KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace error{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
5  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
6  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
7  *
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15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
68  public:
125  public: /* ( Transient ) */
139  private:
141  Ma_norms;
143  c;
149 fIterations = 0;
151  fTDC = true;
153  G;
155  smallz_flag = false;
158  private: /* ( Transient ) */
160  errEst;
170  tstep;
172  lstPreSolve;
174  lstPostSolve;
177  public: /* ( Transient ) */
179  function copy = clone() {
180  copy = error.IterationCompLemmaEstimator;
181  /* ExtraODEDims is set in constructor! */
182  copy = clone@error.BaseCompLemmaEstimator(this, copy);
183  /* Clone local lipschitz function */
184  copy.LocalLipschitzFcn= this.LocalLipschitzFcn.clone;
185  copy.Iterations= this.Iterations;
186  copy.UseTimeDiscreteC= this.UseTimeDiscreteC;
187  copy.Ma_norms= this.Ma_norms;
188  copy.c= this.c;
189  copy.d_iValues= this.d_iValues;
190  copy.errEst= this.errEst;
191  copy.tstep= this.tstep;
192  if ~isempty(copy.ReducedModel)
193  copy.lstPreSolve= addlistener(copy.ReducedModel.ODESolver," PreSolve ",@copy.cbPreSolve);
194  copy.lstPreSolve.Enabled= this.lstPreSolve.Enabled;
195  copy.lstPostSolve= addlistener(copy.ReducedModel.ODESolver," PostSolve ",@copy.cbPostSolve);
196  copy.lstPostSolve.Enabled= this.lstPostSolve.Enabled;
197  end
198  copy.G= this.G;
199  copy.smallz_flag= this.smallz_flag;
200  }
212  offlineComputations@error.BaseCompLemmaEstimator(this, fm);
214  /* Obtain the correct snapshots */
215  f = [];
216  if ~isempty(fm.Approx)
217  f = fm.Approx.Expansion;
218  end
219  if isempty(f)
220  /* This is the also possible case that the full core
221  * function of the system is a KernelExpansion.
222  *
223  * Get centers of full core function */
224  f = fm.System.f.Expansion;
225  end
226  this.c= f.Centers;
227  this.Ma_norms= f.Ma_norms;
229  /* Assign Lipschitz function */
230  lfcn = error.lipfun.ImprovedLocalSecantLipschitz(f.Kernel);
231  /* Pre-Compute bell function xfeats if applicable */
232  [x,X] = Utils.getBoundingBox(this.c.xi);
233  d = norm(X-x);
234  lfcn.precompMaxSecants(d*2,200);
235  this.LocalLipschitzFcn= lfcn;
236  }
248  function prepared = prepareForReducedModel(models.ReducedModel rm) {
249  prepared = prepareForReducedModel@error.BaseCompLemmaEstimator(this, rm);
251  prepared.lstPreSolve= addlistener(rm.ODESolver," PreSolve ",@prepared.cbPreSolve);
252  prepared.lstPostSolve= addlistener(rm.ODESolver," PostSolve ",@prepared.cbPostSolve);
253  prepared.G= rm.G;
255  f = rm.FullModel.Approx;
256  if isempty(f)
257  f = rm.FullModel.System.f;
258  end
259  if f.Expansion.Kernel.IsRBF && ~isempty(rm.V)
260  /* Use the projected centers z_i from the reduces system with x_i = Vz_i in this
261  * case. */
262  hlp = f.project(rm.V, rm.W);
263  prepared.c= hlp.Expansion.Centers;
264  clear hlp;
265  /* The norm is then ||Vz - x_i||_G = ||z-z_i||_V'GV */
266  prepared.G= rm.V^t*(prepared.G*rm.V);
267  /* Set flag for small z state vectors to true */
268  prepared.smallz_flag= true;
269  end
270  }
287  function b = getBeta(colvec xfull,t) {
289  /* Project x variable back to full space if centers are not within the space spanned by V
290  * (indicated by smallz_flag) */
291  x = xfull(1:end-1);
292  if ~this.smallz_flag && ~isempty(this.ReducedModel.V)
293  x = this.ReducedModel.V*x;
294  end
295  di = this.c.xi - repmat(x,1,size(this.c.xi,2));
296  di = sqrt(sum(di.*(this.G*di),1));
298  /* % Normal computations
299  * Standard (worst-) Case */
300  Ct = Inf;
301  /* Time-discrete computation */
302  if this.UseTimeDiscreteC
303  Ct = xfull(end);
304  /* Keep track of distances when iterations are used */
305  elseif this.Iterations > 0
306  this.d_iValues(this.StepNr,:) = di;
307  end
309  /* Check if time and param kernels are used */
310  if (~isempty(
311  f = this.ReducedModel.System.f;
312  hlp = this.Ma_norms ...
