kexp.Base= 1;
407  end
408  }
429  function subexp = getSubExpansion(arg) {
430  subexp = this.clone;
431  if isscalar(arg)
432  sel = 1:arg;
433  else
434  sel = arg;
435  end
436  subexp.Ma= subexp.Ma(:,sel);
437  subexp.Centers.xi= subexp.Centers.xi(:,sel);
438  if isfield(this.Centers," ti ") && ~isempty(this.Centers.ti)
439  subexp.Centers.ti= this.Centers.ti(sel);
440  end
441  if isfield(this.Centers," mui ") && ~isempty(this.Centers.mui)
442  subexp.Centers.mui= this.Centers.mui(:,sel);
443  end
444  if subexp.HasCustomBase
445  subexp.Base= subexp.Base(sel,sel);
446  end
447  }
450  function c = getGlobalLipschitz(double t,colvec<double> mu) {
451  c = sum(this.Ma_norms) * this.Kernel.getGlobalLipschitz;
452  }
455  function target = project(V,W) {
456  target = this.clone;
457  k = target.Kernel;
458  /* For rotation invariant kernel expansions the snapshots can be
459  * transferred into the subspace without loss. */
460  if k.IsRBF
461  target.Centers.xi= W^t * this.Centers.xi;
462  PG = V^t*(k.G*V);
463  if all(all(abs(PG - eye(size(PG,1))) < 100*eps))
464  PG = 1;
465  end
466  target.Kernel.G= PG;
467  elseif k.IsScProd
468  target.Centers.xi= V^t * (k.G * this.Centers.xi);
469  target.Kernel.G= 1;
470  end
471  target.Ma= W^t*this.Ma;
472  }
475  function copy = clone(copy) {
476  if nargin == 1
477  copy = kernels.KernelExpansion;
478  end
479  /* Copy local variables */
480  copy.Centers= this.Centers;
481  copy.Ma= this.Ma;
482  copy.Base= this.Base;
483  copy.fSK= this.fSK.clone;
484  }
487  function clear() {
488  this.Ma= [];
489  this.Centers.xi= [];
490  }
498  function sum = plus(B) {
499  sum = compose(A, B, 1);
500  }
510  function diff = minus(B) {
511  diff = compose(A, B, -1);
512  }
522  function neg = uminus() {
523  neg = this.clone;
524  neg.Ma= -this.Ma;
525  }
528  function exportToDirectory(dir) {
529  if nargin < 2
530  dir = pwd;
531  end
532  Utils.ensureDir(dir);
533  k = this.Kernel;
534  if isa(k," kernels.GaussKernel ")
535  kdata = [1 k.Gamma];
536  elseif isa(k," kernels.Wendland ")
537  kdata = [2 k.Gamma k.d k.k];
538  else
539  error(" Cannot export a kernel of type %s yet. ",class(this.Kernel));
540  end
541  Util.saveRealVector(kdata," kernel.bin ",dir);
542  Util.saveRealMatrix(this.Centers.xi," centers.bin ",dir);
543  Util.saveRealMatrix(this.Ma," coeffs.bin ",dir);
544  }
547  function json = toJSON(filename) {
548  json = " { ";
549  /* sprintf('{%s,"centers":%s}',coef,cent); */
550  json = [json " 'coeffs': " Util.matrixToJSON(this.Ma)];
551  json = [json " , 'centers': " Util.matrixToJSON(this.Centers.xi)];
552  if this.HasCustomBase
553  json = [json " , 'base': " Util.matrixToJSON(this.Base)];
554  end
555  json = [json " } "];
556  if nargin > 1
557  fh = fopen(filename," w+ ");
558  fprintf(fh," %s ",json);
559  fclose(fh);
560  end
561  }
564  function res = test_getStateJacobianInstance() {
565  n = 5;
566  xdim = size(this.Centers.xi,1);
567  meanx = mean(this.Centers.xi,2);
568  rs = RandStream(" mt19937ar "," Seed ",round(rand*1000));
569  allX = bsxfun(@plus,meanx,rs.rand(xdim,n));
570  allX = [this.Centers.xi(:,1) allX];
571  res = true;
572  for k = 1:n
573  x = allX(:,k);
574  dx = ones(xdim,1)*sqrt(eps(class(x))).*max(abs(x),1);
575  X = repmat(x,1,xdim);
576  Jc = (this.evaluate(X+diag(dx))-this.evaluate(X))*diag(1./dx);
577  J = this.getStateJacobian(x);
578  maxrel = max(max(abs((J-Jc)./Jc)));
579  if maxrel > 1e-2
580  fprintf(" %s: Max relative error: %g\n ",class(this.Kernel),maxrel);
581  res = false;
582  end
583  end
584  }
587  /* % Getter & Setter */
588  public:
591 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Centers'
592 function Centers(value) {
593  C = [" xi "," ti "," mui "];
594  if isempty(value) || any(isfield(value, C))
595  this.Centers= value;
596 /* if ~isfield(value,'xi')
597  * warning('REQUIRED_FIELD:Empty','xi is a required field, which is left empty');
598  * end */
599  else
600  error(" Value passed is not a valid struct. Only the field names xi, ti, mui are allowed ");
