rbmatlab  1.13.10
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fem Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for fem:


file  evaluate_gradient.m [code]
file  fem_basis_weight_matrix.m [code]
file  fem_evaluate.m [code]
file  fem_evaluate_basis.m [code]
file  fem_evaluate_basis_function.m [code]
file  fem_evaluate_scalar_basis_derivative.m [code]
file  fem_evaluate_scalar_basis_function_derivative.m [code]
file  fem_global_dof_index.m [code]
 function computing the local-to-global dof map of a fem discrete function
file  fem_h10_boundary_inner_product_matrix.m [code]
file  fem_h10_norm.m [code]
file  fem_h1_norm.m [code]
file  fem_interpol_global.m [code]
file  fem_interpol_local.m [code]
file  fem_l2_boundary_inner_product_matrix.m [code]
file  fem_l2_norm.m [code]
file  fem_laplace.m [code]
file  fem_matrix_adv_integral_kernel.m [code]
file  fem_matrix_boundary_part_assembly.m [code]
 auxiliary function assembling the boundary integral components of system matrix A note: cell-array valued kernels can be integrated.
file  fem_matrix_diff_integral_kernel.m [code]
file  fem_matrix_neumann_integral_kernel.m [code]
file  fem_matrix_parts_assembly.m [code]
file  fem_matrix_reac_integral_kernel.m [code]
file  fem_matrix_robin_integral_kernel.m [code]
file  fem_matrix_volume_part_assembly.m [code]
file  fem_ndofs.m [code]
file  fem_ndofs_per_element.m [code]
file  fem_operators.m [code]
file  fem_operators_output.m [code]
file  fem_operators_output_boundary_integral.m [code]
file  fem_operators_output_volume_integral.m [code]
file  fem_plot_dofmap.m [code]
file  fem_rhs_boundary_part_assembly.m [code]
file  fem_rhs_neumann_integral_kernel.m [code]
file  fem_rhs_parts_assembly.m [code]
file  fem_rhs_robin_integral_kernel.m [code]
file  fem_rhs_volume_part_assembly.m [code]
file  fem_scalar_component.m [code]
file  femdiscfunc.m [code]
file  feminfo.m [code]
file  H10_scalar_product_matrix.m [code]
 this routine computes the stiffness matrix for a constant c=1. K_one = int_omega (grad phi_j) . grad phi_i dx
file  lagrange_nodes_edges.m [code]
file  lagrange_nodes_edges_llcoord.m [code]
file  lagrange_nodes_lcoord.m [code]