KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace models{
2 namespace motoneuron{
3 namespace experiments{
6 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
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9  *
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14  *
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18  */
21 MinHz = 10;
22 MaxHz = 60;
23 /* Depending on sample simulations, an upper limit polynomial is computed.
24  * Here, the fibre type and mean activation current along the 60Hz-contour
25  * are used to fit a polynomial that yields the maximum mean input current
26  * for any fibre type. */
28 basedir = fileparts(mfilename(" fullpath "));
30 /* m = models.motoneuron.Model;
31  * m.T = 432; % [ms]
32  * m.UseNoise = true;
33  *
34  * m.System.Params(1).Range = [0 1];
35  * m.System.Params(2).Range = [.5 9];
36  *
37  * ns = 5000;
38  * m.Sampler.Samples = ns;
39  * m.Sampler.Seed = 1;
40  *
41  * m.off1_createParamSamples;
42  *
43  * %% Datagen
44  * ct = zeros(1,ns);
45  * Hz = -Inf(1,ns);
46  *
47  * pi = ProcessIndicator('Assembling frequency data',ns,false);
48  * % for k = 1 : ns
49  * parfor k = 1 : ns
50  * [t,y,ct(k)] = m.simulate(m.Data.ParamSamples(:,k),1);%#ok
51  *
52  * % Finde anzahl peaks
53  * np = 0;
54  * sign = y(2,:) > 50;
55  * if any(sign)
56  * % Strategie: finde die indices der daten > 50, und stelle fest wie viele sprünge (abstand
57  * % >5 in diskreten zeiteinheiten) darin vorhanden sind.
58  * np = 1 + length(find(diff(find(sign)) > 5));
59  * end
60  * % Mittlere frequenz
61  * Hz(k) = (np/m.T)*1000; % [Hz]
62  * pi.step;%#ok
63  * end
64  * pi.stop;
65  *;
66  * ps = m.Data.ParamSamples;
67  * modeldir = m.Data.DataDirectory;
68  *
69  * % Colormap
70  * mHz = min(Hz);
71  * MHz = max(Hz);
72  * detail = linspace(mHz,MHz,1000);
73  * ncol = length(detail);
74  * r = zeros(ncol,1);
75  * g = zeros(ncol,1);
76  * b = zeros(ncol,1);
77  *
78  * % Eff min to MinHz
79  * [~,minpos] = min(abs(detail-MinHz));
80  * toolow = 1:minpos;
81  * g(toolow) = linspace(0,.5,length(toolow));
82  * b(toolow) = linspace(1,0,length(toolow));
83  *
84  * % MaxHz to eff max
85  * [~,maxpos] = min(abs(detail-MaxHz));
86  * toohigh = maxpos:ncol;
87  * r(toohigh) = linspace(.5,1,length(toohigh));
88  * b(toohigh) = linspace(0,.1,length(toohigh));
89  *
90  * % Intermediate
91  * good = minpos:maxpos;
92  * g(good) = .9;
93  * r(good) = linspace(.4,.9,length(good));
94  * cmap = [r g b];
95  *
96  * %% Compute upper limit polynomial
97  * ft1 = 0:.005:1;
98  * mc1 = .5:.05:9;
99  * [ft,mc] = meshgrid(ft1,mc1);
100  * iHz = griddata(ps(1,:),ps(2,:),Hz,ft,mc);
101  * [i,j] = find(iHz > MaxHz);
102  * [j,ftcolidx] = unique(j);
103  * i = i(ftcolidx);
104  * x_ft = ft1(j);
105  * fx_mc = mc1(i);
106  * upperlimit_poly = polyfit(x_ft,fx_mc,3);
107  *
108  * save(fullfile(basedir,'paramdomaindetection_withnoise'), 'ct', 'modeldir', 'ps', 'Hz', 'cmap', 'MinHz', 'MaxHz','upperlimit_poly','x_ft','fx_mc');
109  * save(models.motoneuron.Model.FILE_UPPERLIMITPOLY, 'upperlimit_poly'); */
111 /* % Plots */
112 load(fullfile(basedir," paramdomaindetection_withnoise "));
114 pm = PlotManager;
115 pm.LeaveOpen= true;
116 h = pm.nextPlot(" motoparamstudy "," Motoneuron firing rate in Hz for different parameters "," fibre_type "," mean_current_factor ");
117 tri = delaunay(ps(1,:),ps(2,:));
118 trisurf(tri,ps(1,:),ps(2,:),Hz," FaceColor "," interp "," EdgeColor "," interp ");
119 tricontour(gca, tri, ps" , Hz ",linspace(MinHz,MaxHz,5));
120 colormap(cmap);
122 h = pm.nextPlot(" upperlimitpoly "," Upper limit for mean current dependent on fibre type "," fibre_type "," mean_current_factor ");
123 plot(h,x_ft,fx_mc," b ",ft1,polyval(upperlimit_poly,ft1)," r ");
125 pm.done;
126 }
141 };
142 };
143 };
* polyval(pol, slen)
function [ cout , hout ] = tricontour(ax,double t, p, Hn, N, varargin)
Definition: tricontour.m:17
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
logical LeaveOpen
Flag indicating if the plots should be left open once the PlotManager is deleted (as variable) ...
Definition: PlotManager.m:213
function ParamDomainDetection()
% Setup This script is used to detect a physically reasonable parameter domain for the motoneuron mod...