KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace general{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
5  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
6  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
7  *
8  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
9  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
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15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
18 class DEIM
19  :public KerMorObject,
20  public general.AProjectable,
58  public: /* ( setObservable ) */
79  public: /* ( Dependent ) */
100  public:
120  protected:
150  private:
152  rowvec<integer> fOrder = "[]";
163  public:
207  M1;
209  M2;
212  public:
242  public:
246  this.f= f;
247  if ~isa(this.f," dscomponents.ACompEvalCoreFun ");
248  error(" Cannot use DEIM with non ACompEvalCoreFun-implementing functions. ");
249  elseif ~f.test_ComponentEvalMatch
250  error(" Component evaluation does not match direct evaluation. ");
251  elseif ~f.test_ComponentEvalMatch(10)
252  error(" Component evaluation does not match direct evaluation for multi-arguments. ");
253  end
255  if size(fxi,1) < this.MaxOrder
256  fprintf(2," Warning: MaxOrder %d of DEIM approximation is larger than actual f dimension %d. Setting MaxOrder=%d\n ",...
257  this.MaxOrder,size(fxi,1),size(fxi,1));
258  this.MaxOrder= size(fxi,1);
259  end
261  /* % Generate u_1 ... u_m base */
262  p = general.POD;
263  p.Mode= " abs ";
264  p.Value= this.MaxOrder;
266  /* p.UseSVDS = size(fxi,1) > 10000; */
267  [Utmp, this.SingularValues] = p.computePOD(fxi);
268  if isa(Utmp," data.FileMatrix ")
269  Utmp = Utmp.toMemoryMatrix;
270  end
271  this.u= Utmp;
273  if size(this.u,2) < this.MaxOrder
274  fprintf(" POD returned less (=%d) than MaxOrder (=%d) basis vectors. Setting MaxOrder=%d.\n ",...
275  size(this.u,2),this.MaxOrder,size(this.u,2));
276  this.MaxOrder= size(this.u,2);
277  end
279  /* Get interpolation points */
280  this.pts= this.getInterpolationPoints(this.u);
282  /* Trigger computation of U matrix.
283  * If no order has been set yet ("first computation"), use
284  * predefined order. Otherwise, just ensure the order data
285  * corresponds to the current u/pts. */
286  if isempty(this.fOrder)
287  this.Order= ceil(this.MaxOrder/10);
288  else
289  this.updateOrderData;
290  end
291  }
303  function fx = evaluate(colvec<double> x,double t) {
304  fx = this.U * this.f.evaluateComponentSet(1, x, t);
305  }
308  function fx = evaluateMulti(colvec<double> x,double t,colvec<double> mu) {
309  fx = this.U * this.f.evaluateComponentSetMulti(1, x, t, mu);
310  }
313  function J = getStateJacobian(colvec<double> x,double t) {
314  hlp = this.U * this.f.evaluateComponentSetGradientsAt(1, x, t);
315  if isempty(this.V)
316  p = logical(this.f.JSparsityPattern);
317  J = sparse(this.f.fDim,this.f.xDim);
318  J(p) = hlp(p);
319  else
320  J = hlp;
321  end
322  }
327  n = size(u,1);
328  m = size(u,2);
329  pts = zeros(1, m);
330  v = pts;
331  [v(1), pts(1)] = max(abs(u(:,1)));
332  P = zeros(n,1);
333  P(pts(1)) = 1;
334  for i=2:m
335  c = (P" *u(:,1:(i-1))) \ (P "*u(:,i));
336  [v(i), pts(i)] = max(abs(u(:,i) - u(:,1:(i-1))*c));
337  P = sparse(pts(1:i),1:i,ones(i,1),n,i);
338  end
339  this.Residuals= v;
340  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 2
341  fprintf(" DEIM interpolation points [%s] with values [%s]\n ",...
342  Utils.implode(pts," "," %d "),Utils.implode(v," "," %2.2e "));
343  end
344  }
356  function err = getEstimatedError(colvec<double> x,double t,colvec<double> mu) {
357  if this.fOrder(2) == 0
358  error(" No error estimation possible with zero ErrorOrder property ");
359  end
360  err = this.Uerr1 * this.f.evaluateComponentSetMulti(1, x, t, mu) ...
