KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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3 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
4  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
5  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
6  *
7  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
8  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
9  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
10  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
11  *
12  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
13  * the correct locations in the source code browser.
14  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
15  */
18  :public handle {
242  public:
244  integer TabCharLen = PrintTable.getDefaultTabCharLen;
256  char ColSep = " | ";
303  .enum Format = "txt";
316  char Caption = "";
355  public: /* ( Dependent ) */
386  public:
440  private:
442  fTexMMode = true;
445  public:
447  PrintTable(char caption,cell varargin) {
448  this.clear;
449  if nargin > 0
450  if ~isempty(varargin)
451  this.Caption= sprintf(caption,varargin[:]);
452  else
453  this.Caption= caption;
454  end
455  end
456  }
468  function display() {
469  for i = 1:length(this)
470  this(i).print(1);
471  end
472  }
481  function print(integer outfile) {
482  if nargin == 1
483  outfile = 1;
484  end
485  for i = 1:length(this)
486  t = this(i);
487  if strcmp(t.Format," txt ")
488  t.printPlain(outfile);
489  elseif any(strcmp(t.Format,[" tex "," pdf "]))
490  t.printTex(outfile);
491  else
492  error(" Unsupported format: %s ",t.Format);
493  end
494  end
495  }
507  function charstr = toString() {
508  f = fopen(" tmpout "," w+ ");
509  this.print(f);
510  fclose(f);
511  str = fileread(" tmpout ");
512  delete(" tmpout ");
513  }
522  function saveToFile(char filename,logical openfile) {
524  /* Case 1: No file name given */
525  if nargin < 2 || isempty(filename)
526  initdir = getpref(" PrintTable "," LastDir ",pwd);
527  choices = [" *.txt ", " Text files (*.txt) ";...
528  " *.tex ", " LaTeX files (*.tex) ";...
529  " *.pdf ", " PDF files (*.pdf) "];
530  [fname, path, extidx] = uiputfile(choices, ...
531  sprintf(" Save table '%s' as ",this.Caption), initdir);
532  /* Abort if no file was selected */
533  if fname == 0
534  return;
535  end
536  setpref(" PrintTable "," LastDir ",path);
537  ext = choices[extidx,1](2:end);
538  filename = fullfile(path, fname);
539  /* Take off the extension of the fname (automatically added
540  * by uiputfile) */
541  fname = fname(1:end-4);
542  /* Case 2: File name given. Determine format by file
543  * extension */
544  else
545  [path, fname, ext] = fileparts(filename);
546  if isempty(ext)
547  ext = [" . " this.Format];
548  elseif ~any(strcmp(ext,[" .txt "," .tex "," .pdf "]))
549  error(" Valid file formats are *.txt, *.tex, *.pdf ");
550  end
551  if isempty(path)
552  path = " . ";
553  end
554  /* Try to create directory if not existing */
555  if ~isempty(path) && exist(path," dir ") ~= 7
556  mkdir(path);
557  end
558  end
559  if nargin < 3
560  openfile = false;
561  end
563  oldfmt = this.Format; /* store old format */
565  this.Format= ext(2:end);
566  /* PDF export */
567  if strcmp(ext," .pdf ")
568  this.pdfExport(path, fname);
569  /* Text export in either plain or LaTeX format */
570  else
571  fid = fopen(filename," w ");
572  this.print(fid);
573  fclose(fid);
574  end
575  this.Format= oldfmt; /* restore old format */
577  if openfile
578  open(filename);
579  end
580  }
603  function addMatrix(titles,data,varargin) {
604  for k=1:size(data,1)
605  hlp = num2cell(data(k,:));
606  this.addRow(titles[k],hlp[:],varargin[:]);
607  end
608  }
611  function addRow(varargin) {
612  if isempty(varargin)
613  error(" Not enough input arguments. ");
614  end
615  hasformat = iscell(varargin[end]);
616  if iscell(varargin[1])
617  error(" Invalid input argument. Cells cannot be added to the PrintTable, and if you wanted to specify a sprintf format you forgot the actual value to add. ");
618 /* elseif hasformat && length(varargin)-1 ~= length(varargin{end})
619  * error('Input argument mismatch. If you specify a format string cell the number of arguments (=%d) to add must equal the number of format strings (=%d).',length(varargin)-1,length(varargin{end})); */
620  end
621  if isempty(
622  [[1], this.mathmode] = this.stringify(varargin);
623  this.contlen= ones(1,length([1]));
624  else
625  /* Check new number of columns */
626  newlen = length(varargin);
627  if hasformat
628  newlen = newlen-1;
629  end
630  if length([1]) ~= newlen
631  error(" Inconsistent row length. Current length: %d, passed: %d ",length([1]),newlen);
632  end
633  /* Add all values */
634  [[end+1], this.mathmode(end+1,:)] = this.stringify(varargin);
635  end
636  /* Record content length while building the table */
637  this.updateContentLengthAt(length(;
638  /* Check if a latex command might be contained
639  * (so far no re-computation is done on row removal) */
640  texcmdfun = @(s)~isempty([strfind(s," \ ") strfind(s," _ ") strfind(s," ^ ")]);
641  this.haslatexcommand= this.haslatexcommand ...
