KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace models{
2 namespace muscle{
3 namespace examples{
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20 class Debug
55  public:
58  if nargin == 1 && isscalar(varargin[1])
59  varargin = [" Version ",varargin[1]];
60  end
61  /* Creates a Debug simple muscle model configuration. */
62  this = this@models.muscle.AMuscleConfig(varargin[:]);
63  this.addOption(" Version ",3);
64  this.init;
66  switch this.Options.Version
67  case [4,5,6]
68  this.VelocityBCTimeFun= general.functions.ConstantUntil(15);
69  this.Options.FL= 2;
70  case [7,8,9]
71  this.VelocityBCTimeFun= general.functions.ConstantUntil(15);
72  case 14
73  /* Use classical FL function with fl(1)=1 */
74  this.Options.FL= 3;
75  end
76  }
85  function configureModel(m) {
86  configureModel@models.muscle.AMuscleConfig(this, m);
87 /* sys = m.System;
88  * f = sys.f; */
89  m.T= 50;
90  m.dt= m.T / 30;
91  m.ODESolver.RelTol= 1e-5;
92  m.ODESolver.AbsTol= 1e-3;
93  switch this.Options.Version
94  case 1
95  m.DefaultMu(2) = -1;
96  case 2
97  m.DefaultMu(1:2) = [1; m.T/2];
98  case 3
99  m.T= 400;
100  m.dt= 1;
101  types = [0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1];
102  fe = this.FEM;
103  geo = fe.Geometry;
104  ftw = zeros(fe.GaussPointsPerElem,length(types),geo.NumElements);
105  /* Test: Use only slow-twitch muscles */
106  ftw(:,1,:) = .4;
107  ftw(:,2,:) = .05;
108  ftw(:,3,:) = .05;
109  ftw(:,4,:) = .1;
110  ftw(:,5,:) = .2;
111  ftw(:,6,:) = .2;
112  this.FibreTypeWeights= ftw;
113  p = models.motorunit.Pool;
114  p.FibreTypes= types;
115  this.Pool= p;
116 /* m.ODESolver.RelTol = .01;
117  * m.ODESolver.AbsTol = .1; */
118  m.Plotter.DefaultArgs= [" Pool ",true];
119  m.DefaultMu(4) = 4;
120  case [4,5,6]
121  /* % Material configuration from CMISS/3Elem_sprenger.xml
122  * c3M = 3.05907e-10 MPa */
123  m.DefaultMu(5) = 3.05907e-10; /* b1 [MPa]
124  * c4M = 47.270456264135881 */
126  m.DefaultMu(6) = 47.270456264135881; /* d1 [-]
127  * c1M = 3.56463903963e-02 MPa */
129  m.DefaultMu(9) = 35.6463903963; /* c10 [MPa]
130  * c2M = 3.859558659683e-3 MPa */
132  m.DefaultMu(10) = 3.859558659683; /* c01 [MPa] */
135  /* sigma_max_calculation */
136  m.DefaultMu(13) = .300; /* [MPa]
137  * lambda_ofl_calculation */
139  m.DefaultMu(14) = 1.4; /* [-] */
141  m.T= 20;
142  m.dt= .25;
143  case [7,8,9]
144  /* % Using the Material configuration of Heidlauf */
145  m.DefaultMu(5) = 0.00355439810963035e-3; /* b1 [MPa] */
147  m.DefaultMu(6) = 12.660539325481963; /* d1 [-] */
149  m.DefaultMu(9) = 6.352e-13; /* c10 [MPa] */
151  m.DefaultMu(10) = 3.627e-3; /* c01 [MPa] */
153  m.T= 50;
154  m.dt= .5;
155  case 10
156  m.ODESolver.RelTol= .001;
157  m.ODESolver.AbsTol= .03;
158  m.DefaultMu(1:3) = [0;0;1];
159  m.DefaultInput= 1;
160  m.T= 1;
161  m.dt= .01;
162  case 11
163  m.ODESolver.RelTol= .001;
164  m.ODESolver.AbsTol= .05;
165  m.T= 10;
166  m.dt= .05;
167  case 12
168  m.DefaultMu(1:2) = [.1; 50];
169  m.System.UseCrossFibreStiffness= true;
170  end
171  }
174  function configureModelFinal() {
175  configureModelFinal@models.muscle.AMuscleConfig(this)
176  m = this.Model;
177  /* Have the PODReducer always generate the full reduced model */
178  m.SpaceReducer.Value= length(m.SpaceReducer.TargetDimensions);
179  }
182  function P = getBoundaryPressure(elemidx,faceidx) {
183  P = [];
184  if this.Options.Version == 10
185  if elemidx == 1 && faceidx == 2
186  P = 1;
187  end
188  end
189  }
203  function u = getInputs() {
204  u = [];
205  if this.Options.Version == 10
206  u = [this.getAlphaRamp(this.Model.T/2,.1)];
207  end
208  }
211  protected:
214  function geo = getGeometry() {
215  geo = fem.geometry.RegularHex8Grid([0 1],[0 1],[0 1]);
216  /* [pts, cubes] = fem.geometry.RegularHex8Grid([0:.5:1],[0:.5:1],[0:.5:1]); */
217  if this.Options.Version == 11 || this.Options.Version == 12
218  geo = fem.geometry.RegularHex8Grid([-1 1],[-1 1],[-1 1]);
219  pts = geo.Nodes;
220  cubes = geo.Elements;
221  pts(1,[6 8]) = 2;
222  theta = .3;
223  R = [cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0
224  sin(theta) cos(theta) 0
225  0 0 1];
226  pts = circshift(R,[1 1])*R*pts;
227  geo = fem.geometry.Cube8Node(pts, cubes);
228  end
229  geo = geo.toCube27Node;
230  }
