KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace models{
4 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
5  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
6  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
7  *
8  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
9  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
10  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
11  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
12  *
13  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
14  * the correct locations in the source code browser.
15  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
16  */
19  :public KerMorObject {
84  public: /* ( setObservable ) */
204  Inputs = {""};
224  Params = data.ModelParam.empty;
324  public: /* ( Transient ) */
326  mu = "[]";
339  u = "[]";
352  inputidx = "[]";
365  public:
367  NumStateDofs = "[]";
371  NumTotalDofs = "[]";
374  public: /* ( Dependent ) */
400  public:
413  public:
416  this.validateModel(model);
417  this.Model= model;
418  this.C= dscomponents.LinearOutputConv(1);
420  /* Register default properties */
421  this.registerProps(" A "," f "," B "," C "," x0 "," Inputs "," Params "," MaxTimestep "," StateScaling ");
422  }
434  rsys = models.ReducedSystem(rmodel);
435  }
446  function setConfig(mu,inputidx) {
447  if isempty(mu) && ~isempty(this.Params)
448  error(" A model with parameters cannot be simulated without a parameter argument. ");
449  end
450  if size(mu,1) ~= this.ParamCount
451  error(" The mu vector size mismatches the defined parameter number. ");
452  end
453 mu;
455  if isempty(inputidx) && ~isempty(this.Inputs)
456  cprintf(" red "," Attention: Starting simulations without input, but the system has configured some.\n ");
457  /* inputidx = 1; */
458  elseif inputidx > length(this.Inputs)
459  error(" Invalid input index '%d'. There are %d possible inputs configured. ",inputidx,length(this.Inputs));
460  end
461  this.u= @(t)[];
462  this.inputidx= [];
463  if ~isempty(inputidx)
464  this.u= this.Inputs[inputidx];
465  this.inputidx= inputidx;
466  end
467  }
485  this.setConfig(mu, inputidx);
487  if isempty(this.NumStateDofs)
488  this.NumStateDofs= size(this.x0.evaluate(mu),1);
489  fprintf(2," NumStateDofs not set. Guess from initial value: %d\n ",this.NumStateDofs);
490  this.updateDimensions;
491  end
493  /* Forward preparation call to nonlinearity, if present */
494  if ~isempty(this.A)
495  this.A.prepareSimulation(mu);
496  end
498  /* Forward preparation call to nonlinearity, if present */
499  if ~isempty(this.f)
500  this.f.prepareSimulation(mu);
501  end
503  /* Forward preparation call to nonlinearity, if present */
504  if ~isempty(this.B)
505  this.B.prepareSimulation(mu);
506  end
507  }
510  function dx = ODEFun(double t,colvec<double> x) {
511  dx = zeros(this.NumTotalDofs,1);
512  if ~isempty(this.A)
513  dx = dx + this.A.evaluate(x, t);
514  end
515  if ~isempty(this.f)
516  dx = dx + this.f.evaluate(x, t);
517  end
518  if ~isempty(this.B) && ~isempty(this.inputidx)
519  dx = dx + this.B.evaluate(t,*this.u(t);
520  end
521  if ~isempty(this.g)
522  dx = [dx; this.g.evaluate(x,t)];
523  end
524  }
538  if nargin < 3
539  mu =;
540  end
542  /* Re-scale state variable */
543  if ~isequal(this.StateScaling,1)
544  if isscalar(this.StateScaling)
545  x = this.StateScaling*x;
546  else
547  x = bsxfun(@times,x,this.StateScaling);
548  end
549  end
550  y = x;
551  if ~isempty(this.C)