642  || any(cellfun(texcmdfun,[end]));
643  }
654  function clear() {
655 [];
656  this.contlen= [];
657  this.Caption= ;
658  }
665  function removeRow(integer idx) {
666  if idx < 1 || idx > length(
667  error(" Invalid row index: %d ",idx);
668  end
669 = [];
670  this.updateContentLengths;
671  }
680  function this = sort(integer colnr,char direction) {
681  if nargin < 3
682  direction = " ascend ";
683  if nargin < 2
684  if this.HasHeader
685  colnr = 2;
686  else
687  colnr = 1;
688  end
689  end
690  end
692  if isempty(
693  return;
694  elseif colnr < 1 || colnr > length([1])
695  error(" Please specify a valid column number ");
696  end
698  vals = [];
699  for k = 1:length(
700  vals[k] =[k][colnr];/* #ok */
702  end
703  [~, sidx] = sort(vals);
704  /* "Manually" choose direction */
705  if strcmpi(direction," descend ")
706  sidx = fliplr(sidx);
707  end
708  copy =;
709  copym = this.mathmode;
710  for k = 1:length(
711  copy[k] =[sidx(k)];
712  copym(k,:) = this.mathmode(sidx(k),:);
713  end
714 copy;
715  this.mathmode= copym;
716  }
740  function transposed = ctranspose() {
741  transposed = this.clone;
742  hlp = reshape([[:]],length([1]),[]);
743 [];
744  for k=1:size(hlp,1)
745[k] = hlp(k,:);
746  end
747  transposed.contlen= cellfun(@(row)max(cellfun(@(el)length(el),row)),...
749  /* Trigger correct content length guessing if need be */
750  transposed.TexMathModeDetection= this.fTexMMode;
751  transposed.mathmode= this.mathmode^t;
752  }
755  function copy = clone() {
756  copy = PrintTable(this.Caption);
757  copy.ColSep= this.ColSep;
758  copy.HasHeader= this.HasHeader;
759  copy.HasRowHeader= this.HasRowHeader;
760  copy.Format= this.Format;
761  copy.TightPDF= this.TightPDF;
763  copy.contlen= this.contlen;
764  copy.mathmode= this.mathmode;
765  copy.fTexMMode= this.fTexMMode;
766  copy.haslatexcommand= this.haslatexcommand;
767  copy.StripInsertedTabChars= this.StripInsertedTabChars;
768  }
778  function joined = append(PrintTable table,rowvec<integer> columns) {
779  if isempty(
780  error(" No table rows exists to append to. Why would you want to do that? ");
781  end
783  joined = this.clone;
784  /* Check data compatibility */
785  if ~isa(table," PrintTable ")
786  error(" Argument must be a PrintTable instance ");
787  end
788  if table.NumRows == 0
789  return;
790  end
791  if nargin < 3
792  columns = 1:length([1]);
793  end
794  if length([1]) ~= length(columns)
795  error(" Invalid column number: Have %d but want to append %d ",length([1]),length(columns));
796  end
797  /* Augment data */
798  start = 1;
799  if table.HasHeader
800  start = 2;
801  end
802  for k=start:length(
803[end+1] =[k](columns);
804  end
805  joined.contlen= max(this.contlen,table.contlen(columns));
806  joined.mathmode= [this.mathmode; table.mathmode(:,columns)];
807  joined.haslatexcommand= this.haslatexcommand || table.haslatexcommand;
808  /* Transfer Caption if not set locally */
809  if ~isempty(joined.Caption)
810  joined.Caption= table.Caption;
811  end
812  }
828 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.ColSep'
829 function ColSep(value) {
830  if ~isempty(value) && ~isa(value," char ")
831  error(" ColSep must be a char array. ");
832  end
833  this.ColSep= value;
834  }
836 #endif
839  /* % Getter & Setter */
840  public:
843 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.HasHeader'
844 function HasHeader(value) {
845  if ~islogical(value) || ~isscalar(value)
846  error(" HasHeader must be a logical scalar. ");
847  end
848  this.HasHeader= value;
849  }
851 #endif
