KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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3 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
4  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
5  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
6  *
7  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
8  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
9  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
10  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
11  *
12  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
13  * the correct locations in the source code browser.
14  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
15  */
18  :public handle {
107  public:
109  logical Single = true;
157  integer ExportDPI = get("0,'ScreenPixelsPerInch'");
210  SaveFont = struct("'FontWeight','bold','FontSize',16");
224  cell<char> SaveFormats = {"'jpg'"};
279  private:
281  rows = 0;
283  cols = 0;
286  public: /* ( Transient ) */
303  private: /* ( Transient ) */
305  curax = "[]";
307  fignr;
309  cnt;
311  ss;
313  ncap = "[]";
324  nxl = "[]";
326  nyl = "[]";
328  nleg = "[]";
330  donelast = false;
333  public: /* ( Transient ) */
335  PlotManager(logical single,integer rows,integer cols) {
336  if nargin > 0
337  this.Single= single;
338  if nargin > 1
339  this.rows= rows;
340  this.cols= cols;
341  elseif ~this.Single
342  this.rows= 2;
343  this.cols= 2;
344  end
345  end
346  this.cnt= 0;
347  this.fignr= 0;
348  this.Figures= [];
349  s = get(0," MonitorPositions ");
350 s(1,3:4);
351  }
365  function axesax_handle = nextPlot(char tag,char caption,char xlab,char ylab,cell<char> leg_str,integer numsubplots) {
366  if nargin < 6
367  leg_str = [];
368  if nargin < 5
369  ylab = [];
370  if nargin < 4
371  xlab =[];
372  if nargin < 3
373  caption = [];
374  if nargin < 2
375  tag = ;
376  end
377  end
378  end
379  end
380  end
381  /* Fix stupid latex cant find image because there's a dot in the
382  * filename bug */
383  tag = strrep(tag," . "," _ ");
384  /* Finish current plot */
385  this.finishCurrent;
386  /* Store caption etc for upcoming plot */
387  this.ncap= caption;
388  this.nxl= xlab;
389  this.nyl= ylab;
390  this.nleg= leg_str;
392  if ~isempty(this.FigureSize)
393  fpos = [( - this.FigureSize)/2 this.FigureSize];
394  else
395  fpos = get(0," DefaultFigurePosition ");
396  end
397  if this.Single
398  this.Figures(end+1) = figure(" Position ",fpos," Tag ",tag,...
399  " Units "," pixels ");
400  ax_handle = gca;
401  else
402  if nargin < 7
403  numsubplots = 1;
404  end
405  this.cnt= this.cnt + numsubplots;
406  if isempty(this.Figures) || this.cnt > this.rows*this.cols
407  this.nextFigure(numsubplots," Position ",fpos," Tag ",tag,...
408  " Units "," pixels ");
409  else
410  /* Re-Focus on last figure to always correctly continue
411  * filling in plots */
412  if gcf ~= this.Figures(end)
413  figure(get(this.curax," Parent "));
414  end
415  end
416  ax_handle = subplot(this.rows, this.cols, ...