361  - this.Uerr2 * this.f.evaluateComponentSetMulti(2, x, t, mu);
362  }
365  function DEIMtarget = project(matrix<double> V,matrix<double> W,DEIM target) {
367  if nargin < 4
368  target = this.clone;
369  end
370  target = project@general.AProjectable(this, V, W, target);
371  /* Important: Project the component evaluable function, too! */
372  target.f= this.f.project(V, W);
373  target.updateOrderData;
374  }
397  function copy = clone(copy) {
398  if nargin < 2
399  copy = general.DEIM;
400  end
401  copy = clone@general.AProjectable(this, copy);
402  /* Clone associated f as different orders for the cloned object
403  * lead to different PointSets for the component evaluable
404  * function. */
405  copy.f= this.f.clone;
406  copy.fOrder= this.fOrder;
407  copy.u= this.u;
408  copy.pts= this.pts;
409  copy.U= this.U;
410  copy.U_nonproj= this.U_nonproj;
411  copy.MaxOrder= this.MaxOrder;
412  copy.Uerr1= this.Uerr1;
413  copy.Uerr2= this.Uerr2;
414  copy.M1= this.M1;
415  copy.M2= this.M2;
416  copy.SingularValues= this.SingularValues;
417  }
420  function plotSummary(pm,context) {
421  if ~isempty(this.SingularValues)
422  str = sprintf(" %s: DEIM POD singular value decay, MaxOrder: %d ",context,this.MaxOrder);
423  h = pm.nextPlot(" deim_singvals ",...
424  str," POD size "," singular values ");
425  semilogy(h,this.SingularValues," LineWidth ",2);
426  end
427  if ~isempty(this.Residuals)
428  str = sprintf(" %s: maximum basis residual, MaxOrder: %d ",context,this.MaxOrder);
429  h = pm.nextPlot(" max_residuals ",...
430  str," Point number "," residual ");
431  semilogy(h,this.Residuals," LineWidth ",2);
432  end
433  }
436  protected:
438  function updateOrderData() {
440  if KerMor.App.Verbose > 3
441  fprintf(" general.DEIM.updateOrderData: Updating order data of DEIM (%s, #%s) to [%d %d]\n ",class(this),this.ID,this.fOrder);
442  end
444  o = this.fOrder(1);
445  n = size(this.u,1);
447  P = sparse(this.pts(1:o),1:o,ones(o,1),n,o);
448  this.U_nonproj= this.u(:,1:o) / (P^t*this.u(:,1:o));
450  /* Set primary point set in ACompEvalCoreFun */
451  this.f.setPointSet(1, this.pts(1:o));
453  om = this.fOrder(2);
454  if om > 0
455  /* Use second point set in ACompEvalCoreFun */
456  this.f.setPointSet(2, this.pts(o+1:o+om));
458  Perr = sparse(this.pts(o+1:o+om),1:om,ones(om,1),n,om);
460  Um = this.u(:,1:o);
461  Umd = this.u(:,o+1:o+om);
462  A = P^t*Um;
463  B = P^t*Umd;
464  C = Perr^t*Um;
465  D = Perr^t*Umd;
466  E = C / A;
467  F = D - E*B;
468  this.Uerr2= ((Um/A)*B - Umd) / F;
469  this.Uerr1= this.Uerr2 * E;
470  else
471  this.Uerr1= [];
472  this.Uerr2= [];
473  end
475  if ~isempty(this.W)
476  this.U= this.W^t*this.U_nonproj;
477  if om > 0
478  /* Compute values for error estimator */
479  this.M1= this.Uerr1 + (Um - this.V*(this.W^t*Um))/A;
480  this.M2= this.Uerr2;
482  /* Project DEIM error estimation values */
483  this.Uerr1= this.W^t*this.Uerr1;
484  this.Uerr2= this.W^t*this.Uerr2;
485  end
486  else
487  this.U= this.U_nonproj;
488  end
490  /* Fire order updated event */
491  notify(this, " OrderUpdated ", event.EventData);
492  }
500  /* % Getter & Setter */
501  public:
504 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.Order'
505 function o = Order() {
506  o = this.fOrder;
507  }
509 #endif
513 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Order'
514 function Order(value) {
515  if isempty(this.u) || isempty(this.pts)
516  error(" Cannot set DEIM order as approximateSystemFunction has not been called yet. ");
517  end
518  if numel(value) ~= 2
519  if numel(value) ~= 1
520  error(" Order must be either a scalar or two element integer vector ");
521  else
522  value(2) = 0;
523  end
524  end
525  if any(value) > size(this.u,2) || any(value) < 1
526  error(" Invalid Order/ErrOrder value. Allowed are integers in [1, %d] ",size(this.u,2));
527  elseif sum(value) > this.MaxOrder
528  warning(" KerMor:DEIM ",sprintf(...
529  " Order (%d) and ErrOrder (%d) values may not exceed MaxOrder (%d). Using [%d 0] ",...
530  value,this.MaxOrder,this.MaxOrder));/* #ok */
532  value = [this.MaxOrder 0];
533  end
534  /* Only re-compute error order matrices if an actual change
535  * happenend */
536  if ~isequal(this.fOrder, value)
537  this.fOrder= value;
538  this.updateOrderData;
539  end
540  }
542 #endif
546 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.MaxOrder'
547 function MaxOrder(value) {
548  if ~isposintscalar(value)
549  error(" MaxOrder has to be a positive integer scalar. ");
550  end
551  this.MaxOrder= value;
552  }
554 #endif
557  public:
569  protected: /* ( Static ) */
571  static function obj = loadobj(obj,varargin) {
572  obj = loadobj@general.AProjectable(obj, varargin[:]);
573  obj = loadobj@KerMorObject(obj, varargin[:]);
574  }
585 };
586 }
Collection of generally useful functions.
