KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace solvers{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
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15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
19  :public solvers.BaseCustomSolver {
39  private:
41  model;
49  public:
52  this.model= model;
53  /* "Disable" MaxStep DPCM warning as implicit solvers are stable */
54  this.MaxStep= [];
55  this.SolverType= solvers.SolverTypes.Implicit;
56  }
59  protected:
61  function colvec<double>x = customSolve(odefun,double t,x0,outputtimes) {
63  /* Checks */
64  steps = length(t);
65  dt = t(2)-t(1);
66  if any(t(2:end)-t(1:end-1) - dt > 100*eps)
67  error(" non-equidistant dt timesteps. ");
68  end
70  /* Initializations */
71  rtm = this.RealTimeMode;
72  if rtm
73  ed = solvers.SolverEventData;
74  x = [];
75  else
76  x = [x0 zeros(size(x0,1),steps-1)];
77  end
78  s = this.model.System;
80  /* Check if a mass matrix is present, otherwise assume identity matrix */
81  M = speye(length(x0));
82  mdep = false;
83  if ~isempty(s.M)
84  mdep = s.M.TimeDependent;
85  if ~mdep
86  M = s.M.evaluate(0);
87  end
88  end
90  /* Solve for each time step */
91  oldx = x0;
92  for idx = 1:steps-1;
93  /* Case: time-dependent Mass Matrix */
94  if mdep
95  /* Question: choose t(idx) or t(idx+1)?
96  * Answer (Chris): t(idx+1), because this choice is independent of time-discr. of d/dt x !
97  * and for impl Euler the evaluation time is the "future"-timestep */
98  M = s.M.evaluate(t(idx+1));
99  end
101  /* % Implementation part:
102  * principal equation: M(t)x'(t) = g(x(t),t)
103  * discretized M(t)x(t+) = M(t)x(t) + dt*g(x(t+),t+), t+ = t+\delta t */
105  /* g is given by odefun handle: g(x(t),t) = odefun(<t>,<x>)
106  * \delta t is given by "dt" (above)
107  * \Nabla g is accessible via s.f.getStateJacobian(<x>,<t>, */
109  /* write result of newton iteration to "newx" */
111  /* % Newton-Iteration 'by hand'
112  * max_newton_steps = 1000;
113  * min_rel_norm = 1e-5;
114  * actx = oldx;
115  * for newton_it = 1:max_newton_steps
116  * % computing increment
117  * SysMat = M - dt * s.f.getStateJacobian(actx, t(idx+1),;
118  * delta_x = SysMat \ (M*(oldx - actx) + dt*odefun(t(idx+1), actx));
119  * % updating current state
120  * stepsize = 0.15;
121  * actx = actx + stepsize*delta_x;
122  * % convergence check
123  * if (norm(delta_x)/norm(actx) < min_rel_norm)
124  * break;
125  * end
126  * end
127  * newton_it
128  * newx = actx;
129  *% Matlab fsolve
130  *dis = 'iter'; */
131  dis = " final-detailed ";
132  options_fsolve = optimset(" Display ", dis, " Jacobian ", " on ", ...
133  " MaxIter ", 2000, ...
134  " MaxFunEvals ", 10000, ...
135  " TolFun ", 1e-3);
136  options_fsolve = optimset(options_fsolve, ...
137  " DerivativeCheck ", " off ",...
138  " Diagnostics "," off ");
139  /* options_fsolve = optimset(options_fsolve, 'JacobPattern', s.f.JSparsityPattern); */
141 /* nonlin_fun_h = @(x) deal(M * (x - oldx) - dt*odefun(t(idx+1), x),...
142  * M - dt * s.f.getStateJacobian(x, t(idx+1),;
143  * nonlin_fun_h = @(x)M * (x - oldx) - dt*odefun(t(idx+1), x); */
144  nonlin_fun_h = @nonlin_fun;
145  /* Nullstelle der schwachen Form finden
146  *[newx, fval, exitflag, output, J_check] = fsolve( nonlin_fun, oldx, options_fsolve ); */
147  newx = fsolve(nonlin_fun_h, oldx, options_fsolve );
149  /* % Postprocessing
150  * Real time mode: Fire StepPerformed event */
151  if rtm
152  ed.Times= t(idx);
153  ed.States= newx;
154  this.notify(" StepPerformed ",ed);
155  /* Normal mode: Collect solution in result vector */
156  else
157  x(:,idx) = newx;/* #ok */
159  end
160  oldx = newx;
161  end
162  function [dx, jac] = nonlin_fun(x)
163  dx = M * (x - oldx) - dt*odefun(t(idx+1), x);
164  jac = M - dt * s.f.getStateJacobian(x, t(idx+1));
165  end
166  }
170 };
171 }
Broadcast a notice that a specific event is occurring on a specified handle object or array of handle...
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
logical RealTimeMode
Determines if the solver's StepPerformed event should be used upon solving instead of returning the f...
Definition: BaseSolver.m:85
BaseCustomSolver: Base class for all self-implemented solvers.
virtual function M = evaluate(double t,colvec< double > mu)
FullyImplSolver: Solver for fully nonlinear ODE's (using Newton iterations)
solvers.SolverTypes SolverType
The type of the solver.
Definition: BaseSolver.m:130
FullyImplEuler(models.BaseFullModel model)
double MaxStep
Maximum time step for solver.
Definition: BaseSolver.m:48
dscomponents.AMassMatrix M
The mass matrix of the ODE .
Definition: BaseSolver.m:101
function colvec< double > x = customSolve(odefun,double t, x0, outputtimes)