417  (this.cnt-numsubplots+1):this.cnt, " Tag ", tag);
418  end
419  this.curax= ax_handle;
420  this.donelast= false;
421  }
448  function h = copyFigure(nr,newtag) {
449  if isempty(this.Figures)
450  fprintf(2," No figures exist yet within the PlotManager. Nothing to copy.\n ");
451  return;
452  elseif ~this.Single
453  error(" copyFigure works only in single plot mode. ");
454  end
455  if nargin < 2
456  nr = length(this.Figures);
457  elseif isempty(nr) || ~isposintscalar(nr) || nr > length(this.Figures)
458  error(" nr must not be empty and within the range 1 to %d ",length(this.Figures));
459  end
460  s = this.Figures(nr);
461  if nargin < 3
462  newtag = [get(s," Tag ") " _copy "];
463  end
464  f = figure(" Position ",get(s," Position ")," Tag ",newtag);
465  this.Figures(end+1) = f;
466  /* Copy stuff over */
467  h = copyobj(get(s," Children "),f);
468  h = findobj(h," Tag ",," Type "," axes ");
469  }
479  function h = createZoom(nr,area,tagextra,withlegend) {
480  if nargin < 5
481  withlegend = false;
482  if nargin < 4
483  tagextra = ;
484  end
485  end
486  if ~isempty(tagextra)
487  tagextra = [" _ " tagextra];
488  end
489  if numel(area) == 2
490  area = [reshape(area,1,2) NaN NaN];
491  end
493  if ~this.Single
494  error(" Zooming only possible for Single mode yet. ");
495  elseif isempty(nr) || ~isposintscalar(nr) || nr > length(this.Figures)
496  error(" nr must not be empty and within the range 1 to %d ",length(this.Figures));
497  end
498  /* Creates a new figure and returns the axes handle */
499  h = this.copyFigure(nr,[get(this.Figures(nr)," Tag ") " _zoom " tagextra]);
500  /* Set to desired area */
501  useold = isnan(area);
502  area(useold) = 0; /* set NaNs to values (otherwise 0*NaN = NaN) */
504  oldarea = [get(h," XLim ") get(h," YLim ")];
505  area = useold.*oldarea + (~useold).*area;
506  axis(h, area);
507  if ~withlegend
508  delete(findobj(get(this.Figures(end)," Children ")," Tag "," legend "));
509  end
510  /* Check correct Y tickmarks */
511  this.checkTickMarks(h);
512  }
515  function done() {
516  this.finishCurrent;
517  this.cnt= 0;
518  }
529  function savePlots(char folder,varargin) {
532  ip.addParamValue('Format',this.SaveFormats,@(arg)(ischar(arg) || iscellstr(arg)) && ~isempty(arg));
533  ip.addParamValue('Close',false,@islogical);
534  ip.addParamValue('Selection',1:length(this.Figures),@isvector);
535  ip.addParamValue('SeparateLegends',false,@(arg)islogical(arg) && isvector(arg));
536  ip.addParamValue('XArgs',{},@iscellstr);
537  if nargin < 2
538  folder = pwd;
539  end
540  if exist(folder," file ") ~= 7
541  mkdir(folder);
542  end
543  ip.parse(varargin[:]);
544  res = ip.Results;
545  selection = res.Selection;
546  separate_legends = res.SeparateLegends;
547  if isscalar(separate_legends)
548  separate_legends = repmat(separate_legends,1,length(selection));
549  elseif ~all(size(selection) == size(separate_legends))
550  error(" If a separate legends parameter is passed, it must match the selection parameter size. ");
551  end
552  format = res.Format;
553  if ischar(format)
554  format = [format];
555  end
557  /* Make sure the last plot has been finished off before saving
558  * it. */
559  this.finishCurrent;
561  n = length(selection);
562  fmtstr = format[1];
563  if length(format) > 1
564  fmtstr = [sprintf(" %s, ",format[1:end-1]) format[end]];
565  end
566  fprintf(" Saving %d current figures as '%s' in %s... ", n, fmtstr, folder);
567  for idx=1:n
568  h = this.Figures(selection(idx));/* #ok<*PROP> */
570  if ishandle(h)
571  fname = get(h," Tag ");
572  /* check for empty tags here as people may have changed
573  * the tag some place else in between */
574  if isempty(fname)
575  fname = sprintf(" figure_%d ",idx);
576  end
577  [oldtitles, oldfonts] = this.preSave(h);
578  /* Separate legend saving */
579  legends = [];
580  if separate_legends(idx)
581  legends = findobj(h," tag "," legend ");
582  lfh = zeros(1,length(legends));
583  for lidx = 1:length(legends)
584  lfh(lidx) = figure(" Visible "," off "," MenuBar "," none ");
585  newlh = copyobj(legends(lidx),lfh(lidx));
586  set(newlh," Box "," off ");
587  set(legends(lidx)," Visible "," off ");
588  end
589  if isempty(legends)
590  warning(" PlotManager:savePlots ",...
591  " No legends found for Figure %d. ",selection(idx));
592  end
593  end
595  /* Add prefix if set */
596  if ~isempty(this.FilePrefix)
597  fname = [this.FilePrefix " _ " fname];
598  end
599  this.saveFigure(h, fullfile(folder, fname), format, res.XArgs);
600  /* Save extra legends (if given) */
601  for lidx = 1:length(legends)
602  this.saveFigure(lfh(lidx), ...
603  fullfile(folder, sprintf(" %s_legend%d ",fname, lidx)),...
