KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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3 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
4  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
5  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
6  *
7  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
8  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
9  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
10  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
11  *
12  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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14  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
15  */
17 function str = object2str(handle obj,integer maxdepth) {
20 if ~isobject(obj)
21  error(" The obj argument has to be a matlab object. ");
22 end
23 if nargin < 2
24  maxdepth = Inf; /* Default: Inf depth */
26 elseif ~isnumeric(maxdepth) || ~isreal(maxdepth)
27  error(" maxdepth has to be a real value/integer. ");
28 end
29 sizelbl = [" G "," M "," k "," b "];
30 [str, bytes] = recursive2str(obj, maxdepth, 0, []);
32  function [str, bytes] = recursive2str(obj, depth, numtabs, done)
33  /* Internal recursion. */
34  str = ;
35  if depth == 0
36  bytes = 0;
37  return;
38  end
39  done[end+1] = obj;
40  mc = metaclass(obj);
41  if isfield(obj," Name ")
42  name = obj.Name;
43  else
44  name = mc.Name;
45  end
46  if ~isempty(str)
47  str = [str " %s: " name " \n "];
48  else
49  str = [name " %s:\n "];
50  end
51  /* get string cell of names and sort alphabetically */
52  names = cellfun(@(mp)mp.Name,mc.Properties," UniformOutput ",false);
53  [~, sortedidx] = sort(names);
54  bytes = 0; subbytes = 0;
55  for n = 1:length(sortedidx)
56  idx = sortedidx(n);
57  p = mc.Properties[idx];
58  addbytes = 0;
59  if strcmp(p.GetAccess," public ")
60  str = [str repmat(" \t ",1,numtabs) " . "]; /* #ok<*AGROW> */
62  pobj = obj.(p.Name);
63  if ~isempty(pobj) && ~any(cellfun(@(el)isequal(pobj,el),done))
64  /* Pre-compute addbytes and only override if pobj is object itself */
65  tmp = whos(" pobj ");
66  addbytes = tmp.bytes;
67  if isobject(pobj)
68  [recstr, addbytes] = recursive2str(pobj, depth-1, numtabs+1, done);
69  subbytes = subbytes + addbytes;
70  str = [str p.Name " - " recstr];
71  elseif isnumeric(pobj)
72  if numel(pobj) > 20
73  sizestr = getSizeStr(addbytes);
74  if ~isempty(sizestr)
75  sizestr = [" ( " sizestr " ) "];
76  end
77  spar = ;
78  if issparse(pobj)
79  spar = " sparse ";
80  end
81  str = [str p.Name " : [ " num2str(size(pobj)) " ] " spar class(pobj) sizestr];
82  else
83  pobj = reshape(pobj,1,[]);
84  str = [str p.Name " : " num2str(pobj)];
85  end
86  elseif isstruct(pobj)
87  if any(size(pobj) > 1)
88  str = [str p.Name " (struct, [ " num2str(size(pobj)) " ]), fields: "];
89  else
90  str = [str p.Name " (struct), fields: "];
91  end
92  fn = fieldnames(pobj);
93  for fnidx = 1:length(fn)
94  str = [str fn[fnidx] " , "];
95  end
96  str = str(1:end-1);
97  elseif isa(pobj," function_handle ")
98  str = [str p.Name " (f-handle): " func2str(pobj)];
99  elseif ischar(pobj)
100  str = [str p.Name " : " pobj];
101  elseif islogical(pobj)
102  if pobj
103  str = [str p.Name " : true "];
104  else
105  str = [str p.Name " : false "];
106  end
107  elseif iscell(pobj)
108  str = [str sprintf(" %s: %dx%d cell<%s> ", p.Name, size(pobj,1),size(pobj,2),class(pobj[1]))];
109  else
110  str = [str p.Name " : ATTENTION. Display for type ' " class(pobj) " ' not implemented yet. "];
111  end
112  else
113  if isequal(obj,pobj)
114  str = [str p.Name " : [self-reference] "];
115  else
116  str = [str p.Name " : empty "];
117  end
118  end
119  str = [str " \n "];
120  end
121  bytes = bytes + addbytes;
122  end
124  /* Take away the last \n for inner recursive calls */
125  if depth < maxdepth
126  str = str(1:end-2);
127  end
129  /* Format!
130  * Add byte information */
131  if subbytes > 0
132  sizestr = sprintf(" (self:%s, childs:%s, total:%s) ",...
133  getSizeStr(bytes-subbytes),getSizeStr(subbytes),getSizeStr(bytes));
134  else
135  sizestr = sprintf(" (%s) ",getSizeStr(bytes));
136  end
137  str = sprintf(str,sizestr);
139  function res = getSizeStr(bytes)
140  hr = bytes ./ [1024^3 1024^2 1024 1];
141  pos = find(hr > 1,1);
142  res = ;
143  if ~isempty(pos)
144  res = sprintf(" %.5g%s ",hr(pos),sizelbl[pos]);
145  end
146  end
147  end
148 end
149 }
An integer value.
Matlab's base handle class (documentation generation substitute)
function str = object2str(handle obj,integer maxdepth)
object2str: Generic matlab object to string converter.
Definition: object2str.m:17