601  end
602  }
604 #endif
608 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.Kernel'
609 function k = Kernel() {
610  k = this.fSK;
611  }
613 #endif
617 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.Size'
618 function value = Size() {
619  value = 0;
620  if ~isempty(this.Centers)
621  value = size(this.Centers.xi,2);
622  end
623  }
625 #endif
629 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Kernel'
630 function Kernel(value) {
631  if isa(value," kernels.BaseKernel ")
632  this.fSK= value;
633 /* this.updateRotInv; */
634  else
635  error(" Kernel must be a subclass of kernels.BaseKernel. ");
636  end
637  }
639 #endif
643 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.Ma_norms'
644 function m = Ma_norms() {
645  m = sqrt(sum(this.Ma.^2,1));
646  }
648 #endif
652 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.ComponentNorms'
653 function n = ComponentNorms() {
654  if this.HasCustomBase
655  c = this.Ma/this.Base;
656  else
657  c = this.Ma;
658  end
659  n = sqrt(sum(c" .* (this.getKernelMatrix * c "),1))^t;
660  }
662 #endif
666 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.NativeNorm'
667 function n = NativeNorm() {
669  /* doesnt use ComponentNorms as this way we save "sqrt(x).^2" */
670  if this.HasCustomBase
671  c = this.Ma/this.Base;
672  else
673  c = this.Ma;
674  end
675  n = sqrt(sum(sum(c" .* (this.getKernelMatrix * c "))));
676  }
678 #endif
686 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.MBnd'
687 function M = MBnd() {
688  if this.HasCustomBase
689  c = this.Ma/this.Base;
690  else
691  c = this.Ma;
692  end
693  M = max(sum(abs(c),2));
694  }
696 #endif
700 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.HasCustomBase'
701 function v = HasCustomBase() {
702  v = ~isempty(this.Base) && (numel(this.Base) > 1 || this.Base ~= 1);
703  }
705 #endif
708  private:
710  function c = compose(B,sgn) {
711  if ~isa(A," kernels.KernelExpansion ") || ~isa(B," kernels.KernelExpansion ")
712  error(" Both arguments must be at least kernels.KernelExpansion subclasses ");
713  end
714  if A.Kernel ~= B.Kernel
715  error(" Cannot add kernel expansions: different state space kernels ");
716  elseif ~isempty(A.Ma) && ~isempty(B.Ma) && size(A.Ma,1) ~= size(B.Ma,1)
717  error(" Cannot add kernel expansions: different output dimensions ");
718  elseif ~isempty(A.Centers.xi) && ~isempty(B.Centers.xi) && size(A.Centers.xi,1) ~= size(B.Centers.xi,1)
719  error(" Cannot add kernel expansions: different statespace center dimensions ");
720  end
721  c = A.clone;
722  c.Centers.xi= [A.Centers.xi B.Centers.xi];
723  c.Ma= [A.Ma sgn*B.Ma];
724  }
727  public: /* ( Static ) */
729  static function res = test_getStateJacobian() {
730  rs = RandStream(" mt19937ar "," Seed ",0);
731  ke = kernels.KernelExpansion;
732  k1 = kernels.GaussKernel(1);
733  k2 = kernels.Wendland;
735  s = [1 1 2 2 3 3];
736  d = [1 20 1 20 1 20];
737  gam = 4 + (1:6);
738  n = 6;
739  nc = round(rs.rand(1,6)*100);
741  res = true;
742  for k = 1:n
743  ke.Centers.xi= rs.rand(d(k),nc(k));
744  ke.Ma= rs.rand(d(k)+1,nc(k));
746  k1.Gamma= gam(k);
747  ke.Kernel= k1;
748  res = res & ke.test_getStateJacobianInstance;
750  k2.Gamma= gam(k);
751  k2.d= d(k);
752  k2.k= s(k);
753  ke.Kernel= k2;
754  res = res & ke.test_getStateJacobianInstance;
755  end
756  }
759  protected: /* ( Static ) */
761  static function this = loadobj(this,from) {
762  if nargin > 1
763  this.Kernel= from.Kernel;
764  this.Ma= from.Ma;
765  this.Centers= from.Centers;
766  if isfield(from," Base ")
767  this.Base= from.Base;
768  end
769  this = loadobj@KerMorObject(this, from);
770  elseif ~isa(this, " kernels.KernelExpansion ")
771  newinst = kernels.KernelExpansion;
772  newinst.Kernel= this.fSK;
773  newinst.Ma= this.Ma;
774  newinst.Centers= this.Centers;
775  if isfield(this," Base ")
776  newinst.Base= this.Base;
777  end
778  this = loadobj@KerMorObject(newinst, this);
779  end
780  }
836 };
837 }
Collection of generally useful functions.