552  if this.C.TimeDependent
553  /* Evaluate the output conversion at each time t
554  * Figure out resulting size of C*x evaluation */
555  t = this.Model.scaledTimes;
556  hlp = this.C.evaluate(t(1),mu)*x(:,1);
557  y = zeros(size(hlp,1),length(t));
558  y(:,1) = hlp;
559  for idx=2:length(t)
560  y(:,idx) = this.C.evaluate(t(idx),mu)*x(:,idx);
561  end
562  else
563  /* otherwise it's a constant matrix so multiplication
564  * can be preformed much faster. */
565  y = this.C.evaluate([],mu)*x;
566  end
567  end
568  }
595  td = this.NumTotalDofs;
596  sd = this.NumStateDofs;
597  JP = logical(sparse(td,td));
598  if ~isempty(this.A) && ~isempty(this.A.JSparsityPattern)
599  JP(1:sd,1:sd) = JP(1:sd,1:sd) | this.A.JSparsityPattern;
600  end
601  if ~isempty(this.f) && ~isempty(this.f.JSparsityPattern)
602  JP(1:sd,:) = JP(1:sd,:) | this.f.JSparsityPattern;
603  end
604  if ~isempty(this.g)
605  JP(sd+1:end,:) = this.g.JSparsityPattern;
606  end
607  this.SparsityPattern= JP;
608  }
611  function J = getJacobian(double t,xc) {
612  td = this.NumTotalDofs;
613  sd = this.NumStateDofs;
614  x = xc(1:sd);
615  J = sparse(td,td);
616  if isempty(this.g)
617  if ~isempty(this.A)
618  J = J + this.A.getStateJacobian(x, t);
619  end
620  if ~isempty(this.f)
621  J = J + this.f.getStateJacobian(xc, t);
622  end
623  else
624  if ~isempty(this.A)
625  J(1:sd,1:sd) = J(1:sd,1:sd) + this.A.getStateJacobian(x, t);
626  elseif ~isempty(this.f)
627  J(1:sd,:) = J(1:sd,:) + this.f.getStateJacobian(xc, t);
628  end
629  J(sd+1:end,:) = this.g.getStateJacobian(xc,t);
630  end
631  }
641  function matrix<double>x0 = getX0(rowvec<double> mu) {
642  ss = this.StateScaling;
643  if (size(mu,2) > 1) && ~isscalar(ss)
644  ss = repmat(ss,1,size(mu,2));
645  end
646  x0 = this.x0.evaluate(mu) ./ ss;
648  /* Append DoFs for algebraic conditions below (if set) */
649  if this.NumAlgebraicDofs > 0
651  end
652  }
669  function M = getMassMatrix() {
670  M = this.M;
671  if isempty(M)
672  M = dscomponents.ConstMassMatrix(speye(this.NumStateDofs));
673  else
674  if this.NumAlgebraicDofs > 0
675  error(" First order with AlgebraicDofs not yet implemented. ");
676  end
677  end
678  }
687  function ModelParamp = addParam(char name,default,varargin) {
688  if ~isempty(this.Params) && ~isempty(find(strcmpi(name,[this.Params(:).Name]),1))
689  error(" Parameter with name %s already exists. Use setParam instead. ",name);
690  end
691  p = data.ModelParam(name, default, varargin[:]);
692  this.Params(end+1) = p;
693  }
719  function pidx = getParamIndexFromName(paramname) {
720  if ~ischar(paramname)
721  error(" Parameter paramname must be a char array ");
722  end
723  pidx = find(strcmpi(paramname,[this.Params(:).Name]),1);
724  }
734  function pt = getParamInfo(colvec<double> mu) {
735  if nargin < 2
736  mu = this.Model.DefaultMu;
737  end
738  /* str = ''; */
739  pt = PrintTable;
740  pt.HasRowHeader= true;
741  pt.HasHeader= true;
742  pt.addRow(" Parameter name "," Value "," Index ");
743  for i=1:this.ParamCount
744  /* str = sprintf('%s%d - %s: %f\n',str,i,this.Params(i).Name,mu(i)); */
745  pt.addRow(this.Params(i).Name,mu(i),i);
746  end
747  if nargout < 1
748  pt.print;
749  end
750  }
753  function plotInputs(pm) {
754  if nargin < 2
755  pm = PlotManager;
756  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
757  end
758  for i=1:this.InputCount
759  ui = this.Inputs[i];
760  h = pm.nextPlot(sprintf(" u%d ",i),sprintf(" u_%d = %s ",i,func2str(ui)),...