604  format, res.XArgs);
605  end
607  /* Move created images to own folders if wanted */
608  if this.UseFileTypeFolders
609  for fmt = 1:length(format)
610  if exist(fullfile(folder,format[fmt])," file ") ~= 7
611  mkdir(fullfile(folder,format[fmt]));
612  end
613  fn = [fname " . " format[fmt]];
614  /* Move to format-specific folder */
615  movefile(fullfile(folder, fn), fullfile(folder,format[fmt],fn));
616  /* Move extra legends (if given) */
617  for lidx = 1:length(legends)
618  fn = sprintf(" %s_legend%d.%s ", fname, lidx, format[fmt]);
619  movefile(fullfile(folder, fn), fullfile(folder,format[fmt],fn));
620  end
621  end
622  end
624 /* % Quick fix: Repeat save process for JPG figures if desired
625  * if this.DoubleSaveJPG && strcmp(format{fmt},'jpg')
626  * % Save actual figure
627  * this.saveFigure(h, ...
628  * fullfile(eff_folder, eff_name), ...
629  * format{fmt});
630  * % Save extra legends (if given)
631  * for lidx = 1:length(legends)
632  * this.saveFigure(lfh(lidx), ...
633  * fullfile(eff_folder, ...
634  * sprintf('%s_legend%d',eff_name,lidx)), ...
635  * format{fmt});
636  * end
637  * end */
639  /* Restore visibility of perhaps hidden legends and close temporary figures */
640  for lidx = 1:length(legends)
641  set(legends(lidx)," Visible "," on ");
642  close(lfh(lidx));
643  end
644  this.postSave(h, oldtitles, oldfonts);
645  else
646  fprintf(2," Warning: figure handle %d is invalid. Did you close it? ",...
647  selection(idx));
648  end
649  end
650  fprintf(" done!\n ");
651  if res.Close
652  this.closeAll(selection);
653  end
654  }
680  function closeAll(selection) {
681  if nargin < 2
682  selection = 1:length(this.Figures);
683  end
684  for i=1:length(selection)
685  h = this.Figures(selection(i));
686  if ishandle(h) && strcmp(get(h," Type ")," figure ")
687  close(h);
688  end
689  end
690  if ~isempty(this.curax) && ishandle(this.curax) && strcmp(get(this.curax," Type ")," figure ")
691  close(this.curax);
692  this.curax= [];
693  end
694  this.Figures(selection) = [];
695  this.fignr= 0;
696  this.cnt= 0;
697  }
706  function resetCount() {
707  this.finishCurrent;
708  this.cnt= 0;
709  }
717  function delete() {
718  if ~this.LeaveOpen
719  this.closeAll;
720  end
721  }
724  function setFigureNames(name) {
725  for i=1:length(this.Figures)
726  h = this.Figures(i);
727  if ishandle(h) && strcmp(get(h," Type ")," figure ")
728  set(h," Name ",name);
729  end
730  end
731  }
734  function matchPlotAxes(ax_handles,varargin) {
736  ip.addParamValue('Axis','YLim',@(arg)(ischar(arg)) && any(strcmp(arg,{'XLim','YLim','ZLim'})));
737  /* ip.addParamValue('Selection',1:length(this.Figures),@isvector); */
738  ip.parse(varargin[:]);
739  res = ip.Results;
740  lim = get(ax_handles(1),res.Axis);
741  for k = 2:numel(ax_handles)
742  tmp = get(ax_handles(k),res.Axis);
743  lim(1) = min(lim(1),tmp(1));
744  lim(2) = max(lim(2),tmp(2));
745  end
746  for k = 1:numel(ax_handles)
747  set(ax_handles, res.Axis, lim);
748  end
749  }
752  /* % Getter & Setter */
753  public: /* ( Transient ) */
756 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.SaveFormats'
757 function SaveFormats(value) {
758  if ~iscellstr(value)
759  if ischar(value)
760  value = [value];
761  else
762  error(" SaveFormats must be a cell of strings. ");
763  end
764  end
765  this.SaveFormats= value;
766  }
768 #endif
772 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.ExportDPI'
773 function ExportDPI(value) {
774  if ~isposintscalar(value)
775  error(" ExportDPI must be a positive integer. ");
776  end
