KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace fem{
2 namespace geometry{
5 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
6  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
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8  *
9  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
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13  *
14  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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16  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
17  */
19 function geo27 = Belly(parts,len,varargin) {
21 i.KeepUnmatched= true;
22 i.addParamValue('Radius',1);
23 i.addParamValue('InnerRadius',.5);
24 i.addParamValue('Gamma',2);
25 i.addParamValue('Layers',1);
26 i.addParamValue('MinZ',[]);
27 i.parse(varargin[:]);
28 opt = i.Results;
29 if nargin < 2
30  len = 10;
31  if nargin < 1
32  parts = 4;
33  end
34 end
35 if numel(len) == 2
36  x = linspace(len(1),len(2),parts*2+1);
37 else
38  x = linspace(0,len,parts*2+1);
39 end
40 if isa(opt.Radius," function_handle ")
41  fx = opt.Radius(x);
42  if size(fx,1) == 1
43  fx = [fx; fx];
44  end
45 else
46  if isscalar(opt.Gamma)
47  opt.Gamma= [opt.Gamma opt.Gamma];
48  end
49  if isscalar(opt.Radius)
50  opt.Radius= [opt.Radius opt.Radius];
51  end
52  k = kernels.GaussKernel;
53  k.Gamma= opt.Gamma(1);
54  fx(1,:) = k.evaluate(x,len/2)^t*opt.Radius(1);
55  k.Gamma= opt.Gamma(2);
56  fx(2,:) = k.evaluate(x,len/2)^t*opt.Radius(2);
57 end
58 if isscalar(opt.InnerRadius)
59  opt.InnerRadius= [1 1]*opt.InnerRadius;
60 end
62 posfun = @(omega,offset)[sin(omega+offset); cos(omega+offset)];
64 qpart = getQuarterPart(opt.Layers);
65 baseelems = zeros(size(qpart,1),size(qpart,2),4);
66 baseelems(:,:,1) = qpart;
67 nelems = size(baseelems,1)/2;
68 for k=1:nelems
69  pos = (1:2)+2*(k-1);
70  baseelems(pos,:,2) = [-1 0; 0 1]*baseelems(pos,[3 2 1 6 5 4 9 8 7],1);
71 end
72 baseelems(:,:,3) = -baseelems(:,9:-1:1,1);
73 baseelems(:,:,4) = -baseelems(:,9:-1:1,2);
75 /* c = sin(pi/4);
76  * c8 = cos(pi/8);
77  * s8 = sin(pi/8);
78  * baseplane(:,:,1) = [0 .5 1 0 .5*c c8 0 s8 c
79  * 0 0 0 .5 .5*c s8 1 c8 c];
80  * % Mirror first segment
81  * baseplane(:,:,2) = [-1 0; 0 1]*baseplane(:,[3 2 1 6 5 4 9 8 7],1);
82  * % Rotate others by 180°
83  * baseplane(:,:,3) = -baseplane(:,9:-1:1,1);
84  * baseplane(:,:,4) = -baseplane(:,9:-1:1,2); */
86 npp = 27*parts*nelems;
87 nodes = zeros(3,npp*4);
88 for p = 1:parts
89  elempos = (p-1)*2 + (1:3);
90  rx = ones(9,1) * (opt.InnerRadius(1) + fx(1,elempos));
91  ry = ones(9,1) * (opt.InnerRadius(2) + fx(2,elempos));
92  z = ones(9,1) * x(elempos);
93  for k=1:nelems
94  elem = baseelems((1:2)+2*(k-1),:,:);
95  for rotpart = 1:4
96  nodepos = (((p-1) * nelems + (k-1))*4 + (rotpart-1))*27 + (1:27);
97  nodes(1,nodepos) = bsxfun(@times,repmat(elem(1,:,rotpart),1,3),rx(:)^t);
98  nodes(2,nodepos) = bsxfun(@times,repmat(elem(2,:,rotpart),1,3),ry(:)^t);
99  nodes(3,nodepos) = z(:);
100  end
101  end
102 end
104 /* Filter nodes to unique ones */
105 [nodes, ~, elems] = unique(nodes" , "rows" , "stable^t);
107 /* For the "not so unique but same" nodes use pdist */
108 D = pdist(nodes);
109 [D, idx] = sort(D," ascend ");
110 same = D < eps*max(D);
111 [i,j] = find(tril(ones(size(nodes,1)),-1));
112 i = i(idx(same)); j = j(idx(same));
113 /* Kick out double nodes */
114 nodes(j,:) = [];
115 /* Correct element indices after node removal
116  * - use i indices (instead of to-remove-j) */
117 for k=1:length(i)
118  elems(elems == j(k)) = i(k);
119 end
120 /* - Get effective number of nodes */
121 effidx = unique(elems(:));
122 /* - Set mapping indices at old positions */
123 invidx(effidx) = 1:length(effidx);
124 /* - Use those! */
125 elems = invidx(elems);
127 /* Get the right shape */
128 nodes = nodes^t;
129 elems = reshape(elems,27,[])^t;
131 /* This little hack allows to restrict the minimum z node
132  * position to a certain value, so as if the muscle belly is
