KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace models{
2 namespace motorunit{
3 namespace experiments{
6 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
7  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
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18  */
20 function InitialConditions() {
24 /* Create with no dynamic initial conditions as this script is intended to
25  * compute them :-) */
26 file = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename(" fullpath "))," ic_singletwitch.mat ");
27 filex0 = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename(" fullpath "))," .. "," x0coeff ");
28 if exist(file," file ") == 2
29  load(file);
30 else
31  m = models.motorunit.Shorten(false,true);
32  m.UseNoise= false;
33  s = sampling.ManualSampler;
34  p = linspace(0,1,200);
35  p = [p; ones(size(p))*1];
36  s.Samples= p;
38  m.off1_createParamSamples;
39  m.T= 5000;
40  m.dt= .1;
42  n = size(p,2);
43  maxvals = zeros(1,n);
44  maxidx = [];
45  endvals = zeros(m.System.f.xDim,n);
46  ctimes = zeros(1,n);
47  pi = ProcessIndicator(" Running %d simulations with one twitch ",n/(max(1,matlabpool(" size "))),false,n);
48  /* for k=1:n */
49  parfor k=1:n
50  [t, y, ctimes(k), x] = m.simulate(p(:,k),1);/* #ok */
52  endvals(:,k) = x(:,end);
53  pi.step;/* #ok */
55  end
56  /* Collect all trajectories into the local/main model */
57  m.Data.TrajectoryData.consolidate(m);
58  pi.stop;
60  save(file, " m ", " endvals ", " p ", " ctimes ");
61 end
63 /* % Fit every dimension by polynomial */
64 deg = 8;
65 dim = size(endvals,1);
66 coeff = zeros(dim,deg+1);
67 err = zeros(dim);
68 a = dscomponents.AffineInitialValue;
69 pi = ProcessIndicator(" Fitting polynomials ",dim);
70 for k=1:dim
71  coeff(k,:) = polyfit(p(1,:),endvals(k,:),deg);
72  err(k) = Norm.Linf((endvals(k,:) - polyval(coeff(k,:),p(1,:)))^t);
73  a.addMatrix(sprintf(" polyval([%s],mu(1)) ",sprintf(" %g ",coeff(k,:))),full(sparse(k,1,1,dim,1)));
74  pi.step;
75 end
76 pi.stop;
78 /* % Error checks */
79 endvals_afflin = zeros(size(endvals));
80 for k=1:n
81  endvals_afflin(:,k) = a.evaluate(p(1,k));
82 end
83 semilogy(p(1,:),Norm.L2(endvals_afflin-endvals)./Norm.L2(endvals));
84 title(sprintf(" Relative errors of initial values for %d increasing mu_1 ",n));
86 save(file, " a ", " endvals_afflin ", " err ", " coeff ", " -APPEND ");
87 save(filex0, " coeff ");
88 }
118 };
119 };
120 };
* polyval(pol, slen)
static function rowvec< double > n = Linf(matrix< double > x)
Returns the discrete norm for each column vector in x.
Definition: Norm.m:73
function InitialConditions()
% Old version: This script runs the motorunit.Model instance without input for 10 seconds...
static function rowvec< double > n = L2(matrix< double > x)
Returns the discrete norm for each column vector in x.
Definition: Norm.m:39
Norm: Static class for commonly used norms on sets of vectors.
Definition: Norm.m:17
ProcessIndicator: A simple class that indicates process either via waitbar or text output...