KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace kernels{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
5  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
6  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
7  *
8  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
9  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
10  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
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12  *
13  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
14  * the correct locations in the source code browser.
15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
18 class Wendland
19  :public kernels.ARBFKernel {
38  public: /* ( Dependent ) */
40  d;
51  k;
62  private:
64  fd = 1;
66  fk = 0;
68  expo;
70  co;
72  polystr;
74  polyfun;
76  polystrD1 = {" \
77  '\@(r)(l+1)' \
78  '\@(r)2*(l^2+4*l+3)*r/3+(l+2)' \
79  '\@(r)(3*(l^3+9*l^2+23*l+15)*r.^2 + 2*(6*l^2+36*l+45)*r)/15+(l+3)'"};
81  polyfunD1;
84  public:
86  Wendland() {
87  this.polystr= [...
88  " @(r)(l+1)*r+1 " ...
89  " @(r)(l^2+4*l+3)*r.^2/3+(l+2)*r+1 " ...
90  " @(r)((l^3+9*l^2+23*l+15)*r.^3 + (6*l^2+36*l+45)*r.^2)/15+(l+3)*r+1 "];
91  this.updateCoeffs;
92  }
95  function Kxy = evaluate(colvec<double> x,matrix<double> y) {
96  r = sqrt(this.getSqDiffNorm(x, y))/this.Gamma;
97  rp = max(1-r, 0);
98  p = 1;
99  if ( > 0)
100  p = this.polyfun(r);
101  end
102  Kxy=(rp.^this.expo).*p;
103  }
106  function Kxy = evaluateScalar(r) {
107  error(" not implemented ");
108 /* rp = max(1-r,0);
109  * %rp = (1-r).*(r <= 1);
110  *
111  * p = 1;
112  * if ( > 0)
113  * p = this.polyfun(r);
114  * end
115  * Kxy=(rp.^this.expo).*p; */
116  }
120  function Nabla = getNabla(colvec<double> x,matrix<double> y) {
121  if ~isempty(this.fP)
122  error(" Not yet implemented correctly. ");
123  end
124  r = sqrt(this.getSqDiffNorm(x, y))/this.Gamma;
125  rp = max(1-r, 0);
126  p = 1;
127  dp = 0;
128  if ( > 0)
129  p = this.polyfun(r);
130  dp = this.polyfunD1(r);
131  end
132  hlp = (-this.expo*(rp.^(this.expo-1)).*p + (rp.^this.expo).*dp)./(r*this.Gamma^2);
133  /* For exact center matches r=0, so we would have inf/-infs */
134  hlp(~isfinite(hlp)) = 0;
135  Nabla = bsxfun(@times,hlp,bsxfun(@minus,x,y));
136  }
147  function dx = evaluateD1(r) {
148  error(" not implemented ");
149  end
151  function ddx = evaluateD2(this, r)
152  /* Method for second derivative evaluation */
153  error(" not implemented ");
154  end
156  /* Returns the global lipschitz constant of this kernel.
157  *
158  * Exprimental state as not implemented & checked for all kernels. */
159  function c = getGlobalLipschitz(this)
160  error(" not implemented ");
161  end
163  function copy = clone(this)
164  copy = clone@kernels.ARBFKernel(this, kernels.Wendland);
165  /* Triggers update of coeffs */
166  copy.d= this.fd;
167  copy.k=;
168  end
169  end
171  methods(Access=private)
172  function updateCoeffs(this)
173  /* calculates coefficients and exponent for polynomial
174  * part p_{d,k}(r) of the Wendland kernel function. */
175  l = floor(this.fd/2) + + 1;
176  this.expo= l +;
177  this.polyfun= [];
178  if ( > 0)
179  this.polyfun= eval(this.polystr[]);
180  this.polyfunD1= eval(this.polystrD1[]);
181  end
182  end
183  end
185  /* % Getter & Setter */
186  methods
187  function set.k(this, value)
188  if value < 0 || value > 3
189  error(" Only k values in [0,3] are allowed ");
190  elseif round(value) ~= value
191  error(" Only the k values 0,1,2,3 are allowed ");
192  end
193 value;
194  this.updateCoeffs;
195  end
197  function set.d(this, value)
198  if round(value) ~= value
199  error(" The dimension must be an integer ");
200  end
201  this.fd= value;
202  this.updateCoeffs;
203  end
205  function v = get.d(this)
206  v = this.fd;
207  end
209  function v = get.k(this)
210  v =;
211  end
212  end
214  methods(Static)
215  function res = test_WendlandKernel(pm)
216  if nargin < 1
217  pm = PlotManager(false,3,3);
218  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
219  end
220  c = 0;
221  x = (-1.2:.01:1.2)+c;
222  [X,Y] = meshgrid(x);
223  x2 = [X(:)" ; Y(:) "];
224  k = kernels.Wendland;
225  kexp = kernels.KernelExpansion;
226  kexp.Kernel= k;
227  kexp.Centers.xi= c;
228  kexp.Ma= 1;
229  conf = Utils.createCombinations([1 2 3 4 5],[0 1 2 3]);
230  for n = 1:length(conf)
231  k.d= conf(1,n);
232  k.k= conf(2,n);
233  tag = sprintf(" w_1d_d%d_k%d ",k.d,k.k);
234  h = pm.nextPlot(tag,sprintf(" Wendland kernel with d=%d,k=%d on 1D data ",k.d,k.k));
235  plot(h,x,kexp.evaluate(x));
236  end
237  kexp.Centers.xi= [c; c];
238  for n = 1:length(conf)
239  k.d= conf(1,n);
240  k.k= conf(2,n);
241  tag = sprintf(" w_2d_d%d_k%d ",k.d,k.k);
242  h = pm.nextPlot(tag,sprintf(" Wendland kernel with d=%d,k=%d on 2D data ",k.d,k.k));
243  surf(h,X,Y,reshape(kexp.evaluate(x2),length(x),[])," EdgeColor "," none ");
244  end
245  if nargin < 1
246  pm.done;
247  end
248  res = true;
249  end
250  end
252  methods(Static,Access=protected)
253  function this = loadobj(this)
254  this = loadobj@kernels.ARBFKernel(this);
255  this.updateCoeffs;
256  end
257  end
258 end
259  }
267 };
Collection of generally useful functions.
Definition: Utils.m:17
An integer value.
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
#define X(i, j)
#define Y(i, j)
Abstract class for radial basis function / rotation- and translation invariant kernels.
Definition: ARBFKernel.m:18