313  .* f.Expansion.TimeKernel.evaluate(t, this.c.ti) ...
314  .* f.Expansion.ParamKernel.evaluate(, this.c.mui);
315  else
316  hlp = this.Ma_norms;
317  end
319  b = hlp * this.LocalLipschitzFcn.evaluate(di, Ct)^t;
320  }
332  function clear() {
333  clear@error.BaseCompLemmaEstimator(this);
334  this.d_iValues= [];
335  }
338  function ct = prepareConstants(colvec<double> mu,integer inputidx) {
340  if this.Iterations > 0 && this.UseTimeDiscreteC
341  warning(" Ambiguous configuration. Having Iterations and UseTimeDiscreteC set; preferring UseTimeDiscreteC ");
342  end
344  /* Call superclass method */
345  ct = prepareConstants@error.BaseCompLemmaEstimator(this, mu, inputidx);
346  st = tic;
347  /* Returns the initial error at `t=0` of the integral part. */
348  if isempty(this.lstPreSolve)
349  this.lstPreSolve= addlistener(this.ReducedModel.ODESolver," PreSolve ",@this.cbPreSolve);
350  end
351  this.lstPreSolve.Enabled= true;
352  if isempty(this.lstPostSolve)
353  this.lstPostSolve= addlistener(this.ReducedModel.ODESolver," PostSolve ",@this.cbPostSolve);
354  end
355  this.lstPostSolve.Enabled= true;
356  /* Call ISimConstants update function to compute values that are constant during a
357  * simulation. */
358  this.LocalLipschitzFcn.prepareConstants;
359  ct = ct + toc(st);
360  }
372  function ct = postProcess(colvec<double> x,double t,integer inputidx) {
373  st = tic;
374  this.StateError= x(end,:);
376  /* PreSolve not needed during iterations */
377  this.lstPreSolve.Enabled= false;
379  /* Iteration stuff */
380  if ~this.UseTimeDiscreteC && this.Iterations > 0
381  /* Switch on/off listeners */
383  solver = this.ReducedModel.ODESolver;
384  e0 = this.getE0(;
385  for it = 1:this.Iterations
386  /* Set time-step counter to one */
387  this.tstep= 1;
388  /* Solve */
389  [~, e] = solver.solve(@this.iterationODEPart, t, e0);
390  end
391  this.StateError= e;
392  end
394  /* PostSolve still needed during iterations */
395  this.lstPostSolve.Enabled= false;
397  ct = postProcess@error.BaseCompLemmaEstimator(this, x, t, inputidx);
399  ct = ct + toc(st);
400  }
414  /* % Getter & Setter */
415  public: /* ( Transient ) */
418 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.LocalLipschitzFcn'
419 function LocalLipschitzFcn(value) {
420  if ~isa(value," error.lipfun.Base ")
421  error(" LocalLipschitzFcn must be a error.lipfun.Base subclass. ");
422  end
423  this.LocalLipschitzFcn= value;
424  }
426 #endif
430 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Iterations'
431 function Iterations(value) {
432  if isempty(value)
433  value = 0;
434  elseif ~isscalar(value) || value < 0
435  error(" Iterations value must be a non-negative integer. ");
436  end
437  this.Iterations= value;
438  }
440 #endif
444 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.UseTimeDiscreteC'
445 function UseTimeDiscreteC(value) {
446  if isempty(value)
447  value = false;
448  elseif ~islogical(value)
449  error(" The value must be a logical ");
450  end
451  this.UseTimeDiscreteC= value;
452  }
454 #endif
457  private: /* ( Transient ) */
460  function e = iterationODEPart(double t,eold) {
461  idx = this.tstep;
463  if abs(this.EstimationData(1,idx)-t) > 100*eps
464  error(" The ODE solver does not work as required by the iterative scheme. ");
465  end
467  if (~isempty(
468  f = this.ReducedModel.System.f;
469  hlp = this.Ma_norms ...
470  .* f.Expansion.TimeKernel.evaluate(t, this.c.ti) ...
471  .* f.Expansion.ParamKernel.evaluate(, this.c.mui);
472  else
473  hlp = this.Ma_norms;
474  end
475  b = hlp * this.LocalLipschitzFcn.evaluate(...
476  this.d_iValues(idx,:), this.errEst(idx))^t;
478  e = b*eold + this.EstimationData(2,idx);
480  this.EstimationData(3,this.tstep) = b;
482  this.tstep= this.tstep+1;
483  }
497  function cbPreSolve(sender,data) {
498  this.d_iValues= zeros(length(data.Times),size(this.c.xi,2));
499  }
509  function cbPostSolve(sender,data) {
510  this.errEst= data.States(end,:);
511  }
524  public: /* ( Static ) */ /* ( Transient ) */
526  static function errmsg = validModelForEstimator(models.BaseFullModel model) {
527  errmsg = validModelForEstimator@error.BaseCompLemmaEstimator(model);
528  if isempty(errmsg) && ~isempty(model.Approx) && ~isa(model.Approx," dscomponents.ParamTimeKernelCoreFun ")
529  errmsg = " The model "" s approximation function must be a subclass of dscomponents.ParamTimeKernelCoreFun for this error estimator. ";
530  end
531  if isempty(errmsg) && isa(model.System.f," dscomponents.ParamTimeKernelCoreFun ") ...