777  this.ExportDPI= value;
778  }
780 #endif
784  private: /* ( Transient ) */
787  function fh = nextFigure(numsubplots,varargin) {
788  if this.fignr+1 > this.MaxFigures
789  this.fignr= 1;
790  fh = figure(this.Figures(1));
791  else
792  this.fignr= this.fignr + 1;
793  fh = figure(varargin[:]);
794  this.Figures(this.fignr) = fh;
795  end
796  this.cnt= numsubplots;
797  }
800  function finishCurrent() {
801  if ~this.donelast
802  h = this.curax;
803  if ishandle(h)
804  /* Set title and labels if given */
805  if ~isempty(this.ncap)
806  title(h,this.ncap);
807  end
808  if ~isempty(this.nxl)
809  xlabel(h, this.nxl);
810  end
811  if ~isempty(this.nyl)
812  ylabel(h, this.nyl);
813  end
814  if ~isempty(this.nleg)
815  legend(h, this.nleg[:]);
816  end
817  /* Make axis tight if no manual values have been set */
818  if ~any(strcmp(get(h,[" XLimMode "," YLimMode "," ZLimMode "])," manual "))
819  axis(h," tight ");
820  end
821  /* Check correct Y tickmarks */
822  this.checkTickMarks(h);
823  end
824  this.donelast= true;
825  end
826  }
834  function checkTickMarks(h) {
835  if this.AutoTickMarks
836  dims = [" X "," Y "]; /* ,'Z' */
838  fields = [" Tick "," Scale "," TickLabel "," Data "," Lim "," TickMode "];
839  valign = [" top ", " middle "];
840  halign = [" center ", " right "];
841  f = struct;
842  codim = [2 1];
843  for dim=1:length(dims)
844  for fidx = 1:length(fields)
845  f(dim).(fields[fidx]) = [dims[dim] fields[fidx]];
846  end
848  if strcmp(get(h,f(dim).Scale)," log ")
849  /* Get current effective limits */
850  [ymin, ymax] = getLimits(h, f(dim));
852  if ~isempty(ymin) && ~isempty(ymax)
853  /* Delete old labels */
854  set(h,f(dim).TickLabel,[]);
856  ylmi = ceil(log10(ymin));
857  ylma = floor(log10(ymax));
858  /* Usually: plot log scale in steps of one */
859  step = 1;
860  if ylma-ylmi < 3
861  /* Too few ticks: Double them */
862  step = .5;
863  ylmi = ylmi-step;
864  ylma = ylma+step;
865  elseif ylma-ylmi > 5
866  /* Too many ticks: Halfen them */
867  step = ceil((ylma-ylmi) / 4);
868  end
869  /* Determine tick steps */
870  expo = ylmi:step:ylma;
871  tick = 10.^(expo);
873  /* Remove outliers */
874  valid = tick >= ymin & tick <= ymax;
875  tick(~valid) = [];
876  expo(~valid) = [];
878  ticklbl = arrayfun(@(arg)sprintf(" \\textbf{$10^{%g}$} ",arg),expo," UniformOutput ",false);
879  colim = get(h,f(codim(dim)).Lim);
880  offset = 0.02;
881  text(ones(size(tick))*(colim(1)-offset*(colim(2)-colim(1))),...
882  tick,ticklbl," VerticalAlignment ",valign[dim],...
883  " HorizontalAlignment ",halign[dim]," interpreter "," LaTex ");
884  end
885  end
886  end
887  end
889  function [minlim, maxlim] = getLimits(h, f)
890  minlim = Inf; maxlim = -Inf;
891  lines = findobj(get(h," Children ")," Type "," line ");
892  for k=1:length(lines)
893  d = get(lines(k),f.Data);
894  minlim = min(minlim, min(d(d~=0 & isfinite(d))));
895  maxlim = max(maxlim, max(d(d~=0 & isfinite(d))));
896  end
897  lim = get(h,f.Lim);
898  if lim(1) ~= 0 && isfinite(lim(1))
899  minlim = min(minlim, lim(1));
900  end
901  if lim(2) ~= 0 && isfinite(lim(2))
902  maxlim = max(maxlim, lim(2));
903  end
904  end
905  }
908  function [oldtitles , oldfonts ] = preSave(fig) {
909  allax = findobj(get(fig," Children ")," Type "," axes ");
910  /* Get title strings */
911  oldtitles = []; /* #ok<*AGROW> */
913  childs = [" XLabel "," YLabel "," ZLabel "];
914  if this.NoTitlesOnSave
915  th = get(allax," Title ");
916  if numel(th) == 1, th = [th]; end
917  oldtitles = cellfun(@(th)get(th," String "),th,...