855 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.HasRowHeader'
856 function HasRowHeader(value) {
857  if ~islogical(value) || ~isscalar(value)
858  error(" HasRowHeader must be a logical scalar. ");
859  end
860  this.HasRowHeader= value;
861  }
863 #endif
867 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Caption'
868 function Caption(value) {
869  if ~isempty(value) && ~ischar(value)
870  error(" Caption must be a character array. ");
871  end
872  this.Caption= value;
873  }
875 #endif
879 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Format'
880 function Format(value) {
881  if ~any(strcmp([" txt "," tex "," pdf "],value))
882  error(" Format must be either "" txt "" or "" tex "" . ");
883  end
884  this.Format= value;
885  end
887  function set.TabCharLen(this, value)
888  if isscalar(value) && value > 0 && round(value) == value
889  this.TabCharLen= value;
890  else
891  error(" Invalid argument for TabCharLen. Must be a positive integer scalar. ");
892  end
893  end
895  function value = get.NumRows(this)
896  value = length(;
897  if this.HasHeader
898  value = max(0,value-1);
899  end
900  }
902 #endif
911 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.TexMathModeDetection'
912 function TexMathModeDetection(value) {
913  if this.fTexMMode ~= value
914  if ~islogical(value) || ~isscalar(value)
915  error(" TexMathModeDetection must be true or false. ");
916  end
917  this.fTexMMode= value;
918  this.updateContentLengths;
919  end
920  }
922 #endif
926 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.TexMathModeDetection'
927 function value = TexMathModeDetection() {
928  value = this.fTexMMode;
929  }
931 #endif
934  /* % Internal helpers */
935  private:
938  function updateContentLengthAt(idx) {
939  fun = @(str,num)length(str) + 2*num; /* 2 characters for local $ tex environment */
941  ismm = num2cell(this.mathmode(idx,:));
942  this.contlen= max([this.contlen; cellfun(fun,[idx],ismm)]);
943  }
946  function updateContentLengths() {
947  if ~isempty(
948  this.contlen= ones(1,length([1]));
949  for idx = 1:length(
950  this.updateContentLengthAt(idx);
951  end
952  end
953  }
956  function printPlain(outfile) {
957  if ~isempty(this.Caption)
958  fprintf(outfile," Table "" %s "" :\n ",this.Caption);
959  end
960  for ridx = 1:length(
961  this.printRow(ridx,outfile,this.ColSep);
962  fprintf(outfile," \n ");
963  if ridx == 1 && this.HasHeader
964  /* Compute number of tabs */
965  ttabs = 0;
966  for i = 1:length([ridx])
967  ttabs = ttabs + ceil((length(this.ColSep)*(i~=1)+this.contlen(i))/this.TabCharLen);
968  end
969  fprintf(outfile," %s\n ",repmat(" _ ",1,(ttabs+1)*this.TabCharLen));
970  end
971  end
972  }
980  function printTex(outfile) {
982  if ~this.TexMathModeDetection && this.haslatexcommand
983  warning(" PrintTable:TexExport ",...
984  " No TexMathModeDetection enabled but LaTeX commands have been detected. Export might produce invalid LaTeX code. ");
985  end
987  /* Add verbose comment */
988  if ~isempty(this.Caption)
989  fprintf(outfile," %% PrintTable '%s' generated on %s\n ",this.Caption,datestr(clock));
990  else
991  fprintf(outfile," %% PrintTable generated on %s\n ",datestr(clock));
992  end
993  d = dbstack;
994  d = d(find(~strcmp([d(:).file]," PrintTable.m "),1));
995  if ~isempty(d)
996  fprintf(outfile," %% Created in %s:%d at %s\n ",,d.line,which(d.file));
997  end
998  /* Add an informative comment to make the user aware of it's options :-) */
999  fprintf(outfile," %% Export settings: TexMathModeDetection %d, HasHeader %d, HasRowHeader %d, StripInsertedTabChars %d, IsPDF %d, TightPDF %d\n ",...