238  function displ_dir = setPositionDirichletBC(displ_dir) {
239  geo = this.FEM.Geometry;
240  /* Always fix back side */
241  switch this.Options.Version
242  case 4
243  displ_dir(:,geo.Elements(1,geo.MasterFaces(4,:))) = true;
244  case 10
245  displ_dir(1,geo.Elements(1,geo.MasterFaces(1,:))) = true;
246  case 14
247  displ_dir(:,geo.Elements(1,geo.MasterFaces(1:2,:))) = true;
248  otherwise
249  displ_dir(:,geo.Elements(1,geo.MasterFaces(1,:))) = true;
250  end
251  }
254  function [velo_dir , velo_dir_val ] = setVelocityDirichletBC(velo_dir,velo_dir_val) {
255  geo = this.FEM.Geometry;
256  switch this.Options.Version
258  case 4
259  velo_dir(2,geo.Elements(1,geo.MasterFaces(3,:))) = true;
260  velo_dir_val(velo_dir) = -.01;
261  case [5,6]
262  velo_dir(1,geo.Elements(1,geo.MasterFaces(2,:))) = true;
263  velo_dir_val(velo_dir) = .01;
264  case [7,8,9]
265  velo_dir(1,geo.Elements(1,geo.MasterFaces(2,:))) = true;
266  velo_dir_val(velo_dir) = .04;
267  case 11
268  velo_dir(:,geo.Elements(1,geo.MasterFaces(2,:))) = true;
269  hlp = velo_dir;
270  hlp([1 3],:) = 0;
271  velo_dir_val(hlp) = .01;
272  end
273  }
284  function anull = seta0(anull) {
285  switch this.Options.Version
286  case [2,3,5,8,12,14]
287  anull(1,:,:) = 1;
288  case [4,7]
289  /* No fibres */
290  case [6,9]
291  /* Stretch perpendicular to fibre direction */
292  anull(2,:,:) = 1;
293  case [10,11]
294  anull(:,:,:) = 0;
295  end
296  }
299  public: /* ( Static ) */
301  static function test_DebugConfigV4_9(version) {
302  if nargin < 1
303  version = 4;
304  end
305  m = models.muscle.Model(models.muscle.examples.Debug(version));
306  [t,y] = m.simulate;
307  pdf = m.getResidualForces(t,y);
309  /* 1..27 are residual forces from fixed position nodes */
310  force_on_fixed_side = sum(pdf(1:27,:),1);
311  /* 28..36 (=9) are residual forces from moved nodes */
312  force_on_moved_side = sum(pdf(28:end,:),1);
313  figure;
314  plot(t,force_on_fixed_side," r ",t,force_on_moved_side," b ");
315  xlabel(" time "); ylabel(" force [N] ");
317  /* Node 15 is center -> dof indices (15-1)*3 + [1 2 3] */
318  yall = m.System.includeDirichletValues(t,y);
319  xpos = yall((15-1)*3+1,end);
320  fprintf(" Force at T=%g, x-position (center node) %g: %gN\n ",t(end),xpos,force_on_moved_side(end));
322  m.plot(t,y," DF ",pdf," Velo ",true," Pause ",.02);
323  }
343  static function test_DebugConfigs(versions) {
344  if nargin < 1
345  versions = [1 2 3 10 11];
346  end
347  for k = versions
348  fprintf(" Testing DebugConfig Version %d\n ",k);
349  m = models.muscle.Model(models.muscle.examples.Debug(k));
350  [t,y] = m.simulate;
351  df = m.getResidualForces(t,y);
352  m.plot(t,y," DF ",df," Velo ",true);
353  end
354  }
358 };
359 }
360 }
361 }
function configureModelFinal()
Definition: Debug.m:174
function u = getInputs()
Definition: Debug.m:203
function addOption(name, default, varargin)
Definition: AFEMConfig.m:219
function alpha = getAlphaRamp(ramptime,double alphamax,double starttime)
Creates a linearly increasing scalar function starting at starttime milliseconds ranging from zero to...
function anull = seta0(anull)
Definition: Debug.m:284
function geo = getGeometry()
Single cube with same config as reference element.
Definition: Debug.m:214
function configureModel(m)
Definition: Debug.m:85
A simple configuration for Debug purposes.
Definition: Debug.m:20
function P = getBoundaryPressure(elemidx, faceidx)
Determines the neumann forces on the boundary.
Definition: Debug.m:182
A variable number of input arguments.
Quick fix for old-style DebugConfig call passing in the version number directly.
Definition: Debug.m:57
static function test_DebugConfigV4_9(version)
Results: 4: Force at T=20, x-position (center node) 1.49844: -0.0476511N 5: Force at T=20...
Definition: Debug.m:301
double T
The final timestep up to which to simulate.
Definition: BaseModel.m:271
Velocity conditions application function.
Definition: AFEMConfig.m:65
function displ_dir = setPositionDirichletBC(displ_dir)
Definition: Debug.m:238
static function test_DebugConfigs(versions)
Definition: Debug.m:343
function [ velo_dir , velo_dir_val ] = setVelocityDirichletBC(velo_dir, velo_dir_val)
Determines the dirichlet velocities.
Definition: Debug.m:254
Model: Model for a FEM-discretized muscle model.
Definition: Model.m:19