761  " t ",sprintf(" u_%d ",i));
762  plot(h,this.Model.Times,ui(this.Model.scaledTimes)," LineWidth ",2);
763  end
764  pm.done;
765  }
768  protected:
771  function updateDimensions() {
772  this.NumTotalDofs= this.NumStateDofs + this.NumAlgebraicDofs;
773  }
777  ad_ic = zeros(this.NumAlgebraicDofs,1);
778  }
787  if ~isa(model, " models.BaseModel ")
788  error(" The Model property has to be a child of models.BaseModel ");
789  end
790  }
803  /* % Getter & Setter */
804  public:
807 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.f'
808 function f(value) {
809  if ~isempty(value) && ~isa(value, " dscomponents.ACoreFun ")
810  error(" The property 'f' has to be a class implementing dscomponents.ACoreFun ");
811  end
812 /* if (isequal(this,value))
813  * warning('KerMor:selfReference','Careful with self-referencing classes. See BaseFullModel class documentation for details.');
814  * end */
815  this.f= value;
816  }
818 #endif
822 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.B'
823 function B(value) {
824  if ~isempty(value) && ~isa(value, " dscomponents.AInputConv ")
825  error(" The property 'B' has to be a class implementing dscomponents.AInputConv ");
826  end
827  this.B= value;
828  }
830 #endif
834 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.A'
835 function A(value) {
836  if ~isempty(value) && ~(isa(value, " dscomponents.LinearCoreFun ") || isa(value, " dscomponents.AffLinCoreFun "))
837  error(" The property 'A' has to be a LinearCoreFun or AffLinCoreFun. ");
838  end
839  this.A= value;
840  }
842 #endif
846 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.C'
847 function C(value) {
848  if isempty(value)
849  value = dscomponents.LinearOutputConv(1);
850  warning(" An output conversion must always exist. Choosing dscomponents.LinearOutputConv(1) for simple forwarding. ");
851  elseif ~isa(value, " dscomponents.AOutputConv ")
852  error(" The property 'C' has to be a class implementing dscomponents.AOutputConv ");
853  end
854  this.C= value;
855  }
857 #endif
861 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Inputs'
862 function Inputs(value) {
863  if ~iscell(value)
864  error(" Property 'Inputs' must be a cell array. ");
865  end
866  for n=1:numel(value)
867  if ~isempty(value[n])
868  if ~isa(value[n]," function_handle ")
869  error(" Each 'Inputs' cell must contain a function handle. ");
870 /* elseif nargin(value{n}) ~= 1
871  * error('Each "Inputs" function must take exactly one (=time) parameter.'); */
872  end
873  end
874  end
875  this.Inputs= value;
876  }
878 #endif
882 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.Params'
883 function Params(value) {
884  if ~isa(value," data.ModelParam ")
885  error(" Params property must be a ModelParam array. ");
886  end
887  this.Params= value;
888  }
890 #endif
894 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.x0'
895 function x0(value) {
896  this.checkType(value," dscomponents.AInitialValue ");
897 /* if ~isa(value,'function_handle')
898  * error('x0 must be a function handle.');
899  * elseif nargin(value) ~= 1
900  * error('x0 must take exactly one argument.');
901  * end */
903  this.x0= value;
904  }
906 #endif
910 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.ParamCount'
911 function value = ParamCount() {
912  value = length(this.Params);
913  }
915 #endif
919 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.InputCount'
920 function value = InputCount() {
921  value = length(this.Inputs);
922  }
924 #endif
928 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.MaxTimestep'
929 function MaxTimestep(value) {
930  if (~isscalar(value) || value <= 0) && ~isempty(value)
931  error(" Value must be a positive real scalar if not empty. ");
932  end
933  this.MaxTimestep= value;
934  }
936 #endif
940 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.StateScaling'
941 function StateScaling(value) {
942  if isempty(value)
943  error(" StateScaling must not be empty. (Set to 1 if not needed). ");
944  elseif ~isvector(value)
945  error(" StateScaling must be a vector. ");
946  end
947  this.StateScaling= value(:);
948  }
950 #endif
1000 };
1001 }
function ad_ic = getAlgebraicDofsInitialConditions()
The default is to return all zeros.
function matrix< double > x0 = getX0(rowvec< double > mu)
Gets the initial state variable at .
function J = getStateJacobian(unused1, unused2, unused3)
The parameters usable for the dynamical system.
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
function J = getStateJacobian(x, t)
Default implementation of jacobian matrix evaluation via finite differences.
Definition: ACoreFun.m:395
dscomponents.AInputConv B
The input conversion.
function prepareSimulation(colvec< double > mu)
A method that allows parameter-dependent computations to be performed before a simulation using this ...
Definition: ACoreFun.m:380
The Model this System is attached to.
function setConfig(mu, inputidx)
Sets the dynamical system's configuration.
A MatLab cell array or matrix.
AInputConv: Base class for input conversion "B". For simpler input conversions, it will be convenient...
Definition: AInputConv.m:18
A double value.
function J = getJacobian(double t, xc)
Computes the global jacobian of the current system.
Base class for any KerMor class.