1001  strcmp(this.Format," pdf "),this.TightPDF);
1002  cols = 0;
1003  if ~isempty(
1004  cols = length([1]);
1005  end
1006  /* Only add surroundings for pure tex output or full-sized PDF
1007  * generation */
1008  if strcmp(this.Format," tex ") || ~this.TightPDF
1009  fprintf(outfile," \\begin{table}[!hb]\n\t\\centering\n\t\\def\\arraystretch{1.3}\n\t ");
1010  elseif ~isempty(this.Caption)
1011  /* Enable this if you want, but i found no straight way of putting the caption
1012  * above the table (for the given time&resources :-))
1013  *fprintf(outfile,'Table: %s\n',this.Caption); */
1014  end
1015  if this.HasRowHeader
1016  aligns = [" r " repmat(" l ",1,cols-1)];
1017  else
1018  aligns = repmat(" l ",1,cols);
1019  end
1020  fprintf(outfile," \\begin{tabular}{%s}\n ",aligns);
1021  /* Print all rows */
1022  for ridx = 1:length(
1023  fprintf(outfile," \t\t ");
1024  this.printRow(ridx,outfile," & ");
1025  fprintf(outfile," \\\\\n ");
1026  if ridx == 1 && this.HasHeader
1027  fprintf(outfile," \t\t\\hline\\\\\n ");
1028  end
1029  end
1030  fprintf(outfile, " \t\\end{tabular}\n ");
1031  /* Only add surroundings for pure tex output or full-sized PDF
1032  * generation */
1033  if strcmp(this.Format," tex ") || ~this.TightPDF
1034  if ~isempty(this.Caption)
1035  fprintf(outfile," \t\\caption{%s}\n ",this.Caption);
1036  end
1037  fprintf(outfile, " \\end{table}\n ");
1038  end
1039  }
1047  function pdfExport(path,fname) {
1048  [status, msg] = system(" pdflatex --version ");
1049  if status ~= 0
1050  error(" pdfLaTeX not found or not working:\n%s ",msg);
1051  else
1052  cap = " table ";
1053  if ~isempty(this.Caption)
1054  cap = [ this.Caption ];
1055  end
1056  fprintf(" Exporting %s to PDF using '%s'...\n ",cap,msg(1:strfind(msg,sprintf(" \n "))-1));
1057  end
1059  texfile = fullfile(path, [fname " .tex "]);
1060  fid = fopen(texfile," w ");
1061  fprintf(fid," \\documentclass{article}\n\\begin{document}\n ");
1062  if this.TightPDF
1063  fprintf(fid," \\newsavebox{\\tablebox}\n\\begin{lrbox}{\\tablebox}\n ");
1064  else
1065  fprintf(fid, " \\thispagestyle{empty}\n ");
1066  end
1067  /* Print actual tex table */
1068  this.print(fid);
1069  if this.TightPDF
1070  fprintf(fid, [" \\end{lrbox}\n\\pdfhorigin=0pt\\pdfvorigin=0pt\n "...
1071  " \\pdfpagewidth=\\wd\\tablebox\\pdfpageheight=\\ht\\tablebox\n "...
1072  " \\advance\\pdfpageheight by \\dp\\tablebox\n "...
1073  " \\shipout\\box\\tablebox\n "]);
1074  end
1075  fprintf(fid," \\end{document} ");
1076  fclose(fid);
1077  [status, msg] = system(sprintf(" pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory='%s' %s ",path,texfile));/* #ok */
1079  if 0 ~= status
1080  delete(fullfile(path, [fname " .pdf "]));
1081  fprintf(2," PDF export failed, pdflatex finished with errors. See the <a href='matlab:edit( "" %s "" )'>LaTeX logfile</a> for details.\n ",fullfile(path, [fname " .log "]));
1082  else
1083  delete(fullfile(path, [fname " .log "]));
1084  fprintf(" done!\n ");
1085  end
1086  delete(texfile,fullfile(path, [fname " .aux "]));
1087  }
1090  function printRow(rowidx,outfile,sep) {
1091  row =[rowidx];
1092  /* Check if mathmode has been determined */
1093  if ~isempty(this.mathmode)
1094  ismm = this.mathmode(rowidx,:);
1095  else
1096  ismm = false(size(row));
1097  end
1098  /* Check if we are producing tex-based output */
