KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace general{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
5  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
6  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
7  *
8  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
9  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
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12  *
13  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
18 class POD
19  :public KerMorObject {
46  public: /* ( setObservable ) */
48  Mode = "rel";
82  Value = .3;
100  UseSVDS = false;
122  public: /* ( setObservable ) */
125  POD() {
126  this = this@KerMorObject;
128  this.registerProps(" Mode "," Value "," UseSVDS ");
129  }
132  function [matrix<double>podvec , rowvec<double>s ] = computePOD(matrix<double> data,matrix<double> Vexclude,colvec<integer> targetdims) {
134  /* % Dimension checks
135  * This is for the "explicit" modes where the target dimension
136  * is either a fixed value or a fraction of the full dimension. */
137  if nargin < 4
138  targetdims = " : ";
139  if nargin < 3
140  Vexclude = [];
141  end
142  end
143  target_dim=[];
144  if strcmpi(this.Mode," rel ")
145  target_dim = ceil(min(size(data))*this.Value);
146  elseif strcmpi(this.Mode," abs ")
147  target_dim = this.Value;
148  end
149  if ~isempty(target_dim) && target_dim > min(size(data))
150  warning(" KerMor:general:POD "," Targeted reduced space dimension (%d) has to be <= the smallest matrix dimension (%d). Using size %d. ",...
151  target_dim,min(size(data)),min(size(data)));
152  target_dim = min(size(data));
153  end
155  /* % Block SVD case */
156  if isa(data," data.ABlockedData ")
157  if ~any(strcmpi(this.Mode,[" abs "," rel "]))
158  target_dim = min(size(data));
159  if max(size(data)) > 10000
160  warning(" POD on data.ABlockedData with dimension %d and mode '%s' is possibly very very slow. Try to use "" abs "" or "" rel "" modes. ",max(size(data)),this.Mode);
161  end
162  end
163  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 2
164  [n,m] = size(data);
165  fprintf(" Starting POD on ABlockedData(%s, %dx%d, %d blocks) with mode "" %s "" and value %g\n ",...
166  class(data),n,m,data.getNumBlocks,this.Mode,this.Value);
167  end
168  [podvec, s] = data.getSVD(target_dim, Vexclude, targetdims);
169  s = diag(s);
171  sig = 1:size(podvec,2);
172  if strcmpi(this.Mode," sign ")
173  sig = s >= s(1)*this.Value;
174  elseif strcmpi(this.Mode," eps ")
175  sig = s >= this.Value;
176  end
177  podvec = podvec(:,sig);
179  /* % Matrix argument case */
180  else
181  /* Reduce the data to the targeted dimensions first */
182  data = data(targetdims,:);
184  /* Subtract the space spanned by Vexclude if given */
185  if ~isempty(Vexclude)
186  data = data - Vexclude*(Vexclude^t*data);
187  target_dim = min(target_dim, min(size(data))-size(Vexclude,2));
188  end
190  /* Create full matrix out of sparse fxi sets to enable use of
191  * svd instead of svds */
192  nonzero = [];
193  if issparse(data)
194  nonzero = find(sum(abs(data),2) ~= 0);
195  /* Check if same sparsity pattern holds for each fxi column */
196  if ~isempty(nonzero)
197  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 2
198  fprintf(" Reducing data dimension from %d to %d as sparse matrix is given. ",...
199  size(data,1),length(find(nonzero)));
200  end
201  fulldim = size(data,1);
202  data = full(data(nonzero,:));
203  end
204  end
206  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 2
207  fprintf(" Starting POD on %dx%d matrix with mode "" %s "" and value %g (UseSVDS=%d) ... ",...
208  size(data),this.Mode,this.Value,this.UseSVDS);
209  end
210  /* % Reduction for modes 'sign' and 'eps'
211  * For these "dynamic" modes the full singular values have
212  * to be computed in order to determine how many to use. */
213  if any(strcmpi(this.Mode,[" sign "," eps "]))
214  [u,s] = svd(data," econ ");
215  s = diag(s);
216  if strcmpi(this.Mode," sign ")
217  sig = s >= s(1)*this.Value;
218  elseif strcmpi(this.Mode," eps ")
219  sig = s >= this.Value;
220  end
221  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 2
222  fprintf(" selecting %d singular values ... ",length(find(sig)));
223  end
224  /* Select wanted subspace */
225  u = u(:,sig);
227  err = sum(s(~sig));
228  rerr = 100*err/sum(s);
229  else
230  /* % Reduction for modes 'abs' and 'rel'
231  * For cases 'abs' or 'rel': fixed target dimension.
232  * So just let svds extract the wanted components! */
234  /* As tests showed that the svds method is less reliable
235  * computing correct subspaces, an option is added that
236  * explicitly allows to choose if svds is used rather than
237  * svd. */
238  if this.UseSVDS || issparse(data)
239  [u, s] = svds(data, target_dim);
240  s = diag(s);
241  else
242  [u,s] = svd(data," econ ");
243  s = diag(s);
244  err = sum(s(target_dim+1:end));
245  rerr = 100*err/sum(s);
246  u(:,target_dim+1:end) = [];
247  end
248  end
249  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 2
250  fprintf(" error %g (%g%% relative)\n ",err,rerr);
251  end
253  /* Safety for zero singular values. */
254  z = find(s(1:size(u,2)) == 0);
255  if ~isempty(z)
256  warning(" KerMor:POD "," %d of %d selected singular values are zero. Assuming output size %d ",...
