KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace solvers{
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19  :public solvers.BaseCustomSolver {
49  private:
51  model;
54  public:
57  this.model= model;
58  if ~isa(model.System," models.BaseFirstOrderSystem ")
59  error(" Solver not implemented for non-first order systems. ");
60  end
61  this.Name= " Semi-implicit euler method ";
62  this.SolverType= solvers.SolverTypes.Implicit;
63  }
66  protected:
68  function matrix<double>x = customSolve(unused1,rowvec<double> t,colvec<double> x0,rowvec<integer> outputtimes) {
69  s = this.model.System;
70  if isempty(s.A)
71  error(" This solver requires an (affine) linear system component A. ");
72  end
73 /* if isa(s.Model,'models.ReducedModel') && ~isempty(s.Model.ErrorEstimator)...
74  * && s.Model.ErrorEstimator.Enabled && s.Model.ErrorEstimator.ExtraODEDims > 0
75  * error('Cannot use this solver with reduced models that have an error estimator enabled with ExtraODEDims > 0 (this solver overrides the odefun handle)');
76  * end
77  * Initialize result */
78  steps = length(t);
80  dt = t(2)-t(1);
81  if ~isempty(find((abs(t(2:end)-t(1:end-1) - dt)) / dt > 1e-6,1)) /* any(t(2:end)-t(1:end-1) - dt > 100*eps) */
83  error(" non-equidistant dt timesteps. ");
84  end
86  rtm = this.RealTimeMode;
87  /* Initialize output index counter */
88  outidx = 2;
89  if rtm
90  ed = solvers.SolverEventData;
91  x = [];
92  else
93  effsteps = length(outputtimes);
94  /* Create return matrix in size of effectively desired timesteps */
95  x = [x0 zeros(size(x0,1),effsteps-1)];
96  end
98  oldex = []; newex = []; edim = 0; est = [];
99  if isa(this.model," models.ReducedModel ")
100  est = this.model.ErrorEstimator;
101  if ~isempty(est) && est.Enabled
102  edim = est.ExtraODEDims;
103  oldex = x0(end-edim+1:end);
104  end
105  end
107  /* Check if a mass matrix is present, otherwise assume identity matrix */
108  M = s.getMassMatrix;
109  mdep = M.TimeDependent;
110  if ~mdep
111  M = M.evaluate(0);
112  end
114  fdep = s.A.TimeDependent;
115  if ~fdep
116  /* Evaluation with x=1 "extracts" the matrix A of the (affine) linear system */
117  A = s.A.getStateJacobian;
118  end
120  /* Precompute lu decomp for iteration steps if all components are not time-dependent */
121  if ~mdep && ~fdep
122  [l, u] = lu(M - dt * A);
123  end
125  /* Solve for each time step */
126  oldx = x0(1:end-edim);
127  for idx = 2:steps;
128  RHS = M*oldx;
129  if ~isempty(s.f)
130  RHS = RHS + dt*s.f.evaluate(oldx, t(idx-1));
131  end
132  if ~isempty(s.B)
133  RHS = RHS + dt*s.B.evaluate(t(idx-1),*s.u(t(idx-1));
134  end
136  /* Time-independent case: constant */
137  if ~fdep && ~mdep
138  newx = u\(l\RHS);
139  /* Time-dependent case: compute time-dependent components with updated time */
140  else
141  if fdep
142  A = s.A.evaluate(1, t(idx));
143  end
144  if mdep
145  M = s.M.evaluate(t(idx));
146  end
147  newx = (M - dt * A)\RHS;
148  end
150  /* Implicit error estimation computation */
151  if ~isempty(oldex)
152  ut = [];
153  if ~isempty(s.u)
154  ut = s.u(t(idx));
155  end
156  /* al = est.getAlpha(newx, t(idx),, ut);
157  *bet = est.getBeta(newx, t(idx),; */
159  /* Explicit */
160  odepart = est.evalODEPart([newx; oldex], t(idx-1), ut);
161  newex = oldex + dt * odepart;
162  /* newex = oldex + dt*(bet*oldex + al); */
164  /* Implicit
165  *newex = (dt*al+oldex)/(1-dt*bet); */
167 /* fun = @(y)y-dt*est.evalODEPart([oldx; y], t(idx),, ut)-oldex/dt;
168  * opts = optimset('Display','off');
169  * newex2 = fsolve(fun, oldex, opts); */
170  end
172  /* Only produce output at wanted timesteps */
173  if outputtimes(outidx) == idx
174  if rtm
175  /* Real time mode: Fire StepPerformed event */
176  ed.Times= t(idx);
177  ed.States= [newx; newex];
178  this.notify(" StepPerformed ",ed);
179  /* Normal mode: Collect solution in result vector */
180  else
181  x(:,outidx) = [newx; newex];/* #ok */
183  end
184  outidx = outidx+1;
185  end
186  oldx = newx;
187  oldex = newex;
188  end
189  }
213 };
214 }
Broadcast a notice that a specific event is occurring on a specified handle object or array of handle...
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
logical RealTimeMode
Determines if the solver's StepPerformed event should be used upon solving instead of returning the f...
Definition: BaseSolver.m:85
models.BaseFirstOrderSystem System
The actual dynamical system used in the model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:102
BaseCustomSolver: Base class for all self-implemented solvers.
SemiImplicitEuler(models.BaseFullModel model)
logical TimeDependent
Flag that indicates time-dependency of the Mass Matrix.
Definition: AMassMatrix.m:42
The solver's name.
Definition: BaseSolver.m:116
SemiImplicitEuler: Solves ODEs in KerMor using implicit euler for the linear part and explicit euler ...
solvers.SolverTypes SolverType
The type of the solver.
Definition: BaseSolver.m:130
dscomponents.AMassMatrix M
The mass matrix of the ODE .
Definition: BaseSolver.m:101
function matrix< double > x = customSolve(unused1,rowvec< double > t,colvec< double > x0,rowvec< integer > outputtimes)
Implements the actual semi-implicit solving of the given ODE system.