1099  istex = any(strcmp(this.Format,[" tex ", " pdf "]));
1100  sl = length(sep);
1101  for i = 1:length(row)-1
1102  str = row[i];
1103  if istex && this.fTexMMode && ismm(i)
1104  str = [" $ " str " $ "];/* #ok */
1106  end
1107  fillstabs = floor((sl*(i~=1)+length(str))/this.TabCharLen);
1108  tottabs = ceil((sl*(i~=1)+this.contlen(i))/this.TabCharLen);
1109  fprintf(outfile," %s%s ",[str repmat(char(9),1,tottabs-fillstabs)],sep);
1110  end
1111  str = row[end];
1112  if istex && this.fTexMMode && ismm(end)
1113  str = [" $ " str " $ "];
1114  end
1115  fprintf(outfile," %s ",str);
1116  }
1125  function [str , ismm ] = stringify(data) {
1127  /* Format cell array given */
1128  if iscell(data[end])
1129  /* if format cell is only one item but have more values,
1130  * apply same format string */
1131  if length(data[end]) == 1 && length(data)-1 > 1
1132  data[end] = repmat(data[end],1,length(data)-1);
1133  elseif this.HasRowHeader && length(data[end]) == length(data)-2
1134  data[end] = [" %s " data[end]];
1135  elseif length(data[end]) ~= length(data)-1
1136  error(" Either provide a single format string or one for each column. ");
1137  end
1138  str = cell(1,length(data)-1);
1139  /* Apply sprintf pattern to each element */
1140  start = 1;
1141  if this.HasRowHeader
1142  str(1) = this.stringify(data(1));
1143  start = 2;
1144  end
1145  for i=start:length(data)-1
1146  if isa(data[end][i]," function_handle ")
1147  if nargin(data[end][i]) > 1
1148  tmpstr = data[end][i](data[i],i);
1149  else
1150  tmpstr = data[end][i](data[i]);
1151  end
1152  else
1153  tmpstr = sprintf(data[end][i],data[i]);
1154  end
1155  tmpstr = strrep(tmpstr,char(10),);
1156  /* Strip tab chars if set */
1157  if this.StripInsertedTabChars
1158  str[i] = strrep(tmpstr,char(9),);
1159  else
1160  str[i] = tmpstr;
1161  end
1162  end
1163  else /* convert to strings if no specific format is given */
1165  str = cell(1,length(data));
1166  for i=1:length(data)
1167  el = data[i];
1168  if isa(el," char ")
1169  el = strrep(el,char(10),);
1170  /* Use char array directly and strip tab characters if desired */
1171  if this.StripInsertedTabChars
1172  str[i] = strrep(el,char(9),);
1173  else
1174  str[i] = el;
1175  end
1176  elseif isinteger(el)
1177  if numel(el) > 1
1178  str[i] = [" [ " this.implode(el(:)," , "," %d ") " ] "];
1179  else
1180  str[i] = sprintf(" %d ",el);
1181  end
1182  elseif isnumeric(el)
1183  if numel(el) > 1
1184  if isvector(el) && length(el) < 100
1185  str[i] = [" [ " this.implode(el(:)," , "," %g ") " ] "];
1186  else
1187  str[i] = [" [ " this.implode(size(el)," x "," %d ") " " class(el) " ] "];
1188  end
1189  else
1190  if isempty(el)
1191  str[i] = " [] ";
1192  else
1193  str[i] = sprintf(" %g ",el);
1194  end
1195  end
1196  elseif isa(el," function_handle ")
1197  str[i] = func2str(el);
1198  elseif isa(el," handle ")
1199  mc = metaclass(el);
1200  str[i] = mc.Name;
1201  elseif islogical(el)
1202  if numel(el) > 1
1203  str[i] = this.implode(el(:)," , "," %d ");
1204  else
1205  str[i] = sprintf(" %d ",el);
1206  end
1207  else
1208  error(" Cannot automatically convert an argument of type %s for PrintTable display. ",class(el));
1209  end
1210  end
1211  end
1212  /* Detect if any of the cell contents are numerical values */
1213  fun = @(arg)~isempty(arg) && arg(1) ~= " $ " && arg(end) ~= " $ " ...