918  " UniformOutput ",false);
919  cellfun(@(th)set(th," String ",[]),th);
920  else
921  childs = [childs " Title "];
922  end
923  oldfonts = [];
924  if ~isempty(this.SaveFont)
925  for k = 1:length(allax)
926  ax = allax(k);
927  items = [ax cell2mat(get(ax,childs)) findobj(ax," Type "," text ")^t];
928  oldfonts[k] = get(items,fieldnames(this.SaveFont));
929  set(items,fieldnames(this.SaveFont),...
930  repmat(struct2cell(this.SaveFont)^t,numel(items),1));
931  end
932  end
933  }
936  function postSave(fig,oldtitles,oldfonts) {
937  allax = findobj(get(fig," Children ")," Type "," axes ");
938  /* Restore title strings */
939  childs = [" XLabel "," YLabel "," ZLabel "];
940  if this.NoTitlesOnSave
941  th = get(allax," Title ");
942  if numel(th) == 1, th = [th]; end
943  for k=1:length(th)
944  set(th[k]," String ",oldtitles[k]);
945  end
946  else
947  childs = [childs " Title "];
948  end
949  if ~isempty(this.SaveFont)
950  for k = 1:length(allax)
951  ax = allax(k);
952  items = [ax cell2mat(get(ax,childs)) findobj(ax," Type "," text ")^t];
953  set(items,fieldnames(this.SaveFont),oldfonts[k]);
954  end
955  end
956  }
959  function saveFigure(fig,rawfilename,extlist,xargs) {
961  exts = [" fig "," pdf "," eps "," jpg "," png "," tif "," bmp "];
962  /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
963  formats = cell2mat(cellfun(@(arg)strcmp(exts,arg)^t,extlist,...
964  " UniformOutput ",false));
965  err = find(sum(formats)==0);
966  if ~isempty(err)
967  fprintf(2," Invalid extension(s): %s\n ",sprintf(" %s ",extlist[err]));
968  extlist(err) = [];
969  end
970  formats = sum(formats,2)^t;
972  if ~isempty(rawfilename) && ~isempty(extlist)
973  /* check if directory exists and resolve relative paths (export_fig subfunctions
974  * somehow tend to break) */
975  seppos = strfind(rawfilename,filesep);
976  thedir = rawfilename(1:seppos(end)-1);
977  thefile = rawfilename(seppos(end)+1:end);
978  /* Does not work if filename contains dots!
979  *[thedir, thefile] = fileparts(rawfilename); */
981  /* Special treatment for home directory, as the file name is wrapped into ""
982  * inside export_fig's commands. this prevents ~ from being resolved and thus
983  * the pdf/eps export fails. */
984  if isunix && thedir(1) == " ~ "
985  [~, homedir] = system(" echo ~ "); /* contains a linebreak, too */
987  thedir = [homedir(1:end-1) thedir(2:end)];
988  end
989  /* Fix for mangled file paths */
990  jdir =;
991  thedir = char(jdir.getCanonicalPath);
992  file = fullfile(thedir, thefile);
993  figpos = strcmp(extlist," fig ");
994  if any(figpos) /* fig */
996  saveas(fig, [file " .fig "], " fig ");
997  extlist(figpos) = [];
998  end
999  if ~isempty(extlist)
1000  extlist = cellfun(@(e)sprintf(" -%s ",e),extlist," UniformOutput ",false);
1001  args = [file, extlist[:], sprintf(" -r%d ",this.ExportDPI)];
1002  if this.ExportDPI > 100
1003  args[end+1] = " -a2 ";
1004  end
1005  if any(formats & logical([0 1 1 0 1 0 0])) /* pdf, eps, png */
1007  args[end+1] = " -transparent ";
1008  elseif any(formats & logical([0 1 1 1 0 0 0])) /* jpg, eps, pdf */
1010  args[end+1] = [" -q " this.JPEGQuality];
1011  end
1012  args(end+1:end+length(xargs)) = xargs;
1013  args[end+1] = fig;
1015  if this.WhiteBackground
1016  pos = get(fig, " Position ");
1017  oldcol = get(fig, " Color ");
1018  set(fig, " Color ", " w ", " Position ", pos);
1019  end
1021  drawnow;
1022  export_fig(args[:]);
1024  if this.WhiteBackground
1025  set(fig, " Color ", oldcol, " Position ", pos);
1026  end
1027  end
1028  else
1029  fprintf(2," No file specified. Aborting\n ");
1030  end
1031  }
1042  public: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Transient ) */
1044  static function pm = demo_SinglePlots() {
1045  pm = PlotManager;
1046  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
1047  pm.FilePrefix= " my_pm_single ";
