KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace data{
2 namespace selection{
5 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
6  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
7  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
8  *
9  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
10  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
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13  *
14  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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16  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
17  */
20  :public data.selection.ASelector {
58  public: /* ( setObservable ) */
60  Size = 10000;
76  Seed = 1;
91  public: /* ( setObservable ) */
94  this = this@data.selection.ASelector;
95  this.registerProps(" Size "," Seed ");
96  }
99  function copy = clone() {
100  copy = data.selection.TimeSelector;
101  /* copy = clone@data.selection.ASelector(this, copy); */
102  copy.Size= this.Size;
103  copy.Seed= this.Seed;
104  }
107  protected: /* ( Sealed ) */ /* ( setObservable ) */
109  function [matrixxi , rowvecti , matrixmui , fxi ] = select(models.BaseFullModel model) {
111  /* Build sn array similar to old one */
112  d = model.Data.TrajectoryData;
113  nt = d.getNumTrajectories;
114  times = model.Times;
115  tlen = length(times);
117  if nt*tlen > this.Size
118  /* So many samples for each timestep (fill rest with random samples) */
119  num = floor(this.Size/tlen);
120  s = RandStream.create(" mt19937ar "," Seed ",this.Seed);
121  /* These are the time step indices that have to be selected overall */
122  selidx = repmat(s.randperm(tlen),1,num);
123  /* How many per trajectory?
124  * MUST be smaller than tlen, as otherwise selecting more timesteps per
125  * trajectory than available would have meant that nt*tlen < this.Size.
126  * This means also that repeating the random permutation of 1:tlen will not lead
127  * to double selection of a time within the same trajectory. */
128  protraj = floor(length(selidx)/nt);
130  sel = logical.empty;
131  for tn = 1:nt
132  /* Select nothing by default */
133  hlp = false(1,tlen);
134  /* select "protraj" many sequentially */
135  step = (1:protraj)+(tn-1)*protraj;
136  /* set those to true */
137  hlp(selidx(step)) = true;
138  /* Store in selection array at range for current trajectory */
139  sel = [sel hlp]; /* #ok<*AGROW> */
141  end
143  /* Add up to full this.Size selection */
144  left = this.Size - protraj * nt;
145  notsel = find(~sel);
146  selsel = s.randperm(length(notsel),left);
147  sel(notsel(selsel)) = true;
148  else
149  sel = true(1,nt*tlen); /* Select everything! */
151  end
153  xi = []; ti = []; mui = [];
154  for tn = 1:nt
155  [x, mu] = d.getTrajectoryNr(tn);
156  idx = (1:tlen) + (tn-1)*tlen;
157  xi = [xi x(:,sel(idx))];
158  newt = times(sel(idx));
159  ti = [ti newt];
160  if ~isempty(mu)
161  mui = [mui mu(:,ones(1,length(newt)))];
162  end
163  end
164  fxi = [];
165  }
186  public: /* ( setObservable ) */
189 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Size'
190 function Size(value) {
191  if ~isposintscalar(value)
192  error(" The value must be a finite positive integer. ");
193  end
194  this.Size= value;
195  }
197 #endif
201 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Seed'
202 function Seed(value) {
203  if ~isreal(value)
204  error(" The value must be a real value. ");
205  end
206  this.Seed= value;
207  }
209 #endif
220 };
221 }
222 }
TimeSelector: Approximation training data selection utilizing time information.
Definition: TimeSelector.m:19
Base interface for any approximation training data selection algorithm.
Definition: ASelector.m:19
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
Evaluation points of the model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:206
function registerProps(varargin)
Call this method at any class that defines DPCM observed properties.
Definition: DPCMObject.m:125
An integer value.
A boolean value.
function copy = clone()
Definition: TimeSelector.m:99
virtual function n = getNumTrajectories()
Gets the total number of trajectories.
data.ModelData Data
The full model's data container. Defaults to an empty container.
The seed for the per-time-random selection (to enable reproduction of results)
Definition: TimeSelector.m:76
function res = isposintscalar(value)
isposintscalar: Backwards-compatibility function for matlab versions greater than 2012a ...
The (maximum) size of training samples to take.
Definition: TimeSelector.m:60
function [ matrix xi , rowvec ti , matrix mui , fxi ] = select(models.BaseFullModel model)
Performs selection of samples adjusted to the apperances of different times.
Definition: TimeSelector.m:109
data.ATrajectoryData TrajectoryData
The trajectory training data for the full model (only complete trajectories!)
Definition: ModelData.m:63