Definition: KerMorObject.m:17
function rsys = getReducedSystemInstance(models.ReducedModel rmodel)
Creates a reduced system given the current system and the reduced model.
function registerProps(varargin)
Call this method at any class that defines DPCM observed properties.
Definition: DPCMObject.m:125
An integer value.
The KerMor reduced model class.
Definition: ReducedModel.m:18
virtual function x0 = evaluate(mu)
Evaluates the initial value for a given mu.
A MatLab function handle.
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
The current inputindex of the function .
Matlab's base handle class (documentation generation substitute)
AInitialValue: Abstract base class for dynamical systems initial values.
Definition: AInitialValue.m:18
A boolean value.
Basic interface for all dynamical system's core functions Inherits the AProjectable interface...
Definition: ACoreFun.m:18
dscomponents.AInitialValue x0
Function handle to initial state evaluation.
logical HasRowHeader
Flag that determines if there is a row header for the table.
Definition: PrintTable.m:278
logical LeaveOpen
Flag indicating if the plots should be left open once the PlotManager is deleted (as variable) ...
Definition: PlotManager.m:213
A variable number of input arguments.
function fx = evaluate(colvec< double > x, unused1, unused2)
Definition: LinearCoreFun.m:80
The current parameter for simulations, [] is none used.
The number of inputs available.
A matlab column vector.
The system's possible input functions. A cell array of function handles, each taking a time argument ...
function dx = ODEFun(double t,colvec< double > x)
Debug variant for single evaluation. Commented in function above.
colvec StateScaling
The scaling for the state vectors.
function prepareSimulation(colvec< double > mu,integer inputidx)
function fx = evaluate(x, t)
Evaluates the f-approximation. Depending on a possible projection and the CustomProjection-property t...
Definition: ACoreFun.m:296
Linear core function for state space models (no time or parameter)
Definition: LinearCoreFun.m:18
function prepareSimulation(colvec< double > mu)
do nothing by default
Definition: AInputConv.m:63
logical TimeDependent
Flag whether the output converter actually depends on a time variable. Implemented for speed reasons ...
Definition: AOutputConv.m:44
PrintTable: Class that allows table-like output spaced by tabs for multiple rows. ...
Definition: PrintTable.m:17
integer DependentParamIndices
Indices of the parameter vector that are effectively used in the system's core function.
virtual function B = evaluate(colvec< double > mu)
Template method that evaluates the input conversion matrix at the current time and [optional] param...
function pidx = getParamIndexFromName(paramname)
Gets the index within the parameter vector for a given parameter name.
sparse< logical > JSparsityPattern
Sparsity pattern for the jacobian matrix.
Definition: ACoreFun.m:127
dscomponents.LinearOutputConv C
The output conversion Defaults to an LinearOutputConv instance using a 1-matrix, which just forwards ...
function checkType(obj, type)
Object typechecker.
Definition: KerMorObject.m:122
dscomponents.ACoreFun f
The core f function from the dynamical system.
dscomponents.ACoreFun g
The system's algebraic constraints function.
The number of the system's parameters.
function count = cprintf(style, format, varargin)
CPRINTF displays styled formatted text in the Command Window.
Definition: cprintf.m:17
function validateModel(models.BaseFullModel model)
Validates if the model to be set is a valid BaseModel at least. Extracting this function out of the s...
function y = computeOutput(matrix< double > x,colvec< double > mu)
Computes the output from a given state result vector , using the system's time and current mu (if gi...
The global sparsity pattern for the entire RHS.
function M = getMassMatrix()
For first order systems, only algebraic constraints need to be catered for.
function C = evaluate(double t,colvec< double > mu)
Evaluates the output conversion matrix. In this simple case this is just the projection matrix...
dscomponents.AMassMatrix M
The system's mass matrix.
BaseFirstOrderSystem(models.BaseFullModel model)
Creates a new base dynamical system class instance.
The current input function as function handle, [] if none used.
double MaxTimestep
The maximum timestep allowed for any ODE solvers.
function ModelParam p = addParam(char name, default, varargin)
Adds a parameter with the given values to the parameter collection of the current dynamical system...
Base class for all KerMor first-order dynamical systems.
Simple affine-linear core function "f" for a dynamical system.
Definition: AffLinCoreFun.m:18
dscomponents.LinearCoreFun A
Represents a linear or affine-linear component of the dynamical system.
Standard linear output converter.
function pt = getParamInfo(colvec< double > mu)