1049  /* Here: Run your matlab script/code, do computations, etc
1050  * At some stage: Plotting is needed. Now call your plotting function/script with
1051  * the PlotManager argument. The big advantage of this is, that you can call your
1052  * plotting method with whatever setting to the PlotManager, so one time you have it
1053  * plotting to subplots (=development time) and the next you create single plots
1054  * with specific export settings (=publication/report time) */
1056  /* Inside your plotting method, create new axes using the nextPlot command. */
1058  h = pm.nextPlot(" plot1 "," Title of plot 1, look it has axes labels "," xlabel "," ylabel ");
1059  /* [.. do whatever plotting here using the axes handle h] */
1060  PlotManager.doPlot(h);
1062  h = pm.nextPlot(" plot2 "," Only title given ");
1063  /* [.. do whatever plotting here using the axes handle h] */
1064  PlotManager.doPlot(h);
1066  /* Finish off the current plot, which will add labels etc to it. */
1067  pm.done;
1068  }
1078  static function pm = demo_Subplots() {
1079  pm = PlotManager(false,2,2);
1080  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
1081  pm.FilePrefix= " my_pm_subplots ";
1082  /* [.. your plot function called with argument pm ..] */
1083  h = pm.nextPlot(" tag_of_subplot1 "," Title of subplot 1 "," xlabel "," ylabel ");
1084  PlotManager.doPlot(h);
1085  h = pm.nextPlot(" tag_of_subplot2 "," Only title given ");
1086  PlotManager.doPlot(h);
1087  h = pm.nextPlot(" tag_of_subplot3 "," title of subplot 3, no y label "," xlabel ",[],[" legend! "]);
1088  PlotManager.doPlot(h);
1089  pm.done;
1090  }
1093  static function pm = demo_SavePlots() {
1094  pm = PlotManager.demo_SinglePlots;
1095  pm.SaveFormats= [" jpg "," png "];
1096  pm.UseFileTypeFolders= false;
1097  pm.savePlots(pwd);
1098  pm.FilePrefix= " sameplots_withseparate_dir ";
1099  pm.UseFileTypeFolders= true;
1100  /* Disable saving of titles! */
1101  pm.NoTitlesOnSave= true;
1102  pm.savePlots(pwd," Close ",true);
1103  }
1106  static function pm = demo_SavePlots_Details() {
1107  pm = PlotManager.demo_SinglePlots;
1108  pm.UseFileTypeFolders= false;
1109  /* Add extra legend plot */
1110  h = pm.nextPlot(" withlegend "," Some plot with a legend! "," x "," y ",[" line 1 ", " line 2 ", " line 3 "]);
1111  x = -10:10;
1112  plot(h,x,[cos(x).*sin(x); cos(x); cosh(x)]);
1114  /* Save with specific format and separate legend */
1115  pm.savePlots(pwd," Format ",[" png "]," SeparateLegends ",[false false true]);
1117  /* Save under different file type, only a couple, and close ONLY THEM afterwards. */
1118  pm.savePlots(pwd," Format ",[" jpg "]," Selection ",[1 3]," Close ",true);
1119  }
1129  static function pm = demo_Zoom() {
1130  pm = PlotManager.demo_SinglePlots;
1131  /* Add extra legend plot */
1132  h = pm.nextPlot(" withlegend "," Some plot with a legend! "," x "," y ",[" line 1 ", " line 2 ", " line 3 "]);
1133  x = -10:.01:10;
1134  plot(h,x,[cos(x).*sin(x); cos(x); tanh(x)]);
1135  /* The latest figure number is three (so far got to know which is which) */
1136  pm.createZoom(3, [5 10], " zoom ");
1137  pm.createZoom(3, [-3 2], " zoom_nolegend ", false);
1138  pm.done;
1139  }
1142  private: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Transient ) */
1144  static function doPlot(h) {
1145  r = RandStream(" mt19937ar "," Seed ",round(cputime*1000));
1146  fr = r.rand;
1147  x = linspace(-r.rand*5,r.rand*5,100);
1148  if fr < .3
1149  f = @(x,y)sin(y.*x/(3*r.rand*pi));
1150  elseif fr < .6
1151  f = @(x,y)log10(2*cosh(abs(x-y)).^(sin(x/r.rand*3)));
1152  else
1153  f = @(x,y)[r.rand*cos(x).*sin(y); pi*sin(x)];
1154  end
1155  if fr < .6 && r.rand < .5
1156  [X,Y] = meshgrid(x);
1157  surf(h,X,Y,f(X,Y)," EdgeColor "," None ");
1158  else
1159  plot(h,x,f(x,x.^2));
1160  end
1161  }
1177 };
logical NoTitlesOnSave
Flag that determines if any figures title's are removed when using savePlots.