532  && ~isa(model.System.f.Expansion.Kernel," kernels.BellFunction ")
533  errmsg = " The system "" s kernel must be a kernels.BellFunction for this error estimator. ";
534  end
535  }
547  static function res = test_IterationCompLemmaEstimator() {
548  m = models.synth.KernelTest(10);
549  e = error.IterationCompLemmaEstimator;
550  e.UseTimeDiscreteC= false;
551  e.Iterations= 4;
553  m.ErrorEstimator= e;
554  m.offlineGenerations;
555  r = m.buildReducedModel;
557  r.simulate(r.getRandomParam,[]);
558  e.UseTimeDiscreteC= true;
559  r.simulate(r.getRandomParam,[]);
561  res = true;
562  }
565  /* methods(Static,Access=protected)
566  * function s = loadobj(s)
567  * s = loadobj@error.BaseCompLemmaEstimator(s);
568  * this.lstPreSolve = addlistener(s.ReducedModel.ODESolver,'PreSolve',@s.cbPreSolve);
569  * this.lstPreSolve.Enabled = false;
570  * this.lstPostSolve = addlistener(s.ReducedModel.ODESolver,'PostSolve',@s.cbPostSolve);
571  * this.lstPostSolve.Enabled = false;
572  * end
573  * end */
587 };
588 }
Collection of generally useful functions.
Definition: Utils.m:17
IterationCompLemmaEstimator: A-posteriori error estimator for kernel-based systems using local lipsch...
function offlineComputations(models.BaseFullModel fm)
Overrides the method from BaseEstimator and performs additional computations.
static function errmsg = validModelForEstimator(models.BaseFullModel model)
function prepared = prepareForReducedModel(models.ReducedModel rm)
Prepares this estimator for use with a given reduced model. Basically uses the projection matrices an...
BaseCompLemmaEstimator: Base class for error estimators using the comparison lemma formulation...
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
models.BaseFullModel FullModel
The full model this reduced model was created from.
Definition: ReducedModel.m:53
models.BaseFirstOrderSystem System
The actual dynamical system used in the model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:102
Determines how many postprocessing iterations for the estimator are performed.
logical UseTimeDiscreteC
For the local Lipschitz constant estimation the parameter C can be chosen to equal the error from the...
The reduction state-space error from the last simulation.
Definition: BaseEstimator.m:82
The values for each integration time-step .
matrix< double > G
The custom scalar product matrix .
Definition: BaseModel.m:132
An integer value.
The KerMor reduced model class.
Definition: ReducedModel.m:18
virtual function ci = evaluate(di, Ct)
Evaluates the local lipschitz estimation function.
function copy = clone()
Creates a deep copy of this estimator instance.
error.lipfun.Base LocalLipschitzFcn
The internal kernel Lipschitz function to use.
static function res = test_IterationCompLemmaEstimator()
matrix< double > V
The matrix that has been used for projection.
Definition: ReducedModel.m:72
function e0 = getE0(colvec< double > mu)
Calls the inner initial error computation strategy.
matrix< double > W
The biorthogonal matrix for V, i.e. .
Definition: ReducedModel.m:85
A boolean value.
solvers.BaseSolver ODESolver
The solver to use for the ODE. Must be an instance of any solvers.BaseSolver subclass.
Definition: BaseModel.m:315
A matlab column vector.
function ct = prepareConstants(colvec< double > mu,integer inputidx)
Return values: ct: The time needed for preprocessing.
function ct = postProcess(colvec< double > x,double t,integer inputidx)
Return values: ct: The time needed for postprocessing.
Definition: Base.m:19
function b = getBeta(colvec xfull, t)
Compute the local lipschitz constant estimations.
approx.BaseApprox Approx
The approximation method for the CoreFunction.
virtual function copy = clone(target)
The interface method with returns a copy of the current class instance.
#define X(i, j)
matrix containing the values at each time step.
dscomponents.ACoreFun f
The core f function from the dynamical system.
models.ReducedModel ReducedModel
The reduced model associated with the error estimator.
Creates a listener for the specified event and assigns a callback function to execute when the event ...
function target = project(V, W, target)
Sets the protected matrices that can be utilized on core function evaluations after projection...
Definition: ACoreFun.m:247
static function [ double bmin , double bmax ] = getBoundingBox(double vectors)
Gets the bounding box for a matrix containing column vectors.
Definition: Utils.m:96