Definition: Utils.m:17
function J = getStateJacobian(colvec< double > x,double t)
Definition: DEIM.m:313
function res = test_ComponentEvalMatch(xsize)
Tests if the local implementation of evaluateComponents matches the full evaluation.
integer fDim
The current output dimension of the function.
Definition: ACoreFun.m:171
DEIM: Implements the DEIM-Algorithm from .
Definition: DEIM.m:18
Broadcast a notice that a specific event is occurring on a specified handle object or array of handle...
function err = getEstimatedError(colvec< double > x,double t,colvec< double > mu)
Definition: DEIM.m:356
function copy = clone(copy)
The interface method with returns a copy of the current class instance.
Definition: DEIM.m:397
Interface for all components that can be projected.
Definition: AProjectable.m:18
EVENT OrderUpdated
Gets fired whenever this DEIM instance has updated it's order matrices.
Definition: DEIM.m:559
rowvec< double > SingularValues
The singular values returned by the SVD decomposition to compute the DEIM POD basis.
Definition: DEIM.m:102
integer MaxOrder
The maximum order up to which the DEIM approximation should be computed.
Definition: DEIM.m:60
Base class for any KerMor class.
Definition: KerMorObject.m:17
static function obj = loadobj(obj, varargin)
Definition: DEIM.m:571
function fx = evaluate(colvec< double > x,double t)
Definition: DEIM.m:303
matrix< double > U_nonproj
If projection is applied, this contains the non-projected full matrix for use in subclasses...
Definition: DEIM.m:178
An integer value.
rowvec< integer > Order
The actual order for the current DEIM approximation.
Definition: DEIM.m:81
function fx = evaluateComponentSetMulti(integer nr,matrix< double > x,rowvec< double > t,matrix< double > mu)
Computes the full component functions of the given point set.
rowvec< double > pts
Interpolation points.
Definition: DEIM.m:135
dscomponents.ACompEvalCoreFun f
The function which DEIM is applied to.
Definition: DEIM.m:214
A boolean value.
#define F(x, y, z)
Definition: CalcMD5.c:168
Constructs a new KerMor object.
Definition: KerMorObject.m:55
A variable number of input arguments.
function DEIM target = project(matrix< double > V,matrix< double > W,DEIM target)
Pojects instance according to the projection biorthogonal matrices .
Definition: DEIM.m:365
matrix< double > Uerr1
Some matrices for M+M' error estimation.
Definition: DEIM.m:192
function copy = clone(copy)
The interface method with returns a copy of the current class instance.
function pts = getInterpolationPoints(matrix< double > u)
Computes the interpolation indices according to the DEIM algorithm.
Definition: DEIM.m:325
matrix< double > U
The U matrix for the current Order.
Definition: DEIM.m:165
The matrix of the biorthogonal pair .
Definition: AProjectable.m:61
An ID that allows to uniquely identify this DPCMObject (at least within the current MatLab session/co...
Definition: DPCMObject.m:70
function setPointSet(nr, pts, jpd)
Parameters: pts: A row vector with the desired points jpd: ("Jacobian Partial Derivatives") A cell ar...
function target = project(V, W, target)
function computeDEIM(dscomponents.ACompEvalCoreFun f,matrix< double > fxi)
Implementation of the DEIM algorithm.
Definition: DEIM.m:244
sparse< logical > JSparsityPattern
Sparsity pattern for the jacobian matrix.
Definition: ACoreFun.m:127
matrix< double > u
The full approximation base.
Definition: DEIM.m:122
ACompEvalCoreFun: A normal CoreFun which supports single-component evaluation.
function updateOrderData()
Update approximation order as specified in fOrder. As a consequence some matrices have to be recalcul...
Definition: DEIM.m:438
static function char str = implode(char|rowvec data,char glue,char format)
Implodes the elements of data using glue.
Definition: Utils.m:208
function res = isposintscalar(value)
isposintscalar: Backwards-compatibility function for matlab versions greater than 2012a ...
Global configuration class for all KerMor run-time settings.
Definition: KerMor.m:17
static function KerMor theinstance = App()
The singleton KerMor instance.
Definition: KerMor.m:910
The matrix of the biorthogonal pair .
Definition: AProjectable.m:72
function dfx = evaluateComponentSetGradientsAt(integer nr,colvec< double > x,double t)
Computes the full/reduced gradients of all component functions of the given point set...
function fx = evaluateMulti(colvec< double > x,double t,colvec< double > mu)
Definition: DEIM.m:308
rowvec< double > Residuals
The maximum residuals obtained along the magic points computation.
Definition: DEIM.m:229
function plotSummary(pm, context)
Definition: DEIM.m:420
function fx = evaluateComponentSet(integer nr,colvec< double > x,double t)
Computes the full or reduced component functions of the given point set.