257  length(z),length(s),length(s)-length(z));
258  end
259  u(:,z) = [];
261  /* Re-create the sparse matrix structure after POD computation if input argument
262  * was a sparse matrix */
263  if ~isempty(nonzero)
264  u = MatUtils.toSparse(u, nonzero, fulldim);
265  end
267  podvec = u;
268  end
269  /* Security checks (only for true matrices so far) */
270  if any(any(round(podvec^t*podvec) ~= eye(size(podvec,2))))
271  warning(" KerMor:POD ",[" Resulting POD vectors not " ...
272  " sufficiently orthogonal. Orthonormalizing. "]);
273  /* Sometimes the u vectors generated by svds are not
274  * properly orthonormal */
275  o = general.Orthonormalizer;
276  podvec = o.orthonormalize(podvec);
277  end
278  }
308 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.UseSVDS'
309 function UseSVDS(value) {
310  if ~islogical(value)
311  error(" Value should be logical ");
312  end
313  this.UseSVDS= value;
314  }
316 #endif
320 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Mode'
321 function Mode(value) {
322  if ~any(strcmpi(value, [" sign "," eps "," abs "," rel "]))
323  error([" Unknown POD reduction mode: " value " \nAllowed: sign, eps, abs, rel "]);
324  end
325  this.Mode= lower(value);
326  }
328 #endif
332 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Value'
333 function Value(value) {
334  if ~isreal(value) || ~isscalar(value)
335  error(" Value property must be a positive real scalar. ");
336  end
337  this.Value= value;
338  }
340 #endif
343  public: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( setObservable ) */
346  static function res = test_POD() {
347  pod = general.POD;
348  res = true;
350  /* d < N */
351  vec = rand(50,1000);
352  res = res && general.POD.internalPODTest(pod, vec);
353  res = res && general.POD.internalPODTest(pod, vec, 1:30);
354  res = res && general.POD.internalPODTest(pod, vec, 30:50);
356  /* d > N */
357  vec = rand(1000,50);
358  res = res && general.POD.internalPODTest(pod, vec);
359  res = res && general.POD.internalPODTest(pod, vec, 1:300);
360  res = res && general.POD.internalPODTest(pod, vec, 800:900);
361  }
365  private: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( setObservable ) */
367  static function res = internalPODTest(pod,vec,selection) {
368  if nargin < 3
369  selection = " : ";
370  end
371  res = true;
372  pod.Mode= " eps ";
373  pod.Value= 7;
374  V = pod.computePOD(vec,[],selection);
375  res = res && isequal(round(V^t*V),eye(size(V,2)));
377  pod.Mode= " sign ";
378  pod.Value= .3;
379  V = pod.computePOD(vec,[],selection);
380  res = res && isequal(round(V^t*V),eye(size(V,2)));
382  pod.Mode= " abs ";
383  pod.Value= 10;
384  V = pod.computePOD(vec,[],selection);
385  res = res && isequal(round(V^t*V),eye(size(V,2)));
387  /* Vexclude mode */
388  o = general.Orthonormalizer;
390  exclu = o.orthonormalize(rand(length(vec(selection,1)),round(pod.Value/2)));
391  Vex = pod.computePOD(vec,exclu,selection);
392  res = res && isequal(round(Vex^t*Vex),eye(size(Vex,2)));
393  res = res && norm(exclu^t*Vex) < 1e-12;
395  pod.Mode= " abs ";
396  pod.Value= 10;
397  Vf = pod.computePOD(data.FileMatrix(vec),[],selection);
398  res = res && isequal(round(Vf" *Vf),eye(size(Vf,2))) && norm(abs(V)-abs(Vf), "fro^t) < 1e-10;
400  pod.Mode= " rel ";
401  pod.Value= .3;
402  V = pod.computePOD(vec,[],selection);
403  res = res && isequal(round(V^t*V),eye(size(V,2)));
405  pod.Mode= " rel ";
406  pod.Value= .3;
407  Vf = pod.computePOD(data.FileMatrix(vec),[],selection);
408  res = res && isequal(round(Vf" *Vf),eye(size(Vf,2))) && norm(abs(V)-abs(Vf), "fro^t) < 1e-10;
409  }
425 };
426 }
static function res = test_POD()
Definition: POD.m:346
Base class for any KerMor class.
Definition: KerMorObject.m:17
static function Asparse = toSparse(matrix< double > A,rowvec< integer > rowidx, n)
Converts a full matrix A to a sparse matrix, where the entries of A are split up to the row indices s...
Definition: MatUtils.m:467
function registerProps(varargin)
Call this method at any class that defines DPCM observed properties.
Definition: DPCMObject.m:125
function [ matrix< double > podvec , rowvec< double > s ] = computePOD(matrix< double > data,matrix< double > Vexclude,colvec< integer > targetdims)
Computes the POD vectors according to the specified settings.
Definition: POD.m:132
A boolean value.
Constructs a new KerMor object.
Definition: KerMorObject.m:55
The value associated with the selected Mode.
Definition: POD.m:82
A matlab column vector.
Definition: POD.m:125
The modus used to generate the reduced space.
Definition: POD.m:48
Flag whether to use the svds routine rather than svd. Applies only for the Modes abs and rel...
Definition: POD.m:100
MatUtils: Matrix utility functions.
Definition: MatUtils.m:17
POD: Implements proper orthogonal decomposition.
Definition: POD.m:18
Global configuration class for all KerMor run-time settings.
Definition: KerMor.m:17
static function KerMor theinstance = App()
The singleton KerMor instance.
Definition: KerMor.m:910