Definition: PlotManager.m:199
function resetCount()
Resets the current axes handle count so that subsequent calls to "nextPlot" will result re-returnin...
Definition: PlotManager.m:706
integer ExportDPI
DPI used for export. See export_fig settings.
Definition: PlotManager.m:157
Returns a cell array of string containing the names of public properties.
function savePlots(char folder, varargin)
Saves all plots that have been created thus far to a given folder with given format.
Definition: PlotManager.m:529
rowvec< double > FigureSize
The figure size for each newly created figure. Set to [] to use system default.
Definition: PlotManager.m:133
logical DoubleSaveJPG
For some reason on unix machines export_fig sometimes uses the last image saved to as the next one...
Definition: PlotManager.m:255
hanges the dimensions of the handle object array to the specified dimensions. See the MATLAB reshape ...
function h = copyFigure(nr, newtag)
Copies the plot with the given number and returns the handle to its axis.
Definition: PlotManager.m:448
An integer value.
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
Matlab's base handle class (documentation generation substitute)
logical UseFileTypeFolders
Affects the savePlots behaviour. This flag lets the PlotManager create subfolders in the target folde...
Definition: PlotManager.m:179
A boolean value.
function done()
Finishes the current plotting process.
Definition: PlotManager.m:515
logical LeaveOpen
Flag indicating if the plots should be left open once the PlotManager is deleted (as variable) ...
Definition: PlotManager.m:213
A variable number of input arguments.
function h = createZoom(nr, area, tagextra, withlegend)
Definition: PlotManager.m:479
function axes ax_handle = nextPlot(char tag,char caption,char xlab,char ylab,cell< char > leg_str,integer numsubplots)
Creates a new axis to plot in. Depending on the property tools.PlotMananger.Single this will either a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:365
logical Single
Flag if single plots shall be used for subsequent calls to nextPlot.
Definition: PlotManager.m:109
Speed test * all(1:3)
logical WhiteBackground
Flag that determines if a white 'figure' background should be used instead of any set or default (gre...
Definition: PlotManager.m:268
function closeAll(selection)
Closes all currently openend plots and resets the Handles property.
Definition: PlotManager.m:680
integer MaxFigures
Controls the maximum number of simultaneously opened figures.
Definition: PlotManager.m:120
rowvec< integer > AutoTickMarks
An integer number to enforce a minimum number of tickmarks on the respective axes.
Definition: PlotManager.m:236
Finds objects matching the specified conditions from the input array of handle objects.
function res = isposintscalar(value)
isposintscalar: Backwards-compatibility function for matlab versions greater than 2012a ...
cell< char > SaveFormats
The image formats to use when savePlots is called.
Definition: PlotManager.m:224
PlotManager(logical single,integer rows,integer cols)
Creates a new PlotManager.
Definition: PlotManager.m:335
char FilePrefix
A prefix that has to be put before each file name for exported plots.
Definition: PlotManager.m:146
char JPEGQuality
JPEG quality used for export. See export_fig settings.
Definition: PlotManager.m:169
A MatLab character array.
rowvec< double > Figures
Provides access to all figure handles created using nextPlot.
Definition: PlotManager.m:288
function setFigureNames(name)
Definition: PlotManager.m:724
function matchPlotAxes(ax_handles, varargin)
Definition: PlotManager.m:734