Definition: Utils.m:17
matrix< double > Ma
The coefficient data for each dimension.
data.FileMatrix xi
The state space samples , stored row-wise in a data.FileMatrix instance.
function kernels.KernelExpansion kexp = toTranslateBase()
Returns the same kernel expansion with the canonical translate base used.
function phi = getKernelVector(matrix x, varargin)
Evaluates the kernel expansion.
function c = getGlobalLipschitz(double t,colvec< double > mu)
For some error estimators, a global Lipschitz constant estimation is performed. This function has to ...
static function this = loadobj(this, from)
As the constant properties are transient, they have to be re-computed upon loading.
logical HasCustomBase
Flag that indicates if a base other than the direct translate base is used for this kernel expansion...
function subexp = getSubExpansion(arg)
Interface for all components that can be projected.
Definition: AProjectable.m:18
A double value.
function v = scalarProductWith(f)
Base class for any KerMor class.
Definition: KerMorObject.m:17
colvec< double > ComponentNorms
Returns the native space norms for each component function size(Ma,1)
function registerProps(varargin)
Call this method at any class that defines DPCM observed properties.
Definition: DPCMObject.m:125
An integer value.
virtual function c = getGlobalLipschitz()
Returns the global lipschitz constant of this kernel.
function target = project(V, W)
A boolean value.
function fx = evaluate(matrix x, varargin)
Evaluates the kernel expansion.
kernels.BaseKernel fSK
The inner (state) kernel object.
Constructs a new KerMor object.
Definition: KerMorObject.m:55
A variable number of input arguments.
function sum = plus(B)
Adds two kernel expansions and will clone the frist argument's class as result type.
rowvec Ma_norms
The norms of the coefficient matrix of the kernel expansion.
Default constructor.
static function saveRealVector(vec, file, folder)
Stores a real double vector in little endian format.
Definition: Util.m:99
function res = test_getStateJacobianInstance()
kernels.BaseKernel Kernel
The Kernel to use for system variables.
function J = getStateJacobian(x, varargin)
Evaluates the jacobian matrix of this function at the given point.
function neg = uminus()
function K = getKernelMatrix()
Computes the kernel matrix for the currently set center data.
The matrix of the biorthogonal pair .
Definition: AProjectable.m:61
function setCentersFromATD(data.ApproxTrainData atd,rowvec< integer > idx)
Sets the centers according to the indices idx of the data.ApproxTrainData.
The size of the kernel expansion.
Returns the M upper bound for this KernelExpansion, which is .
function copy = clone(copy)
The interface method with returns a copy of the current class instance.
Definition: BaseKernel.m:169
#define X(i, j)
Speed test * all(1:3)
function clear()
Removes all centers and coefficients from the expansion and leaves the associated kernels untouched...
static function logical success = ensureDir(char dir)
Ensures that a directory exists.
Definition: Utils.m:700
static function char jsonobj = matrixToJSON(double value)
Takes a matrix and returns a JSON representation as JSONObject with the fields "dim" and "values"...
Definition: Util.m:140
function json = toJSON(filename)
IGLOBALLIPSCHITZ Interface for all functions that have a global lipschitz constant for the state/spat...
function exportToDirectory(dir)
function diff = minus(B)
Adds two kernel expansions and will clone the frist argument's class as result type.
static function res = test_getStateJacobian()
function copy = clone(copy)
The interface method with returns a copy of the current class instance.
A matlab row vector.
double NativeNorm
Returns the norm of in the RKHS .
ApproxTrainData: Data class for approximation training data, containing several useful bounding box p...
struct Centers
The kernel centers used in the approximation.
A MatLab struct.
Util: Utility functions for export of matrices and vectors to files.
Definition: Util.m:17
The matrix of the biorthogonal pair .
Definition: AProjectable.m:72
matrix< double > Base
This property lets the user store a custom base, for which the coefficients are set. The custom base tells which linear combinations of center elements belong to which base.
virtual function K = evaluate(matrix< double > x,matrix< double > y)
Evaluation method for the current kernel.
Base class for all KerMor Kernels.
Definition: BaseKernel.m:18
KernelExpansion: Base class for state-space kernel expansions.
static function saveRealMatrix(mat, file, folder)
Stores a real double matrix in little endian format.
Definition: Util.m:52
function row = getKernelMatrixColumn(integer idx,matrix x, varargin)
Evaluates the kernel expansion.