133  * "lying on a table"
134  *
135  * This only works on the "downside" faces, so if the threshold
136  * is larger than the intermediate node position of the side
137  * faces, the muscle geometry will appear "dented". */
138 if ~isempty(opt.MinZ)
139  error(" Fixme ");
140  hlp_g27 = fem.geometry.Cube27Node;
141  centerline_facenodeidx = hlp_g27.MasterFaces(3,:);
142  for elem = [3:4:4*parts 4:4:4*parts]
143  centerline_nodes = elems(elem,centerline_facenodeidx);
144  toScale = nodes(2,centerline_nodes) < opt.MinZ;
145  factor = opt.MinZ./nodes(2,centerline_nodes(toScale));
146  nodes(2,centerline_nodes(toScale)) = opt.MinZ;
147  /* Also scale inner node positions */
148  inner_nodes = elems(elem,[4:6 13:15 22:24]);
149  nodes(2,inner_nodes(toScale)) = nodes(2,inner_nodes(toScale)).*factor;
150  end
151 end
153 geo27 = fem.geometry.Cube27Node(nodes,elems);
154 geo27.swapYZ;
156  function elems = getQuarterPart(elem_layers)
157  if nargin < 1
158  elem_layers = 9;
159  end
160  if isscalar(elem_layers)
161  elem_layers = linspace(0,1,elem_layers+1);
162  elem_layers = elem_layers(2:end);
163  end
164  elem_layers = elem_layers / max(elem_layers);
165  num_elem_layers = length(elem_layers);
167  /* Augment layer count if odd */
168  if mod(num_elem_layers,2) == 1
169  elem_layers(end+1) = elem_layers(end)*1.1;
170  end
172  /* Create innermost element */
173  o = posfun(linspace(0,pi/2,5),0);
174  c = posfun(pi/4,0)/2;
175  elems(1:2,:) = [0 .5 1 0 c(1) o(1,4) o(1,1:3)
176  0 0 0 .5 c(2) o(2,4) o(2,1:3)]*elem_layers(1);
178  if num_elem_layers > 1
179  o = elem_layers(2)*posfun(linspace(0,pi/2,5),0);
180  elems(3:4,:) = [elems(1:2,7:9) (o(:,1:3)+elems(1:2,7:9))/2 o(:,1:3)];
181  elems(5:6,:) = [elems(1:2,[9 6 3]) (o(:,3:5)+elems(1:2,[9 6 3]))/2 o(:,3:5)];
182  /* Reorder */
183  elems(5:6,:) = elems(5:6,[3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7]);
184  end
186  /* number of blocks needed (two elem layers per block) */
187  num_block_layers = ceil(num_elem_layers/2)-1;
189  omega = pi/2;
190  blocks_per_loop = 1;
191  for bn=1:num_block_layers
192  layerpos = (2:4)+2*(bn-1);
193  for b = 1:blocks_per_loop
194  off = (b-1)*omega;
195  new = getblock(elem_layers(layerpos),omega,off);
196  if bn == num_block_layers && mod(num_elem_layers,2) ~= 0
197  /* Cut out the outer layer if not wanted */
198  new = new(1:6,:);
199  end
200  elems(end+1:end+size(new,1),:) = new;
201  end
202  omega = omega / 2;
203  blocks_per_loop = blocks_per_loop*2;
204  end
205  end
207  function elems = getblock(radii,omega,offset)
208  i = radii(1)*posfun(linspace(0,omega,5),offset);
209  m = radii(2)*posfun(linspace(0,omega,13),offset);
210  m = m(:,[1 3 5:9 11 13]);
211  o = radii(3)*posfun(linspace(0,omega,9),offset);
213  /* E1 */
214  elems(1:2,:) = [i(:,1:3) (m(:,1:3)+i(:,1:3))/2 m(:,1:3)];
215  /* E3 */
216  elems(5:6,:) = [i(:,3:5) (m(:,7:9)+i(:,3:5))/2 m(:,7:9)];
217  center = (radii(1)+radii(2))/2*posfun(omega/2,offset);
218  /* E2 (split part) */
219  elems(3:4,:) = [elems(5:6,[1 4 7]) elems(1:2,6) center m(:,[6 3:5])];
221  /* E4-E7 top layer */
222  elems(7:8,:) = [elems(1:2,7:9) (o(:,1:3)+elems(1:2,7:9))/2 o(:,1:3)];
223  elems(9:10,:) = [elems(3:4,7:9) (o(:,3:5)+elems(3:4,7:9))/2 o(:,3:5)];
224  elems(11:12,:) = [elems(3:4,[9 6 3]) (o(:,5:7)+elems(3:4,[9 6 3]))/2 o(:,5:7)];
225  elems(13:14,:) = [elems(5:6,7:9) (o(:,7:9)+elems(5:6,7:9))/2 o(:,7:9)];
227  /* Reorder for x-axis increase first
228  *elems(5:6,:) = elems(5:6,[3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7]);
229  *elems(11:12,:) = elems(11:12,[3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7]);
230  *elems(13:14,:) = elems(13:14,[3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7]); */
231  end
232 end
235 }
261 };
262 };
function geo27 = Belly(parts, len, varargin)
Code to generate a belly-shaped geometry with various options.
Definition: Belly.m:19
A variable number of input arguments.