1214  && (~isnan(str2double(arg)) || ~isempty(strfind(arg," \ ")) || ~isempty(strfind(arg," _ ")) || ~isempty(strfind(arg," ^ ")));
1215  ismm = cellfun(fun,str);
1216  }
1225  function str = implode(data,glue,format) {
1226  str = ;
1227  if ~isempty(data)
1228  if nargin < 3
1229  format = " %2.3e ";
1230  if nargin < 2
1231  glue = " , ";
1232  end
1233  end
1234  if isa(data," cell ")
1235  str = data[1];
1236  for idx = 2:length(data)
1237  str = [str glue data[idx]];/* #ok */
1239  end
1240  elseif isnumeric(data)
1241  /* first n-1 entries */
1242  if numel(data) > 1
1243  str = sprintf([format glue],data(1:end-1));
1244  end
1245  /* append last, no glue afterwards needed */
1246  str = [str sprintf(format,data(end))];
1247  else
1248  error(" Can only pass cell arrays of strings or a vector with sprintf format pattern ");
1249  end
1250  end
1251  }
1254  /* % Tests */
1255  public: /* ( Static ) */
1257  static function [res , doublet ] = test_PrintTable() {
1258  t = PrintTable;
1259  t.Caption= " This is my PrintTable test. ";
1260  t.addRow(" A "," B "," C ");
1261  t.addRow(" 123 ",456E10," 789 ");
1262  t.addRow(1234567," 12345 "," 789 ");
1263  t.addRow(" 1234567 ",123456," 789 ");
1264  t.addRow(" 34 "," \sin(x)+4 "," somestring ");
1265  t.addRow(" foo "," bar ",datestr(clock));
1266  t.addRow(123.45678,pi,789,[" %2.3f "," $%4.4g$ "," decimal: %d "]);
1268  /* If HasHeader is set, the format args can be omitted for the first column. */
1269  t.HasRowHeader= true;
1270  t.addRow(123.45678,pi,789,[" $%4.4g$ "," decimal: %d "]);
1271  t.HasRowHeader= false;
1273  t.addRow(" 12345678 "," \latexcommand{foo}+5 "," 789 ");
1274  t.addRow(" yet "," 123 "," 789 ");
1275  t.addRow(123.45678,pi,789,[" %2.3f ",@(v)sprintf(" functioned pi=%g! ",v-3)," decimal: %d "]);
1276  t.addRow(2,2,2,[@(v,colidx)sprintf(" callback using column index: %d! ",v^colidx)]);
1277  t.addRow(" single ",pi," fun with colidx ",[" %s ",@(v,colidx)sprintf(" value at column %d: %g! ",colidx,v)," %s "]);
1278  t.addRow(" next col with tabs ",char(9)," StripInsertedTabChars on ",[" %s "," >\t>%s>\t> "," %s "]);
1280  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable: Plain text display:\n ");
1281  t.display;
1283  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable: Plain text display with no tab stripping:\n ");
1284  t.StripInsertedTabChars= false;
1285  t.addRow(" next col with tabs ",char(9)," StripInsertedTabChars off (destroys layout) ",[" %s "," >\t>%s>\t> "," %s "]);
1286  t.display;
1287  t.removeRow(t.NumRows);
1289  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable: Plain text display with header:\n ");
1290  t.HasHeader= true;
1291  t.display;
1293  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable: LaTeX display:\n ");
1294  t.HasHeader= false;
1295  t.Format= " tex ";
1296  t.print;
1298  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable: LaTeX display with header:\n ");
1299  t.HasHeader= true;
1300  t.print;
1301  t.HasHeader= false;
1303  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable: LaTeX display and no TexMathModeDetection:\n ");
1304  t.TexMathModeDetection= false;
1305  t.print;
1306  t.TexMathModeDetection= true;
1308  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable: LaTeX display of transposed:\n ");
1309  tt = t^t;
1310  tt.print;
1312  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable: Plain text display of transposed:\n ");
1313  tt.Format= " txt ";
1314  tt.print;
1315  res = true;
1316  }
1326  static function [res , doublet ] = test_PrintTable_Misc() {
1327  t = PrintTable(" This is PrintTable Misc Features test, created on %s ",datestr(now));
1328  t.HasRowHeader= true;
1329  t.HasHeader= true;
1330  t.addRow(" A "," B "," C ");
1331  t.addRow(" header-autofmt ",456,789,[" %d "]);
1332  t.addRow(1234.345,456,789,[" %2.2E "," %d "," %d "]);
1333  t.addRow(" header-expl-fmt ",456,pi,[" %s "," %d "," %2.2f "]);
1334  t.addRow(" nofmt-header ",456,pi,[" %d "," %f "]);
1335  t.addRow(" 1234567 "," 12345 "," 789 ");
1336  t.addRow(" foo "," bar ",datestr(clock));
1337  t.addRow(123.45678,pi,789,[" %2.3f "," %4.4g "," decimal: %d "]);
1338  t.addRow(12345678," 123 "," 789 ");
1339  t.addRow(12345.6789," 123 "," 789 ");
1340  t.display;
1342  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable_Misc: Tex-Format:\n ");
1343  t.Format= " tex ";
1344  t.print;
1346  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable_Misc: Tex-Format with Row Header:\n ");
1347  t.HasHeader= true;
1348  t.print;
1350  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable_Misc: Self-Appended:\n ");
1351  t.Format= " txt ";
1352  ta = t.append(t);
1353  ta.display;
1355  t2 = PrintTable(" dummy ");
1356  t2.addRow(" A "," B "," C "," D "," E ");
1357  t2.addRow(" header1 ",456,789,1,34,[" %d "]);
1358  t2.addRow(12345.6789," 123 "," 789 "," foo "," bar ");
1359  t2.addRow(" header2 ",4656,35789,351,4);
1361  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable_Misc: Test table to append:\n ");
1362  t2.display;
1364  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable_Misc: Appending some test table columns (with header):\n ");
1365  ta = t.append(t2,[1 3 5]);
1366  ta.display;
1368  fprintf(2," test_PrintTable_Misc: Appending some test table columns (without header):\n ");
1369  t2.HasHeader= true;
1370  ta = t.append(t2,[4 2 1]);
1371  ta.display;
1373  /* Empty table append test */
1374  t2.clear;
1375  t.append(t2);
1377  res = true;
1378  }
1388  static function [res , doublet ] = test_PrintTable_LaTeX_Export() {
1389  t = PrintTable(" LaTeX/PDF export demo, %s ",datestr(now));
1390  t.HasRowHeader= true;
1391  t.HasHeader= true;
1392  t.addRow(" A "," B "," C ");
1393  t.addRow(" Data 1 ",456,789,[" %d "]);
1394  t.addRow(1234.345,456,789,[" $%2.2E$ "," $%d$ "," $%d$ "]);
1395  t.addRow(" header-expl-fmt ",456,pi,[" %s "," %d "," %2.2f "]);
1396  t.addRow(" 1234567 "," 12345 "," 789 ");
1397  x = 4;
1398  t.addRow(" x=4 "," \sin(x) ",sin(x),[" %s "," %f "]);
1399  /* Explicit wrapping directly or with $$ per format string */
1400  t.addRow(" x=4 "," 25 (5*5)= ",5*5,[" $%s$ "," %d "]);
1401  /* (have HasRowHeader, thus the first format string is not necessary (but yet
1402  * possible to define)) */
1403  t.addRow(" $x=4,\alpha=.2$ "," \alpha\exp(x)\cos(x) ",.2*exp(x)*cos(x),[" $%s$ "," %f "]);
1404  t.display;
1406  /* LaTeX */
1407  t.saveToFile(" myLaTeXexportedPrintTable.tex ",true);
1409  /* Tight PDF */
1410  t.saveToFile(" mytable_tightpdf.pdf ",true);
1412  /* Whole page PDF */
1413  t.TightPDF= false;
1414  t.TexMathModeDetection= true;
1415  t.saveToFile(" mytable_fullpage.pdf ",true);
1416  res = true;
1417  }
1427  static function [res , doublet ] = test_PrintTable_Failed_LaTeX_Export() {
1428  t = PrintTable(" LaTeX/PDF export demo (THIS MUST FAIL!), %s ",datestr(now));
1429  t.HasRowHeader= true;
1430  t.HasHeader= true;
1431  t.TexMathModeDetection= false;
1432  t.addRow(" A "," B "," C ");
1433  t.addRow(" Data 1 ",456,789,[" %d "]);
1434  t.addRow(1234.345,456,789,[" $%2.2E$ "," $%d$ "," $%d$ "]);
1435  t.addRow(" header-expl-fmt ",456,pi,[" %s "," %d "," %2.2f "]);
1436  t.addRow(1234567," 12345 ",45.3463E-4);
1437  x = 4;
1438  /* This is the offending latex line */
1439  t.addRow(" x=4 "," \sin(x) ",sin(x),[" %s "," %f "]);
1440  /* Explicit wrapping directly or with $$ per format string */
1441  t.addRow(" x=4 "," 25 (5*5)= ",5*5,[" $%s$ "," %d "]);
1442  t.addRow(" $x=4,\alpha=.2$ "," \alpha\exp(x)\cos(x) ",.2*exp(x)*cos(x),[" $%s$ "," %f "]);
1443  t.display;
1444  try
1445  t.saveToFile(" mytable_tightpdf_nodetection.pdf ",true);
1446  catch ME
1448  res = true;
1449  return;
1450  end
1451  res = false;
1452  }
1455  private: /* ( Static ) */
1457  static function l = getDefaultTabCharLen() {
1459  /* Use default value 8 */
1460  defaultLen = 8;
1462  jDesktop = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance;
1463  /* Display of output in command window */
1464  if ~isempty(jDesktop.getClient(" Command Window "))
1465  /* Display of output in console etc */
1466  l =" CommandWindowSpacesPerTab ",-1);
1467  if l < 0
1468  l =" EditorSpacesPerTab ",defaultLen);
1469  end
1470  elseif isunix
1471  [c, l] = system(" echo -n $ "" \t "" | wc -L ");
1472  if c == 0
1473  l = str2double(l);
1474  else
1475  l = defaultLen;
1476  end
1477  else
1478  /* Not checked yet for windows command line, but i guess this will be a rare
1479  * occasion. Please share if you encounter this situation. */
1480  l = defaultLen;
1481  end
1482  }
1526 };
logical HasHeader
Flag that determines if the first row should be used as table header.
Definition: PrintTable.m:266
static function [ res , double t ] = test_PrintTable()
A simple test for PrintTable.
Definition: PrintTable.m:1257
function saveToFile(char filename,logical openfile)
Prints the current table to a file.
Definition: PrintTable.m:522
The string cell data.
Definition: PrintTable.m:388
char ColSep
A char sequence to separate the different columns.
Definition: PrintTable.m:256
function clear()
Clears the current PrintTable contents and caption.
Definition: PrintTable.m:654
A MatLab cell array or matrix.
function copy = clone()
Returns a new instance of PrintTable with the same content.
Definition: PrintTable.m:755
function addMatrix(titles, data, varargin)
Definition: PrintTable.m:603
Flag to maximize user convenience; this is set whenever a row adding resulted in a string containing ...
Definition: PrintTable.m:425
integer TabCharLen
Equivalent length of a tab character in single-space characters.
Definition: PrintTable.m:244
char Caption
A caption for the table.
Definition: PrintTable.m:316
hanges the dimensions of the handle object array to the specified dimensions. See the MATLAB reshape ...
function display()
Overload for the default builtin display method.
Definition: PrintTable.m:468
An integer value.
A MatLab function handle.
Matlab's base handle class (documentation generation substitute)
Flag matrix to indicate if a cell value is numeric or not.
Definition: PrintTable.m:399
function print(integer outfile)
Prints the current table to a file pointer.
Definition: PrintTable.m:481
function this = sort(integer colnr,char direction)
Sorts this table in alphanumeric order.
Definition: PrintTable.m:680
function removeRow(integer idx)
Removes a row from the PrintTable.
Definition: PrintTable.m:665
A boolean value.
logical HasRowHeader
Flag that determines if there is a row header for the table.
Definition: PrintTable.m:278
function joined = append(PrintTable table,rowvec< integer > columns)
Appends the cell contents from another table to this table.
Definition: PrintTable.m:778
A variable number of input arguments.
logical TexMathModeDetection
Flag that tells the PrintTable to surround numerical values with dollar signs "$$" to obtain a more s...
Definition: PrintTable.m:370
logical TightPDF
Flag that indicates if exported tables in PDF format should be sized to the actual table size or be c...
Definition: PrintTable.m:330
Maximum content length for each colummn.
Definition: PrintTable.m:414
PrintTable: Class that allows table-like output spaced by tabs for multiple rows. ...
Definition: PrintTable.m:17
function char str = toString()
Returns a character array representation of the current table.
Definition: PrintTable.m:507
function addRow(varargin)
Adds a row to the current table.
Definition: PrintTable.m:611
PrintTable(char caption,cell varargin)
Creates a new PrintTable instance.
Definition: PrintTable.m:447
integer NumRows
The number of rows in the current table.
Definition: PrintTable.m:357
function transposed = ctranspose()
Definition: PrintTable.m:740
A MatLab character array.
enum Format
The output format of the table when using the print method.
Definition: PrintTable.m:303
static function [ res , double t ] = test_PrintTable_Misc()
A simple test for PrintTable.
Definition: PrintTable.m:1326
logical StripInsertedTabChars
Flag that determines if inserted tab characters are stripped from any string to preserve the correct ...
Definition: PrintTable.m:342